Come Fill Me (The Prophecy) (21 page)

BOOK: Come Fill Me (The Prophecy)
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Liz’s mouth moved, but she wasn’t able to vocalize except for a contented moan.

“Like that?” he asked.

What a dumb question. She sagged onto his chest, fully onboard for him to do whatever he wanted with her.

Jacob chuckled with the ease of a man who’s finally cocksure. “Guess you do.” With that, he stopped rubbing her nub.

Liz figured his demands would come next—him ordering her to do all the work, offering vague promises to rock her world when he felt like it. Screw that. She was several steps ahead of him, snuggling closer, lowering her hand to her cunt to take care of business.

“Uh-uh.” Jacob grabbed her wrists with one hand, not letting Liz bring herself to orgasm. “You do what I say.”

“Then say something, dammit. Don’t make me wait for relief.”

He laughed.

The sound filled the room, deeper, richer than any she’d heard from him. Liz had to smile. At last, Jacob was his own man, not thinking about Zeke, only how she and he were enjoying each other.

Lifting his free hand, he licked the tip of his forefinger and ran it around her nipple.

Her areola puckered. Turning into him as much as she could, Liz breathed, “My cunt’s wet too. You should check it out. Use what’s down there instead of your spit.”

Jacob’s laughter bumped his chest into her back. “Yeah, I could. Bet you’d like that, huh?”

“My clit’s just as wet as my cunt and my mouth. Go on, touch it. See for yourself.”

He did not, moistening his fingertips with saliva, rubbing it over her nipples. They were so sensitive and erect Liz thought it might be possible for her to come this way. Hell, she was willing to give it a shot.

Jacob had other thoughts. He brushed her hair aside, kissed the ticklish area just beneath her ear, let her moan for a bit, then released her wrists and pushed up. With one hand on the side of her waist and his other poised over her clit, he waited for her to pump her body up and down his cock.

Liz wasn’t about to deny him. She cupped his knees as she had earlier, pressing down on them as she lifted herself until only his crown remained inside her sheath. Jacob responded with one stroke on her clit.

She wanted more, sliding her body back down his cock, then pulling up again, repeating the process only when he remembered to masturbate her. Soon, they worked as a team, coaxing their climaxes closer even as they struggled to resist, not wanting the end to arrive quickly.

It did, as impossible to stop as the person one falls in love with. The risks one’s willing to take to keep that individual free from harm.

Swells of pleasure washed over Liz, her body shivering with the glorious release, the same as Jacob’s. While he continued gasping and groaning, she slumped over his leg, needing to lie down.

He made a noise of protest as her foot kicked his shin and his cock slipped out of her.

“Sorry,” she panted, then swallowed and continued. “Give me a minute, and I’ll stuff you back inside.”

Listlessly, he patted her ass as though to say

Fighting giggles, she rolled away from him, facing the door. The bed frame stopped squeaking, allowing other sounds to emerge. Liz heard the slap of feet continuing down the hall, moving closer to this room. Not Kele. These noises came from someone taller, heavier. Definitely a man.

Holding her breath, she watched the knob turn. The wood made a brief cracking sound, the hinges squealing as the door swung open.

Zeke stepped inside.

Liz smiled softly, not attempting to disguise her adoration. Before she left him forever, and she would, Liz wanted him to know that he’d restored her dignity and claimed her soul. She offered him her hand.

He made no move to take it. His attention remained on Jacob, naked, content, conked out from his orgasm. Zeke’s expression darkened, his irritation and jealousy evident.

Before he woke his brother and said something he’d live to regret, Liz murmured, “Come fill me.”
We have so little time before I leave.

Her entreaty filtered through Zeke’s anger; she saw it on his face. Something within him shifted as he regarded her, as though he finally realized she’d been waiting for him, only him, all of her life. And that her deepest love would never go to another man.

“Please,” she whispered.

He yanked off his tee, dropping it at his feet. His jeans and briefs followed. He was fully erect and feeling no shame or hesitation.

Liz stopped him before he climbed on the bed, her hand on his torso, just below the area she’d clawed days earlier. Scabs covered the scratches, the edges no longer puffy and red. He hadn’t put peroxide on them as she’d suggested, nor had he allowed her to heal them when she’d finally offered.

“Why not?” she’d asked.

He’d nibbled her bottom lip, then whispered, “I want them to be a reminder of how you once fought me. That is, before I tamed you.”

The man had certainly done that and so much more. Liz leaned down to reach his cock, her mouth and tongue worshipping it.

Zeke heaved in a breath.

Jacob jerked with the sound, then scooted closer, winding his arm around her waist to bring Liz back to him.

“Stop it,” she ordered, hoping to keep Zeke from saying anything hurtful or bad. “Go back to sleep. Rest.”

“I don’t need to,” he complained.

“Your brother wants you to and so do I.”

“You haven’t a clue what I want,” Zeke growled at her. “But you will.” He grabbed her upper arms, pulling Liz off the bed.

Her mouth fell open at his lips on her throat, his hands on her ass, pushing her cunt into his cock. On instinct, she wreathed her arms across his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his hips as he lifted her up and into him.

The bedsprings squeaked. She pictured Jacob sitting up, prepared to join them in spite of his exhaustion.

Zeke didn’t give his brother the chance. Holding tight, he carried Liz to the wall. Her shoulders and ass pressed against its uneven surface. However, it didn’t scrape her skin as she might have expected. Nor was it warm to the touch from the inner light. It was simply a means for Zeke to keep her his prisoner, his body blocking hers from his brother.

Liz didn’t look to see what Jacob was doing, how he felt. These few moments belonged to her and Zeke.

She pressed her fingertips into his strong back and sucked his shoulder, savoring the cleanliness of his skin, drowning in his male scent and unquenchable need of her.

There was no stopping Zeke Neekoma now. He entered her in one savage thrust, filling Liz so completely their bodies made a sharp smacking sound upon contact. The noise didn’t cause him to mellow. His actions remained primal, a male animal claiming a female as he willed, leaving his mark on her to warn away all other takers.

Liz gasped as Zeke pulled back, then penetrated her repeatedly. She sensed Jacob watching, wanting to do the same with her.

Not today. Not ever again. That truth was in Zeke’s hold on her. The way he captured her mouth, thrusting his tongue inside, not allowing her anything except a meek whimper. The sound a woman makes when she’s been dominated by a man…her man.

What a lovely ring that had to it. During this act, Liz allowed herself to rejoice in the thought. She would’ve been crazy to do otherwise. Zeke was magnificent. Honorable. Tender. Hot as hell. Strong. His endurance far greater than Jacob’s, his stubborn determination keeping her from orgasm.

He slowed his thrusts, then quickened them, only to slow once more. He used her as no other man had, his mastery laced with warmth and devotion Liz couldn’t have resisted if she’d tried.

She never wanted this to end.

Her body said otherwise, her cunt tightening around his cock, causing even more friction between them, coaxing her closer to orgasm. The same as Zeke stroking her nub. Somehow, he’d managed to slip his free hand between their bodies.

Aw shit, she couldn’t stand it. She smacked his shoulder, then pounded it with her fist to get him to stop.

He rubbed faster, harder, his actions telling her he commanded and she obeyed.

No, no, no, damn.
She broke. With her hands fisted in his hair, she cried out her release, every part of her shuddering from its power.

Zeke continued for what seemed like minutes, pounding, thrusting, manipulating her clit.

Perspiration coated his shoulders. It dripped from his jawline and ran down the hollow between her breasts.

“Mine,” he whispered, then thrust again and spoke through his teeth.

She licked his shoulder and whispered in return, “Yes, yours. Only yours.” Always. Even after she left here and killed Carreon, bringing about her own death in the process.

Assured, Zeke behaved with a bit more tenderness, nuzzling her neck, stroking her back. His gentle attention didn’t last. Liz was glad. She didn’t want it to. She wanted him to fuck her raw.

His carnal hunger returned, more unruly than it had been. With his renewed thrusts, her shoulders and ass smacked into the wall. His balls tapped her ass. She dug her nails into him. He tightened his hold. Then, on an unrefined bellow, he finally came, the noise filling the room.

Drowning out all other sounds, all other considerations.

He held on to her, saying without words that she was his now.

Liz caressed him in return, running her fingertips over his moist skin, warning herself that their time was coming to an end.

Chapter Ten

Throughout the night, Zeke held on to Liz, his body blocking her from Jacob, his arm resting on her waist, his leg draped across both of hers.


Not his brother’s. Not Carreon’s. Not any other man’s. His. Zeke wouldn’t share her. He wasn’t going to bring her back either.

The men he led had argued against his plan, saying it was foolish, crazy, suicidal.

“You need to leave her to her own people,” Ike had said earlier. He was the same age as Zeke. They’d played together as kids and as men had vowed to bring Carreon down. “What you want to do might not work.”

“Hell, it won’t work,” another of his friends said. “It’s too much of a risk.”

Zeke knew that, but it didn’t matter. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have asked for your help. I’ll do this alone.”

“No.” Ike grabbed Zeke’s wrist, stopping him from leaving the meeting area. “You’ll never survive.”

If he lost Liz, that was a foregone conclusion. Zeke pulled his arm back, freeing himself. His other friends stood in his way, not allowing him to leave, trying to talk some sense into him.

As they did, Zeke finally realized Jacob had slipped away to return here.

The memory of what Zeke had seen upon his arrival—Liz flushed with arousal, his brother spent from having mounted her—still rankled.

Lucky for Jacob, he was being very still and quiet now. Why?

Making certain not to wake Liz, Zeke pushed up and glanced over. No Jacob. Zeke listened, expecting to catch sounds coming from the bath…his brother taking a shower or using the toilet.

If anything, it was too damned quiet. Had Jacob left? When? Not to mention, why? Because he knew he’d never have another chance to be with Liz?

Hoping for that, Zeke sagged back down. The mattress wiggled a bit, though not enough to cause the springs to make any noise. His belly, on the other hand… The damn thing growled, the sound long and intrusive, telling Zeke it had to be well past morning, possibly lunch. No doubt the reason Jacob had left. He’d gotten hungry and was in the dining area eating.

It wasn’t the best place for Zeke to have a talk with his little brother. Nevertheless, he didn’t want to put off the inevitable any longer.

He lifted his arm and leg from Liz, pausing to see if she’d awaken and ask him a bunch of questions he didn’t feel like answering.

Not that, please.

She remained on her side, one hand beneath her cheek, her hair fanned across her shoulder, the ends caressing her throat as she slept.

Smiling, Zeke had to restrain himself from brushing back her thick, fragrant mane, nuzzling her neck, smelling, touching, loving her. He’d do that later. All of today. Tonight. Every tomorrow they had.

He was going to give them a future at each other’s side. He’d make it happen even without the help of his men. First, though, he had to see to Jacob.

Zeke left the bed and pulled on his jeans. With one last glimpse at Liz, he headed into the hall.

At the end of it, Jacob stopped, an apple to his mouth, his bite halted at seeing his older brother.

Jacob’s expression reminded Zeke of when they were boys and he’d caught him doing something he shouldn’t. Like rifling through their parents’ drawers to see what treasures he’d find. Borrowing Zeke’s stuff and using it as though it were his own. They’d fought over just about everything. Not once did it diminish their bond.

Love, the enduring kind one has for a sibling, welled in Zeke now. He’d die for Jacob without a moment’s consideration or hesitation. That hadn’t changed.

He wouldn’t share Liz, though. Her presence here, her feelings for him and only him weren’t negotiable.

BOOK: Come Fill Me (The Prophecy)
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