Cormac (11 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #Erotica, #paranormal, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Cormac
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Good. I heard that there is going to be a
huge walk-in too, so you can have fresh veggies for soup all the time. And
Craig said to tell you when it opens again, he’s going to be the first in line
. Andi laughed and
told him that he’d been out to see her.
He’s a very nice old man. I think he
might be sweet on you too

He told me he was. Said that I reminded him
of his wife when she was alive
. Mac had told her about Craig and his life,
what he knew of it.
He wants a job. He said he can run the cash register as
good as any kid. I’m going to talk to Storm about it when she gets back

Did Dad tell you that your father is going
upstate to the prison in the morning
? She said that he had.
I had Ennis go out
and tell Jim. He seemed genuinely relieved about it

Me too, if you want to know the truth. If
he’s there, I don’t have to worry about him getting out. It’s happened before
. He knew it had.
Storm had told him that he’d gotten out twice when he should have been sent up.
My aunt isn’t going to go away, is she

No. Not easily, anyway. You do know that you handled
her just fine, don’t you
You stood up to her again and that had to piss her
.” She told him it was hard, almost as hard as it had been when she’d
been in jail that time.
You keep it up. If Storm had been there, you know
that she would have shot her, don’t you

Yes. She would have had her bleeding on the
ground even before she got out of the cab. And Donald did great in letting us
know she was coming. I’m not sure how it would have gone if she had surprised
. He
told her that they would have circled around her and she would have been just
When are you coming home
I know that I wanted you to go, but I
really miss you

I should be able to leave here tomorrow
night. I talked them into hiring senior citizens to help out on the lines. We
have to find out what that entails, as well as how to schedule it to work. Bryon
said that he could buy a bus to cart them back and forth to work, and his
sister is game for it as well
. He smiled when he thought of how on board
these people were now.
I have to write up a report on what we’re doing to
make improvements, as well as what I found when Elton was still working here. The
other employees are glad he’s gone, but have no idea how to do their jobs now for
the most part

They talked a little more about the lines and
what there had to be done to make them viable again. She suggested that they hire
a cook to make sure that there were foods there that they could eat, that
vending machines might be dangerous for a few of them.

I miss holding you. I never realized how
lonely a bed could be without you here
. Her sigh made his cock stretch.
I would
like nothing more than to take you right now. Tell me, are you naked, Andi

Yes. I just got in the tub. There are bubbles
all over me. Even my nipples are hard because of them
. Christ, he thought,
he was going to die here.
Are you hard, Mac
Is your cock thick like
it is when you fuck me

He pulled his cock free of his boxers and
fisted himself.
I’m hard as stone, and precum is dripping from the tip just
thinking of you all wet and dewy in the tub. What are you doing

Touching my pussy
. He nearly jerked
his cock from his body.
And my nipples ache to have you suckling them. When
you do that, you have no idea how wonderful it makes me feel. I get wetter just
thinking about you nibbling on me

He fisted his cock tighter. His balls were
tightening up, filling to be released. When she moaned again, he did too,
thinking about her fingers in her pussy. Her voice was coming to him in short
pants now, and he knew that he wasn’t going to last much longer.

Oh, Mac. I’m so hot right now, my pussy is
ready for your cock
He was ready for her too, and hated the distance between them.
When you eat
me as your cat, his tongue fucking me, I feel like he’s going to touch the back
of my throat, he’s so deep. Mac, I’m coming

So did he. His cum shot up a foot before
coming back down on his body to burn him. He came a second time when she
screamed out her release to him, and he felt his body tense up again when she
cried out his name for the third time. As he lay there, stroking his cock, he
closed his eyes and wondered how he’d gotten so lucky with her.

I’m worn out
. He laughed and told
her that he’d probably sleep better too now.
Good. I’ve never done anything
like that before. It was so…intense.

You did it very well
. He laughed.
I get home, I want to watch you do that same thing. I want to watch your face
when you come

I’d love to see you coming too. I want to
taste your cock, too, like you do my pussy
. His cock stirred, and he wondered if
she was teasing him.
We need to get a vibrator

Christ, woman, are you trying to kill me
? He fisted his cock
again, thinking about her using a vibrator on herself. Then he thought of him
using it on her.
I’m going to go shopping before I get home. Thinking about eating
you with one in your pussy has me hard as a fucking stone again

I want to come again
. He closed his eyes,
thinking of seeing her there, sending what he was thinking to her.
Oh Christ,
yes. More

Every dirty thought he’d had since he was a
teenager, he put her body and face into it. She was standing in the woods naked,
tied to a tree while his cat took her. Her body bound to the bed while he
fucked her. Thoughts of taking her in the shower, the hot tub, and anyplace
else he could take her ran through his mind and into her. And when she screamed
again, telling him through their link that she was coming, he felt his cock
erupt and he nearly passed out, it felt that wonderful.

Long after she told him that she was going to
bed and good night, he lay there thinking of all the things that he wanted for
them; not just sex, but just life in general. He wanted children, as much as
she did. He wanted safety, which was something that he was going to take care
of soon. And he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Growing old and
feeling good about each other just the way his parents had.

Rolling to his back, he looked up at the
ceiling, wondering about her cat when he converted her. What their children
would look like when they came to them. How they would be as parents too. Smiling,
he felt good about life in general and could not wait to get back home again to
start it. Life, he knew, was going to start looking up. More so than it did


Chapter 11


Hester sat in her recliner and watched the
door. She had her gun at her side as well as two pistols in her lap. There was
no one coming here to take her home, by God. And she’d kill the first person
that tried to do so. Her fucking brother had promised her this place when she
came here, and he was by God damned going to make it happen for her. The phone
in her hand, the one she’d picked up today, was still playing music instead of
giving her the answers that she wanted. There was going to be hell paid for
that as well.

“Hello, Mrs. Casey. What can I do for you
today?” She wanted to tell the woman she could eat poison and die like the rest
of the fucking cunts in the world, but she needed her right now and decided
that she’d be a little nicer than she might have been otherwise. “I’m to
understand that you wish to speak to your brother. I’m sure you were made aware
of it, but he’s no longer—”

“I know that, you fucking bitch. I want you
to connect me to him anyway. There has to be some sort of connecting shit going
on so you all can talk to each other. I’m not stupid, you know.” The woman
asked her to not use such language. “I will use any fucking language that I
want to use. I demand that you connect me to him now, bitch.”

“You want to talk to me like that? When you
want something from me? All right then, we’ll work this your way. He’s not
here. They chained his ankles and hands together yesterday, after doing a thorough
cavity search of his person, and took him to the prison, where, in my opinion,
he should have been years ago. He went in a large van with other people of his
like. Where I’m sure you might end up if you keep talking to people as if they
are beneath you.” Hester had opened her mouth to blast the fucking bitch when
she continued. “You have a really nice day, and think about all the times he’s
going to get a prick up his ass. Much like the rod you have up yours.”

When the line went dead, Hester had a good
mind to call her back and give her a piece of her mind. But she didn’t. Not
that she didn’t want to, but the fucking phone told her that she only had
seventeen minutes left to make calls on it. And she didn’t want to waste her
breath talking to some woman who for all Hester knew had slept her way to her
position. Who was more than likely at this very moment down on her knees in
front of the man behind the glass giving it to him.

“People and sex. What the fuck is wrong with
you that you feel the need to have it?” Hester had never enjoyed the coming
together of two people. Her husband had had numerous affairs when she told him
that he couldn’t stick that nasty thing in her again. And Hester had been just
fine with it. Any woman who would let a man do that to her was lower than a snake
as far as Hester was concerned, and she had it on good authority that sex was
the ruination of the world. All it begat was brats, and she hated them as much
as she hated sex.

Getting up, she made her way to the door to
peek out to make sure no one was sneaking onto her property. Yesterday someone
had come up on her porch and stapled a notice to her door saying she had ten
days to vacate the premises or she could be considered trespassing. The nerve
of some fuckers.

Going to the kitchen with her weapon, she pulled
out one of the many cans of soup she’d had stashed in her room over the last
months. Hester had been hoarding food forever, but lately she’d been putting
back things like water bottles and canned meats too. She knew there was a day
of reckoning coming and she was going to be prepared for it. She had a feeling that
she was going to be putting up a siege, and now she was glad that she had seen
it coming.

“Damned people. Making things hard on me.” As
the soup simmered on the stove, she glared at the contraption that George had stolen
off the back of the truck for them. The microwave was a work of the government
she’d told him when he bought it in, to kill them by putting them waves in
their bodies so they could track their every move. He’d laughed at her. She
realized then that he’d done that a lot when he’d been here.

“Sure, I know that the government is tricky
and always trying to take things from us, but this thing is to make life
generally better for us. Cooking food is quicker with one of these things. Let
me show you.”

“You’ll do nothing of the kind. You keep that
thing and whatever shit that comes out of it away from me. I don’t even want to
have you running that contraption when I’m in the house. You hear me, George? I’ll
hurt you bad if you do.” He asked her how he was to use it then, because she
never left the damned house. “Good. You might just thank me when everybody that
has one of those things is like the walking dead people because the government
has fried up their brains for them, and you and me are just fine.”

She wasn’t sure that it had ever been used
since that day. Even looking at it now, she was amazed at how new it looked and
wondered how much she could get for it. Not that she needed the money. She had
her pension as well as her stash in her room, but it never hurt to have a
little more.

When the soup was finished, she moved it off
the burner and poured it in the bowl she had out for it. Hester enjoyed her own
company. She was the smartest person she knew, and hated being around others
who were just too stupid to learn to breathe on their own. Not even her brother
could hold a candle to her wealth of knowledge. And she was street smart too.
Knew more than most people who even had a college education. And Hester prided
herself on her knowledge about the government too.

They were out to get them all. Control them
in any way that they could, and would just as soon kill anyone off that knew
what was up faster than even the biggest criminal. Hester also knew that they
were running tests on people. Changing them into things that weren’t right.
Messing with the things that God had put here. Like them damned people that her
niece was with. All of them monsters.

“One day that’s gonna bite them in the ass
too.” As she crumbled her crackers in the soup, she smiled at the thought of
one of them big nasty beasts that they made with their labs and shit, and hoped
that one day that she’d hear about how it had eaten all them fuckers at the
White House. “Serve them right too, fucking around with things that ain’t got
no business messing with. I’ll be the only woman alive with nary a thing to do
with them monsters and still living in my own home.”

She moved between the kitchen and the living
room all throughout the day. Twice someone pulled in the drive and she waited,
her gun ready to shoot whoever came on her property. But all they did was use
her drive as a turnabout, and she was going to put a stop to that too when this
shit was done.

The ringing of her phone startled her so
badly that it was almost done ringing before she remembered she should answer

“Hester?” She sat down on the chair as her
brother’s voice came through the line. “Hester? They said to call this number,
that you was looking for me. Hester, where are you?”

“I’m here. Yes, I’ve been trying to reach
you. Where the hell have they taken you now?” He told her that he was spending
the next five years in the big prison. “What for? You tell them I said to let
you go or I’m gonna come there and show them what it’s like to take what don’t
belong to them. I can’t be dealing with this right now, George. You done left
me in a jam, and those damned kids of yours ain’t helping me.”

“Kids? I don’t…I can’t talk about them with
you. It hurts my head something painful.” She told him he’d better damn well
talk to her about his kids. “I can’t, Hester. Makes my nose bleed and my head twirl
around like one of them topsy turvy things I had as a boy.”

“You always had the best toys, and I will not
be put off for this. I want you to tell me how to get them back here. I know
that them people are hiding them away from me. I want you to get here so I can
make them mind.” He told her that he wasn’t going to help her. “What do you
mean, you’re not helping me? You most certainly will. Get your ass here right
now, George, or so help me I’m going to make you regret it for the rest of your
short miserable life.”

“I like it here just fine. I don’t want to
talk about no kids, and I don’t want you to come and try to get me out of
here.” She started to tell him he was fucking insane when he spoke again. “Yes,
I like it here just fine. I got me three straight meals a day, a bed that don’t
snap springs in my private parts when I move, and I can watch all the
television I want. I’m happy here.”

“I’m not happy, and you know what happens
when I’m not happy, George. People get into trouble when that happens. I’m
telling you right now, you will come here and help me. Or so help me, I’m going
to go there and beat you to shit for treating me this way.” He told her he was
sorry. “You have no idea what that’s going to mean on you when I’m done. Get your
fucking ass back here and help me out of this shit you put me in.”

“I’m done with you, Hester. You have a fine
life. And when I get out, if I do, then I’m not going back there either. There
is a buzzing in my head that tells me that if I do go back to there, I’m not
going to be long for it.” He told her again that he wished her the best of luck
with it and hung up on her.

It took all her willpower—and Hester prided
herself on her power of the mind—not to toss the phone to the wall and have
done with them all. There was no hope for her brother right now, but when he
got out she was going to teach him a lesson or two that he’d not soon forget.
She’d done it before when he’d had it in his mind that she should do more
around the house. This time he’d not soon forget she was ten years older than
him. And, as such, deserved to get what she wanted.

“They’ll all learn that I’m superior to them.
And when they get that in their thick fucking heads, I’m going to never let
them forget it.”


Andi felt her body come apart. Even as she
screamed out her release, she had a moment of worry. She’d been alone when
she’d come to bed. Mac was still helping his clients. But looking down her
body, she saw him there, his big cat, between her thighs as he ate at her pussy
over and over. She curled her fingers into his thick fur and held him to her as
he slid his tongue deep inside of her.

He loves the way you taste first thing in the
morning. All dewy and wet for him.
She cried out again when Mac, in her mind,
brought her again.
Come for him, baby. Fill him with your juices so I can
have my turn.

“Fuck me, Mac. Please. Fuck me.”
growled low, the sound of it making her body tense up for another climax. And
as she released again, she felt something powerful and magical tighten the room,
and looked down at Mac, her man, as he grinned at her from where his cat had
been. “Please. I need you.”

“And I you. I’m going to feast on you. Then
I’m going to fuck you until we’re both completely satisfied.” His tongue licked
over her pussy, tickling her clit as he did so. “This is the best part of
having you sleeping naked. Christ, never wear clothing to bed again. Come for
me, Andi. Come so I can have my fill of you as well.”

His hands were everywhere. His fingers were
touching parts of her she was sure she’d never touched. He made her scream, beg,
and cry. Mac was relentless, loving, and kind. When he nibbled on her clit,
sliding his fingers in and out of her pussy, she came again, screaming so
loudly that she was sure she’d be hoarse for a week. And when he lifted his
body from hers, Andi knew that he was only getting started as he made his way
up her body, biting and nipping at her skin as he did.

“When I got in this morning, I thought about
letting you sleep, maybe even taking a short nap with you. But you were naked.
Christ, it was all I could do not to take you then.” She touched him, his
hardened nipple, as he passed her, his muscles tight in his arms as he held
himself over her. “You’re in heat, love. If we do this right, you’ll conceive
my child.”

Her body seemed to hum at his words, come
alive with the need to fill her body with his child. As he kissed her, deep and
lovingly, Andi thought of his baby, their child, growing within her.

“Yes. I want that.” He touched his cock to
her pussy, the heat of him nearly consuming her with it. “Give me your child,
Mac. I want to love your child as much as I was never loved and cared for.”

He slammed forward, taking her breath away
and bringing her to peak again. When he started pounding her, his entire body
seemed to go between human and cat, his beast—as he called him—claiming parts
of him and her as he fucked her through three more powerful climaxes. When she
knew he was close, his cock taking short, hard punches at her, she tilted her
neck and gave him her throat.

“Take me. Now, Mac. Make me whole.” The cat
in him growled and Andi felt it to her toes. And when he snapped his mouth over
her throat, she knew the kind of pain that she’d never felt before. Pain that
had her pulling back from him even as she held him to her.

She knew from talking to Storm that it was
painful. That the bite was necessary, but it hurt like a motherfucker. As he
continued to take her, giving her as much of him as he could, she thought of
being a cat, a tiger, and knew that it was going to be all worth it.

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