Come Back To Me (5 page)

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Authors: C.D. Taylor

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #love, #suspense, #passion

BOOK: Come Back To Me
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He knew she would be a great catch for
someone one day, but it didn’t look like this tool was “the one”
for her.

Deciding he was too hyper to sleep now,
Jake booted up his laptop and pulled up a search engine. He wanted
to see what happened to cause the breakup, he felt nosy, but really
wanted to know.

There were several gossip
sites that told of cheating, drug abuse, and animal cruelty. They
all seemed far-fetched and just another part of a rumor mill. If
Jake knew anything as a lawyer, he knew for sure not to trust a
rumor. He typed in
Michael Parker
and clicked the mouse pad. The best information he
could find was that Michael was a star in some low budget films,
commercials, and a soap opera, Jake was less than impressed. This
guy looked like a douche, and probably was if he was a betting

Jake then typed in
Emily Mills.

There were several pictures of her that
popped on the screen, the last as stunning as the first. Most of
them she was in some sort of designer gown gracing the red carpet.
As he scrolled through the photos his cock began to come alive. Why
was his body responding to pictures of her like that? He never
thought of her in a full blown sexual capacity, but now something
was different. His body was betraying his common sense at the

Jake shifted his growing member, and
the focus of his search. He put in her family name and hit enter.
There was a ton of information on the web, and he sifted through
some of it for a while.

Her parents owned a production company
in Hollywood, Jake knew this, they came from old money, and her
great grandfather had started the business. Jake scrolled further
down the page and began to read a small article about Emily

Miss Mills is the co-founder
of the Abused Women’s Outreach in Los Angeles. She started the
outreach to help women cope, and be able to regain a normal life
after the horrific events of domestic abuse. Miss Mills works
diligently on this project and says it is a cause very close to her
heart. There will be a benefit and fundraiser on October
the Plaza Hotel in New York City. Miss Mills will be honored
for her dedication and work for this worthy cause.
The event is invitation only.

After reading the information, Jake
panged with excitement, he needed to procure an invite to this
event. But where to start?

Jake knew that his best chance at
snagging an invitation would be his friend Gabe. Gabe Ellingsworth
was the son of Charles and Linda Ellingsworth of Manhattan, they
owned tons of real estate and made their fortune from selling and
buying properties. These people had more money than sense, but Gabe
could surely help him out. They were always attending some sort of
charity function, so he figured he’d have a good “in”.

Jake picked up his phone and dialed
Gabe’s number.

“This is Gabe, talk to me.”

“Hey man, its Jake, how the hell are

“Hey Jake you bastard, what’s going

“Not much, just wanted to see if I
could call in a favor?”

“Depends on what sort of favor, you
know I love ya man, but if it’s sexual, I’m out.” Gabe

“Would you quit being such a pain in
the ass, it’s not sexual, but it’s a pretty hefty

“Alright, lay it on me.”

Jake started in on his
explanation. “There is a fundraiser at the Plaza on the
, I
need an invite.”

“Let me guess, there is a hot piece of
ass you’re chasing and she will be there? Am I right?”

“Uh wrong. Look I’ll explain it later,
can you get me in?”

“Sure thing, consider it done. I’ll
bring an invite to your office Monday morning. I sure could use an
eye full of that sexy as fuck secretary of yours.”

“Alright thanks man, I appreciate it.
And stay away from Eliza, she’s a good girl, she doesn’t need a
playboy like you corrupting her.”

“Yeah, Yeah whatever.”

Jake hung up the phone, he would get to
see Emily in a week, and his heart began to beat faster. The images
of her flashed across his mind again and he felt the corners of his
mouth turn up into a wide smile.

He made his way to his bedroom; he
couldn’t help but feel like he was floating on air. More like cloud
nine. The anticipation of waiting a week to see her would damn near
kill him, but in the end it would be so worth it.


After stuffing my face full of New York
style pizza, I decided it was time to bite the bullet and call my
Mother, ugh I dreaded the call. At times I would have rather put my
head in a blender set to frappe then talk to her.

I fished my phone from the depths of my
purse, scrolled through the speed dial numbers and hit send. My
nerves were already shot just listening to it ring on her

“Hello darling! I’ve been so worried
about you; I tried to call you several times, what is going

“Yeah hi Mom.” I said

“Oh Emily you sound like something is
wrong, what is it?”

Sure she acted like she was worried
about me, but as usual she could have garnered an Academy Award for
her performances in life. She could fool everyone but

“I’m fine Mom, just trying to get all
settled in.”

“Well darling I hope you love your new
apartment, the decorator emailed me the photographs of the place
and I do believe it’s stunning.”

“It’s great Mom thanks.”

“Well you could sound a little more
grateful Emily.”

“I’m grateful, really I am, and I’m
just tired.”

No matter what excuse I used she would
try to make me out to be an ungrateful wretch, she couldn’t fathom
the thought that I might truly be exhausted. I thanked my lucky
stars that I only had to speak to her on the phone now; being in
person with her was like stepping on a land mine. I never knew when
she would explode, and when she did, I was the one covered in
emotional shrapnel.

“Mom really I’m fine, I’m tired and
need to get some sleep. I just thought I’d call and let you know I
made it here safely.”

“Okay dear, well, please
don’t forget about the benefit on the 19
, there should be some
acceptable gowns in your closet.”

“Yeah okay, I won’t forget.

I hung up and felt finally able to
breathe. The woman was incredulous; she sucked the air from my
lungs like being in space without a proper suit.

I was glad however that she reminded me
of the benefit, among the overwhelming amount of things on my
plate, that one managed to slip my mind.

I helped start the organization a few
years back after one of my closest friends was murdered by her
spouse during a domestic dispute. I wanted to raise awareness and
to my surprise there were so many people willing to help the cause.
When the incident with Michael happened, my motivation became
personal; the compelling drive to do something consumed me. Being
in the situation first hand changed my perspective on everything,
and I had to step up the efforts to make it all work.

After the eventful day I had, I opted
for a hot soak in the opulent bathroom, I lit some candles to help
me relax, and found some scented bath oil to calm my nerves. I let
my clothes drop to the cold tile floor, and slipped my weary body
under the welcoming scent of jasmine and lavender. I let out a sigh
of contentment, and closed my eyes. The steaming soak washed away
all the worries I had, and then my thoughts drifted back to the
sexy figure I noticed while out gathering my dinner.

It would have been so lovely to have
someone like him in that bathtub with me, sitting behind me,
pulling me into his hard chest, and pressing his impressive length
against my ass. The images made my pussy burn with anticipation, I
needed release.

I slowly reached my hand under the
water, and found my already swollen clit; I began to tenderly rub
it. As the visions stirred my brain, my fingers picked up the pace,
and pushed two of my fingers inside myself. I thought of the
“mystery man” pinning me down, and fucking me into next year. I
felt my pulse quicken, my toes tingle, and the water around me
became a sea of sloshing and churning madness. It all built up
inside of me so fast that I barely had time to breathe when my
climax ripped its way through my sex. My head fell back, and my
legs stiffened like two stone statues. Everything pulsed, and
contracted for what seemed like an eternity. Finally it subsided,
and I was able to catch my breath, but it was still

I hadn’t had actual sex in over eight
months, and was usually to damn busy to indulge in self-pleasure.
The times I did masturbate, it took forever, and I often gave up, I
was just too busy to indulge in masturbation. The times I did
masturbate, it took forever, and I often gave up on the act. My
poor vibrator felt as neglected as I did.

Just the images of that man had me so
fucking excited, and it literally set a record for me. What the
hell was it about him that made my blood on fire, and my body
become a traitorous bitch?

After my muscles ceased quaking, I
stood from the tub, wrapped a silk robe around my sensitive body,
and walked back to the bedroom. I threw back the duvet, and slipped
myself under the Egyptian cotton sheets. They embraced me like a
long lost lover, and before long I drifted into a dark

My alarm woke me at eight a.m. on
Saturday morning, and I felt very well rested. It was unusual for
me to sleep that well in a new place, but I figured my massive
climax right before sleeping helped with the exhaustion

I lay there for a while contemplating
my plans for the day, I needed to unpack my luggage, but also knew
my Mother would be badgering me about picking up my jewelry for the
benefit. I had already received four emails from her starting at
six a.m. and I knew she would be calling soon if I didn’t respond.
I opened the email account on my phone and sent a quick


I will be sure and pick up
the jewelry today, no worries. Let me know where to find


There was a reply shortly:


Your jewelry will be
waiting at Cartier, ask for Franco, he will know what you need.
Have fun.


I pulled my body from the bed and went
to the kitchen; I needed caffeine and tons of it. If they ever
found a way to introduce coffee intravenously, I would have gladly
signed up for the clinical trials. It was my drug of choice, and
kept me alive for most of hectic days of my life. Once the coffee
started brewing, I traipsed back to the bedroom, opened the closet
and tried not to cringe again.

None of those clothes were really me,
but my duds were still packed away in my luggage, so I figured it
wouldn’t hurt to try some of them on for size. I found a knee
length skirt that was covered in a green and lavender floral print;
I coupled it with a matching cami. I grabbed a pair of nude
platform pumps that had a gold buckle on the toe and shook my head.
My Mother expected me to look like the Real Housewives of NYC, just

I threw my long locks into a haphazard
bun, brushed on some mascara, and leveled on cherry lip gloss.
“That outta do it.” I shrugged.

By the time I reached the kitchen the
coffee was ready; I poured some in a handled travel cup, and set
out for the day. When I made it to the lobby, Harold was standing
his post at the door. He smiled to me. “Good morning Miss Emily, I
trust you had a good first night?”

“Yes I did, thank you.”

I stepped through the glass doors, and
the crisp air that hit my face was perfect the leaves were falling,
and it made me thankful that this was my all-time favorite season.
The sun was still rather warm, but the slight chill hitting my arms
made goose bumps form.

As I walked through the streets, I was
surprised at the amount of small shops littering the way. There
were bookstores, shops with bath and body products, and small
coffee shops. I put them all in my mental binder and planned to
visit them eventually. My phone beeped telling me I had a waiting
text. I turned it over to reveal the sender was my

Don’t forget to pick up
your jewelry!

I didn’t send a message back, I knew I
needed to pick it up, but texting her back would have been an
invitation to piss me off again. Not happening. I instead, hailed a

I sat quietly in the back of the car,
and wondered what sort of monstrosity of jewelry she had waiting on
me. She had a major obsession with diamonds, owned one of nearly
every color and size, and flaunted them around frequently. I
imagined she probably had a life size disco ball for my neck and
matching ones for my ears. This was not something worth looking
forward to in my book. I loved my cheap costume jewelry, if I lost
it, no big deal. Losing diamonds was like losing the City of

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