Coffee (31 page)

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Authors: gren blackall

Tags: #brazil, #coffee, #dartmouth, #finance, #murder, #nanotechnology, #options, #unrequited love, #women in leadership

BOOK: Coffee
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studied her face, unconcerned that she stared back. He wiped sweat
from her forehead and temples. He pushed the hair from her face
behind her ears. He spoke in soothing tones. “For what’s
worth, there will be a new hospice center at the hospital in your
home town of Nashua dedicated to him.”

great! How did you know? My parents have been lobbying for that
for years!”

know. It had been dedicated to you.”

cocked her head. “It had? You did that?”

some help from a wizard financial advisor I know.”

smiled. “Thank you Warren. I’m happy it’s going
to Knut though, no matter what happens to me.”

changed the subject. “So what goes on in a brilliant mind at
a time like this?”

I’m here, remember?”

really, what are you thinking about?”

getting out, and then sending these guys to rot in some stinking

mean about yourself. Don’t things come to mind about your
life - what’s important, what you’ve learned, what you
wish for?”

we’re captive in a high security building with hundreds of
armed people trying desperately to make us dead. My only wish is to
get out.”

few minutes ago, when the Doctor hadn’t arrived yet, you
looked death in the face. Nothing else came to mind?”

sighed. “My watch.”


My watch. I thought about how I wasn’t wearing it when I
would die. It was my father’s, my only possession of my birth
parents. It was a beautiful, expensive kind. I pictured his fine
suit, in a plush happy home. I shouldn’t be here at all, I’m
supposed to be speaking German, living in a European town, attending
the University where my parents went. I wanted my watch, to hold it
and rub it’s face.” She drooped her head.

sat back, sensing she’d had enough talking. “I’m
sorry. These guys are beyond comprehension.” He affectionately
touched her shoulder, then stood to look out the window. People
milled freely below. He could see the damaged Toyota through the
fencing. He retied the pull string on his pants.

asked, “What do you think about?” Warren noticed she’d
been watching him.

really want to know?”


pulled the chair around to face her. “You might be

better than mine.”

You see, I’ve had everything I wanted in my life. I grew up
in a beautiful home by the ocean, had all the conveniences, plenty
of money I could possibly need. I went to the best prep schools,
had friends from all the right places. I excelled academically, and
have a knack for sports. I made varsity captain at every school,
three seasons. But Etty, it’s as obvious to me as your
swollen eyes - something’s still lacking inside. So I think
about finding peace in my soul.”

you think I’m shallow for wanting my watch and not something

can think anything you want, Etty. I wish could be so sure. You’re
a watch away from true happiness.”

grew up on a struggling New Hampshire farm, with visions of grandeur
wrapped around my wrist in that watch. It beckoned me to reach.”

you don’t need to reach. Maybe you’ll find what you’re
looking for right there.” He pointed to her heart.

puffed from a floor vent. “Warren, look. Something’s

pushed her chair and IV to one side. “Stay here, I’ll
check the hall.”

speakers crackled with the fire announcement. Warren stopped mid
room and pointed up. “It’s Bryce! All right!”

burst from the closet. “Wha...”


grinned as their friend gave a convincing performance. Warren shook
a fist in the air. “Those receiving life sustaining care stay
put, ey? He’s a genius. Of course if we all burn to death, I
take it back.”

face continued to regain color. Warren buoyantly returned to her
and squeezed her hand. “See, told you.”

watched the strange display with interest. “So that was your
friend? He started a fire?”

relax, Jennie, we’ll be out of here soon. We’re
supposed to stay here.”

were getting out of hand. She definitely needed to contact Maslow.
“No, I can’t stay. I ... I’ll take my chances.”
She headed for the door.

Etty yelled from the chair. “Don’t let her go!”

ran in front of her. “Don’t leave. You’re better
here. Bryce has everything under control.”

you for all you’ve done, but fire scares me to death. I’m
going to run for it.”

have to insist. They may see you. You’d be risking all of

looked around Warren and caught Etty’s suspicious stare. “All
right! I’ll stay! Why don’t you trust me?” She
spotted a desk phone, and thought of pushing 11 and leaving the
phone off the hook might alert security where they were. She put on
a more relaxed stance. “I’m ok now. Let me just sit
down and get my breath. The thought of burning to death in here
gives me the creeps.”

the early sunrise shed only subdued light in the room, Etty still
noticed something odd about Jennie’s hand - a spot of black or
blue on her left ring finger. “Jennie?” Etty asked, now
more compassionately. “Look, I’m sorry, I’m
edgy. I’m just as anxious to get out, but I don’t want
to break from the plan.”

returned a girlish look. “Thanks, Harriet.”

studied Etty, confused about her sudden change of heart.

continued, “So what happened to you Jennie? Why don’t
you tell us why you are running away, and we’ll let you in on
the details of our plan. Come here so we can talk softly.”

thought she’d give it a few more minutes. The smoke from the
vents appeared thinner. She walked to Etty’s chair. “I
discovered money laundering, and I wasn’t supposed to know.
What about you?”

she approached, Etty stared at her left hand, trying to decipher the
marking on her finger. “By the way, let me introduce myself
officially.” Etty reached out her left hand. “Sorry,
my right hand’s tied up.” She pulled the hand in close.
There, in small letters, she saw an
tattooed on the middle joint.


loud crashing sound of the roof access door finally giving way
forced Bryce to react. The two trash cans had melted down to
blackened globs, but were still producing wide rolling black clouds
of smoke. Two guards bashed open the top door, and ran out,
firearms extended. Bryce sprinted along the edge of the dome,
staying far enough around the edge so the guards could not get off a
straight shot. Their flabby guts wobbled above their tight belts,
giving Bryce a significant advantage in speed and dexterity. By the
time they arrived at the roof of the Living Quarters, Bryce had
already climbed down two flights, and was descending quickly. The
two guards fell to their fronts and crawled to the edge to look
down. Pandemonium filled the lawn below, with people running away
from the building in chaos. Bryce had already dropped into their
midst, making a shot impossible. He ran while weaving through the

it! He got away!” one whined.

Bart, tell him where he’s headed.”

call him. I don’t want my ass chewed off for losing him.”

tell him we were putting out the fire on the roof and saw the guy
running on the lawn.”


was possible Jennie worked close to one of the labs and needed
antibodies against the toxin producing bacteria. To find out, Etty
called her bluff. “What’s the tattoo? Eight Plus?
What’s that stand for?”

that! You know how you do things when you’re young that you
regret for life.” Jennie threw her hair back over her shoulder
with a fluid swing, and launched into her well rehearsed response.
“You see, in college, I was part of a sorority that wanted to
have the best looking girls in the school. We made a rule that you
had to be 8 or better to join, you know, 8 out of 10. Well, ‘8
plus’ became kind of our motto. A bunch of us got drunk one
night and had it done.” She looked closely at her own hand.
“I’ve thought about having it removed, but you know, I
kind of like it.”

twisted her temple hair into little curls as the story came clear to
her. Jennie lied like a professional. This is how they poisoned
Knut. That’s why all the dead prostitutes: mis-fires. She was
assigned to follow Warren!

still had no idea. He nodded to himself. ‘8 plus. I’d

wanted to jump up from her chair and grab her, but the tubing kept
her confined.

persisted, “So, what is this big plan of yours?”

feigned a new wave of nausea. “Ohhh, my stomach.” She
held her waist and took deep breaths.

stepped over to assist. “That’s it. You’re not
talking anymore. Sit back. Go on, Jennie, have a seat. Give her
some room.” While Warren faced Etty, standing between the two
women, Etty opened her eyes wide and looked as alarmed as possible.
She then mouthed some words that only Warren could see.


shrugged while mouthing back, “What? Why?”

picked up on the change, and sprinted toward the door. Warren
lurched and caught a shirt tail. Jennie slipped forward, and Warren
fell on top of her, flattening her to the floor. “What’s
going on, Jennie! Who are you?”

struggled until she was able to pull a capsule from her pants
pocket. She crushed it in her teeth, then spit the plastic coating
across the floor. Jennie wheeled around under him and hugged his
neck. “What are you doing to me? I’m your girlfriend,
remember?” She reached her head up to his.

screamed, “Warren! She’s trying to kill you!”

are you doing, Jennie? Stop!” Jennie’s face advanced.
Warren pushed back.

rolled her chair as close as she could without pulling out the IV,
and kicked the woman’s ankles from a sitting position.
“Don’t let her kiss you! Stop her, push her away! She’s
poisoned!” Jennie shoved Etty’s chair back against the

two rolled back and forth on the floor while Etty watched
helplessly. Jennie’s cheeks reddened as she strained to
bring her lips to his. She jerked herself free, and stood. Warren
scrambled up. They circled each other like ring fighters.

what do I do!” Jennie lunged, hitting Warren like a wild cat.
She twisted her neck toward the hand on her shoulder.

let her bite you! Hurry! Punch her, do something!”

suddenly ducked down, then tackled Warren in the midsection while
reaching one leg around behind him. He tripped backwards, falling
hard on the floor. She mounted him, straddling his chest. She
cupped the back of his head and pulled it to her mouth, while
subduing his arms with her knees.

your mouth closed, she might spit! Get her off you!”

surge of fear erupted within him. He twisted his arms free and
grabbed her hips. He lifted them up and back. He worked his knee
between her legs, wedging it into her crotch, and then seized her
shoulders. She pecked her head at his hand, trying to bite. But he
pushed back more, enough to get his other foot to the middle of her
pelvis. With a tremendous heave, his thick leg shoved Jennie into
the air, tearing away her fingers’ grip. She soared up and
back, flailing weightlessly. She slammed down, back of her head
first, into the metal edge of the bulky office desk. The loud thud
of her head whacking the sharp corner abruptly ended the noisy
fight, followed only by Jennie’s unconscious slump to the

she get you? Look all over. Even a little cut could be deadly,”
Etty demanded from her chair. Warren rubbed every inch to check for
pain or blood. Loud banging at the door startled them both.

What’s going on in there? Let me in!” a voice shouted
from the hallway.

shit, now what.”


circled around to the hospital entrance. With the frenzy of people
pouring out the doors, and the squadron of firetrucks arriving, he
had no problem entering. The guards were looking for a woman
fitting Etty’s description going out, not a guard going in.
Bookkeeping was in the public section, so he set out to find his


outside the Bookkeeping door persisted. “I know someone’s
in there! I’m coming in!” They heard jiggling keys,
and yells of fleeing crowds.

him in!” Etty called out.

coming in anyway.”

you’ll have a better chance dealing with him.”

hustled to the door. “Hey! Wait! I’m coming already.”
He opened it, and in barged a frazzled guard holding a shiny 45.
“What the hell’s going on in here? Who’s that?”
he said pointing to Jennie’s crumpled figure on the floor.
Then he noticed Etty - “You! You’re Bishop!”
Warren tried to take advantage of his moment of discovery and hit
his head with a heavy book from a desk. The guard wavered, but
didn’t lose his footing as he whipped around. Warren chopped
his forearm hard enough so he dropped the gun, but the guard came on

watched, frustrated she couldn’t help. “You hit him
with a book?”

had twenty or thirty pounds over the guard, but his opponent fought
fast and hard. Warren took two brutal jabs to the jaw, which sent
bright clouds of light into his field of vision. Etty tried to roll
over while holding the drip bottle and get the gun. The guard
noticed her movement, and yelled for her to back off. Warren turned
toward Etty, giving the guard time to wind up for a powerful hit to
his temple. Warren fell backwards, hit Etty’s chair, rolled
over her lap, and flipped completely upside down onto his head. He
lay still.

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