Conquest (54 page)

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Authors: Stewart Binns

BOOK: Conquest
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The Lineage of Harold Hardrada, King of Norway

The Descendants of Hereward of Bourne and Torfida (conjectural)

This conjectural genealogy, through a succession of marriages to Norman nobles, would confirm that the Wake family of Courtenhall, Northamptonshire, England may have claim to descendancy from Hereward and Torfida. The present Baronet, Sir Hereward Wake, BT, MC, DL, is a direct descendant of Geoffrey Wac

‘Hereward the Wake’

Hereward of Bourne is better known as Hereward the Wake, especially after the publication in 1871 of Charles Kingsley’s popular novel of that title. However, the name ‘Wake’ is not contemporary with Hereward of Bourne, who has also been called ‘Hereward of the Fens’, ‘Hereward the Saxon’ and ‘Hereward. Last of the English’

The name‘Hereward the Wake’ was first used by John of Peterborough in his chronicle, completed in 1368. Its meaning is obscure but is likely to refer to Hereward’s persistence in ‘disturbing’ the Normans; his attacks meant that they were constantly kept awake. There is support for this in the accounts of Fulk, Count of Anjou, who was at war with Count Herbert of Maine (1015 – 1036). The latter was so persistent in his night attacks that even the dogs were kept awake by his frequent sallies and Fulk’s men-at-arms got no sleep. So, Count Herbert was called the ‘Wake’ or ‘Wake-dog’ Hereward


The Great Journey and the Journey to Spain

Normandy in the 1060s

The Battle of Stamford Bridge

The Battle of Senlac Ridge (Hastings)

The Campaigns of September/October 1066

The Rising of 1069–1070

The Seige of Ely 1071

The Great Journey and the Journey to Spain

Normandy in the 1060s

The Battle of Stamford Bridge

The Battle of Senlac Ridge (Hastings)

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