Maher, Lawrence, 3971, Pte., d. of w. Mahon, John, 10707, Pte., k. in a. Mahoney, James, 4786, Pte., d. of w. Mahoney, John M., 5455, Pte., d. of w. Mahoney, John, 11092, Pte., k. in a. Mahoney, Timothy, 5883, Pte., k. in a. Malone, Edward, 10080, Pte., d. of w. Mann, Joseph, 2763, Pte., d. of w. Mansfield, Joseph, 2845, Pte., D.C.M., k. in a. Marley, John, 19763, Pte., k. in a. Marnell, Walter, 6414, Pte., d. of w. Martin, Christopher, 11782, Pte., k. in a. Martin, Michael, 6314, Pte., k. in a. Martin, William, 2632, Pte., d. Mason, James, 4489, Pte., k. in a. Massey, John J., 4202, Pte., d. of w. Masterson, Andrew, 4306, Pte., k. in a. Masterson, Michael, 5597, Pte., k. in a. Mathews, Roger, 4160, L.-Sgt., k. in a. Matthews, Edmund C., 12865, Cpl., M.M., k. in a. Matthews, Edward, 9627, L.-Cpl., d. of w. Matthews, Henry, 6392, Pte., k. in a. Meagher, John, 3243, Pte., k. in a. Meehan, Hugh, 3251, Pte., k. in a. Meehan, Lawrence, 5021, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Meehan, Peter, 2841, Pte., d. of w. Merrick, William, 10111, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Mescal, Mark S., 11452, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Mills, Alexander, 1994, Pte., k. in a. Mills, John, 11398, Pte., k. in a. Minihane, William. 8816, Pte., k. in a. Mitchell, Michael, 6297, Pte., k. in a. Mitchell, Reginald E., 12439, Pte., k. in a. Moffatt, Thomas, 5185, Pte., k. in a. Molloy, Arthur B., 3525, Pte., k. in a. Molloy, Denis, 1604, Pte., k. in a. Molloy, Robert, 1545, Pte., k. in a. Montague, John, 5465, Pte., k. in a. Montgomery, Irvine, 10344, Pte., k. in a. Moody, William T., 12921, Pte., k. in a. Mooney, John, 7391, Pte., k. in a. Mooney, Peter, 4129, Pte., k. in a. Moore, William, 4015, Pte., d. of w. Moore, William, 9701, Pte., k. in a. Moran, John, 3498, Pte., k. in a. Moran, Michael, 1934, Pte., k. in a. Moran, Michael, 3632, C.S.M., D.C.M., d. of w. Moran, Patrick, 1991, Pte., k. in a. Moran, Patrick, 11560, Pte., k. in a. Morgan, John, 1276, Pte., k. in a. Morgan, John, 3622, Pte., k. in a. Morgan, Thomas H., 11096, Pte., k. in a. Morley, John, 9581, Pte., k. in a. Moroney, Martin, 11600, Pte., k. in a. Morris, John, M., 12716, Pte., d. of w. Morrissey, James, 10438, Pte., d. Mulgrew, James, 5245, Pte., d. Mullaney, James, 4788, Pte., k. in a. Mullen, Charles, 9420, Pte., k. in a. Mullholland, William P., 2280, Pte., k. in a. Mulqueen, Jack, 8565, Pte., k. in a. Mulvihill, William, 11916, Pte., d. of w. Munns, Arthur, 552, C.S.I.M., D.C.M., k. in a. Murphy, Andrew, 11440, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, Bernard, 10105, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, Daniel, 12287, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, James, 5199, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Murphy, James, 5666, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, Jeremiah, 8957, Pte., d. of w. Murphy, John, 4364, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, John, 5233, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, John T., 6036, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, Joseph, 9940, Pte., d. of w. Murphy, Joseph P., 6430, L.-Sgt., k. in a. Murphy, Michael, 6133, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, Michael, 8466, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, Michael J., 10166, Pte., d. of w. Murphy, Michael J., 12005, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, Michael, 12428, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, Myles, 5402, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, Patrick, 4410, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, Richard, 11334, Pte., d. of w. Murphy, Thomas, 6364, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, William, 5142, Pte., k. in a. Murphy, William, 10337, Pte., k. in a. Murray, James, 2924, Pte., k. in a. Murray, Patrick, 7887, Pte., k. in a. Murrin, Patrick, 2247, Pte., k. in a. Murtagh, Patrick, 4356, Pte., d. Murtagh, William, 3291, Pte., k. in a. Murtagh, William, 4411, Pte., k. in a. McAdoo, Samuel, 9462, Pte., d. McAviney, James, 3694, Pte., k. in a. McAviney, Thomas, 5586, Pte., k. in a. McCall, James, 5662, Pte., k. in a. McCann, Bernard, 5051, Pte., d. of w. McCarroll, Francis, 4598, Pte., k. in a. McCarte, Charles, 10526, Pte., d. of w. McCarthy, Charles, 3775, Pte., k. in a. McCarthy, Charles E. M., 2728, Sgt., d. of w. McCarthy, Daniel, 10918, Pte., d. of w. McCarthy, Daniel T., 12089, L.-Cpl., d. of w. MacCarthy, Harry, 4370, Pte., k. in a. McCarthy, James, 4640, Pte., k. in a. McCarthy, James, 11432, Pte., k. in a. McCarthy, Joseph, 4675, Pte., k. in a. McCarthy, Michael, 4670, Pte., k. in a. McClinton, Samuel, 4381, Pte., d. of w. McClory, John, 5155, Pte., k. in a. McCloskey, James J., 6167, Pte., k. in a. McCluskey, Joseph, 1959, Pte., k. in a. McCluskey, Thomas, 4031, Pte., k. in a. McColgan, Robert, 2437, Pte., k. in a. McConaty, Patrick, 3173, Pte., k. in a. McConnell, Charles, 3428, Pte., k. in a. McConnell, Philip, 507, L.-Cpl., k. in a. McConnell, Walter, 6343, L.-Cpl., M.M., d. of w. McConniff, Terence, 11972, Pte., k. in a. McConnon, Matthew J., 5162, Pte., k. in a. McCormac, Thomas, 8125, Pte., k. in a. McCormack, Joseph, 4094, Pte., d. of w. McCormack, Robert, 10692, Pte., k. in a. McCrory, Thomas, 5927, Pte., d. of w. McCue, Patrick, 10991, Pte., k. in a. McDermott, Robert, 4429, L.-Cpl., k. in a. McDevitt, Patrick, 10018, Pte., d. of w. McDonagh, James, 10706, L.-Cpl., k. in a. McDonagh, Thomas, 3156, Pte., d. of w. McDonald, Bartholomew, 4093, L.-Cpl., k. in a. McDonnell, John, 3458, Pte., k. in a. McDonnell, Loftus J., 11245, Pte., k. in a. McDonough, John, 3310, Pte., d. of w. McDonough, Patrick, 10975, Pte., d. of w. McDonough, Richard, 3432, Sgt., d. McDonough, Stephen, 7343, L.-Cpl., k. in a. McErlean, James, 10017, Pte., k. in a. McEvoy, Joseph, 9082, Pte., d. of w. McEvoy, Thomas, 3930, L.- Sgt., M.M., d. of w. McFadden, George, 4834, Pte., d. of w.: McGan, Thomas, 3356, Pte., k. in a. McGarrigal, John J., 5672, Pte., k. in a. McGee, James, 11612, Pte., d. of w. McGill, William J., 5246, Pte., d. of w. McGinn, James, 2487, Pte., k. in a. McGonigal, Charles, 4738, Pte., k. in a. McGourty, John, 9377, Pte., k. in a. McGrane, William, 5450, Pte., k. in a. McGrath, Denis, 9560, Pte., k. in a. McGrath, John, 4594, Sgt., d. of w. McGrath, John, 8688, Pte., k. in a. McGrattan, John, 10482, Pte., d. McGuckion, Thomas, 2422, Pte., k. in a. McGuinness, John, 3099, Pte., k. in a. McGuinness, Joseph, 10575, Pte., d. of w. McGuinness, Stephen, 12919, Pte., k. in a. McGuinness, William, 6136, Pte., d. of w. McGuinness, William, 11039, Pte., d. of w. McQuire, Hugh, 5891, Pte., k. in a. McQuirk, Thomas, 3294, Pte., d. McQuirk, Charles, 2873, Pte., k. in a. McHugh, Martin, 5902, Pte., d. of w. McHugh, Richard, 4804, Pte., k. in a. McInerney, 4078, Pte., k. in a. Mclntee, Arthur, 2187, L.-Cpl., k. in a. McIntosh, John, 5289, Pte., k. in a. McIntyre, Alexander, 326, Sgt., d. of w. McKenna, John, 9978, Pte., k. in a. McKenna, Patrick, 3661, Pte., k. in a. McKenna, Peter, 10334, L.-Cpl., d. McKenna, Richard, 1121, Pte., k. in a. McKeon, James, 2459, Pte., k. in a. McKeon, Michael J., 10440, Pte., k. in a. McKeown, Peter, 9098, Pte., k. in a. McKittrick, Peter, 3874, Pte., k. in a. McLean, Henry, 2396, Pte., k. in a. McLester, James, 1533, Pte., k. in a. McLaughlin, Bernard, 4045, L.-Sgt., k. in a. McLaughlin, John, 3331, Pte., k. in a. McLoughlin, Patrick, 12951, Pte., k. in a. McLoughlin, William, 1473, Pte., d. of w. McMahon, Daniel, 3936, Pte., k. in a. McMahon, Martin, 11283, Pte., k. in a. McManus, Hugh M., Pte., k. in a. McManus, Robert, 12183, Pte., k. in a. McManus, Eugene, 4850, L.-Sgt., k. in a. McMillan, Robert, 2327, Pte., k. in a. McMonagle, Francis, 3093, Pte., k. in a. McNally, William J., 10967., Pte., k. in a. McParland, John J., 5865, Pte., k. in a. McRoberts, James, 3009, Pte., k. in a. McSharry, John, 6086, Pte., k. in a. McVeigh, William, 3024, Pte., k. in a. McWilliams, Donald, 11840, Pte., d. of w. McWilliams, John, 9642, Pte., k. in a. Nancollas, George, 2816, Sgt., d. of w. Neely, James G., 8785, Pte., k. in a. Neill, James, 4771, Pte., k. in a. N eill, Michael, 4802, Pte., k. in a. Nichols, Richard, 1822, Pte., k. in a. Nicholas, Thomas H., 3880, Pte., k. in a. Nicholson, John, 7276, Pte., d. of w. Nixon, Edward, 3086, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Noble, John, 3326, Pte., k. in a. Nolan, James, 4696, Sgt., d. of w. Nolan, John, 3649, Pte., d. of w. Nolan, Lawrence, 3497, L.-Sgt., d. of w. Nolan, Patrick, 4862, Pte., k. in a. Nolan, Patrick, 5196, Pte., k. in a. Nolan, Thomas, 8934, Pte., k. in a. Noonan, Joseph, 3017, Pte., k. in a. Noonan, Matthew, 5395, Pte., k. in a. Norris, Thomas, 3617, Pte., k. in a. Norris, Thomas, 9562, Pte., k. in a. Nowlan, William, 2430, Pte., k. in a. Nugent, Thomas H., 3524, Pte., k. in a. Nyhan, Thomas, 8158, Pte., d. of w. O’Boyle, William, 10491, Pte., d. of w. O’Brien, Daniel, 8808, Pte., k. in a. O’Brien, Denis, 7468, Pte., k. in a. O’Brien, Edmond, 8362, Pte., k. in a. O’Brien, Henry, 4637, Sgt., k. in a. O’Brien, James, 4699, Pte., k. in a. O’Brien, James, 11755, Pte., d. of w. O’Brien, John, 2290, Pte., k. in a. O’Brien, John, 4016, Pte., k. in a. O’Brien, John, 8871, Pte., d. of w. O’Brien, Thomas, 11502, Pte., d. of w. O’Connell, Patrick J., 2434, L.-Sgt., k. in a. O’Connell, Peter, 9412, k. in a. O’Connor, Francis, 1930, Pte., k. in a. O’Connor, Jeremiah, 5198, L.-Sgt., k. in a. O’Connor, John, 7604, Pte., k. in a. O’Connor, John, 9092, k. in a. O’Connor, Michael, 4839, Pte., k. in a. O’Connor, Michael, 5735, Pte., d. of w. O’Connor, Stephen, 11106, Pte., k. in a. O’Connor, Thomas, 5347, Pte., k. in a. O’Connor, Thomas, 5593, Pte., k. in a. O’Doherty, Denis, 7427, Pte., k. in a. O’Donnell, John, 1319, L.-Cpl., d. of w. O’Donnell, Joseph, 2320, Pte., d. of w. O’Donnell, John, 3838, L.-Sgt., k. in a. O’Donnell, Michael, 5854, Pte., k. in a. O’Donnell, William, 9891, d. O’Driscoll, Jeremiah, 9849, Pte., k. in a. O’Dwyer, Denis, 9156, Pte., k. in a. O’Flaherty, Arthur, 6261, Pte., k. in a. O’Flynn, Cornelius, 5894, Pte., k. in a. O’Grady, Timothy, 10864, Pte., k. in a. O’Halloran, Bernard, 12194, Pte., d. of w. O’Halloran, John, 1736, L.-Cpl., d. O’Hara, James, 1763, Pte., k. in a. O’Hara, Patrick, 9398, Pte., k. in a. O’Keeffe, Michael, 3687, Sgt., d. of w. O’Keeffe, Michael, 5827, Pte., k. in a. O’Keeffe, Patrick, 3757, Pte., d. O’Leary, Cornelius, 7575, Pte., k. in a. O’Leary, Daniel S., 10144, Pte., k. in a. O’Leary, Henry, 5607, L.-Cpl., k. in a. O’Loughlin, James, 3123, Sgt., d. of w. O’Loughlin, Patrick, 4762, Pte., k. in a. O’Mahoney, Jeremiah, 4070, Pte., d. O’Malley, Patrick, 9174, L.- Sgt., k. in a. O’Neil, Patrick, 7952, Pte., d. of w. O’Neill, Bernard, 4966, Pte., k. in a. O’Neill, James, 1191, L.-Sgt., k. in a. O’Neill, James, 7898, Pte., k. in a. O’Neill, James, 12192, Pte., k. in a. O’Neill, Michael, 2960, Pte., k. in a. O’Neill, Thomas, 9761, Pte., k. in a. O’Reilly, Christopher, 6366, L.-Cpl., d. of w. O’Reilly, Peter, 3828, Pte., k. in a. O’Reilly, Thomas, 7854, L.-Cpl., d. of w. Ormsby, John, 2050, Pte., k. in a. O’Rourke, James, 2820, Pte., k. in a. O’Rourke, Michael, 7507, Pte., k. in a. O’Rorke, Thomas, 10877, Pte., k. in a. Osborne, Harry, 12519, Pte., k. in a. O’Shaughnessy, Michael, 3308, Pte., k. in a. O’Shea, Charles, 4440, Pte., k. in a. O’Shea, Daniel, 7656, Pte., k. in a. O’Shea, John, 11921, Pte., k. in a. O’Sullivan, Bartholomew,, 3646, Pte., d. of w. O’Sullivan, Daniel, 10513, Pte., k. in a. O’Sullivan, David, 12125, Pte., d. of w. O’Sullivan, John, 4669, Pte., d. of w. O’Sullivan, Michael, 3709, L.-Cpl., k. in a. O’Toole, John J., 1761, Sgt., k. in a. Owen, John, 9226, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Owens, William, 4847, Pte., d. of w. Parish, Albert, 1118, Pte., d. of w. Parisotti, Joseph, 12322, Pte., d. of w. Parr, Francis, 4.229, Pte., d. of w. Paton, Henry, 3773, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Payne, Henry, 999, Drill Sgt., k. in a. Payne, Robert, 151, Sgt., k. in a. Peakin, Thomas, 5972, Pte., k. in a. Pearson, Thomas, 12740, Pte., d. of w. Perry, Frank, 5048, Pte., k. in a. Phair, Edward, 10490, Pte., d. of w. Phelan, Francis A., 11945, Pte., k. in a. Phelan, James, 4764, Pte., k. in a. Phelan, Thomas, 1514, Pte., k. in a. Phibbs, Thomas, 3843, Pte., k. in a. Philips, John H., 12798, Pte., k. in a. Pitman, Percy, 2972, Drummer, k. in a. Plenderleith, David, 4978, Pte., k. in a. Porter, George D., 4051, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Power, John, 10035, Pte., d. of w. Power, Martin, 10362, Pte., k. in a. Power, Michael, 2260, Pte., k. in a. Power, Michael, 10188, Pte., d. of w. Power, William, 6043, Pte., d. of w. Prendergast, Bartholomew, 8617, Pte., k. in a. Proudfoot, Richard, 4296, Pte., k. in a. Purcell, Stephen, 7526, Pte., d. of w. Quigley, Samuel, 3631, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Quinn, Charles, 11277, Pte., k. in a. Quinn, John, 5408, Pte., k. in a. Quinn, Joseph, 2885, Pte., k. in a. Quinn, Michael, 1810, Pte., d. Quinlan, Patrick J., 4687, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Quirke, John, 104.64, Pte., k. in a. Raff erty, Daniel, 4799, Pte., k. in a. Rafter, John, 3185, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Raftery, Guy, 3763, Pte., d. of w. Ralph, Michael, 3777, Pte., k. in a. Rankin, Thomas, 805, Pte., k. in a. Reardon, Edward, 2403, Pte., k. in a. Reardon, James S., 6033, Pte., k. in a. Redden, Patrick, 4860, Pte., k. in a. Redmond, James, 6445, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Regan, John, 11808, Pte., k. in a. Reid, Albert, 5802, Pte., k. in a. Reid, Joseph, 436, Pte., d. Reilly, Francis, 3642, L.-Sgt., k. in a. Reilly, James, 1068, Pte., k. in a. Reilly, James, 5740, Pte., d. of w. Reilly, John, 3754, Pte., k. in a. Reilly, John, 4086, Pte., k. in a. Reilly, John, 11007, Pte., d. of w. Reilly, William, 2635, Sgt., k. in a. Reynolds, John J., 2042, L.-Cpl., d. of w. Reynolds, John, 4976, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Richardson, Ernest, 551, C.S.M., k. in a. Riordan, Jerom, 3728, Pte., d. of w. Riordan, Maurice, 2618, Sgt., D.C.M. and bar, k. in a. Riordan, Timothy, 6058, Pte., k. in a. Ritchie, David, 5551, Pte., k. in a. Roane, John, 5159, L.-Cpl., k. in a. Roberts, Jonathan, 8695, L.-Cpl., k. in a.