Consumed (Dark Protectors) (3 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

BOOK: Consumed (Dark Protectors)
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In a burst of power, he moved, lifting her against the wall. Way too fast. He leaned in close enough for his gaze to burn her face. “It wasn’t a request.”
While the man had always been stronger than most ... this was unreal. Surprise and distress kept Katie immobile. “What’s really going on?” The heat from his grip combined with his scent and softened her thighs.
Shock crossed his face. In slow motion, he glanced down at his hands holding her aloft. As if surprised they belonged to him. “I, uh, I’m sorry.”
He was finally holding her. Desire pebbled her nipples. Her core heated.
Symmetrical nostrils flared when he inhaled. A dark flush cut across his high cheekbones. “Jesus, Kate.”
The damn shifter could smell her. Embarrassment at her arousal dried the spit in her mouth. Until he moved forward, pressing a rock-hard erection between her legs.
Mouth to thighs, she flooded.
The wall cooled her back while the man heated her entire front as he held her aloft. So easily. Too easily.
Focus. She needed to focus. Was this really happening? Her fantasies didn’t come close to this heat—to this need. The breath caught in her throat and she held still. So still maybe he wouldn’t stop. Maybe he’d finally kiss her. “Jordan.”
He blinked. Once. Twice. “I’m sorry, Kate. I shouldn’t have grabbed you.”
Even so, he settled deeper into the vee between her legs.
Nothing in the world would make her look away. She held his gaze, mesmerized by the multitude of colors combining into topaz. “I’m a big girl.” They’d never be able to mate. She knew that. The man ruled the entire feline world—he couldn’t mate with an infected lioness unable to shift. With someone who might pass on the genetic mutation.
Resulting freedom brought the moment into sharp focus. Pain, too. But also ... freedom with the clear knowledge they’d never go anywhere spread through her like a swarm of hungry bees. Her chin lifted—along with her thighs.
He stilled.
Throwing challenge into her smile, she clasped her ankles at the small of his back, sliding along the prominent line of his erection. Her hands clenched his shoulders. “So. I’ve been waiting a long time for this.”
Dreams died. She knew that firsthand. She’d also learned—the rough way—to take the good and ride it hard.
“Kate.” Her name came out more of a groan. His tongue wet his lips.
Elation mingled with an odd despair inside her to result in determination. What the hell. She had nothing to lose. “You want me, Jordan.” Proof of his desire pulsed against her, even through her jeans. Every ounce of strength she had went into keeping the amazement off her face. He actually
her. “There’s no way we can go back to living near each other—not going to work.”
His gaze dropped to her lips. One broad hand threaded through her hair, tangling at the nape. “I’m dropping you off—going to fight.”
The words were simple, the tone final. A good-bye of sorts? “You’ve fought before.” Panic bit her words off. It would be just like Jordan to squire her to safety if he were about to fight to the death. To get his affairs in order. What wasn’t he telling her? She began to struggle.
He quickly, easily, immobilized her—pressing her body into the wall. “Stop moving. Please, God ...
stop moving
He tugged her head back. Erotic tingles jerked along her scalp. Her breasts pressed against his chest, forcing a groan from her. So hard. So male. The need echoed her heartbeat between her ears. “Please, Jordan.”
“Ah, Kate.” Sadness filtered through his amazing eyes. His hold tightened. Regret and inevitability exhaled on his sigh. Better than any dream, his head lowered toward hers.
Then his lips found hers, and she forgot all about sadness and dreams.
Fire, promise, despair, all comingled in his kiss, his lips firm, his tongue gentle. So much softness. The shoulders under her hands went rigid with restraint, a vibration of control as he kept himself in check.
Slowly, too damn slowly, he halted the kiss, levering back. Desire and apology cut hard into the lines of his face.
Oh, hell no
Swift as the cat she’d once been, she clutched both hands in his thick hair, yanking his mouth back down. Wild, nearly desperate, she slid her tongue inside, pressing her entire body along his length. Demand had her rubbing against him, need had her taking what she wanted. What she needed.
For almost two seconds, he held back.
The first growl came from down deep. He pivoted away from the wall, one hand in her hair, the other cupping her ass. Holding her aloft—taking control. He wrenched her head to the side, stealing her balance, destroying her equilibrium.
His tongue thrust deep, his lips demanding, his mouth scorching hot. The snapping of his control almost made a sound ... the sound of warning.
She met it with a sound of longing.
He reacted as if time stood against them, taking three steps and dropping her to the sofa, following her down, his mouth busy on hers the entire time.
Buttons scattered as he ripped her shirt open. Kisses, hot and wild, peppered her jaw, neck, and collarbone until he reached her breasts. “No bra,” he rumbled against her flesh before taking one aching nipple in his mouth.
She arched, crying out. Splinters of red-hot pleasure whipped from her breast to her begging clit. Then he nipped.
A ringing set up between her ears. She shoved the sound back, lost in the amazing sensation of Jordan’s mouth on her. Finally. His body trapping hers. Desire flowing around them.
He lifted his head. “Phone.”
Oh. The ringing. “Ignore it.” Her hands flattened out across his broad back, not even coming close to spanning the masculine width. The muscles shifted, vibrating beneath her palms. So much strength.
The machine clicked on. A male voice. “Hi, Kate. I have a new set of files and should be there in a minute. Um, we need to talk.” The message stopped.
Jordan drew in a harsh breath.
Shit, shit, shit. “That was Baye—he can see you tomorrow.” Katie’s mind spun. “Let me call him back.”
“No.” Gently, Jordan tugged her shirt back into place. The mood was certainly broken. “His brother will be calling him tonight to return to the ranch—we’ve had to relocate headquarters. I’ll see him after I get you to safety.”
Baye and his two brothers had served as Jordan’s enforcers for about a century. When Katie had ventured out on her own, Jordan had sent Baye with her. He’d swiftly become her confidant, often joining her and Maggie for a drink after work. While cats and wolves didn’t usually get along well, Maggie seemed like one of them. Wolf or not.
Katie dropped her hands from Jordan’s shoulders, not willing to beg. The harsh expression on his face promised it wasn’t going to happen. Ever. “Jordan—”
“I have a meeting, too.” He levered to his feet. Regret flashed bright through his dark eyes. “I, this, we ... this shouldn’t have happened. I’m sorry.” His hands shook. “Be ready tomorrow.”
His words penetrated her foggy mind. “I can’t. Besides my werewolf job, I work hard as a dispatcher for the police force during the day. Just quitting on the spot would be terrible for my coworkers.” She enjoyed her job and heard first about any odd animal attacks.
Maggie worked at the hospital during the day shift for the same reason. But she was just part-time, which gave her freedom to travel west for testing every few months.
Of course, the vampires had to work their magic on the computer systems of both the human police force and hospital to circumvent background checks. Maggie had also needed bloodwork to be employed at the hospital. Such tests were easily manipulated by the vampires—more specifically by Kane Kayrs, the smartest guy on the planet.
Jordan’s eyes hardened. “Call and quit, Katie. I’m not asking.” Three strides and he disappeared out the door.
Damnit. Katie pressed a trembling hand to her burning mouth. Hopefully that huge erection would cause him serious pain. Finally, to have been so close. But no, Jordan had stopped. He didn’t want her—at least not badly enough to take a chance. She’d known him almost her entire life. When Jordan wanted something,
stopped him. Time to face that fact and stop freaking pining.
Katie jumped up, her body humming, aching from remaining unfulfilled. Her heart splintering. She ran into her bedroom and changed her damaged shirt, emerging just as someone knocked on the door.
Her breath caught. It wasn’t Jordan. Yet she dashed forward, throwing the oak door open to reveal Baye. All six feet of him—tough-ass feline shifter. Behind him stood Lance, tiger shifter and fighting champion. The three of them made up a squad. Her squad.
Disappointment threatened to choke her. “Hi.” She gestured them inside.
Baye didn’t move, surveying the room, scenting the air. Symmetrical nostrils flared and he ran a rough hand through his dark, shoulder-length hair. “Lion.”
“I know Pride’s scent as well as my own.” Baye lifted an eyebrow, stepping inside.
Lance followed and quietly, too softly, he shut the door and handed her a file. “We have a new report of an infection.”
Of course they did. Now she had to go out and hunt a shifter who had probably been a good man at one time. “Just one, huh?” Taking a deep breath, she returned to the sofa, trying so hard not to think of Jordan pressing her into the soft leather.
Baye leaned against the door. Lance hovered near the couch.
What was their problem? She frowned.
Baye’s eyes darkened further. “Open the file.”
A tickle set up at the base of her spine. Her lungs compressed. Something whispered she should run. Shrugging her shoulders, she flipped open the file.
Jordan Pride’s picture stared back at her.
Chapter 2
ordan jogged through the alley, cutting a hard right to end up at his hotel. Cobbled stones protested with each beat of his boots. The city of New Orleans didn’t agree with him. Too hot, too muggy, too many damn humans. Their merriment wandered on the breeze—carefree and joyful at the constant parade and fun. He’d lived his life alone, and the ever present comraderie in the southern town only made him feel more so.
The breadth of magic mixed with the humid air, coating his skin. He didn’t like humidity or water, either. Most cats didn’t—which is exactly why he’d assigned Katie to the area. If she found werewolves, they wouldn’t be former members of her clan.
Maybe when he turned completely into a werewolf, he’d jump right into the sea. Though he’d be dead before that happened.
What the hell had he been thinking? Touching her? Kissing her? Sure, he’d noticed her as a woman years ago. Had known without a doubt, the pretty shifter deserved better than him. Had also known such knowledge wouldn’t have stopped him from taking her. Who knew? Maybe they would’ve stood some kind of chance.
But not now, not with the beast inside him calling the shots.
Scaling the rickety fire escape to the third floor of his antiquated hotel, he shoved open his window and jumped inside. No need to go through the lobby. Stealth had always been his friend.
A rust-colored shag carpet muffled his steps as he strode past the bed to the scarred table to boot up his laptop. At one time, before war had intruded, he’d been able to afford the best. But all funds had been earmarked for war, safety, and more hospitals. The last ten years had been the most difficult his people had ever faced, considering so many had been lost to the virus. Besides, right at the moment, he needed solitude and peace, and the dive provided quiet.
Connlan Kayrs took shape, his angled face filling the screen. “How did it go?”
“Not good.” Jordan dropped into a ripped leather chair the color of a yellow cake Katie had once burned for his birthday. “Exactly what I expected, actually.”
Conn’s metallic green eyes narrowed. He rubbed his short hair. The ends had recently been singed off when he tried to harness his mate’s magic without permission. Moira was an incredibly powerful witch and had apparently set a booby trap, though if anyone tried to ask Conn about it, he hit them in the face. The vampire frowned. “When will Katie be arriving at headquarters?”
“Tomorrow.” Jordan scratched his chin. Tired. He was so damn tired. “We both will.”
“Does she know?”
“No. Well ... maybe. Baye was on his way with a file. I’m assuming my face is in it.” Jordan had handpicked the assassin to cover Katie’s back. Though the enforcer’s services were no longer needed. Katie would soon be underground.
Conn leaned forward. “You should’ve told her yourself.”
“Probably.” He’d chickened out. Well ... not exactly true. His mouth had been too busy on her breast to actually talk. “Whatever happens, you’ll keep her safe and away from feline headquarters until Noah is secure as the new leader. Keep her away from me, too.” The people Jordan trusted in this life were few. Connlan Kayrs sat atop the list.
“I will.” Two words—yet an absolute vow from the soldier. “Though I don’t think you’re giving yourself enough credit. You wouldn’t hurt Kate.”
Jordan wasn’t sure. “The virus ... I’ve changed already.”
Conn rolled his eyes. “The virus has nothing to do with it. When did you know?”
Irritation had Jordan clenching his hands. “Know what?”
“That she was yours.”
Heat slid down his spine. “Never.”
“Bullshit.” Conn flipped a knife in his hand, the silver coming in view and back out. “When did you turn around and notice she was all grown up?”
Damn his friend. They knew each other too well. “When the Kurjans took her and Talen helped me get her back.” Jordan would never forget the sight of her in that hospital bed, so pale, so fragile. “It was like a kick to the gut.” Thank the fates she’d recovered perfectly. That time. Before she’d been infected by the virus.
“Yeah,” Conn said softly. “You sent her away, Jordan. To fight werewolves.”
He’d never been able to tell her no. “She needed to go. To grow and learn ... not be confused by—”
“By her feelings for you.” Conn tucked the knife away. “Been there, done that. It’s been ten years for you. I’m thinking the woman has had long enough to decide if she has a childhood crush or something more.”
“What’s the point?” Jordan shook his head. Yeah, the woman had kissed him like it was more—definitely more. But he’d spent over three decades protecting her, and he couldn’t stop now that he was dying. “She’s in every thought—I’ll take her, Conn. I can feel it.” He’d kill himself before he hurt Katie. He sighed. “A werewolf wouldn’t fight the attraction.”
“Neither should you.”
God spare him from happily mated vampires. “I appreciate you wanting to make my last days on earth full of love and sex, but get a grip.” He’d let Katie go a decade ago to find herself ... to learn to deal with her illness on her own terms. To become strong enough to deal with him. Too bad it couldn’t happen now.
Fate truly was a bitch.
Conn raised an eyebrow. Anger flashed across his cheeks, fury had his lips going white. “Did you just tell me to
get a grip
“Yes.” His friend had been pissed since the blood tests came back on Jordan. “Let it go—there’s nothing we can do.”
Silver shot through the green of Conn’s eyes. Vampires had a secondary eye color that came through during emotional times. “Stop fucking punishing yourself for what we did.”
Jordan didn’t need this shit. “I’m not punishing myself. The virus came from arrows shot by the Kurjans—and has nothing to do with my past.”
Conn shook his head. “I know you.”
Unfortunately, the vampire did know him. “So?”
“So, this lone wolf bullshit has gone on long enough. You deserve to lead and you’re an excellent leader. Nobody says you have to do it all alone.”
“Did you just call me a wolf?” Jordan forced a smile. What was it with happy vampires? They instantly wanted everyone else to be happy, too. Then if you didn’t go along, they tried to beat you up. Vampires were an odd species.
Conn rolled his eyes. “We’ll deal with your personal problems later. For now, I’m not giving up on curing you of the virus.” He leaned forward. “Maggie has been here for the last month, and I think Kane is close to some sort of antiviral.”
Kane was Conn’s older brother and the smartest person on the planet. Even so, with less than a week until Jordan turned into a monster, there wasn’t time for
. “Sounds good. Tell Kane he can experiment on me all he wants during the day.” Nighttime, well, nothing kept him from the moon.
“Your acceptance of this is pissing me off.” Conn’s jaw hardened.
Jordan shrugged. “You can be as angry as you want, so long as you keep your word.” They’d fought together during the last war three hundred years ago. Both assassins, close enough to be brothers. Which meant Conn was the only person he trusted to end this right. “When the time comes, you need to kill me.”
Conn went still. Even across the country, his tension emanated. His eyes flashed green to vampire silver. “
the time comes ... I will.”

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