Cooking For Cowboy (Stampede Sizzlers) (15 page)

Read Cooking For Cowboy (Stampede Sizzlers) Online

Authors: Brenda Sinclair

Tags: #Brenda Sinclair, #cowboy, #series, #Calgary Stampede, #Romance, #steamy romance, #contemporary western, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Cooking For Cowboy (Stampede Sizzlers)
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Maybe Willie was right.

Maybe they would make the perfect couple.




Chapter 12


Sierra parked Chad’s truck where he usually parked, near the old tree by the fence. She glanced across the cab and noticed him staring at her. “What?”

“You’re an excellent driver,” he observed, his eyes never leaving hers. “For someone who drives a suicide job like a little Honda, I’m impressed with how well you handle this size of vehicle.”

She smiled, her heart flipped over with his praise. “I used to drive a pickup truck part-time for a hotshot company years ago, delivering parts to oilfield companies. And small cars are not ‘suicide jobs’ if you know how to drive.”

“It’s not your driving I’m concerned about. It’s the idiot in the other vehicle.” He reached for her hand.

Sierra burst into laughter. “I know what you mean. My Honda was totaled recently by a big truck.”

Chad frowned and then the corners of his lips lifted, momentarily revealing two tiny dimples. “Oh, hell. I walked right into that one, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did.” Sierra nodded, smiling.

“It’s late and my brain is soaked in beer. And I’m totally distracted by the gorgeous woman sitting beside me. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.” Chad grinned back at her. He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand before releasing it.

“Let’s get your beer-soaked brain into the house,” suggested Sierra, opening the driver’s door and hopping out.

Chad crawled out of the passenger side door and met her in front of his truck. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her softly on the mouth. After a minute or so his headlights turned off, plunging them into darkness.

“I can’t get enough of your luscious lips,” he confessed.

Together, they stumbled across the driveway toward the house in the darkness. Someone had left the outside light on for them, illuminating the way up the cement steps leading to the front door. Chad fumbled with the key, finally managing to unlock it.

Inside, the house stood eerily quiet except for the ticking of the clock in the front entryway. A hint of cinnamon scented the air. She recalled leaving home-made apple pies for Celia to pop into the oven for dessert after dinner tonight. Chad slipped the deadbolt back into place before guiding Sierra down the hallway to their bedrooms. They paused outside her door.

“I had a wonderful time tonight, Chad. Remind me to thank your mom for suggesting it.” Sierra pushed an errant lock of hair out of his eyes. Did she want the evening to end here and now? Not damn likely. Perhaps she should suggest a nightcap. Or a cup of coffee. Anything to extend their time together.

“I enjoyed myself, too. Once in awhile Mom comes up with a good idea.” Chad slipped his arms around her waist, tightened the embrace, and whispered in her ear. “My brain is formulating a good idea right now, too.”

“Really?” The word squeaked out.

“Oh, yeah,” he continued. “A brilliant idea.”

“Care to share this idea?” she teased.

“Let me show you.” Chad brushed tiny kisses across her forehead, over her closed eyelids and down her upturned nose, finally taking possession of her mouth.

Sierra sighed as she leaned into his body and wrapped her arms around his neck. After a half dozen beers, he seemed a little tipsy. She hadn’t had anything but Cokes since the glass of wine with dinner, but she felt totally drunk on his kisses. Knowing where the evening was headed, she settled her body against his erection.


* * *


Sierra’s kisses made him dizzy at the best of times. After a half dozen beers, she almost melted his thought processes like an over-heated computer chip. He reached out with one hand and walked her backward, pinned her warm supple body against the hallway wall’s hard surface, all the while deepening their kiss. Man, he could stand here kissing her for the rest of his life.

After a minute, Sierra broke the kiss. Breathing heavily, she met his eyes and whispered, “I...I’d better go to bed now.”

“Excellent suggestion,” whispered Chad, turning the doorknob and opening her bedroom door. He scooped her up in his arms and kicked the door shut with his cowboy boot.

Barney leapt off his bed the second they entered the room.

“Hi, Barney.” Sierra greeted her pet warmly as the dog bounded across the floor, tail wagging furiously.

Chad set her down on her feet. “I guess Celia left the bedside lamp on for him.”

Sierra crouched down and ruffled Barney’s ears. “So he can see. Sometimes, he likes to read while he’s waiting for me to come home.”

Chad chuckled. “Yeah, right. I forgot about your four-footed roommate here.”

Sierra set her purse down and dug a doggie treat out of her desk drawer. “Here you go. This is for being a good boy while I was away. Eat it and then go back to bed, Barney.”

The dog inhaled the treat, lumbered over to his bed, circled and settled down. In an instant he was sound asleep again, snoring softly.

“My turn for a treat,” mumbled Chad, nibbling on her mouth as hungrily as a starving homeless man. In a moment of clarity, he realized that’s exactly how he’d felt until this remarkable woman entered his life. Homeless in a life without purpose. Adrift in an unattached-single-male sea of loneliness, in a totally solitary existence like a man stranded on a deserted island. He was the type of guy who needed a woman in his life. He needed Sierra.

She sighed in his arms. “I really love kissing you,” she murmured, returning his kisses with ardent enthusiasm, flaming his desire.

“Do you want more than just kisses?” he asked, meeting her eyes.

She nodded.

He reached down, found the hem on her sundress and bunched the flimsy material in his hands as he drew it up her body and tugged it over her head. He dropped the dress at his feet and almost swallowed his tongue. He admired her curvaceous body barely covered by the tiny silken see-through bits of fabric some designer had marketed as a bra and panties.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he whispered.

He grabbed the decorative pillows off the bed, tossing them every which way. He whipped the quilt and top sheet back, and then lowered her onto the bed. He sat on the edge and removed her sandals, massaging one foot while kissing each pink-polished toe in turn, and then doing the same to the other.

“You’ve got cute toes,” he said, laying her foot down.

She laughed. “Thank you. No one has ever told me that before.”

He strode across the floor and tugged off his cowboy boots with assistance from the boot jack by the door. His socks followed. As he slowly worked his way back, he slipped out of his suit jacket, tossing it in the direction of the chaise longue. He missed. He didn’t care. He slowly unbuttoned and removed his white shirt, extended his arm, and dropped the shirt atop the jacket on the floor.

She smiled, wickedly and bobbed her eyebrows. “Quite the striptease, Mr. Parker,” she whispered.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” He touched the brim of his cowboy hat, settled at a rakish angle atop his head.

He unbuckled his belt while she watched from her unobstructed vantage point. He slipped the length of tooled-leather out of the belt loops and tossed it into the pile.

Next off, his jeans. He unzipped the fly and turned his back to her. He slowly worked the denim down his hips, kicked them off when they reached his ankles. He thought he heard her whisper something about nice buns, but the blood was pounding in his ears. He’d never done this before in his life. He felt totally turned on and completely foolish in equal measure. How did the pros do this in front of dozens of women every night?

He turned sideways, glanced back and met her eyes.

“Don’t stop now.” She grinned, eyeing his tighty-whities. “You’re just getting to the good part. Come on over here, and let me help you with that.”

He chuckled as he stood beside the bed while she slid his underwear down and his erection popped into view. She worked his shorts down his legs and he kicked them off. He grabbed his Stetson off his noggin and sent it sailing across the room. It landed on Barney’s head. The dog whipped his head sideways, spilling the hat onto the floor, and then he settled down to sleep again.

Chad joined her on the bed, nudging her back against the pillows and lying atop her. They melded their bodies skin to skin, and he cushioned his aching erection against her. She lay under him, face flushed, eyes filled with lust and something more. Was that genuine affection he saw in her eyes? Could he be so lucky? Could this perfect woman actually fall in love with him some day?

He reached behind her and unhooked her strapless bra, tossing the scrap of material over his head not caring where it landed. He suckled one nipple, and then the other. He pushed himself up, sat astride her middle and looked deep into her lust-dazed eyes. He slid his hands up her sides and she closed her eyes. Her skin was as smooth as silk. Her arms fell back against the pillow; she looked as angelic as a sleeping child. He recalled the things her hands had done to his body while they were in the hot tub. Under the right circumstances, she was no angel, and he couldn’t wait to release her devilish side again. He heard her whimper with need. He worked her thong past her thighs and down her legs. She helped him slip it off and tossed it aside.

At last, they were both naked.

He’d imagined this moment since surprising her by dropping his towel in his bedroom earlier this evening. They’d made out like teenagers in the hot tub, and only got as far as grinding themselves against each other while clothed on the dining room table. Finally, he gazed worshipfully upon her beautiful naked body in all its glory. He wasn’t disappointed. She was all his.

Among a wispy patch of soft blonde curls, he found the sensitive nubbin that would bring her to climax. Her breathing quickened and his fingers worked her into a near frenzy in a matter of seconds.

“Are you ready for me?” He discovered the wetness between her legs. She was ready for him all right. Did she want him as badly as he wanted her?

“Yes. You have no idea,” she moaned.

Suddenly, she tried squirming out from under him. He wondered what he’d done wrong until she stretched out her arm and her hand yanked open the drawer in her bedside table. “I packed these, just in case,” she admitted, setting the box of condoms at his side.

“Smart woman.” His hands roamed over her lilac-scented body. He could feel her trembling beneath him, like his team of Thoroughbreds trembled when anxiously awaiting the klaxon at the start of a race.

“Hurry,” she encouraged him, breathlessly. “I need you inside me now.”

He slipped on a condom and then almost lost consciousness as he entered her velvety softness for the first time. She immediately wrapped her long legs around his waist.

“Oh, please, now, Chad, now.”

He quickened his pace, and she matched him stroke for stroke.

“That feels so good,” she whispered, panting. “I...I...”

A second later, she arched her back.

“Chad,” she cried out.

He covered her mouth with a kiss as she reached orgasm. He felt her body pulsing and hearing his name on her lips when she came drove him on. Her urgency matched his own. He’d worry about slow and sensual next time. Unable to hold back another second, he whispered her name as he buried his face in her silky hair, and then he climaxed with an explosive release.


* * *


Sierra wasn’t certain which end was up. She’d heard about seeing stars or fireworks when making love with a man, but until now she’d thought it was just a bunch of baloney.

Now, she knew differently.

Warmth radiated through her core from their lovemaking. He remained inside her, their bodies melded together perfectly.

Suddenly, Barney leapt onto the bed, growled menacingly at Chad, and stuck his muzzle into Sierra’s face. She saw the look of confusion in his eyes. “He’s not hurting me, Barney. I’m okay, boy.” She reached out and petted the dog’s head.

Barney turned his attention to Chad. Sierra would swear the dog actually glared at the man.

“Everything is okay, Barney. I’d never hurt your owner. Never. I promise.” Chad smiled at the dog.

“You go back to sleep.” She pointed to Barney’s sleeping area.

Barney met eyes with Sierra again, and then leapt down and returned to his own bed.

Chad burst out laughing. “I’ve got to say...that has never happened before. Professing my intentions to a woman’s dog.” He shook his head. Slowly, his spent member slipped out of her body.

Sierra laughed. “He’s never been around when I...I’m certain he thought you were doing unspeakable things to me. Hurting me terribly.”

“Well, I hope he believed us. Next time he might not stop at growling at me.”

Her hand rested on his chest and she felt his heartbeat pounding and then slowly subsiding. Her own breath returned to normal and she sighed aloud

“Are you okay?” he whispered, resting his head against hers.

“Better than okay.” She laid her ear against his chest, listened to his heartbeat. “That was wonderful.”

“If I’m dreaming, no one had better wake me up,” he chuckled.

“Me, either.”

Minutes later, the bed dipped as Chad crawled off it and stepped into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He returned a few seconds later and snuggled between the sheets with her. Being with this kind, caring, gentle man felt so right. She sighed aloud.

“That felt so good.” He answered her sigh with one of his own. “But next time we’ll take things a little slower.”

She tucked her head under his chin and ran her fingers through the hint of wavy curls on his chest. After a minute, she raised her head, slid upward until she could reach his mouth, and kissed him tenderly. Chad eased his tongue into her mouth and warmth returned to her core.

Sierra pulled back and met his eyes. “I want you again, now,” she admitted, brazenly. His beautiful body was like a decadent box of chocolates to her. Once wasn’t enough. She needed more of him.

“Sierra.” He whispered her name. “You’re a chef; you work with recipes every day. Are you forgetting the recipe for lovemaking?”

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