Collateral Damage (31 page)

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Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #submissive, #Kidnapping, #Vampires, #edge play, #slave training, #preschool teacher, #needle play, #Paranormal, #contemporary erotic romance, #leash, #dark erotica, #BDSM, #capture fantasy, #Menage MFM, #collar, #collaring, #teacher, #sex slaves

BOOK: Collateral Damage
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Vince's eye narrowed. "How so?"

"You did nothing, but I couldn't believe it. So I exposed myself, desperate to find a trail that wasn't there. I brought the hunters. When it occurred to me what I'd done, I decided to use them. I knew Daederich and Lydia wouldn't be far behind." Cyrus petted Alrik's head. "I'd hoped to have more time with the boy, but things worked out so well . . . who am I to complain? This way, we all get exactly what we want."

Lydia took a step back as Cyrus' gaze fell on her. "Why?"

"I think you know."

Swallowing spastically, Lydia nodded. "Fine. Let Alrik go. Let them all go. I'll stay."

Daederich roared and barred his arm in front of her before she could move. "No!"

Cyrus arched a brow. "You'd choose her over your son?"

"Daederich." Lydia pressed down on Daederich's arm. "It's okay."

Elah drew his gun and aimed it at Cyrus' head. "Like hell it is!"

Vince shoved me aside and went for his own gun.

Women screamed. People rushed for the doors. But never reached them. I heard snarling and the wet sound of flesh being torn.

Shutting out the carnage, I crawled towards the table and whispered. "Alrik, come here, sweetie."

He didn't see me. Didn't seem to see anything. Blood trailed from where the knife had pierced his throat.

Lydia struggled with Daederich. "There's no other way!"

Vince caught my eye, took one look at Alrik, and lunged for Elah.

Somewhere deep inside, I knew it was pointless, but I drew Cyrus' attention, begging. "Cyrus, stop. Whatever you're doing to him, please stop! I'll do anything you want!"

Cyrus reached down and patted my cheek. "You were fun, my dear. But you're not worth the boy. Only she is."

Daederich let out a broken sound of defeat and dropped to his knees. He clung to Lydia's hand, tears spilling over his cheeks as she pulled away. "I swore I'd never let him have you again."

"And we both swore we'd do anything to get Alrik away from him." Lydia gave him a shaky smile, blinking away her own tears. "I meant it."

Elah shoved Vince away from him, but didn't move any closer to the table. "This isn't over. Once we've gotten the boy out of reach of your influence, we'll hunt you down. I won't let you keep her."

"I wouldn't expect any less." Cyrus glanced at Alrik. "Oh dear, he's bleeding. I trust you've made your decision?"

"Yes," Lydia said before anyone else could answer. "Release him. We all know you can kill him without the knife. Enough with the fucking theatrics."

"Very well." Cyrus reached out and took the knife from Alrik. "Take the boy, Daederich. Take him and go. My people will follow you, and, if any of you turn back, I will kill him. It's only fair that I get a head start before the chase begins, no?"

Daederich didn't budge, didn't say a word, but Cyrus must have known he'd comply because suddenly Alrik lurched out of his chair and threw himself in my arms. I picked him up and backed towards the exit, not really caring if anyone came with me. I didn't understand what hold Cyrus still had on him, but, whatever it was, I was going to make sure Alrik was safe.

Vince followed me, clearing a path with his gun, shielding Alrik and me with his body until we'd left the restaurant and reached Elah's car. I climbed into the back, cradling Alrik against my chest as he broke down and sobbed.

"It hurts! Make it stop!" He nuzzled against my neck and let out a little growl.

"I'm hungry—"

His tiny teeth ripped into my flesh, and I choked on a scream.

Vince cursed and tried to force his fingers into Alrik's mouth. "Alrik, stop!"

Daederich abruptly threw open the other door and tore Vince's hand away.

"You'll hurt them both. Get her something to drink. He'll stop when he's ready."

"Here." Elah wrenched the front door open and fetched something from the glove compartment. He tossed it to Vince. "Vodka. Make sure she drinks it all, or he'll kill her."

Vince and Daederich slid into the backseat on either side of me and slammed their doors. The car peeled out of the parking.

Daederich took hold of my chin while Vince uncapped a flask.

"Elah is right, love." Vince tipped the flask to my lips. He stroked my cheek as I gulped down the fiery liquid. "He has no control. But this will help."

Help who?
I stabbed my nails into my palms, not sure exactly
we'd saved anymore. The sweet, little boy I'd given everything to protect had suddenly become a monster. Who might kill me.

"He's no more of a monster than your lover." Daederich's fingers dug into my jaw. "Doubt that again, and I'll kill you myself."

"Try it." Vince grabbed Daederich's wrist and bared his teeth. "She's giving your son the blood he needs. How about some fucking gratitude?"

"He's right, Daederich," Elah said, watching us through the rearview mirror. "If you have any intention of going after Lydia, you'll have to trust them with him. Nicole is scared, but she'll do what she has to. Won't you, Nicole?"

"Yes." I put my arm around Alrik and rested against Vince. My vision blurred as alcohol and blood loss took hold.
Can't be much worse than breastfeeding after all.
I let out a drunken laugh. "Not like it's my first time."

"He's only first blood, Nicole." Vince massaged the tense muscles at my nape, speaking quietly. "He's still that sweet, little boy. He will age. Grow. Thrive under your care. All that's changed is the thirst. I will teach him control, and it will be like it always was."

"This is why we had to get him away from Cyrus." I lifted my heavy head and tried to focus on Vince's face. "He did this. He can . . . control him."

"Not once we get him far enough away." Vince kissed my forehead. "Then Cyrus can never hurt him, or us, again."

"You see, Daederich," Elah said. "They'll be fine."

Daederich stared out the window into the lightening night sky. "We'll see."

"If you don't go after her, I'll do it alone."

"I said we'll see!" Daederich raked his nails over his scalp. "He's my son! Much as I hate that Cyrus has her, I can't abandon him to strangers. I'm grateful for all they've done, but I'll need more than your word to trust them to keep him safe."

Elah cursed under his breath, and Vince gave Daederich a disgusted look.

Neither understood how he could leave Lydia with Cyrus for any amount of time. And while I could see where they were coming from, I could sympathize with Daederich. I'd seen mothers and fathers struggle to leave their children at the daycare for a few hours.

Daederich had just got his son back. He wouldn't be much of a father if he could leave him again so soon.

Lifting my hand, I took hold of Daederich's and used all the strength I had left to turn to him. "We'll earn your trust, Daederich. He was Lydia's priority. She did what she had to for him. She'd expect you to do the same."

"Yes." Daederich's lips drew into a hard line. "She'd want me to stay with him."

"Then go with them." Elah snarled. "Hang around, and play daddy for all I fucking care. She doesn't need you."

"I suppose I should make the same choice you did, Elah?" Daederich squeezed my hand, then released it, and leaned his arm on the back of the passenger seat to look at Elah. "How exactly did Vince end up with Cyrus?"

Elah kept his eyes on the road and didn't say another word.

Smiling, I settled against Vince's side and let my eyes drift shut. Lydia seemed like a tough chick. She'd live through whatever Cyrus had planned, horrible as it might be, and she'd probably make him regret taking her in the end. And soon she'd have two strong men doing everything in their power to free her.

While they did, Vince and I would take care of Alrik. Maybe he wouldn't have the normal life we'd wanted for him, but he'd be out of Cyrus' reach.

Together, we'd changed the end of
story. And that was all that mattered.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

My palm grew sweaty around the knife hilt as I perched on the edge of the sofa and stared at the door. I switched hands and rubbed my palm on my jeans. Both Daederich and Vince had tried to show me how to handle the knife properly, but, with my instincts keyed to every sound outside our cabin, all I could see myself doing was hacking away at any intruder and praying I hit something vital.

The door opened slowly. I heard a gruff laugh. "It's only me, Nicole. Don't attack."

I sighed and stashed the knife in the sheath at my hip. "How is this funny? I'm being careful. It could have been anyone."

"Not Cyrus. Not his people." Vince folded his arms over his chest. "We've had this discussion several times. We are now two days out to sea. The ship is secure. Cyrus is not going to swim after us. We're safe."

"I don't feel safe."

"You weren't like this when Daederich was still with us." Vince frowned. "Do you think he's more capable of protecting you and Alrik than I am?"

"Of course not." I pushed off the sofa and went to the door of Alrik's room.

Leaning on the door frame, I shook my head and tried to put my thoughts to words.

"The entire time Daederich was with us, there was a sense of urgency. We never stayed in one place too long. One of you was always standing guard. I was being trained to fight so I wouldn't be completely useless if we were attacked—"

"I will still train you."

"That's not the point. We spent three weeks running. Three weeks on high alert, watching shadows, never letting our guard down." My brow furrowed, I looked around the suite, nice and clean and comfortable. Very different from the motels we'd bunked down in most days. "It doesn't feel like we're running anymore. It feels like a vacation which is . . . wrong."

"I see." Vince unfolded his arms and rubbed his chin. Then he held out his hand.

"Come with me, Nicole. I want you to see something."

I bit my lip and glanced back at Alrik. His covers had slid off his shoulders. He might get cold. And he'd have to be moved to the inner rooms within the next few hours. Fine, the sun couldn't kill him, but it could make him very sick if he was exposed long enough. I checked my watch.
Damn it, what time is sunrise?

"And this is exactly why Daederich felt comfortable enough to leave us while he joined Elah in the hunt for Lydia." Vince put his hands on my shoulders and steered me to the balcony. "Dawn is in two hours. You can play sentry all day long if it makes you feel better. Until then, you are going to relax."


"Silence, pet." He peeled off my shirt, removed my jeans and panties together, and then pulled something from his pocket and swiftly drew my arms behind my back.

Something smooth yet sturdy was wrapped around my wrists. And then they were clipped together. "That wasn't a request."

My breath caught. My skin tingled. My entire being latched on to the sudden, heightened sensation. It had been too long. I needed this.

Vince hadn't given any orders since we'd escaped. Actually, when Daederich had barked commands, Vince had stood up to him and made sure to include me in decisions. And forced Daederich to consider my opinion concerning Alrik's well-being.

I had to admit, I'd missed the dominant side of Vince. I floundered with my freedom, feeling off-balance at first. I dreamed of the belt, of the chains, of the complete lack of power, scaring myself with how much I wanted all that back. Because those things were part of the hell we'd lived through and left behind.

But in escaping hell, we'd lost the fire. Vince treated me like—well, like a woman he respected but didn't know well. Which made sense in a way. He didn't know the person I'd been before. But I wasn't her anymore.

He knew

"Go to the end of the balcony." Vince slid my hair over one shoulder and kissed my nape. "Wait for me."

My insides melted as I obeyed. I stood in front of the railing, waiting for Vince to join me, trembling with anticipation. When he didn't, I pursed my lips and looked back at him.

Standing right behind me, his eyes darkened with displeasure. "Eyes straight ahead."

I stared straight ahead. At the ice jutting from black water, at the rippling reflection of the moon. At the red and green curtains of light streaking the night sky.

My lips parted as I took in the sight and suddenly understood why the phenomenon had been named after a goddess. And why ancient cultures had seen spirits dancing in the iridescent glow draped over the heavens. The facts about what created Aurora Borealis didn't matter now. Now I could believe in the divine, in fantasy, in . . . more.

Vince's lips brushed my earlobe. "We may run forever, but it's what we were born to do. We've always run unless something held us back. There's nothing holding us anymore."

"But what about Lydia? What about—?"

"She has Daederich and Elah. They won't stop until they find her. Alrik has us, and we have each other." He kissed down the length of my throat. "I want to show him it's okay to enjoy life despite what's happened. Which won't happen if we can't."

This I knew. This is what I'd told Daederich when he'd let his anger sharpen his tone and change his demeanor. It was part of why he'd left. He couldn't move on without Lydia. But he didn't want that for Alrik.

And neither did I. So I shut out the beauty for a second, whispered a prayer for Lydia and her men, and said goodbye. When I opened my eyes again, the colors painted across the sky had changed. The green had faded, and blue rimmed the red.

"That's rare." I jutted my chin up. "The green and red are pretty common, but the blue—"

"I thought you'd enjoy the view." Vince took me by the hips and spun me around to face him. "Do you still trust me?"

"You know I do."

"Good." He unclipped my cuffs, brought my wrists between us, and then clipped them together again. "Put your arms around my neck."

I hooked my arms around his neck and then let out a little scream as he lifted me up to sit on the railing.

His eye twinkled with amusement. "You're not scared of heights, are you?"

"I wasn't!"

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