Collared (Going to the Dogs) (5 page)

Read Collared (Going to the Dogs) Online

Authors: Zoe Dawson

Tags: #German Shepard, #Romantic Comedy, #Poodle, #Opposites attract, #Dog Park, #Dog owners romance, #Going to the Dogs Series

BOOK: Collared (Going to the Dogs)
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“Ooh, I like the compliments better than the sarcasm. You do both well, though.”

He chuckled. “Charm has its uses.”

“As you so recently implied, I’m a brat and I do like to have it my way, so I think I will call you Caleb.”

“As long as you say my first name with the same regally bored tone you use when you say ‘detective.’”

“There is nothing boring about you.”


“There’s always a ‘but.’”

“But, Harper, truth of the matter is you don’t fit into my life and I certainly don’t fit into yours. I work the streets and you live in the clouds. So you stay on your pretty side of the tracks my side is much too gritty.”

“I don’t accept that. If this was reversed, and you were a rich man and I was a cop, there wouldn’t be any need for this discussion.”

“But it’s not reversed. Like I said, you wouldn’t last five minutes in my world. So, Harper, back to the subject at hand. A list of your staff and friends.”

Anger suffused her and made her stomach churn. She was even more determined now to show him that he was wrong. “And all you’re going to do is question them?”

“Unless I get a lead or I’m suspicious of one of them. That should be all.”

“This is very distressing,” she said feeling more than sick inside. She really didn’t want him questioning her staff, especially Jeffrey, her chauffeur.

“Is there a problem?’

“No,” she lied. There
a problem, though. A really big problem, but she’d deal with it if and when Detective Shaw discovered any information beyond what she wanted him to know.

She raised her chin. “Let’s have a beer together and we can talk about just how I would fit.”

“Yeah, okay. That’s such a great idea. You meet me down at McGinty’s tomorrow on Lex and Third, and we’ll toss a few brewskis.” He removed her arms from his shoulders, his hands like brands.

“Sounds good to me. It’s a date.”

He shook his head as if he was enjoying the joke. Handing her his card, he said, “You let me know when you have that list, Harper. I’ll take the security company’s name right now.”

“It’s Taylor Security, but the owner is out of town on his honeymoon. They’re personal friends of mine and I have no intention of ruining their honeymoon.”

His brows rose at that comment, but he didn’t say a word.

“I’ll see if I can get someone else to help me, then.”

He released her and stepped away, but for a moment his eyes lingered, and she felt her breath catch at the
he looked at her. There it was again, that something that made her want to put her mouth on him just to taste his skin. She took a deep, heated breath.

“Enjoy your evening,” he said, then turned and left her…more than a little peeved, even more turned on than before, and frustrated as hell. She looked toward the table and four faces gawked at her like they’d been watching a really juicy reality show and the only thing they were missing was the popcorn. When they saw her looking, they all snapped their gazes away.

She clenched her fists. He wasn’t taking her seriously, but he would. Oh, yes. He would.

Chapter Three

He wanted Harper Sinclair on silk sheets, up against a wall, flat on her back, her riding him, he wanted her any way he could get her.

But that wasn’t going to happen. Geezus. He ran his hands through his hair as soon as he left the club. He took off his suit jacket and loosened his tie. He didn’t give a damn that his shoulder rig was exposed. She was a disaster waiting to happen. Tripp would be pissed, his lieutenant would chew his ass, and he just didn’t need the aggravation.

But his reluctance was more about the memory of getting his heart pummeled into mush by another woman who was much too close to the same mold as this one. He might have been a little slow when he was sixteen, but he was much savvier now.

Spoiled. That was a given. Entitled. Most definitely. But she also knew how to hold her own. Not many women could do that…with him. He either intimidated the hell out of them or dazzled them with his looks. Either way, neither category of female appealed to him much.

He admired her for that.

He bet she wasn’t used to being turned down. That thought made him grin.

He dialed Shane’s cell. “Dembowsky at your service.”

“Bowsky! What are you doing, you lazy bastard?”

“Ha! Me? You’re the lazy bastard that’s been sitting around for almost eight weeks while I’m looking for my ass in the dark. Can’t even find it with both hands.” His voice was filled with amusement.

Caleb laughed heartily. “That’s right, and it’s a good thing you already know it. We’ve got a case.”

“I was just about to go home.”

“How about I fill you in and we go trolling for that weasel Rob Lang? I got a feeling he might know something about this case.”

“Sounds good, partner.”

This would be a good way to get that woman off his mind for a few hours. He’d need all his wits when he was hunting Lang. If there was a snitch that was more untrustworthy, Caleb hadn’t found him. But the guy really had his ear to the ground.

“I’ll be there in ten.”

When he pulled up to the precinct, Shane was slouching against a lamppost chatting up a honey. Caleb smiled. Dembowsky was part Irish and part Polish. He looked like a choirboy, but he was far from it. Shane’s shaggy red hair and schoolboy features came in handy under cover, but Caleb didn’t know of a better cop and tougher soul. He’d go to the mat for Shane.

Caleb beeped the horn and he watched as the woman grabbed Shane’s hand and wrote something on it. Caleb grinned.

Shane gave her one of his patented cute boy smirks and walked backwards until his back hit the car. Jumping inside he put his hand over his heart. “I think I’m in love.”

“Yeah, yeah, that’s what you always say.”

“Did you see her? I mean…man!”

She waved to him and Shane waved back as Caleb pulled away from the curb. “I’d say it’s more lust.”

“What would you know about it? You haven’t gotten laid in, oh, many moons, my friend.”

“I’m a bit more particular than you are.”

“What are you saying? I’m man-whore?”

Caleb laughed “Dembowsky, there’s a reason the guys call you Bow-wowsky.”

“Ah, yeah, right, I’m a dog. Woof!” He flashed a smile as if he was proud of it. “So what’s up? The lieutenant told me you were chasing down a dog collar. How the mighty have fallen.”

“It’s worth fifty thou.”

“True dat?”


“Fuck. Poodle?”


“Would water freeze on the owner’s ass?” Shane smirked.

Caleb didn’t answer and after a moment Shane threw him a glance. “Ruh-roh.”


“The owner’s really hot. Who is it?”

Caleb cleared his throat. “Harper Sinclair.”

“Fucking-A, you’re shitting me? She’s freaking hot. Talk about asses. That’s one fine fanny.”

“Shane…” Caleb said, his tone a warning

“Okay, okay. So, you are interested in this woman? I know she’s single.”

“I didn’t peg you as a fan boy of the social pages.”

“Hey, we work robbery. Everyone on there is a potential victim. I like to keep up with what’s going on in that world.” Shane threw him a wry look. “She’s a fairy princess living in a castle in the clouds. You, my friend, are a troll who lives under a bridge.”

“Shut the fuck up!”

Shane laughed. “Oh, he’s got it bad.”

Caleb jerked the wheel to the curb and slammed on the breaks as he saw Rob emerge from the bar he frequented. “Let’s focus. There’s Lang.”

As he came to a stop, Shane was all business and already out of the car. “Lang, you piece of shit!”

Rob looked over at the car and his expression went sly.

“He’s going to rabbit,” Shane yelled. He was already slamming the car door and sprinting across the street.

Caleb got out and tried to follow as quickly as Shane had, but his eight weeks of recovery had slowed him a bit.

Lang ran into an alley and Shane was right behind him. As Caleb entered, he saw Lang dart across the street at the end of the alley right in front of the crosstown bus. The driver jammed on his brakes and Shane had to go around the big-ass vehicle. He disappeared around the back of the bus as Caleb hit the end of the alley. He followed and caught a glimpse of Shane as he disappeared down another alley. Caleb dashed after them. When he got to the end of this alley, he found Shane leaning against a brick wall looking pissed.

“Lost him. Little fucker.” He bumped his back against the brick wall and looked at Caleb. “Why the hell is he running from us?”

“Because he knows what we’re after and he doesn’t want to talk to us.”

“Hmmm. What are we after besides the collar?”

“Five necklaces and a pair of sapphire earrings. I have pictures and descriptions in the car.”

Shane faced him. “What are we talking for loss?”

“One point five.”

His brows rose. “That’s it? That’s all the Sinclairs had in the safe? Seems like chump change.”

“I’ll ask her about that the next time I see her.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting that babe. I bet she’s something up close and personal.”

“Shane…” Caleb said as his breathing evened out.

“What do you want to do now?”

“Go home, and we’ll keep looking for Lang tomorrow.”

Shane threw an arm around Caleb’s neck with his patented smirk. “A little slow off the mark there, partner. You getting soft?”

“Bowsky…” Caleb growled.

“Let’s hit the gym and get you back up to par. I bet you’d like to take a few swings at my mug.”

“Damn right,” Caleb growled, then chuckled.

He drove Shane back to the precinct.

“It’s good to have you back, man.” He punched Caleb in the arm.

Caleb winced.

“Ooops, your bad shoulder. Damn, sorry. See you tomorrow.”

He shook his head. Shane might be half Polish, but he was all blarney. When he got home and Quinn greeted him at the door, he clipped a leash on the dog and took him for a walk.

When he got back, he fed Quinn and heated up a can of ravioli. His mother would box his ears if she knew he was eating ravioli this way. It was tantamount to a crime in her book.

He should make an effort to get over to the Bronx to visit his mom and dad. They were always busy with the restaurant, but would make the time to at least have a meal with him. He often thought they should sell it and retire. But his mother loved to cook and feed people. The curse of the Italian woman. Besides, their restaurant was a fixture in that neighborhood and did very good business.

He sat down to catch some of the Yankees and couldn’t help thinking about how Harper had felt in his arms. Lithe, soft, silky…and very, very rich. Out of his league. Way out of his league. Even for just sex. Which was most likely all she wanted from him.

Fuck. Why did that bother him, and why was he reluctant to just take what she offered? Could it be because he wanted something more? Naw. That couldn’t be it. He’d be out of his mind to expect that a woman like Harper would settle for a cop.

She’d been right. He wasn’t afraid of Tripp or his Lieutenant.

Maybe he was just gun shy.

She was the kind of woman that could get under a man’s skin.

Something he would be smart to avoid.

He simply had nothing to offer her.

His thoughts went back to Rob Lang. He ran for a reason, and in Caleb’s experience, whenever a snitch didn’t want to get paid for information, it was because he was more afraid of getting dead than getting a paycheck. Not good.

Caleb had a bad feeling about this whole theft. Why the hell hit a safe that would be risky for such a low payout? Especially if these were pros.

Fatigue dragged at him. Maybe he wasn’t quite ready to go back to work, but catching this case charged his mind up. He couldn’t have stayed sitting around this apartment one more day.

Then there was Harper Sinclair. He smiled as he remembered how she’d given as good as she got. How he was going to keep his hands off her was a mystery to solve another day.

He pushed her from his thoughts and headed towards his room, calling Quinn. He’d cuddle up with the dog. At the bathroom door, Quinn stopped and looked through it to the tub. He made an inquisitive noise in his throat. Caleb rolled his eyes. “No, you’ve already had your impromptu bath today. You silly, water-crazy dog. I’ll take you to the beach this weekend and you can swim to your heart’s content. Bedtime.”

He stared at the bathtub for a few more minutes, looked at Caleb then made a soft sound between a growl and a protest in his throat.

Caleb laughed. “Not going to happen, buddy. Bedtime, Quinn.”

The dog gave him what looked to Caleb like a disgusted look then bounded into the bedroom.

Caleb chuckled affectionately and followed the dog.


Harper went back to the table, dreading what was going to happen next. All four of her friends had identical expressions, eyes big and eyebrows raised sky-high, and then Brooke and Callie each gave her
The Look
. They definitely wanted to

Just like in Vegas after Nate had gone. Harper had slipped on her bathing suit and gone outside to swim out some of the tension in her back. Whenever she was thinking about something too much her back would get tight.

She’d completed three laps when she heard Brooke say, “Hey, what are you doing out here at three o’clock in the morning?”

She swam to the edge of the pool. “I couldn’t sleep. What are you doing out here? Why aren’t you with your gorgeous Drew?”

“He’s sleeping and I was worried about you, so I went to your room. When you weren’t there I took a guess you’d be in the pool working out that tension I saw on your face tonight.”

“Brooke, always the mother hen.”

She sat down and dangled her feet into the water, giving Harper a knowing look. “I’ve earned my title, and I intend to take full advantage of it.”

“What makes you worried about me?”

“I saw the way you were looking at us. Then, I saw the way you were looking at Nate. I thought I should talk some sense into you before you did something completely stupid.”

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