Coerced (Billionaire romance): Blackmailed by the Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Coerced (Billionaire romance): Blackmailed by the Billionaire (Buchanan Romance Book 1)
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There was something delicate about her, even though she was voluptuous and thick.

Sutton flicked an imaginary piece of lint from the fine linen tablecloth.

“You look beautiful tonight,” he told her, “But the chip on your shoulder is unbecoming. Have you ever stopped to wonder how many people you’ve pushed away simply because you were too afraid to allow anything genuine past those iron gates?”

“Don’t presume to know my life,” Elizabeth said, stiffening. “Just because I give you my body doesn’t mean you get an all-access pass to anywhere else.”

He shocked her with a laugh when he realized something profound and something he hadn’t expected during the course of dinner.

In truth, it wasn’t entirely funny at all but he was struck by the similarities between them. Hadn’t he often been accused of being a cold bastard?

He’d learned long ago to keep people at a distance. Maybe all the blood rushing to his fucking groin had robbed his brain because he wasn’t thinking straight.

He leaned forward to ask, “Do you know how two porcupines make love?”

Elizabeth shook her head, bewildered by his sudden change in demeanor.

Sutton answered with a twist of his lips. “Very carefully.”

Bookmark: 11



“Go to the restroom and wait for me there,” Sutton instructed after the server had taken their orders and left. She stared, unsure she’d heard him correctly. He leaned forward, “Go now.”


“Because I can’t take another moment without being inside you.”

Even as wildly inappropriate and shameful his admission was, Elizabeth couldn’t help the dark thrill arcing through her as she rose on shaky legs to walk to the restroom.

One last backward glance revealed a feral expression on Sutton’s face that took her breath away.

She closed the door and leaned against the wall, scared to death of what he planned to do. A nervous glance revealed a single stall in the fancy restroom, which was at least a blessing, but surely he didn’t plan to go through with…

The door opened and Sutton entered, locking it behind him and she knew there was no escaping what he planned.

Elizabeth couldn’t fight the immediate arousal that slicked her insides.

“I’m sure this is against the rules,” she said breathlessly as Sutton pulled her to him, his hand roaming her curves like a hungry man.

Elizabeth swallowed her gasp as his hand cupped her behind and pushed her tightly against his hard length.

“Fuck rules.”

And there it was.

Sutton lived by no one else’s creed and that single quality was both an insane turn-on and a distasteful turn-off at the same time.

Rules were in place for a reason. A world without rules was anarchy.

But could she even try to form that argument when Sutton’s hands were on her?

Hell no.

“Oh God,” she gasped as his wandering hand slipped up her dress to find her wet folds.

He was really doing this! Here! In a public restroom of the fanciest, most exclusive restaurant in town!

Elizabeth couldn’t stop the shiver of excitement that followed.

It was decadent and wrong but her heart was hammering like a beast inside her chest, powered by adrenalin and the taboo thrill of getting caught.

“That’s my bad girl,” he murmured against the shell of her ear as she clung to him, shuddering when his finger slipped inside her. “Being bad feels pretty good, doesn’t it?”

Sutton didn’t give her time to answer.

Within a blink, she was pressed against the wall, her dress up over her hips and his cock sliding into her tight sheath.

He pulled her hips back and she flattened against the wall, arching her back.

Sutton didn’t hesitate.

The sense of urgency in his thrusts sent her senses scuttling for safety but there was no escaping the extreme pleasure arrowing her womb, pulsing and grinding with total abandon as she barreled toward her own climax.

Maybe it was the fear of being caught that drove her desperately over that edge or maybe it was just that Sutton’s cock was supremely suited for her needs but within moments she was clenching and shaking and moaning as her release shook her hard.

Sutton followed soon after, coming with a harsh grunt as he poured himself into her, soaking her with jets of his spurting seed, bathing her in a volume of come that was almost obscene.

“Holy fuck,” he breathed as he withdrew, his voice shaky. “Jesus...”

She spun around to lean against the wall, needing the strength of something solid behind her or else she’d go sliding to the floor in a heap.

Her womb still pulsed with tiny rhythmic clutches that squeezed more pleasure out of her nerve endings and she wasn’t sure she would be able to walk.

Sutton, drawing a deep breath, returned his spent cock to his trousers and pulled her back into his arms as if he couldn’t quite get enough.

“You are exquisite.”

And before she could marvel at his simple yet eloquent compliment, a discreet knock at the door made her heart stop. They’d been caught!

But Sutton merely smiled and opened the door, revealing a rather nervous looking host.

“Ahem, Mr. Buchanan...this is a single occupancy restroom,” he said, his gaze flitting to Elizabeth with uncomfortable knowing.

Sutton just grinned and stunned the man by stuffing a wad of cash into his lapel pocket. “And a lovely restroom it is.” Then, grabbing Elizabeth’s hand, they left the host behind without a further glance.

That’s what money did for you
, Elizabeth thought with an embarrassed smile; it erased boundaries.

Was that a good thing?

Her body still sang with pleasure, every muscle and bone all
. She’d be a total hypocrite if she poked at Sutton at this very moment.

So she didn’t.

Instead, she took her seat across from him with a demure smile, as if she hadn’t just been fucked in the restroom; as if his seed wasn’t still coating her insides.

Because she’d be a liar and a hypocrite if she didn’t admit that a part of her loved breaking the rules and that the look of total possession in Sutton’s eyes made her feel gloriously desired — and those two things...were intoxicating.

Was this what happened when you sold your soul to the devil?

A slow, pleasurable slide into oblivion?

At the end of this insane ride, what would be left of the original Elizabeth?

A warning tingle at the back of her brain told her it was best to leave certain questions unanswered for now.

And so that’s what she did.

Because she was starving and Sutton had ordered pasta — and sometimes a girl just had to enjoy what was put in front of her.

Whether it was epic sex with an enigmatic man or a giant plate of steaming fettuccine with creamy alfredo and freshly shaved parmesan.


Sutton walked into the board room with an extra spring in his step and he didn’t care who noticed, which in hindsight, was probably foolish.

The Buchanans were ruthless with information, often ferreting away tidbits until it became of use to them and that didn’t exclude family.

“Well, someone’s having a good day,” Reece observed, causing the rest to stop their conversations and glance at him. “Care to share what’s put that shit-eating grin on your smug face?”

“I don’t kiss and tell,” he told his little brother, to which Reece just laughed.

“Since when?”

“Since now.”

At that Reece’s brow went up. “Intrigued. Tell me something interesting to liven up this boring corporate shit.”

Vince piped in with a wry, “You’re welcome to leave, little cousin, but the spoils of war go to the soldiers in the fight.”

Reece sent Vince an annoyed acknowledgment.

The west coast and east coast cousins had the unenviable challenge of working together to manage the massive holdings organized under the Buchanan Enterprises umbrella.

And they didn’t always see eye-to-eye on those decisions.

Particularly those who wanted to do the least amount of work, such as Reece.

“Why does there have to be war at all?” Reece shot back with a lazy shrug. “I swear you become more and more like our fathers every day. It’s all work and no fun whatsoever. What happened to the days of total debauchery. We used to be kings; now we’re nothing more than neutered dogs.”

“Careful,” Dillon warned but Reece was hardly one to take a hint.

“What? Truth hurt, cousin? Marriage, kids, the incessant need for moral’s enough to make me want to vomit.” He looked to Sutton for back up. “Am I right? You were just saying the other day that the decision to unload Malvagio was steeped in moral backwash.”

“It’s my fucking club and if I want to sell, I can sell it,” Vince growled, his grip tightening on his pen.

If Reece wasn’t careful he was going to end up with a Mont Blanc accessory right in the middle of his forehead.

“Of course it’s your club,” Sutton said smoothly, shooting his little brother a look. “But if you took a step back and looked at your decision objectively, you’d realize that perhaps you’re being a little...hasty. Are we not in the business of making money? You’ve tapped an otherwise untouched market and we’re reaping the benefits ten-fold. If you hadn’t wanted Buchanan Enterprises involved, then you shouldn’t have folded into the books, even if it’s under a false identity.”

Vince and Nolan — twins who, in Sutton’s opinion, had always shared one brain — took exception to Sutton’s comment but it was Nolan that took point, not surprisingly as he was also co-owner.

“Your opinion is duly noted. The fact is the club belongs to me and Vince and we’ve tired of the responsibility.” Nolan’s tightened jaw belied the calm statement.
Ah, cousin, your poker face is much to be desired.

“Which is why I offered to take it off your hands,” Sutton countered smoothly. “If that’s your sole reason, I see no obstacle in keeping the club and reaping the rewards.”

Nolan glared. “I am not interested in selling to a family member.”

“No? Why?” But Sutton already knew the answer. “Wait, let me fill in the’s because the wifey has issues with your dirty little sex club and you’d do anything to get between those thighs. My guess is that the missus quite objects to the sordid business operating right beneath her precious nose. No judgment, cousins, truly. A good pussy is a treasure but really, this is
and frankly, I’m appalled that your judgment has been so compromised by the fact that your wife owns your fucking balls!”

Ironic that Reece had stirred the pot but it was Sutton who’d left the meeting with a black eye and busted lip.

But to be fair, Vince and Nolan had jumped him — like he said, one brain — and he’d at least gotten in a few good hits before Dillon and Reece had jumped in to pull them apart.

Fucking twats
, he spat residual blood from his mouth. He missed the good ol’ days of epic orgies, drunken weekends, and shaky, relieved laughter after narrowly missed STD scares.

part he didn’t miss, but the rest, sure.

After that unfortunate incident in the boardroom, Sutton had told the cousins to
go fuck themselves
and he was taking the day off.

But he didn’t go straight to the apartment. He needed some time to cool off. Besides, a part of him was a little embarrassed that his cousins had gotten the jump on him like that.

Sutton found himself at a small dive bar and walked into the dimly lit, stale-smelling place wondering if broken dreams and wounded dignity were on the house drink list.

He ordered a scotch and found himself immediately joined by a woman who was plainly a prostitute.

“Buy a lady a drink?” she purred, her breath sour and smelling as if she’d brushed her teeth with vodka.

Sutton cast her a quick glance — probably in her late twenties but hard living had etched the years on her face.

Her body was nice enough though — and signaled the bartender.

“Whatever the
is having,” he said, lifting his glass in a mocking toast.

“Vodka rocks,” she answered with a happy smile before returning to Sutton. “So...what happened to your face? Someone catch you with their wife?”

He chuckled. “What makes you think that?”

She assessed him boldly. “You’re good looking with money to burn. My guess is that you don’t get told no very often but sometimes you can’t always get what you want.”

He downed his drink and signaled for another. “Not bad. But you’re off-base with the cheating wife angle. This,” he gestured to his busted face “was a family thing. Cousins with a flash temper.”

“Family reunions must be a gauntlet,” she said, her smile revealing a few crooked teeth but otherwise a decent mouth. “So what’s your name?”

“Sutton. And yours?”


He chuckled. “Your stage name?”

She gave him a sidewise glance. “Something like that.”

What was he doing chatting it up with an obvious working girl like Gemini when he had Elizabeth waiting for him at his apartment?

Because he could.

Wasn’t this exactly what’d happened to his cousins? The very thing that’d softened them to old men before their time?

They’d been effectively neutered by the females in their lives.

And that sure as hell wasn’t going to happen to him.

He turned to the woman.

“So what’s on the table, Gemini?”

Gemini, the wily bitch, sensed a big payday and purred, “For a handsome guy like you? Anything you want, baby.”



“And if I want to shove my dick up your ass?” he asked casually, enjoying the sordid conversation.

There was something enjoyably taboo about fucking with a dirty girl.

“I love it in the ass,” Gemini answered with a giggle that made her look a lot less hard and used up. “Will you be gentle?”

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