Condemned to Slavery (16 page)

Read Condemned to Slavery Online

Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Latex

BOOK: Condemned to Slavery
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The ambivalence pertaining to this scenario made her giddy and uncertain. Lydia did not want to involve herself in this grim little fantasy setting, but this was her best chance to get access to decent food, and perhaps, if she performed well, a steady supply of favors from this satisfied guard. A shot at escape was also a tantalizing notion once she had lulled the jailer into a comfortable routine where she could let her defenses drop with her compliant prisoner and partner.

With her mind set upon her higher goal, justifying any means with the eventual destination of freedom, Lydia fought off her tiredness and went to the clothing.

Taking up the leggings, she hauled up the snug sheaths and then slotted her feet into the jackboots. The shirt was a little big, but the firm embrace of the jacket reduced the ill fit and her collar helped meet the demands of the starched neck. Dragging her hair back, she set the cap straight and then pulled on the leather gloves. The last part of the ensemble was the belt, which she buckled on and ran her fingers around, feeling the shock prod, the baton, the handcuffs and pouches, armaments she could so easily use on the woman if she succumbed to a submissive role.

The clothes felt so strange, and the wearing of such things seemed an almost distant daydream, a vague memory that she could only recall through similarity to the current sensation of being clothed.

The door opened and another guard entered, this one shorter and less blessed with voluptuous curves.

“Soy tarde, lo siento,” she mumbled, and moved over to Lydia, pacing around her in scrutiny. “Bueno, esta es la extranjera? Muy bren!” she muttered with approval before making for the far wall to slouch down and lean back, removing a small video camera from behind the wooden box.

“Ha explicadala lo que ella tiene hacer?”

“Todavia no,” replied the lingerie clad female before the guard turned to Lydia and addressed her in accented English.

“Well it’s quite simply - do what I say without pause or hesitation, and you’ll be rewarded. Understand?”

Lydia nodded.

“In the crate next to you are the tools you will be using.”

The guard lifted up the camera and began to record as her comrade sank down onto her knees and crawled over to where Lydia stood in the alien garb. With slavering devotion she began to lick the boots, acting willingly in the manner Lydia had been forced to, and stunning her with the degree of revelry she displayed in this cowering role.

The guard continued to adore the footwear with lingering attention until the camerawoman spoke, her voice whispering with glee.

“Handcuff her,” she demanded.

Reaching back, Lydia tugged free the shackles and stepped behind the kneeling woman, taking a wrist and bringing it back with a gentleness that vexed the observer.

“Be rough with her! She is a whore, not a nun!”

Grabbing the other hand, Lydia succumbed more readily to her role and yanked the other arm firmly back, making the woman gasp as she had her wrists sealed within the steel jaws.

“Now spank her,” came the crooning call for action.

Obediently lowering, Lydia placed a knee to the servile’s back and raised her palm in readiness. She paused for a moment, looking over the squirming body before her, lost in rapture from her subservience.

With a strong sweep her gloved hand clapped to the proffered rear, sending a joyous shudder through the flesh beneath her and wringing a hiss of satisfied lust from the voyeur.

“More. Harder and faster, keep going,” spluttered the woman from behind her peering lens.

Lydia commenced her attack with increasing satisfaction, relishing even this mild chance to punish in response to all the times she had been so horrendously misused.

Her hand rose and fell as a smudge of speed, coating the quaking rump with a rosy glow while she smacked harder and harder, trying to get a response other than licentious enjoyment, because she wanted to cause suffering, not find joy. Lydia wanted to make someone endure as she had been forced to, yet this woman simply grew more wanton the sterner her attack grew.

“Now roll her over, make her lie on her back.”

With a frustrated shove Lydia tumbled the woman and let her spread herself upon the blanket, her arms trapped beneath her torso.

“Rip her underwear off and gag her with it. There’s a belt in that crate,” stated the guard, indicating which box she meant with a nod of her head.

Strolling over, Lydia fished amongst the various sex toys and implements of corporal punishment, restraint and chastisement, to drag out a short belt before returning to the prone form. Dropping a foot onto the lace front of the basque, she closed her fist around the soft material of the thong and yanked with all her might. The woman gave a grunt of pleasure as her hips left the ground and then fell back as the flimsy garment was torn from her. Without care Lydia forced it over her lips and deep into her mouth before applying the belt to her rictus with a similar lack of tenderness.

“Excellent, just excellent. Now pleasure her with the big dildo,” muttered the woman with excitement.

Leaning over, she snatched the vastly bloated dimensions of the replica phallus and held it like a weapon. Stepping over the woman, Lydia disdainfully kicked apart the loose legs and sank down between the splayed limbs.

Taking the lengthy rod in both hands, she drew aim and shoved, cramming the wide intruder deep into the submissive sex, the sudden violent entry wringing a shriek from her mouth as her abdomen arched up. Instantly the woman writhed like an eel upon the swollen phallus, her thighs clamping to Lydia’s sides. Trying to deny this woman any hint of pleasure, Lydia jerked the replica with harsh movements, forcing it to the limits of her tracts and seeking to continue while pivoting and turning the device with cruel motions, seeking to hurt her. Yet all the subject did was gasp and moan, wriggling in bliss while she was brutally violated.

Inspired to cause havoc, Lydia drew her baton and presented the bulbous tip to the woman’s lips and keeping the dildo sheathed with a pressing knee she hauled out the gag and flung the moist garment aside.

“Suck it,” she demanded, the woman’s eyes glistening with enthralled delight at this unexpected turn of events.

“I said suck it, you bitch,” Lydia hissed impatiently, and rammed the dildo deeper with a jab from her knee, making the woman’s mouth drop open and accept the wooden tip. Her tongue flowed across the polished material, the mock fellatio coating the weapon with saliva before it was dragged away and transferred to a new orifice. A rude jerk forced it into her rear, impaling her on the cold rod, the spit serving as the lubricant for an easy entry, Lydia plagiarizing the incident from her earlier ordeals.

The woman vent a squeak of rapture and shuddered upon the twin trespassers, her delight starting to crack as Lydia churned the baton viciously, punishing her insides to a degree she could not so readily enjoy.

The exceeding of her partner’s endurance only thrilled the camerawoman all the more, and from the corner of her eye, Lydia could see the guard shaking from covert masturbation her gloved hand massaging the smooth front of her Lycra leggings.

“Take the stun gun and shock her,” she whispered hoarsely, her words unheard by the groaning submissive.

Removing the black box from her belt, Lydia gripped it tightly in cogitation, pondering what to do. As she meditated personally on whether she could do this, the woman looked up to see why the dildo was slipping from her belly.

When she saw the electrical weapon poised in Lydia’s hand her face became a mask of fright. The mortified alarm convinced Lydia of her true course and squeezing the button she listened as the device cackled and bathed her face in pulsating strobe flashes before she plunged it into the woman’s newly vacated pussy.

A wild throe silenced the welling words of dissension and the woman jiggled to impossible degrees as the voltage soared through her flesh.

Removing the instrument, the body went slack, twitching slightly as the woman panted and wheezed, her eyes closed, her teeth chattering.

“Do it again!” hissed the woman, lifting from her perch and closing in to capture the detail in full.

With an angry stab Lydia shoved the twin prods into the exposed sex and thumbed the button, the spewing current making the woman flail and bounce wildly before falling slack with the end of the shock.

Turning to regard the approaching woman, she saw a flash of white and dropped across the stunned submissive, the pugnacious slap having dazed her.

The stun gun was cast aside and the camerawoman pounced onto Lydia’s startled frame, shoving her down supine over the limp body of the electrocuted female. A gloved hand locked about her throat and the guard’s face was before her, her cap having come away, her cropped hair wild as she kissed Lydia in a passionate frenzy. The other hand clapped between her legs as the fingers about her throat squeezed, the digits at her loins stroking her fondly. Fearful of the consequences of denial, she opened her mouth and frigidity returned the kiss, their tongues meeting as the woman caressed her intimately. The touch was dragging out an intense and powerful pleasure that made Lydia considerably more amiable to the lips of the guard, the prevalent attitude of dissolute hedonism infecting her thoughts.

Throwing Lydia aside, the guard rummaged in the box and grabbed a strap on phallus, the bulbous dildo formed from a translucent blue jelly, the shaft comprised of plunging rings.

The guard acted with panting breath, fixing the straps to her girth, the pliant toy bobbing gently with her motions.

“Te voy a chingar tanto, gringa.”

Moving forward, she flipped Lydia over and lifted her rear into the air. With rough hands she pulled down Lydia’s leggings and placed the wilting tip of the ridged toy to Lydia’s wet sex, the passionate kisses having kindled her lecherous desire.

“You want this?” spat the woman, rubbing the round cool head against Lydia’s vulva, teasing her with it.

“Yes! Yes! Ram it into me!” she snapped, her gloved hands clawing at the ground, her cheek to the blanket as her hindquarters quivered with ravenous need.

Lydia’s head jerked up and a rattling droning cry poured out of her throat as the intruder was jammed into her, the mountainous design bouncing her tracts upon the ridges and trenches. The construction sent exquisite shudders through her, the soft material pressing to her depths but causing no pain only an overwhelming pleasure.

“Ooooh yes!” she howled, the woman holding tightly to her and starting to thrust in and out, retreating almost to the point of departure before billowing Lydia’s sex outward with another lethargic drive.

“Fuck me! Fuck me harder! Please God! Harder, as hard as you can!” she crooned desperately, shifting her face over to the limp lingerie-clad form. Willingly she sank her face into the woman’s exposed genitals, fawning on them, drinking of her juices and thrusting her tongue into the moist slit.

“Oh such a whore!” barked the guard, her pelvis rippling as she rode her toy into Lydia. “I bet you want this in your ass to! Don’t you!” she added, slapping the sides of Lydia’s rump, the hot flashes of pain drowning her in a licentious haze.

“Yes! Yes! Shove it in!” she moaned, her hands running up and down the nylon stockings, the rustling tickle across her fingertips adding to the banquet being heaped on her senses.

Lydia quaked and grizzled with stress as the awesome tool emerged from her dripping sex and then hammered her anus, the lissome material causing no distress as the clench of her rear squeezed its giving dimensions. The feel of it rocking into her made her squeal, the toy filling her acutely, dancing her tight sphincter across its bumping length.

Lydia plunged her tongue back into the woman, who was starting to come to and was now laying back, drinking of the cunnilingus, relishing the feel of Lydia’s wild and frantic tongue as it worked on her.

Vehement climax started to beckon even from the anal play and spying this the guard quickly transferring back to a more receptive orifice. As the woman launched back through her sodden womb, Lydia fawned with rabid motions on the other woman’s sex, her hunger for carnality possessing her. As release beckoned, her body rose and tensed, her mind reeling as it drew close, her thoughts scrambling from the ever-escalating feeling. The woman beneath her bucked and jolted from her own climax, thrashing and thrusting her belly across Lydia’s features as they sought to keep track of her and maintain the inmate kisses. Moments later her own orgasm struck, the pounding of her sex by the artificial manhood of another woman crippling Lydia with pleasure, pillaging her strength and leaving her a slack heap.

Wild throes gouged through her as the rippling length ran free of her, bouncing an erect and hyper-tender clit on its ridges before the toy popped free. Lydia settled back into a loose sprawl, her eyes fluttering her body flickering with bursts of tension, the feel of the toy still incredibly distinct within her tracts.

As abruptly as the exchange had begun it ended just as swiftly, the guard moving away and leaving Lydia sprawled on the woman. Lying panting and torn by the conflicting emotions within her, Lydia spied the camera fixed on her, the woman removing the strap on and returning to autoeroticism while peering down the viewfinder.

After capturing the image and confusion of Lydia for a few minutes, she set aside the camera and leant down to attend her crippled comrade.

“You can eat now. While you get undressed,” she absently permitted, causing Lydia to snap her eyes to the food and dart over to it.

Like an animal she began to shovel the gorgeous fare into her mouth, guzzling it as quickly as possible lest some whim change her benefactor’s mind. She began to remove the attire, peeling it away while cramming more sustenance into her maw as soon as there was room.

The last pieces disappeared down her gullet and she slumped aside, her stomach bloated and full to capacity. Drawing her leggings off she restored herself to a nude appearance, and when this bare state was restored the guard arose from her partner and goaded Lydia from the chamber, marching her back to her cell where she was shoved in and the door slammed shut.

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