Conquering the Dark Axe (15 page)

BOOK: Conquering the Dark Axe
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He lay on his side facing her, one beefy arm between
them over that massive chest and she reached out and laid her palm there. He
moaned, but did not move.  Alexa sighed with a smile tilting her lips. He
was so handsome when he slept.

Her eyes took in the features she had come to know
so well. She caressed that mouth she longed to kiss and she did, lightly and
pulled back when he stirred. She was amazed that he slept so hard, but then
again, she had taken quite a bit of pleasure from him and he’d matched her each

She looked down, his organ, now soft, lay still upon
the golden bed of curls. She smiled and reached out and touched it. It jumped
under her soft touch.  He moaned but did not wake. Her curiosity took her
fingers over the curve of his hip.  When her fingers came to the nasty and
angry scar near his navel, she swore she felt a tremor flow through him. 
But when she looked up, his eyes were still closed. 

She traced the scar around his hip and she did not
know that her body followed her arm until his large hand snaked out and grabbed
her by the wrist, stopping her.  She froze and lifted her head up to look
at him.  Those green eyes were not foggy with sleep.

The intensity in his emerald depths chilled
her.  Alexa wet her dry lips and he made a strangled sound.  Her
fingers flexed over the puckered scar. He would not say anything, so she didn’t
wait and opened her mouth. 

“How did you survive such a wound as this?”

To her surprise, he gave her a lopsided grin;
however it did not reach his stormy green eyes.  The silence stretched for
what seemed like forever and finally he said with a cold snap in his tone. 
“You say it as though you wished I had not.” 

Alexa balled her fist, frowned and said

Rourke looked away as if he’d lost interest in her
response and dropped his head back down on the pillow.  His wary gaze
returned to her face. “’Twas a fight with a man I once called friend.”

Her shocked gasp filled the chamber. “A friend did
this to you? Surely he must be an enemy now.” Alexa whispered the last almost
to herself as her eyes met his.  The wound disturbed her just looking at
it.  She could only imagine…She noted the cool change in him immediately
and wished she’d not brought it up.

“Aye, he
my enemy.”  

“Why did he do this?” her fingers, as if they had a
mind of their own, trailed in a slow caress up his side over the deep puckered
scar.  He groaned under her touch and when her fingers neared the curls of
his nether region, he clasped her hand tightly in his grip.

“Why else? It was over a woman.” His words were cold
and his hands tightened on hers when she went to question. 
“Enough.”  He finished gruffly and shoved her hand away.

The air shifted to a frost she felt to her gut. She
shook off the disappointment that filled her when he’d pushed her away and
watched him as he rose.  His mood had chilled but his body had not. His
hardness was evident as it stood tall. He seemed to not be bothered by it, she
thought. For he threw his tunic over one shoulder and strode for the door
completely naked.

It was now or never and Alexa blurted, “I was hoping
to discuss a few things with you.”

The dark look he turned on her made her gasp. 
“More’s the pity. I said enough. I have business to attend and we both need to

Alexa opened her mouth to protest, but he gave her
no chance, he stormed out of the chamber. Her outraged cry followed him. 
She did not care if he heard her.  And he had, for the door to the chamber
across the hall slammed with a loud thud. 

Oh! She punched the bed as anger surged through her.
Then she stopped.

The Norman would be back. 

A devilish grin lit her face as she climbed off the
bed to pick up the key to her chains he had left lying on the table next to the



The tepid bath and fresh clothes had done nothing to
quiet the upset raging through his blood and Rourke barked out orders to the
guards standing outside his wife’s chamber to seek Goran.  The men moved
away and Rourke took a deep breath trying to calm and collect his
thoughts.  The hellion should be done with own her bath or so he hoped, for
he was not so sure he would be able to bear seeing that naked body again. 
She had wanted to discuss some matters and he’d only his mind on other things
that did not involve talking. 

Rourke, not trusting himself after the red-hot
passion they’d shared last night, swore an oath under his breath.  It had
taken every ounce of strength in him to leave her side earlier.  It had
been harder than any battle he’d ever fought to get up and walk out when he’d
wanted nothing more than to remain and lay comfortably at her side.  To
enjoy her heat and bask in those passion glazed wide amber eyes of thirst
seeking his attention.  Nay!  What the hell was he thinking? He’d
been the fool once, but never again.

True the passion they shared was like none he’d ever
known before, but ‘twas nothing more than good sex. Great sex.  He had
tried to quench the raging desires with Lina a few nights ago, but he’d only
managed to get as far as the maid’s door before he’d stalked off and polished
off the entire carafe of wine.  Rourke heard voices coming up the hall and
turned to meet the men headed in his direction. 


Alexa frowned at the chamber door over the loud
sounds and thuds coming from the hall.  What were they doing out
there?  Battle? Dressed in a fresh shift, she threw her damp heavy braid
over her shoulder and whispered quietly to her maid.  “What goes on out

Camm bent and picked up the soiled bed linens from
the floor. “The new lord wants to make changes to his chamber, mistress.”

“His chamber!?” The words exploded out of her. “That
is my chamber.”  Alexa fumed. “Changes? Like what?” 

“None for you to worry about.  You are
dismissed, Camm.” 

Alexa wheeled about at Rourke’s booming
timbre.   She had not even heard the door open.  He was not
alone, his man, Goran and two other men she’d never seen before stood in the
doorway.  Alexa felt warmth fill her cheeks. She was dressed only in a
thin shift and the material was not thick.  As if he thought the same,
Rourke’s eyes darkened as they fastened on her and looked over her from head to
toe. Camm skirted around the men and exited.

Rourke crossed over to her in two long strides with
his hand out.

Alexa folded her arms and gave him a puzzled
look.  He tilted his head and she let out a curse.  Why did the devil
have to be so handsome? And why had she noticed? 

He jerked his hand in front of her face again. She
told him, angrily, “You do have to speak to me if I am to know what it is that
you seek, Norman.”

His eyes turned icy. She did not care. His men were
staring at her openly, taking their fill of her.

Alexa continued hearing the arrogance in her tone.
“Well, what is it that you want?”

He spoke through clenched teeth.  “The key.”

Alexa sighed, her shoulders sagging. Damn him! 
“Why ask me. Think you I know where you keep that horrid thing?” She said and
gave him her back only to be spun back around quickly by his hand on her

“Do not vex me so. If your aim is to seek further
shame in front of my men, I will be happy to oblige. Otherwise, I suggest you hand
over the key. Now.” 

His glittering green eyes blazed with fury and
something else.  Alexa wanted to argue, but saw in them she would not win
this fight of power and with slow, deliberate and outright defiance, she
lowered her arms from over her breasts and sauntered across the room past his

Before she reached the chest holding Lisbeth’s
jewelry, Rourke’s enraged roar to his men filled the chamber as he ordered them
all out.

Rourke slammed the door behind them. The walls of
the chamber shook. He stared at his wife as she reached into the small box and
withdrew the key.  When she faced him, he saw the devilish glint in her
eyes.  She’d done it apurpose! God’s teeth!

He could see the outline of her nipples and the
curve of those lush hips.  Her damp thick braid had wet the back of the
shift and although the material was loose, her round buttocks were easily
visible if one looked hard enough.  And his men had. 

Rourke swelled with anger and a long forgotten
tightness filled his chest. He recognized the emotion immediately.

Jealousy! And he hated her in that moment for
forcing him to feel it.

“Get in the bed.”  His words came out low and
firm.  She shocked him further when she walked over to it.  She stood
next to it, but did not get in.

“Do you not wish for the key, Norman?”

Rourke did not trust himself to speak over her
mocking tone. He would not take the bait. His jaw clenched so tight it
hurt.  He walked to her and thrust out his hand once more. She did not put
it in his palm. 

“What changes are you making to my- our chamber?”
Alexa asked him.  

A confused expression crossed his angry face for a
brief moment before he shook his head and replied gruffly.  “I need more
room and it is too…” he paused for a long moment.  “It is not fit for a

“That’s because ‘tis my room!”  Alexa shouted,
shocked at her outburst. But he did not react as she had hoped. 

“Nay, this is your room now, hellion. Give me the
key or do you wish for me to take it from you? Your choice.”

The grin that curled up at the side of his mouth was
not a friendly one.  With a grunt of disgust, Alexa slapped the key into
his open palm and crossed her arms over her chest.  She was stunned when
his fingers gripped her chin in a tight grip. 

“Perform like a whore in front of my men or anyone
ever again and I will beat you.”

Alexa was too stunned to respond and when she could
have, he ducked his head and covered her mouth with his. 

The kiss was rough and possessive before he softened
it. When he finally pulled back,   Alexa was left panting, her chest
heaving with her lips tingly.  He glared at her.  His own lips

“Exercise this morning. I will be back this eve to
have this discussion you so seek.” 

With that he left the chamber and Alexa, her
thoughts jumbled, sat down hard on the edge of the bed.


Rourke could feel Goran’s breath on his neck as he
crested the hill and he did not turn to look at him, instead, he kept his gaze
ahead, taking in the view before him.

He watched the workers that had been instructed to
start building his castle.  He could not wait and the anticipation of the
pending fortress made Rourke’s blood pound.  His gaze swept down the large
incline to the patrols he had set to watch the area. He was now a powerful
overlord among a select few of this northern region. And once this final piece
was built, no man would dare think challenge him.  Except Claydon of
Gravane and Darc, the Beast of Renald.  But they would not.  Both
knights had fought alongside him in many a battle and now not only were they
all friends, but each would easily stand behind the other.

A formidable force indeed. 

Rourke closed his eyes for a silent moment and
inhaled deeply to collect his thoughts.  After a moment, he opened his
eyes.  The weather was on their side today. Dry and although the skies
were cloudy and gray, the brightness of the day was a welcome sight.

He felt Goran come to stand beside him. He was in no
mood to engage in conversation with anyone.  

“My lady has a feisty spirit to match your own.”

“'Tis a stormy marriage, Goran.”  Rourke
snapped and was surprised at his quick response.  He let out a long
painful breath. The hellion had his wits undone! 

“Aye, but just the sort you need.”

“What do you know? Know you this way of marriage?”
Rourke all but shouted at him. 

Goran raised his hands, palms facing out and an
expression akin to horror twisting his pleasant features.  “Nay that my
friend is for you, not me. No offense, but I like too many wenches to be tied
to one. Your ire toward me tells me all that needs be said.”

“Is that right? Just concentrate your thoughts on
the matter at hand and less on what goes on between her and I. Think you can
handle that, my friend?”  Rourke said through clenched teeth and shot him
a dark glower before turning away. Goran’s words were true and he’d no right to
take it out on him.

Aye, feisty she was indeed. Very much so almost too
much so for her own good. He would tame her and enjoy every last bit of
it.  All he wanted from the hellion was a son. 

Uneasiness crept over him and Rourke started back
down the grassy knoll toward the practice field.  His angry strides
lengthened with his whirling thoughts.  She was his wife, but still his
enemy all the same.  She hated him and he would never let himself forget

‘Twas just after noon and Rourke had exhausted the
last of his sparring partners. The other men on the practice field took Goran’s
nod as salvation and sought shelter and relief in the knights quarters in a
building next to the manor. The chill of the stormy day was setting in, but the
fire stoked in and driving Rourke was not affected.

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