Conspiracy (20 page)

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Authors: Kate Gordon

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Fantasy, #paranormal romance, #Secret service, #faerie, #Elves

BOOK: Conspiracy
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Chapter Twenty-Five


As soon as the wedding ended, Gregor and I left, presumably to an oceanfront room to start our honeymoon. Dad left with Reagan and Ian, and as soon as no one was looking, Gregor grabbed my hand and we sifted to our real honeymoon location.

I had fallen in love with the Southern Realm the minute I was taken there, and I saw no better way to celebrate our marriage then to return. Gregor had prepared a small cabin in the mountains with all the supplies we’d need for a week of isolation.  As we sifted to a high peak overlooking the valley and our small cabin nestled in the crook of a winding creek, he wrapped his arms around me, gazing down below.

“All this I give to you, lass. My kingdom has always held my heart like nothing else could, but now I find that the only thing I truly want forever is you.”

I turned in his arms to look into his eyes. “I never dreamed I’d be so happy, Gregor. When I shared your vision at my father’s cabin, I could feel the love we had for each other, but it’s nothing compared to this moment.”

His kiss was sweet as he bent his head to capture my mouth, but the innocent caress turned quickly to passion as his kiss deepened and grew hungry for more.

Gregor had been true to his word for the past few weeks and had kept his desire in check, much to my frustration. Although we both had past experience with other partners, he wanted our first time to be as a married couple. It meant a lot to me that he cared enough to want our relationship to be different.

A breeze stirred my skirt against my legs and I gave a small shiver. Gregor’s hand moved up my leg as he laughed against my mouth.

“Not to worry, lass. I’ll keep you warm.”

I turned my head to look down at our cabin, the lights flickering softly in the dusky light, and I concentrated on my newly formed sifting powers.

In a flash, Gregor and I were at the door to the cabin, our rocky crag far above us. Gregor chuckled as he reached to open the door.

“A little power goes right to your head, doesn’t it?”

I smiled. “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into, do you?”

He pulled me back into his embrace. “I absolutely know, and I’ll never let you go.”

I felt his mind merging with mine as his desires captured my thoughts. I fired my own back at him as he groaned with anticipation.

We quickly shed our clothes as we found the large featherbed that dominated the small interior of the cabin. I could see that our week was going to be busy.

The king of the Southern Realm had finally found his queen.



Ten Years Later



Breaking News: Eyewitness Channel 4

“Welcome back. Continuing our breaking news coverage, a Gulfstream VI piloted by former President Antonio Castillo is four hours overdue for its arrival in Ireland. As we reported earlier this evening, the aircraft disappeared from radar screens about one hour after leaving Newfoundland. On board with President Castillo is his wife, Genevieve, and two Secret Service agents attached to his protection detail.”

The well-groomed newscaster looked pensive, his demeanor reflecting the seriousness of the situation. Since the first reports of the aircraft leaving radar control had surfaced, worldwide news accounts had filled the air.

“In the past few minutes, we've been able to locate former Vice President Charlene Lieberman, who served under President Castillo throughout his eight years. She joins us now from her home in Rochester, Minnesota. Good evening, Vice President Lieberman.”

“Good evening, Roger.”

“Thank you for joining us. This is a tragic evening for all of America—indeed, for the world. Most of our audience will know that under President Castillo's leadership, the world’s economic situation took a dramatic upturn. Can you tell us about that achievement?”

“President Castillo was a leader, and the other leaders of the world listened to him. They didn't always agree, but they came to terms. The economic crisis was reversed, stability of the economic system was restored, and the world we live in today is a better place.”

“Madam Vice President, President Castillo was elected for his second term with over fifty-eight percent of the vote and was extremely popular. Many say that his wife, Genevieve, played a large role in his accomplishments. Can you shed some light on that train of thought?”

The beautiful woman in her early sixties chuckled at the remark, nodding her head in agreement. “Viv was a very persuasive woman, highly intelligent, and those with whom she came in contact found it hard to resist her charms. President Castillo was wise enough to use this to his advantage. And while his popularity was quite high, Viv’s was above eighty percent throughout her time as first lady. As you know, Roger, she traveled around the globe, meeting with world leaders, convincing them of the just cause in which they were all engaged. It was an honor to serve with this president and to know and work with his wife.”

Suddenly the newscaster placed his hand to the side of his head, pressing the earpiece and listening intently. Addressing his new guest, he spoke briskly. “Thank you, Vice President Lieberman, for your time this evening, but I’ll have to cut this short.”

Turning to his audience, he delivered his newly received information. “We have just received confirmation that President Castillo’s Gulfstream VI has exceeded the airtime available with his fuel load and is therefore presumed down at sea. President Robertson has ordered a full-scale air-and-sea rescue operation and the Icelandic government has added their resources to the rescue effort. Indeed, this looks like a very tragic evening for the world.”


The Irish sky was unusually blue, high cumulus clouds scattered across the horizon. My first thought was that it was very much unlike the misty, rainy day when Mick first brought me to Ireland. How long ago was that? Not so long in chronological time, but well over a lifetime in what had changed. My quick reflection on Mick brought an involuntary shudder. He had been dead over ten years. I knew Ian missed him. I knew that Queen Eimile grieved in her heart for her beloved nephew. And even though our association had been short, Mick had become part of my life as well, and he had meant even more to Heather.

The four of us stood quietly for several, long moments, each lost in our own thoughts. Ian was the one to break the silence.

“Tony, welcome to Ireland. Through that portal in the castle ruins lies the Western Realm. You are welcome here anytime you choose.”

“Most gracious, Agent Maitland.” Tony laughed. “Or should I now say, Prince Sean?”

Tony and Viv would sift on to the Eastern Realm, and Ian and I would step through the portal and be home. The death of my father some six years earlier had made my decision easier, and it had now been over five years since I'd made my ninth crossing. There was no going back, there was no return to mortality, and to my complete satisfaction, there was no desire to do so.

We exchanged embraces, words of endearment, and promises to visit as soon as our lives settled down. Then, without further comment, Tony and Viv were gone, leaving Ian and me standing on the hillside below the castle.

“Shall we go home, my darling?” Ian said.

“My home is where you are.”

“May it ever be so.” He reached for my hand. I no longer required assistance crossing the portal and sifting had become one of my abilities. We walked the several steps up the knoll to the large pile of rocks that, to the untrained eye, resembled a ruined castle. I knew what lay beyond: a world of grandeur, a world of peace, in a world that contained another piece of my heart. We stepped through the portal and as always, the transformation was breathtaking. Immediately inside the doorway we were met by several of the staff.

“Is the queen in the castle?” Ian asked.

“She's taken several of the children for a walk. She should be back soon,” came the answer.

“Shall we go upstairs and settle in?” Ian asked me.

“You go ahead. I think I'll stroll out and see if I can find Eimile.”

Ian smiled knowingly, kissed my cheek, and then darted up the stairs. I retraced my steps through the front door. The sky in the Western Realm was every bit as beautiful as it had been in Ireland. Both dimensions shared a warm summer day. I began to walk toward the far hillside, a path I had taken on my first visit to the Realm when I found myself utterly confused.

As I climbed slightly higher up the trail, I could see a small cluster of people near the trees at the top of the ridge. There was one adult and four or five smaller children scampering around the green field. Suddenly the adult knelt and pointed in my direction, and the children all turned to look. One little girl began to run in my direction. As fast as her tiny legs would carry her, the five-year-old ran through a field covered with beautiful, newly blossomed dandelions. This was the other part of my heart. This was the blessing from God that Ian and I had produced shortly after my ninth crossing.

As she drew close, I dropped to my knees and held out my arms.

“Mama, Mama,” she shouted as she drew near. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I wrapped my arms around my daughter and pulled her close. “Mama, I've missed you so much.”

“I'm here now, my darling, and we’re going on an adventure. We’re going to take a trip.”

“Oh, Mama, where are we going?”

“We’re going to visit Aunt Heather and Uncle Gregor. Won't that be exciting?”

“Oh, yes.” Instantly she was hesitant. “When we come back, will you be going away again?”

Now my tears flowed freely and I pulled my daughter even closer. “No,” I answered. “Now that I’ve come home, my dear Katie, wherever you are, I will remain with you for the rest of your life. That is my promise.”



Kate Gordon
is the pen name of established authors
Gordon Ryan and Kate Armitage,
created specifically for their new
Paranormal Romance and Fantasy series.



Gordon Ryan
is a former Recon Marine, city manager, and chief executive officer of home owner associations. He holds an Honors degree in Political Science. Ryan has been a published author since 1994 and writes in the political-military thriller genre as well as historical fiction.


Kate Armitage
is an elementary school teacher and the mother of five children. She has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in elementary education. Armitage has been a published author since 1996 and writes both fiction and non-fiction.


Discover Novels By Kate Gordon


Ninth Crossing: Discovery – Book One

Ninth Crossing – Conspiracy – Book Two



Discover Novels By Gordon Ryan


Triple Diamond

Threads of Honor

Love, Honor & Consequence

Upon the Isles of the Sea

Leashes of Dogwood Hollow

Gordon Ryan Collection


The Callahans Series


The Callahans: The Complete Series

Destiny: The Callahans Book One

Conflict: The Callahans Book Two

Reunion: The Callahans Book Three

Prelude: The Callahans Book Four

Reprisal: The Callahans Book Five


Pug Connor Novels


Rebellion: The Complete Series

State of Rebellion

Uncivil Liberties

To Faithfully Execute

Blood & Treasure – (Fall 2012)



Discover Books By Kate Armitage


Upon the Isles of the Sea


Books for Children


Katie Goes to School



Language is for Learning Series


What to Wear – German/English

What to Wear – French/English

What to Wear – Italian/English

What to Wear – Spanish/English


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