College Lesbian Bondage

Read College Lesbian Bondage Online

Authors: Aster Zhen

Tags: #first-time sex, #mild BDSM, #strap-on sex, #lesbians, #FF, #light bondage, #oral

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College Lesbian Bondage

My First Lesbian Fuck

By Aster Zhen

Copyright 2012 by Aster Zhen

Table of Contents


College Lesbian Bondage

Bonus Content

About the Author



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This ebook was previously published under the title "My First Lesbian Fuck".

College Lesbian Bondage © 2012 by Aster Zhen.

College Lesbian Bondage

I suppressed a yawn with one hand, doodling in my notebook with the other. My watch read 3:55pm—almost time for the lecture to be over. Thank God.

“Now, implicit association tests can tell us how people really feel about a subject. It’s been used on topics such as racism, drug addiction and homophobia.” Ms Fielding paused and looked around the room. It was a big class, so I didn’t feel the need to feign interest.

“Each of you will devise your own implicit association tests in pairs. I want your proposals by next Tuesday, then you’ll have another month to run the experiment and submit a report. Pairs have been randomly selected.”

Chorus of groans around the room. I glanced at Jen, my usual lab partner, and she rolled her eyes and shrugged. Hopefully I wouldn’t get a deadbeat.

“The list of partners is posted up by the door. If your partner is ill or away, let me know so you aren’t disadvantaged. Otherwise, the list is final. That’s all for today.”

Everyone scrambled to see who they’d scored as a partner. I lingered in my seat, packing up my pens and books. Jen had run ahead of me, and she turned and gave me the thumbs-down sign. I mouthed “oh well,” smiling sympathetically.

Poor Jen, she was probably stuck with a total weirdo goth chick. Some of those people needed to see a real psychologist. I swear, this one girl had gone so totally emo on her arms that you couldn’t see any skin that wasn’t just scar tissue. It was fucking gross.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder, and I turned around.

“Hi. I’m your partner,” she smiled.

I recognized her from my tutorials. Tiny, Asian, glasses. Kind of cute in that foreign-exchange-student sort of way. “Alice, right?” I hazarded, taking her hand. Her grip was deceptively strong, and I winced.

“That’s right.”

I released her hand before she mangled mine. “Look, why don’t I leave you my email and we can work out a time to meet later—”

She beamed up at me. “Actually, I’ve already mocked out a proposal. Are you free this afternoon? I thought we should get it out of the way.”

I blinked. Talk about eager. “Um... yeah sure, whatever.”

“Great, let’s go now,” she said, leading the way.

I trailed after her, feeling slightly put out. Then I smiled. Did it matter if she’d already done most of the work? Hopefully it was a good topic and not something lame like whether people preferred fat chicks or whatever.

“You’re not on campus?” I asked, as she walked to the parking lot.

“Oh no. I’m only ten minutes away, though.” She tossed her bags in the boot of her car, and held out a hand for mine as well. I handed them over, feeling dumb for hesitating.

“Will there be a bus coming back? I just don’t want to put you out—”

“Don’t be silly, I’ll drop you off.”

I climbed into the passenger’s seat. “So what’s this proposal you drew up, and how come you already had one before today?”

She started the engine and pulled out of the car park. “It’s mostly ready, but I’d like to run a pilot first. I talked to some of the third years and apparently this is what they did last year, so there was a good chance it’d come up again.”

I laughed. “You’re super organized!”

“I like to be on top of things,” she smiled, glancing at me over her glasses. She was actually really pretty. No, scratch that, she was

I turned beet red and stared out the window. “Well, I’m so glad I get to work with you. I’m always doing things at the last minute.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you won’t let me down.” We pulled into her garage, and her hand reached for the brake. Just as she was doing so, I went to unbuckle my seat belt and our fingers touched. I drew back immediately and blushed, but she seemed not to notice.

I grabbed my bag from the boot, mindful of where her hands were, and we walked into the house. “Wow, this place is huge,” I said, my eyes widening. “Do you live here yourself?”

“Pretty much.” She stepped out of her shoes, and I quickly followed suit. “Would you like anything to drink?”

“Sure.” I headed after her into the kitchen, resisting the urge to run my fingers over her counter tops. Everything was sickeningly, perfectly neat, as though she lived in a display home. “I think this is the cleanest house I’ve ever seen.”

She passed me a glass of juice. Ice clinked inside it. “I get amazing service.”


She nodded. “You wouldn’t believe the things that people are willing to do once you’ve worked them over for a few hours in a dungeon,” she said, completely deadpan.

I practically snorted out my juice. “You’re funny.”

She didn’t deign to reply.

We sipped in silence as I looked around her living room, trying to think of something to say. I didn’t know much about her except for her name. We only shared one class together, which meant she probably wasn’t majoring in psychology. Oh, wait. Maybe that was something we could safely talk about. “What’s your major?” I asked.

“Business. I plan to start up my own firm.”

“Doing what?”

She shrugged. “Nothing too interesting,” she hedged. “So, how are you liking the class? I only took it for the muff.”

I blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Arts, sociology, women’s studies all have their share of carpet munchers,” Alice explained patiently. “But I didn’t have any of the right points for those subjects so I took psych. It’s worked out pretty well.”

I felt myself blushing again and I glanced away, willing my face to cool down. Oh, God. Not an emo but a crazy dyke. Well, it could’ve been worse.

“Are you done? We’d best get started,” Alice said, grabbing her books off the counter. “You can put the glasses away.”

I looked over. She’d left hers by the sink, empty. I gulped down the rest of my juice and stuck both of them in her dishwasher. Wasn’t it the host’s job to clean up?
Maybe she’s just a bit awkward
, I thought to myself. It would explain a lot.

I glanced up to find her waiting for me, an impatient look on her face. “Come on, then,” she said, gesturing with her free hand. I grabbed my bags and followed her upstairs.

I was expecting hordes of Hello Kitty or something, but her bedroom was modern, almost austere. She went to her desk and turned on her laptop, gesturing for me to sit. There were no other chairs, so I sat on the bed.

“I coded the IAT already,” she said. It took me a minute to remember that IAT stood for implicit association test. “The stimuli are all in place. Did you want to have a try?” she asked, gesturing to the program on her screen.

“Aren’t we supposed to be running the experiment, not taking it?”

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but you’ve got to test that it works first.”

Somehow I had a feeling that she knew it ran perfectly, but I shrugged and went over anyway. We swapped seats and I scrolled through the instructions, then came to the first test screen. It showed a cutaway of an erect penis. “Oh, eww! What are you testing? This is never going to get through ethics review!”

Alice shrugged. “There’ll be a disclaimer that people will sign,” she explained. “Maybe you could write it.”

I grimaced. “Warning, disturbing sexual content?”

She looked strangely at me. “Do you find men disturbing?”

I glanced away, my cheeks warm again. Damn, she’d totally set me up for that. I looked at the screen and tried to concentrate. Every photo was of something pornographic; tits both natural and fake, asses, pussies, dicks in various states of arousal. I felt myself blushing. It was soon obvious what the test was supposed to divine, since I had to match either men or women to keywords like “sexy”, “gorgeous” or “ugly”, “tragic”. No way I was going to attach my name to a project like this and hand it in. I could just imagine Ms Fielding’s face when she looked over our sample test.

“I’m done,” I said, pushing away from the computer. I wasn’t sure how to tell Alice that I wanted a new lab partner.

“You almost had too many errors,” Alice complained, pushing her glasses up as she stared at the screen. “I removed the first few results since they were outliers and you weren’t really paying attention. Anyway, that’s my hypothesis confirmed.”

“Look Alice, maybe we should—” I paused. “Wait. What hypothesis?”

She stared at me, then burst out laughing. “Did you really think that this was our real project?” she asked, waving at the folder containing her pornographic pics. “Please. I thought we’d do a study on alcohol addiction. Safe and easy.”

“But why did you—why bother—” I stammered. She gazed at me from behind her glasses, and I could see my reflection, the stricken look on my face. I lunged for the mouse. “Let me see those results!”

She made room for me on the chair. “Be my guest.”

I looked at the numbers. Several people were listed in her database, some of them names that I recognized from college. Compared to the others, my results were within normal range, though I’d shown a slight unconscious preference for women in the test. I breathed a sigh of relief. “See? That’s just normal. Of course everyone thinks women are prettier than men—the media, advertizing—”

“If I’d wanted to show you a pretty face, then I’d have shown you a pretty face, not cunts and tits. Those other women on the list are all flaming homos,” Alice said, her tone making it a compliment rather than a slur. “So what are you?”

I met her gaze. Squashed on the same chair, we were uncomfortably close. I was aware of the heat of her thigh through my jeans, her hand resting on my knee. “Why do you care?” I shot back at her.

“Because you’re denying yourself.”

I scowled. “I’m not denying anything—mphf!”

She grabbed me by the back of the head, pulling me down for a kiss. I was a full head taller than her so it was slightly awkward, but she didn’t seem to care. Her lips were incredibly soft, and I found myself giving in, greedily wanting more.

She broke off and pulled back, leaving me dry. I put my hand to my mouth as if to wipe away her taste.

“Was that your first?” she asked. Her fingers trailed over my thigh.

God, I was so embarrassed. I’d had boyfriends before but they’d never lasted very long. The latest one had wanted a threesome with my best friend, Debra, but I’d laughingly turned him down. He’d ended up with Debbie anyway. Was that what I’d feared? Or had it been the thought of wanting her more than I’d wanted him?

Alice stood up and took me by the hand. “Come on,” she said, and I blindly followed her to the bed. We both sat down.

“I’m not sure if—”

“You can stop at any time, just say so,” she said, and leaned in for another kiss. This time I was allowed to kiss her as much as I wanted to (and oh, how I wanted to!) Her perfume smelled woody and dark, with a musky undertone. It was both different and exactly the same as any other kiss.

I broke for air and laughed, incredulous at what I’d just done. She curled her fingers in my hair and kissed my neck, working her way down to my collarbone. I groaned. She pressed against me, her breasts brushing against my own. I groped through her shirt, feeling the wire edge of her bra. Damn.

“Would you like to touch them?” she asked, grinning.

I nodded, afraid to speak, afraid that I would somehow fuck this up. I had no idea what I was doing. I mean—shit.

Alice pulled her sweater over her head. She had gorgeous, perky breasts, just big enough to fit in my hands.

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