Cocky Roomie: A Bad Boy Romance Novel (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Cocky Roomie: A Bad Boy Romance Novel (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 1)
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“Dirty fuckin’ mouth.”

“Very dirty. Can you cum in my mouth, Jake?”

“You know I can,” I groan.

She closes her eyes and opens her lips, waiting for me to fuck that mouth and then move to her pussy where I’ll finish the job. Her tongue is a slippery slice of heaven. She wraps her lips around my cock, grabs my ass with both hands and no shame, and takes me in as far as she can. She’s licking and sucking my length so good that firecrackers go off in my balls. I can feel her moaning, so happy to give me pleasure knowing I’ll do the same to her and more.

I start fucking her mouth slowly then faster. She works with me, loving it. She cups my sack and gently holds me there. I yell out, fire shooting into my groin, a burn that will engulf both of us and leave us spent. She teases me with a fingertip just under my sack, in that tender place. Unable to believe how good this feels, I grab her head and hold her still while I move inside her mouth, working my cock into a red-hot frenzy. I cry out as hot cum spills.

“There’s that bath, baby. Swim in it,” I growl.

She looks fucking beautiful.

The room comes into focus and I shake my head, looking around for a towel.

“Why’d I invite this fucking hell into my life?” I mutter, wiping myself off and leaping onto the bed. As it bounces, I pick up the remote. I can’t keep living this way. I’m going to have to do something about this. This just isn’t working out.

Soft singing is coming from the bathroom as I trudge into the kitchen, hung over from lust-frustration. I glance over to the sound and pause. She’s getting ready for her interview already? It’s only six o’clock.

A couple words get skipped in her song and she hums through parts she doesn’t know.

I need some coffee. I can’t take the sweetness of this girl so early in the morning, not when I woke up rock-hard again.

Surprise, surprise. Coffee’s already brewed?

The bathroom door opens and I hear the light padding of bare feet as she heads toward me. Turning to the sound, I lean against the countertop and offer a small nod to my tormentor. “Mornin’ roomie.”

She pauses, hair still wet and smelling of girl-shampoo. A pink robe is loosely held closed by a slender belt that she pulls tighter the moment she lays eyes on me.

“You don’t have to do that,” I smirk.

A blush turns her face pink as she blinks to the coffee, her goal. “I didn’t know you were awake.”

“I’m always awake by this time. You know that.”

She nods. “I didn’t know it was already six. I woke up at four.”

“If you go to bed at eight-thirty that’s what’s gonna happen.”

Another distracted nod as she runs fingers down her long, wet hair. “About last night, Jake…”

“Here it comes.”

Faltering slightly, she walks to the coffee and looks at me like she’s expecting me to move. I ain’t budgin.’ She pulls down two cups and has to reach over me to get at them. Somehow she makes this awkwardly graceful. Her face has all the awkward.

I watch her pour for both of us while I indulge in staring at her ass. The robe is silky and makes it look spankable. I want to mount the fucking thing. Like now. I groan and Drew looks over and cocks an eyebrow at me.

“Can I talk to you?”

I shrug, “Yeah.”

“I shouldn’t have run out of here like that.”

Now it’s my turn to raise an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“I should’ve told you how I was feelin’ instead. No, don’t roll your eyes. I don’t mean burstin’ into tears and getting all girly on you again. Calm down.” An amused smile tugs at her naked, pink lips. “I just mean that I
attracted to you, Jake. I am. You should know that.”

I set the cup down, and rest my hands on the counter, elbows bent. Am I bracing myself? How much of a hold does this woman have on me? I lick my lips and hold her gaze until she’s good and fidgety. “Go on, Drew.”

She flushes deeper pink. Was she in a cave all these years?

“The truth is any woman would be attracted to you. Despite your cocky attitude and huge ego.”

I can’t help but chuckle. “Uh…thanks?”

“But those things don’t matter to me now. I’m not interested in pure animal attraction. I am trying to do something here and I won’t let a man derail me again.” She glances away and frowns. Now she’s got me curious. Who’s the guy who unhinged her before? The one getting in my way?

The thought of another guy having more of an effect on her than I’ve had makes my nerves itch.

She motions to my bare chest. “You could be walking around naked and I still would make myself resist you, because I am in Atlanta to create a life for myself and I need to keep my head on straight. I wouldn’t be able to do that if you and I were to…become sexually involved. I’m not the casual-sex type, Jake. I’m just not. I’m very grateful for the room and the peaceful nights, so please don’t take it personally that I’m rejecting your advances.” At my gritted teeth, she quickly adds, “Oh, don’t make that face! I feel badly.”

Again, I laugh, but this time with heavy sarcasm. “Good talk.”

Picking up the coffee, I head out.

I’m pissed now, and I almost leave without a word.

But my ego won’t let me. Turning slowly around, I level on her. “Drew, let me save you from feeling sorry for me. It would have been a mercy fuck had I taken you to my bed. Good luck on your interview.”

Her jaw drops and I walk out.

As soon as I’m in my room, I set the coffee down, rake my fingers through my hair and swear under my breath, “Fucking shit motherfucker dammit all to hell.”


uck him!

As if his bed was some kind of gift! I was so tempted last night, but not anymore!

I stomp off to my room, throwing a look toward his along the way. His door is closed. How the hell am I going to live under these circumstances?

“Jake, that was rude and uncalled for!” I shout with a lot more volume than I knew myself capable of.

Muffled, he shouts back, “Truth is the best policy!”

I scream, “Screw you!” running into my room.

His door opens and he shouts, “Not if you begged me!”

“Oh my God!”

That bastard is using my own words against me. I run out of the bedroom to give him a piece of my mind and scream when I find him naked in his doorway, smirking and crossing his arms as I come into view.

“Problem, Drew?”

“Just a little one,” I hiss.

He tenses and looks down. There is nothing little about his cock but I got him to look.

“It’s not hard!”

“I meant your brain! I could care less about your enormous cock!”

His face is a battle of anger and confusion. “Fuck you!”

A triumphant grin spreads from my stomach on up. “Not if you begged me. Ha! Those are my words! MINE!” I spin around and run to my room, slamming the door as hard as I can.

A slam in the distance echoes mine. I pace around my room wondering what to do with myself. I left my coffee in the kitchen, and boy do I need it. I haven’t eaten. My makeup isn’t on. My hair is wet. I have a job interview in…three hours. Is that enough time to get my head on straight?

“See, this is the problem with men!” I grumble under my breath. “They are huge distractions!”

It’s very clear that as soon as this month is up, I have to move out.

With my head in my hands I wait until the sound of the front door slamming to let me know the jerk has finally left for work.

I hate that man. I really, really hate him.


e’re gonna be sending you to Colorado,” Don tells me as soon as I walk into his office.

I freeze, hardhat swaying in my hand. “Denver?”

“Yeah.” He goes back to shuffling through diagrams of the desalinization plant we’re replacing old sand in. He’s looking for something he lost. From this distracted place, he tells me, “Dwight’s gone back to boozing.”

“Shit, Uncle Don,” I mutter as I dust off my khakis and watch him discover the paper he needs.

“Aha!” Looking up at me, his triumphant eyes falter at my expression. “Jake, I know you don’t want to leave your family, but we need someone there I can rely on. That’s you.”

“That’s a hell of a compliment.” Looking at my hat, I add, “You can count on me.”

“I know that. You know how to run my company almost as well as I do.”

“I don’t know about that. Jobs maybe, but not the whole umbrella.”

He leans back in his chair. “Don’t be so modest. Working for me since you were fifteen has taught you more than you realize. I want Dwight to get his act together. He’s goin’ through a rough patch after what happened.”

“Damn tragedy.”

“Yeah. Worst kind of thing that can happen to a man,” Uncle Don agrees. “And I think he just needs some time, so I’m not willing to hire someone new to take his position. You’ll go there and run things until he gets sober again.”

That could take years. Who knows when a guy will kick a habit?

“Right,” I mutter. “Well, that’s real good of you.”

“You know I like to give people a chance, Jake. The only thing that’s important is our relationship to other human beings. It’s what’s matters. He needs a helping hand. We’re going to give it to him.”

I nod and head to my office, feeling like I’ve been punched and can’t fight back. My family roots are strong. I’ve never lived outside Atlanta. I won’t even be in the same state as them now. They’re going to like this even less than I do.

Uncle Don shouts after me, “You’re interviewing an administrative assistant in half an hour!”

I’m reviewing notes on the Denver job to prepare myself for what I have to deal with there, when I hear three voices in the main office – my uncle, Juan, and a quiet female.

I straighten up as I glance to the clock on the wall. The click of heels grows louder. I take a sip of coffee and rise to meet the candidate, disliking the fact that whoever gets hired will get to stay in Atlanta, while I’ll be moving to a state where I know no one, away from family I see every day.

Can’t say I’m looking forward to this.

The woman appears and my blood freezes. Drew’s jaw drops and she blinks at me with stunned silence.

A devilish smile spreads on my face. “Good morning. I’m Jake Cocker.” I reach over my desk and hold out my hand.

Her mouth tenses, but she grabs my hand and shakes it. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Cocker. I’m Drew Charles.”

“That’s a boy’s name.”

“So I’ve heard.”

I’m still gripping her hand. She tugs at it. I pull her a little closer and say, “This is going to be fun.” Then I let go.

I can see the war begin in her mind. She’s struggling with whether or not she should leave me, and the job, behind. She decides to sit down. I take my seat and lean back with a big smile.

Uncle Don appears and drops her resume on my desk. I glance to the almost blank piece of paper. He gives her a big smile, too, only his isn’t tainted with I’m-going-to-fuck-with-you.

“You’re in good hands with my nephew, Mrs. Charles.”

. Charles? I glance to Drew. Her eyes are stone cold.

“Jake, Drew here doesn’t have much in terms of experience, but her email was charming, so I wanted to bring her in to see what you think of her.” He smiles between us. “Well, I’ll leave you to it. Heading to the job site for an hour or so.” He looks at Drew. “Mrs. Charles, I probably won’t see after your interview, but I know Jake will tell me how it went. Good luck.”

“Thank you,” she smiles.

“Oh, don’t be nervous! Jake’s a good guy.”

“I’m sure he is. I’m not nervous.”

Uncle Don glances to me with a look that tells me he knows she’s covering. He winks at me to go easy on her, and walking out, shouts, “Juan! Let’s go, buddy. I don’t have all day!”

Drew and I are staring at each other. Her chest expands on a long inhale. I keep my eyes on her face since I am a professional.

“Let’s just wait for them to leave. Then I’ll begin.”

“Fine,” she grates. “Let me have it.”

Boots clomp around the main room. We hear the sound of the front door closing. The silence that follows snaps with anticipation.

BOOK: Cocky Roomie: A Bad Boy Romance Novel (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 1)
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