Code Talker (37 page)

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Authors: Chester Nez

Tags: #WWII, #Native Americans, #PTO, #USMC, #eBook

BOOK: Code Talker
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coyote threat to sheep
Crawford, Eugene (code talker)
Crawford, Gene
creation of the world
Crosby, Bing
“cultural freedom” for Indians
cultural heritage (erasing), boarding school
Curley, David (code talker)
“Curse of the Bambino,”
D, “deer”
daisy cutters
Damon, Lowell (code talker)
Darwin, Australia
declassification of Navajo code
Dennison, George (code talker)
Depression (Great), U.S.
development of Navajo code.
code talkers (Navajo code), development
dictionary of Navajo Code Talkers
(“the People”)
Dixon, James (code talker)
“docs” (corpsmen)
“Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree,”
“do or die,”
Durrett, Deanne
dust bowl in Great Plains
Empire of the Rising Sun
See also
Empress Augusta Bay
Enemy Way ceremony
“English” all the time, boarding school
Father (Chester's father)
boarding school
code talker declassification
hogan, building Grandmother's
homecoming (Chester's)
Korean War and
Sleeping Rock people
stories (great)
sweat lodge
Fels-Naptha soap
“fighter plane”
First Man and First Woman
First Marine Division
New Caledonia
R&R for
See also
Begay, Roy (code talker); Marines (U.S.); Nez, Chester (code talker)
flame throwers
Fletcher (Admiral)
Fletcher-class destroyers
Flores, David (Major)
Florida Islands
Fort Defiance School, Arizona
Fort Sumner, New Mexico
Fort Wingate, New Mexico
“49-er” party
Fox tribe
French dislike of Marines
friendly fire death of Harry Tsosie
fry bread
Fryer, E. Reeseman
Fuji Evening
Galloping Horse
Gallup, New Mexico
Gallup's Catholic Hospital
Gallup School, New Mexico
Geiger, Roy (General)
GI Bill
Gifu Ridge
girl babies as highly valued
“glittering fourth world,”
goats as best friends
Golden Gloves tournament
Good Life (Right Way)
Good Way ceremony
Goon (Japanese translator)
Gorman, Carl (code talker)
Gorman, Zonnie
government employees (“Washing-done”)
Grable, Betty
Grande Terre
Grandmother (Chester's grandmother)
boarding school and
clans and marriage advice
Great Livestock Massacre
herd, building
hogan, building
homecoming (Chester's)
stories (great)
Grants, New Mexico
Gray, Charlie
Gray, Johnny
Gray, Raymond
Great Depression (U.S.)
Great Livestock Massacre
Great Plains dust bowl
grid system, field-testing
Austen, Mount
Banzai (suicide attackers)
Battle of Bloody Ridge
Battle of Guadalcanal
Battle of Savo Island
Bougainville training
burying bodies with tractors
capture strategy
crabs and crocodiles at
dog tags
fear of soldiers
first battlefield use of Navajo code
foot problems
friendly fire, avoiding
Gifu Ridge
“jungle rot,”
Melanesian population of
“Midnight Charlie,”
night attacks by Japanese
radios (TBX radios)
Slot, The (“Ironbottom Sound”)
South Pacific voyage to
sunbathing Marines
“Tokyo Night Express, The,”
training for Guam
training for Iwo Jima
“walking fire in,”
Gutierrez, Benny and Sally
Haile, Father Berard
Halsey, “Bull” (Admiral)
“hand grenade”
hand grenades
hand-to-hand combat
Haskell Indian Nations University, Kansas
Haskie, Ross (code talker)
Hataathlii, Ned
Hawthorne, Roy (code talker)
“hearing” Navajo
Hellzapoppin Ridge
helmets, uses of
Henderson, Lofton R. (Major)
Henderson Field
Higgins boats
high explosive (HE) warheads
Hirohito (Emperor of Japan)
Hiroshima, Japan
Hisey, Henry, Jr.
hitting corporal incident
hogan, building Grandmother's
Holcomb, Thomas (Commandant)
Holy People
Holy Way ceremony
homecoming (Chester's)
home memories
Honoring the Navajo Code Talkers Act
Hoover Dam project
Hopi Indians
humor of Navajos
Hunt (Lieutenant)
Hunter's Point, Arizona
Hyakutake, H. (General)
Ichiki, Kiyono (Colonel)
“I do not like”
(doo shil yá' át' ééh da)
“I Love You for Sentimental Reasons,”
Ilthma, Oscar (code talker)
Indian Reorganization Act
Inoue, Sadae (Lieutenant General)
“Ironbottom Sound” (Slot, The)
“I've Got Sixpence,”
“I will return” (MacArthur)
Iwo Jima
American vs. Japanese soldiers
atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Banzai (suicide attackers)
blue-white artillery tracers of
bombing of Tokyo
Bushido code (no surrender)
codes cracked by
code talkers mistaken for Japanese
dishonor of soldiers' families
divine right to rule world
earthquake of 1923,
expansion of
14th Division
HakkoX ichiu
(manifest destiny)
invasion of China
learning about Navajo code
“Midnight Charlie,”
Naval masters
night attacks by
176th Army
Pearl Harbor attack by
prisoners of war (POWs), Japanese
“scalp” for Bad Way ceremony
Shinto religion
South Pacific dominance by
surrender of
“Tokyo Night Express, The,”
Tokyo Rose
unbreakable Navajo code, learning about
underground systems built by
World War I and
wounded, abandoning
Yamato race
See also
casualties; code talkers (Navajo code); Guadalcanal; World War II
Japan, Sea of
Johnston, Philip
Jolson, Al
Jones, Buck
Jones, James E. (Colonel)
June, Allen Dale (code talker)
Ka-bar knives
Kawaguchi (Major General)
Kieyoomia, Joe
King, Jimmie (code talker)
kitchen duty
Kluckhorn, Clyde
Korean War
Kotb, Hoda
kunai grass
Laguna people
land craft, vehicle and personnel (LCVPs)
landing ship, tank (LSTs)
landing vehicles, tracked (LVTs)
“Land of the Rising Sun,”
See also
land vs. ship positions
Larry King Weekend
(TV show)
Lawrence, Kansas
Leighton, Dorothea
Leonard, Alfred (code talker)
Leonardo da Vinci
Lew Wallace Elementary School, New Mexico
“light complexion”
See also
Nez, Chester (childhood and youth)
lightning bolts as weapons
“little man”
(Hachi Yázha)
“little mother”
(Shimá Yázhí)
Livestock Massacre, Great
Lockard, G. R.
Long Walk
Louis, Joe (“Brown Bomber”)
MacArthur, Douglas (General)
Mack, Ted
mail call
Malay Peninsula
manifest destiny
(HakkoX ichiu)
Manual of Navajo Grammar, A
Manuelito, John (code talker)
Mariana Islands
Marine Corps
Marine Corps Recruitment Center in San Diego
Marines (U.S.)
abandoning ship drills
age requirements of
basic training
cadence, counting
close-order drills
code talkers and
communications school
cultural vs. physical challenges
dropping out
equipment issued to
food during basic training
German Shepherds and
“getting tough” test
hand-to-hand combat
heads shaved
hitting corporal incident
Marine Corps MOS (Military Occupational Specialty)
marksmanship of
night-landing practice
obstacle course
Platoon 382,
points system for going home
prayers encouraged by
segregation of soldiers
survival training
trust in Navajos
women in
Marines (
See also
Begay, Roy (code talker); casualties; code talkers (Navajo code); First Marine Division; Guadalcanal; Nez, Chester (code talker); Second Marine Division; Third Marine Division; Tsinajnnie, Francis (code talker)
Massacre, Great Livestock
matriarchal society, Navajos
matrons, boarding school
McCabe, William (code talker)
McClain, Sally
McDonald, Peter
medicine bags
medicines used in sweat lodge
“medicine” vs. “mouth,”
Melbourne, Australia
Merrill (Admiral)
MGM Studios
“Midnight Charlie,”
military terms and Navajo code
milking ewes and goats
“million-dollar” wounds
Mix, Tom
Model T Ford truck
monsters roaming the earth
Morgan, Jake
Morse code
Nagasaki, Japan
Nakagawa, Kunio (Colonel)
naming livestock
Nanking, China
stories (great)
National Geographic
National Park Service
Native Americans
alcohol not served to Indians
citizenship of U.S. and
identification card required for
vote, right to
World War I, using languages
See also
Navajo culture; Navajo language
Navajo, The
(Kluckhorn and Leighton)
Navajo Code Talkers
Navajo Code Talkers Dictionary
Navajo culture
allegiance declaration by Navajo Tribal Council
all things should be respected
animals vs. money
ash, importance of
bears as relatives
boy babies
clan affiliations
clothing of
community sense
compass points and
corn pollen, importance of
dead, avoiding
(“the People”)
dry (sand) paintings
east-facing doorway
education program promises to
evil people as coyotes

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