Read CONCEPTION (The Others) Online

Authors: Sarah McCarty

CONCEPTION (The Others) (45 page)

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He pulled his foot out from between her legs and removed the
sock. She turned and knelt facing him. She held his gaze while bending down and
kissing the top of his foot. First the right and then the left. Deuce reacted
predictably. His breathing increased twofold and his body jerked under the lash
of lust that thickened the air around them. She was learning nothing turned an
alpha male on faster than an overt symbol of acceptance.

She inched closer and kissed the inside of his calf. Even
through the thickness of his jeans, his strength and power reached her. She did
the same to the other side, letting her mouth linger long enough to impart the
moist heat of her breath. He stood stock-still, accepting her ministrations
until she got to the inside of his thighs and the covered length of his cock.
His fingers threaded through her hair, tugging gently, the soft stings
shivering down her spine to lodge between her legs where they gathered and grew
in force. She eased her hands between his thighs, urging them apart as she came
completely under him.

She caught and held his gaze as she pressed her mouth to his
balls through the worn material. He stood as tall and as immobile as a statue
while she nibbled at his balls and struggled with the fastening on his jeans,
but around her the force of his energy seethed and surged.

He was close, very close to breaking. She fumbled with the
fastening of his jeans again. Letting her fingers slip. Once. Twice. When her
third attempt to get the button to slip through the hole failed, Deuce’s
patience shattered on a harsh snarl. A loud rip punctuated his loss of control
as he tore the shirt in half, freeing his arms, the moment all the more erotic
for the fact that he didn’t use magic, just reacted with pure physical
instinct. She did so like it when he went all primitive.

His hands knocked hers aside. With an ease that left her
blinking, the jeans rent down the middle. His cock sprang free into the air,
the heavy weight of the head dragging it down. A glistening drop of pre-come spilled
free as, with a muttered curse, Deuce grabbed handfuls of her hair and dragged
her mouth up into his groin.

Eden knew what he wanted. She opened her mouth, tucking the
right nut in, sucking it gently and then harder as he tugged on her hair,
demanding the tribute she gladly gave. His hips rocked above her, his cock
pumping air. She pulled back, ignoring his growl that ended in a sigh as she
took the other ball in, nurturing it to painful hardness before catching it
between her teeth.

Deuce froze, the only movement the heaving of his ribs as he
waited. She held him like that, poised on the edge for two heartbeats before
she delivered his pleasure in a soft bite. He came on a roar, yanking her hard
against him as his cock bobbed above her, spurting his hot seed into the air.
She turned her head so she could breathe and sucked his balls gently as the
spasms waned, kissing both round orbs in their sensitive sac as his grip eased.
His knees bent, his hands cupped her shoulders, and he leaned her torso back
until his cock poised above her face. His eyes locked on hers.

“Open your mouth.”

She did, closing her lips around the wide tip as he slid it
between. A trickle of seed teased her desire. She swallowed eagerly as he
lowered her to the floor, his knees landing on either side of her shoulders
with determined thuds. His hands landed somewhere above her head and her mouth
was suddenly full of his cock. He pushed it all the way to the back of her
throat. “Suck it.”

She did the best she could as he held her there, imprisoned
between his cock and the floor, subservient to his needs as he pumped his big
shaft in and out of her mouth at a leisurely pace, delighting in every break in
his breathing, every twitch of muscle.

“Harder, Edie mine,” he ordered when she would have
faltered. “Use your lips and your teeth. Keep me hard.”

She experimented with different techniques, knowing she’d
hit on the right one when he groaned and his shaft firmed on her tongue.

“Yes.” His hand came behind her head, angling it for better
penetration. “That’s it. Just like that. Ready me.” He fucked her mouth
steadily, wrapping her up in the intensity of his pleasure. Her jaw ached, her
tongue tired, but she wouldn’t stop before he did, loving that she could give
him this, taking every groan and sigh he made inside herself. He rode her
mouth, fucking her face in slow, easy glides, eyes slitted with the
satisfaction of watching her take his cock, as if needing to reinforce his
dominance after she’d taken his control.

Eden closed her eyes and relaxed, letting him have his way,
understanding his nature and his need. Accepting both. Immediately, the energy
around him softened. Deuce stopped, his cock bouncing in her mouth as he turned
until he was straddling her shoulders and facing her feet.

His breath licked the top of her mound like fire as he
whispered, “Part you legs.”

Anticipation made her slow to respond. A sharp nip to the
inside of her thigh had her whimpering and lifting her hips. Toward that heat
and his mouth. Deuce laughed and kissed the top of her labia, his lips
lingering but not moving, just teasing her with the promise of what she knew
they both wanted.

Damn it, Deuce!

“What’s the matter, Edie mine? Do you not like to be

She didn’t even have to think about her answer.

She had waited her whole life for him, suffered for him and
she just wanted him. Now.

His lips grazed lower, his soft “Shhh” blowing across her
swollen clit. The joining ring heated.

Oh damn.
It was too much.

“You know I do not like it when you swear.” The gold hoop
jiggled as he nudged it aside. “Are you perhaps in the mood to be punished?”

His cock in her mouth prevented speech so she sent her
displeasure to him in a short grunt. He caught it and returned it with a light
nudge of her clitoris with his finger. Her grunt broke to a moan.

“You are very swollen. Very tender. Do you wish to come?”


“Good.” His tongue stroked over her labia in gentle swirls
which diminished to smaller and smaller circles until he rimmed the base of her
clit, flipping the ring about as the rougher side of his tongue caressed the
slick, aching sides of the straining nub. Each quick lap drove her need higher.
She needed more, something more. She needed him. A hot, piercing pain struck
inwards from her clit, followed immediately by a searing pleasure. He’d bitten
her. And now he was feeding. From her clit.

Oh God, how could anything so freaky feel so blessedly good?
She was on fire. From the thought, the pleasure. Her hips jerked. Another sharp
pain wrenched a cry from her soul. His cock throbbed in her mouth. She moaned
around his thick shaft. He was devouring her, not leaving her any defenses,
pulling her into the fire of his passion, drawing her past what she could bear.
His lips and tongue fluttered around her clit, every brush, every nudge
creating an answering fire in her until she dug her fingers into his buttocks
and screamed as she flashed out of control. And still he wasn’t satisfied. With
every draw of his mouth, every brush of his lips he expressed his joy in her
response, coaxing more, demanding more.

And then he started sucking. A strong hard suction that drew
straight from her womb, her heart, dragging her lust past her inhibitions,
leaving only a wanton woman in its wake. She thrashed in his arms, clawed at
his thighs, sucked and bit his cock, lost in the spiking sensation, needing it
to stop but desperate for it to go on. He kept her flying for what seemed like
forever, slipping first one finger into her pussy and then another, fucking her
in time with his suction, pumping his cock to the same rhythm. He took her from
one peak to the next, each one higher, never letting her totally down, never
coming himself, just holding her on the tip of his cock, on the promise of his
desire. Pleasuring her.

When he would have driven her over for the fourth time, she
shook her head and pushed at his hips. She couldn’t bear it. Every nerve ending
was raw with spent passion. The lightest brush of his tongue stuck through her
like a lightning bolt. He had to stop. He nuzzled the joining ring as he
resumed feeding in light sips. Her desire rose again. She dropped her hands to
his head. His hair was cool against her palms. She wrapped her fingers in the
smooth strands and pulled him closer, thrusting her hips to his pleasure,
desperate to give him all he needed, not sure if she could survive the giving.

The last echoes of her climax hummed through her pussy while
the beginnings of a new one started to sing right alongside. His finger slipped
out of her pussy and followed the copious spill of her juices to her anus. Her
breath caught as he rimmed the tight band of muscle. His cock pressed down as
his finger pressed in. She closed her eyes as she shuddered from head to toe,
lashing his cock with her tongue as she savored the possession. He was going to
fuck her ass. With a silent pop of muscle his finger sank deep. Oh God, it felt
so good. So good. She pressed down, urging him on. His chuckle vibrated against
her clit. And then he was working his finger deeper. In then out. Faster.
Harder. His lips took up the rhythm, then his cock. More pressure on her anus
which became a burning ache, spread to a frisson of sharp-edged delight. She
wanted it to last forever. She couldn’t stand it another second. It was too
much. He was too much.

Her orgasm hit her in a violent wave of color that swept
away everything, leaving only Deuce. She wrapped her hands in his hair and
Hold me.

Immediately he was at her side, pulling her into his arms.
Her mouth felt empty without his cock. He filled it with his tongue. He tasted
of blood, of her, of them. His fingers wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Be
easy, mate.”

Easy for him to say, he hadn’t just been flung out into the
universe without a lifeline.

Her hair stuck to her cheek with her sweat. Deuce eased it off,
as always seemingly fascinated with the way the curls wrapped around his hand.
“I am always with you.”

“Uh-huh.” He was smiling again. Not a big one, but a little
one that teased the corners of his mouth and gave his sharply handsome features
a sexier edge. If that was possible.

She worked her forearms up so she could link her hands
around his neck. “When I’m recovered, could we do that again?”

“It will be your mate’s pleasure to eat your pussy whenever
you prove deserving.”

She rolled her eyes. “Let’s not go there again.”

He blinked as if he didn’t understand. “Go where?”

“Machoville.” She waved to his pile of clothes beside them.
“I think we just proved these traditions are flexible.”

He glanced at the pile and then at her. His right brow
arched. “Is this how you show gratitude for your mate’s aid?”

“Aid, my foot.”

He sat up, taking her with him as he got to his feet. “You
were in distress.”

She looped her arms around his neck. “I’m not the one who
tore off his clothes and erupted like a volcano.”

It was only a few steps to the bed. Eden moaned in protest
as he set her down away from all that lovely muscle. He stood above her, shirt
halves hanging from his wrists, body bare, his heavy cock glistening with her
saliva. His long hair hung around his face in a heavy tangle, setting off the
slight slant of his cheekbones, the determination in his eyes, and the inherent
power he wielded so effortlessly. Holding her gaze, he tore one of the sleeves
free. His gaze narrowed. Power radiated off him with a deadly shimmer. “Since
you do not appreciate my restraint, maybe I should show you how a Chosen
punishes a disobedient mate.”

“You think that was disobedient?”


The sleeve dropped to the floor with quiet expediency. He
took a step forward, and then another, clearly intent on intimidation. He was
so full of shit.

Eden fell back on the bed with a smile, pulling her heels
up, letting her knees fall wide. She slid her fingers down her stomach, over
the bare mound of her pussy until they met the hot metal of the ring. Holding
his gaze, she dipped her fingers into the slick well of her vagina, drawing up
the thick cream gathered there, smoothing it over the deep carvings before
cradling the anointed hoop in the palm of her hand. “I can be so much more
disobedient than that.”

Deuce’s eyes widened and then narrowed. The other sleeve
dropped to the floor, and then he was coming down over her, chest jerking with
the laughter he was trying to contain. “You have no caution, my heart.”

“No patience either.” She shrugged and wrapped her legs
around his hips, drawing his heat and power to her. “You’ve a long time to get
used to it.”

The bed sagged as he shifted his weight onto his elbows. “A
very long time.”

His cock nestled into the well of her vagina. Pleasure
speared inward and then shot out. Eden tightened her thighs, bringing him
closer. “Forever,” she groaned as he pressed in, her body weeping a welcome as
her muscles willingly parted.

“Forever,” he repeated, his satisfaction echoing in her
mind. “Come to me, mate.”

And she did, opening her body to his possession, offering
him everything that she was, and when his soul touched hers in that gentlest of
caresses, sheltering her, pulling her close, holding her carefully, a new
almost silent whisper joined the first.

She froze. Above her Deuce stiffened. His head angled back
in that arrogant tilt that dared her to make something of the slip while in her
mind that one word lingered. A request, not an order. A Chosen man calling to
his mate, asking for the one thing he needed to feel whole. Her full

How could he not know he already had it? Eden caught Deuce’s
face between her palms, touched the hard line of his lips with her finger, and
smiled. Slowly, deliberately she reached down and caught his hand in hers. With
the same deliberateness, she brought his hand to his chest. He hesitated. She
tapped his finger. The nail lengthened and thinned as he watched her with
disbelief, and the faintest glimmer of…despair? She pressed the razor-sharp
nail into the thick, heavy muscle, drawing a line.

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