Read CONCEPTION (The Others) Online

Authors: Sarah McCarty

CONCEPTION (The Others) (30 page)

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She didn’t have any choice. Eden arched beneath Deuce, into
the heat of his body, the stretching in her arms somehow magnifying the
stretching in her vagina, pulling the two sensations into an ache she had to
satisfy. She ran her tongue over her dry lips, tasting Deuce as she felt him,
needing more. She dug her heels into the mattress, and pushed up, accomplishing
nothing more than adding the strain in her calves to the strain in the rest of
her body. His chuckle burned into the curve of her shoulder and neck. She felt
the brush of his fangs and the scrape of his nails as he pinned her down. She
was helpless beneath him. Completely open and vulnerable. Her body wept with
her pleasure. “Deuce…”

“Do not try to move.” The order vibrated down her spine,
spread to her center, to end on a flutter in her womb. “Just feel me.”

She couldn’t do anything else as he pressed forward, his
cock a huge alien presence in her narrow channel. She had the impression of
pain, but no sensation of it. There was only the overwhelming reality as his big
body took slow possession of hers.

And then he stopped. Above her his chest expanded and
glistened with perspiration in the low light. His head tilted back. The strong
muscles in his throat jerked as he took a breath.

“What’s wrong?”

He looked down. She didn’t think he saw her until he
blinked. “You are very tight.”

“I told you we wouldn’t fit.” She tugged at her hands. He
didn’t let go, just caught her gaze with his, all the hunger she felt throbbing
in him, swirling in his eyes as he surged deeper. Her breath caught in her
lungs. The pressure increased to incredible proportions. The smallest of smiles
touched his lips as his hand skated over her stomach and drifted over her pubic
mound, bumping the ring so prominently placed. Sharp stings of delight drove
down to her core. A sharper tug left her gasping as he slid his finger through
the center, drawing it out in exquisite torment as his other finger came to
rest against her swollen clit.

“I was not complaining, mate.”

She just bet. She shifted beneath him to relieve the
pressure. The red in his eyes flared. His pleasure spilled into the air around
them. He groaned, jerked and gave her more of himself.

“Oh God!”

“I have you, Edie.”

No he didn’t, and that was the problem. There was simply no
more room inside her, but he didn’t stop, just kept pressing forward, and her
body, her stupid body kept encouraging him with hungry pulses of entreaty and a
steady flow of thick cream—not remembering or caring how he got thicker toward
the base, seemingly equally hungry for the pressure and the pain.

She bit her lip and closed her eyes, letting the wave flow
over her, the foreign sensations taking charge, moving forward with a surety
she could only envy, taking her to a destination only they seemed to

Go with it.

The order filtered through the distraction, trembling on the
edge of her mind. Had he spoken, or mentally whispered the words?

A sharp tug on the ring centered her attention lower and the
question was lost amidst a new swirl of sensation. Deuce’s thumb brushed her
clit, inching higher before a steady draw centered her pleasure firmly in his
hand. All thought ceased as he rubbed and tugged her into acceptance. His cock
slid deeper. Pain speared hot and high, riding her pleasure, weaving through
it, making it more than it was, more than she could bear, more than she could

Deuce’s “Is it too much?” wavered in and out of her
consciousness. She didn’t know how to answer. She didn’t know whether to scream
or beg. He stretched her to the point of pain while pleasuring her past the
point of bearing, but it wasn’t enough. She needed more—something more to make
all the sensation buffeting her coalesce into something she could understand.
She shook her head and bit her lip. Her reward was another tug on the ring and
more of Deuce’s cock.

“Wrap your legs around my hips.”

She lifted her right leg. His cock shifted within her,
inspiring another stab of pleasure-pain. She hesitated, absorbing the reality
that to complete the move would allow him deeper access.

The flesh above her clit pulled tight in a new way. The
angle and pressure changed. He was twisting the ring. The knowledge as much as
the sensation had her nearly weeping with an agony of need.

“Now the other.” She was moving before he completed the
order, logic buried beneath primitive need. She wanted to belong to him. Needed
to give herself to him as he wanted. Needed to take all of him. Her left leg
wrapped around his waist. One ankle hooked over the other, leaving her wide
open, her hips tilted for maximum penetration.

His cock sank a fraction of an inch deeper and the glory
inched a bit higher. “Yes. Accept me. Take me.”

She did, shards of liquid lightning sparking to life,
ricocheting through her pussy before shooting straight to her womb as Deuce rubbed
her clit between his finger and thumb, drawing it away from her body as he
pulled on the ring, catching the pain of his increased possession and melding
it into the pleasure, making it more than it was. More than she could stand.
Something had to give somewhere. She couldn’t take this.

“Squeeze down, Edie.”

She tried but she couldn’t tell if she was succeeding.

“Harder.” She gave it everything she had, gasping with the
effort and the sensations it caused. She could feel every pulse of his penis,
every vein. Every whisper of movement.

“Now hold it.” The order blended with desire, driving it
higher just as he pulled back, taking away the painful fullness she needed.


The pressure changed direction, driving her swollen clit
down onto the smooth flesh of his hard cock, forcing that engorged point to
ride the surface of his shaft, as with one forward lunge he took her past her
shyness and inhibitions, leaving her suspended on the peak of anticipation.


He wanted too much from her. She groaned and refocused,
trying to hold him when he pulled out, taking his thrust as he forged back in.
His big cock rubbed her raw with its presence, delighting her beyond belief
when it drove in, creating despair when it withdrew.

Deuce picked up the pace from slow to easy. “Accept me,

His possession was wild and thorough, nothing like she’d
expected and more than she’d dreamed. With every thrust of his hips, Deuce
pushed her harder than she’d ever been pushed, but soothed her when she took
that little bit more, teasing her on the withdrawal, whispering to her of all
she could have if she’d just take a little bit more. Just that much more.

With every thrust he forged deeper, with every pulse that
flowed from him to her, the bond between them strengthened. His desire called
to hers. His body called to hers. His mind called to hers. As the joy spiraled
higher, pulled tighter, it became harder and harder to hold back. He commanded
all that she was, his demand that she join him riding the edge of her desire,
fueling it. Through the haze of approaching euphoria, she felt his mind reach
for hers, and felt her resistance fall away as another thrust spiked higher,
tighter. He drove into her over and over. Pleasured her again and again. His
fingers on her clit tightened, squeezing hard, throwing her into the storm she
was struggling to avoid.

“Come to me, mate.” The order reached through the confusion
like a lifeline. She clutched it hard as reality threatened to splinter. “Now,

She threw open the doors to her mind, inviting him in, only
to be overwhelmed by his thoughts, emotions and the pure carnality with which
he relished his possession.


The cry shot through her pleasure, landing in the center of
her desire, scattering the pleasure to the far corners of her mind. Foreign,
feminine, but incredibly strong, it offered her a choice. A reminder. Eden
latched onto that strength, slamming shut the door she’d just thrown open,
pulling back into herself as Deuce’s climax crashed over her with the force of
a tidal wave, his displeasure as tangible as his pleasure as she separated her
mind from his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close as he
shuddered and shook, feeling his cock pulse as he filled her with his hot seed,
turning her mind from his even as she stroked his back, her thoughts her own,
her body still aching for the release she’d denied it, fear rapidly replacing
complacency. What had she done?

When he recovered, Deuce pulled himself up over her and
looked down. His finger under her chin forced her gaze to his.


Chapter Sixteen


Deuce was not happy.

Eden slid out of the big bed, well aware that he watched
her, knowing without having to feel his thoughts that he wanted a do-over.
Equally determined not to give him one. He was too dangerous. When he took her
in his arms she totally lost all her senses in a way that put them all in

She made it one step from the bed before he spoke.

“Where do you go?”

She looked over her shoulder. He was propped up on the bed
on his elbow, his hair falling around his shoulders. He didn’t look any more
relaxed after coming. Every muscle in his torso appeared to be carved from
stone. His cock, glistening from their lovemaking, lay across his powerful
thigh, only slightly softened. It twitched beneath her look. Her womb clenched
in sympathy, aching with unfulfilled desire. “To the bathroom.”

His gaze was as knowing as his expression was solemn. “You
will not find relief there.”

She wasn’t sure if that was an order or a statement of fact.
It didn’t matter. His seed tricked down her thigh. “Actually, I thought I’d
clean up.”

“You are running away.”

“If I were running away, I’d plan on making it a lot farther
than the bathroom.”

Not by a bat of an eyelash did he let on how her flippancy
had to annoy him. His gaze dropped to her thighs. His nostrils flared. “If you
wash off my seed, I will only replace it.”

“Now, that just sounds gross.” She continued to the bathroom
as if his displeasure wasn’t beating at her.

His “You will not deny what’s between us, and you will not
run from it” followed in her wake.

She looked over her shoulder at him. His head was tilted
back in that arrogant way he had that just irked her to no end. He was too damn
fond of issuing orders. She opened the bathroom door. “I’ll do whatever the
hell I want.”

It felt good to close the door on the click of his teeth.
Let him be frustrated. It was only fair. Her body was aching for the
satisfaction she couldn’t have without giving up her soul.

She washed her hands and face. Looking in the mirror, she
heard again the “Voice” in her head that she’d heard at the last moment. Deuce
hadn’t been able to shield her. They’d found her. She didn’t know whether the
woman was friend or foe, but the fact that she’d found her meant the Coalition
would not be far behind.

She glanced into the mirror and gasped for an entirely
different reason. Her hair was a rat’s nest of curls flying all over the place.
Her lips were red and swollen and her eyes haunted. She looked exactly what she
was. A woman on the edge.

She touched the red mark on the top of her left breast. A
remnant of Deuce’s passion. She glanced at the door, and the panic she’d been
beating back since the “Voice” had burst into her mind returned full force.

In a minute, she had to go out there. She had to deny Deuce
and herself. Again. She honestly didn’t know if she was strong enough. The more
she stayed with Deuce the more she bonded with him. Which, she was beginning to
believe, might be what her grandfather wanted and why she’d been allowed to
escape. It had seemed too easy when she’d broken free, but trap or not, it
hadn’t mattered. All that had mattered was getting Jalina to safety. But now
she had to think further ahead. She had to explore the “whys”.

What if she’d only been let go to be used as a weapon
against Deuce? What if they needed her to bond with Deuce in order to find her?
Or worse, to further their experiments? As long as she stayed, both Deuce and
her daughter were at risk. She had to accept that, to be strong enough for
everyone. She took a deep breath and rested her head in her hands. She had to.

She wasn’t prepared for the arms that came around her and
pulled her back against a warm chest. Deuce. The man could move so silently
when he wanted. He turned her. “You will tell me why you are upset.”

She propped her elbows against his torso, her body naturally
relaxing into the planes of his. “I have to go.”

“You cannot leave.”

“I can’t stay with you, bond with you.”

His hand opened on her spine, at once soothing and
possessive. “It is already done.”

She fought the urge to melt into his chest. “Not all the

“No. But it shall be.”

She touched his nipple with her finger, the way it beaded
against her nail a tiny distraction from his silent demand that she look at
him. “No. It won’t.”

His fingers tangled in her hair catching in a snarl, sending
pings of sensual pleasure through her scalp. He tugged harder until he tipped
her head back. “You cannot run from me.”

“I have to.”


“They’ve found me.”

The only indication of his surprise was the total stillness
of his body. “You know this how?”

“When we were…” she waved her hand. Even standing here naked
in his arms with his cock pressing into her stomach, she couldn’t bring herself
to say the words.

“When we joined?”

“Yes. At the last minute, I heard her.”


“The woman who finds me.”

His hand on her back tightened. “You will explain.”

“They have someone who can find me. You said that you can
shield my thoughts but you can’t—couldn’t—and she found me.”

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