Cosmic Sex (8 page)

Read Cosmic Sex Online

Authors: Karen Kelley

Tags: #Police, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Romance, #Human-Alien Encounters, #General, #Love Stories

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“What the hell... ” It looked like it had been ripped right off.

“Is this your car, Nick?” a young officer asked. He stood beside Nick’s vehicle, jotting down information. A big bruiser of a man stood beside him. He didn’t look happy. Nick glanced up the street a short distance. A car with a damaged right fender was pulled to the side.

But no Kia.

His gaze swept the area, but she wasn’t in sight.

A hazy blue light hovered over one of the stores. He blinked. It disappeared. He had a feeling he knew where she was, though.

Nick strode down the last steps. “There was a girl in the car... ”

The irate man planted his fists on his hips. “That would be the woman who got out of the car, after she opened the door and I slammed into it, then left without a by-your-leave or anything. What I want to know is who’s going to fix my car? You’re parked illegally.”

He’d parked on the wrong side of the street. A bad habit of his. That wasn’t his top priority right now. What if Kia was hurt? “First, I’d like to hear exactly what happened,” Nick said.

The stranger looked at the officer, his eyes narrowed. “I know how you cops stick together. If you don’t think I won’t get a lawyer, then you’d better think again.”

Crap. Who the hell had he pissed off upstairs...

“Nick,” Kia called out.

Everyone turned toward her. How could they not when his name came out of her mouth like a hot caress on a cold day? She wore a silver dress that was totally inappropriate for the daytime, but she had a body that could pull it off. Boy, did she pull it off. He’d like to pull it off!

She looked like a million dollars in a white fur coat that was open enough to show off the deep vee neckline of the sparkling dress. The hem reached mid-thigh, brushing across incredibly long, silk-stocking-clad legs. His gaze continued downward until it ended at her silver stiletto heels.

She was the epitome of every man’s wet dream.

And every man within sight of her stopped to unabashedly stare. She didn’t even seem to notice. Her gaze had fixed on him.

Male pride washed over him. How the hell could he stop it? A hot chick said his name like he was Superman or something and every man within hearing distance looked at him like he was the luckiest son of a bitch around.

She didn’t stop until she stood in front of him. “Can we have sex now?”


Chapter 8

Can they have sex now?

Nick quickly glanced around.

Sam was choking because he was trying hard not to laugh. When the hell did he get a sense of humor?

The young cop was sputtering and turning red-faced while the irate driver’s mouth had dropped to his jaw.

Kia really had a way with words.

“Uh... where were you?” he finally managed to ask, ignoring her question.

“I have new clothes.”

When she smiled, he could feel his legs tremble. What was she doing to him? He closed his eyes for a second and regrouped. When he opened them, she was still smiling, still looking incredibly hot.

He took a deep breath and tried to think. There was something important that didn’t quite compute inside his head. He let his gaze travel over her and when he did, it came to him. “I thought you didn’t have any money?”

“I don’t. I didn’t. Manager said I could buy things with a promise stone.” She looked behind her. “See?”

A small troop of men marched briskly down the sidewalk carrying bags in each arm. Good Lord, had she bought out the store?

“Manager helped me.”


She nodded. “She wore a name tag on her clothes: Manager Aims.”

“If you can go shopping, then you can pay for my fender,” the man growled.

“With money?” She turned her gaze on the man, and his anger immediately evaporated.

“Uh, well, yeah, but I don’t think it’ll cost too much. If you have insurance, then... ”

“I have money. Manager gave me back money.” She reached inside her pocket and pulled out a wad of bills, shoving them toward Nick. “Will this be enough?” she asked in an innocent way that only someone who didn’t know the meaning of cold hard cash would ask.

He looked at the money—at least a couple of thousand dollars—and grabbed it. What the hell was she doing flashing that kind of cash around? The officer looked at her with more than a touch of suspicion.

Nick quickly peeled off some bills and handed them to the guy. More than enough since he drove an older-model Olds and it didn’t look like one more dent would hurt it. “Will this take care of the damage?”

The guy grabbed the money and shoved it in his pocket. “That’ll take care of everything.” He hurried to his car and climbed inside.

“Hey,” the officer called out. “Don’t you want to file a claim?”

“No claim to file,” the man tossed out and peeled away from the curb.

“I guess you got lucky.” The officer eyed Kia as he closed his ticket book, and he didn’t look as if he was admiring her new clothes. “What exactly are those stones you mentioned?”

“I’m sure you have more important things to do, Officer.” Sam spoke up, patting him on the back. He leaned over and whispered something close to the kid’s ear.

“Oh, uh, yeah, sorry to interfere. I mean, uh, have a good day.” He adjusted his hat before hurrying up the steps and into the building.

After the young cop left, Nick looked at Sam. “What did you say?”

“I just mentioned we were undercover cops.” Sam grinned. “Can I help it if he read more into the situation than was there?”

“For someone who doesn’t break the rules, you sure don’t mind bending a few when it suits you.”

“If we’re not going to have sex, then can we have food?” Kia asked, looking hopeful.

At least sex ranked above food. That had to say something for his performance scale.

Sam grinned.

Nick had a feeling his friend was enjoying all this. In fact, he’d wager his next paycheck that Sam was having the time of his life. “Aren’t you the least bit concerned for my safety?” he asked.

“No.” Sam walked over to where Nick’s car door lay and hefted one side.

Nick grabbed the other end and they carried it to the back of his car. After popping the trunk, they put it inside. Damn, he’d just washed his car, too.

As they straightened, Sam tossed his keys to Nick. “Take mine. I’ll get the boys in the shop to put your door back on. It shouldn’t take them too long. I’ll drop it by your place when it’s fixed.”

“And you’re doing this because... ”

“I’m a nice guy. Besides, you can fill me in on everything.” He eyed Kia. “It should be better than what they’ve been showing on TV.”


Nick looked at the guys who quietly stood on the sidewalk, holding Kia’s packages. “This way.”

They trooped behind them. He felt like the friggin’ Pied Piper. The sidewalk was fairly busy with pedestrians who turned to stare. The nosy rubberneckers acted as if he and Kia were from outer space or something...

He gritted his teeth.

What the hell was he supposed to do with her? Beam her back to Nerak?

When they got to Sam’s car, he pushed the button that popped open the trunk. One by one, her entourage placed the packages inside, then moved back to the sidewalk and stood as stiff as soldiers at attention.

“What are they waiting for?” Kia whispered. “Did I also purchase the men?”

He didn’t like the speculative gleam in her eyes. She didn’t have a very high regard for the male population if she thought she could just buy one. “They’re waiting for a tip. You know. Money.” He rubbed his fingers together.

“I have more!” She reached into her other pocket and pulled out another wad of cash and hurried forward. She gave each man a bill.

He choked. “Do you realize you just tipped them twenty dollars each?”

“Should I give them more?”

As one, the men leaned forward until Nick glared at them. “No, I don’t think you need to give them more.”

Seeing they weren’t getting anything else, the men left. Marching right back down the sidewalk like little troopers. And why shouldn’t they, after getting a good tip?

He opened the passenger-side door of the car and motioned for her to get in, then walked around and climbed in on his side.

“Your jaw is twitching and you look grim. Are you angry?” she asked.

“Angry? Why should I be angry? I’m on suspension pending an investigation, you’re flashing money around that could get me into even hotter water than I already am, you weren’t waiting for me when I got back, the door on my car was ripped off, there was an angry man ready to tear me limb from limb... Why would you even think I was angry?”

“I guess I was wrong. Can we get food now?”

He closed his eyes and counted to ten.

“You do that a lot,” she said.

He opened his eyes. “What?”

“Lose your train of thought and start counting. Have you suffered this condition for a long time?”

“Only since I met you.”

She frowned. “I don’t think you meant that in a nice way.”

Damn it, none of this was her fault. Not really. She just didn’t know any better. “I’m sorry.”

“Can we get food now?”

“First, you’re going to tell me about those stones.”

“My promise stones?”

“Show them to me.”

She reached into her coat pocket and brought out a small bag. After opening it, she poured them onto the palm of her hand. The sun shone inside the car, causing them to sparkle and glow with a life all their own.

He stared. They couldn’t be real. But how else was she able to buy all the clothes if they weren’t? Ah, crap, he had a feeling if IA got wind of this, they’d lock him up and throw away the key. They’d think he was on the take, and he wouldn’t blame them.

“Are they genuine?”

“Do you think I’ve created an illusion?”

He didn’t answer. Instead, Nick picked up one and held it toward the light. The brilliant ruby had an inner fire that warmed his hand. “Where did you get these?”

“They’re not hard to find. You only have to know where to look. My sisters and my cousin Mala have always called them our promise stones. Whenever we make a promise that we swear we’ll keep, we make them on the stones.”

He took each stone and replaced it in the bag before giving everything back to her.

Why the hell did she pick him to torment?

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

That his day had just gotten a whole lot worse. He started Sam’s car and pulled into traffic.


Kia thought Nick looked like he was thinking something. Not a very good something, either. If only Lara were here to give him a massage.

She watched him closely. The twitch in his jaw was more pronounced.

“You are angry?”

“No, I passed anger a long time ago. I’d say I’m more pissed off now.”

“And I made you pissed off?”

“It’s not your fault.” His frown deepened. “Well, it really kind of is, but shh... stuff happens.”

He was angry because she’d left the car. This wasn’t good. She didn’t like his anger. Not when it was because of something she did. “I only went inside the building with apparel in the window because I needed clothes.”

“A typical female. She says she comes from another planet, traveling long distances, and the first thing she does is go shopping.”

She had to strain to hear his words. It was almost as if he were talking to himself, but he didn’t seem quite as angry as a moment ago. His shoulders had relaxed and the twitching had all but ceased.

“I’m sorry I didn’t wait in your vehicle as you asked.”

He glanced her way, then quickly returned his gaze to the road. “When I saw you weren’t in the car, I was worried,” he said brusquely.

She could see her leaving had deeply affected him. He really had been concerned for her safety. On Nerak, no one worried about anyone. She would be gone for months sometimes and only be missed, but never worried about. What could possibly happen to her on such a peaceful planet?

But Nick had been worried. An odd feeling swept through her. His concern pleased her. She had a sudden urge to throw her arms around him and stick her tongue in his mouth.

Not good.

Their relationship was getting complicated. She was starting to have odd feelings for this earthman. She would explore these emotions later, when she was alone.

She turned her gaze toward the window and watched the scenery as they drove down the road. Some of the people on the sidewalk looked menacing. Others seemed to be uncaring of the people who walked near them. They all carried bags or satchels, clutching the items close to their bodies as if someone might try to steal their things.

Nerak suddenly seemed very far away.

No wonder Nick had worried about her. She would be more cautious in the future. He must think she made a poor excuse for a warrior.

Feeling bad wasn’t an emotion she normally experienced. Food would make her happy again. She really wanted more pancakes. The ones Manager had ordered had been very small.

Nick turned a corner and pulled in front of a store where other vehicles were parked.

“Is this the food place?”

“It’s called a grocery store.”

“But you can get food?”

“If you have money.”

She could see how money would be very important on Earth. It seemed a person needed it to have food and clothes. There was no such requirement on Nerak. The Elders provided everything.

When Nick stopped the car, they got out. Sam’s door had to be manually opened, too. An inconvenience, but eating was a good trade-off.

“Just try to keep a low profile—okay?”

“Well, of course.” That’s exactly what she’d been trying to do.

They walked inside the store. The doors automatically opened. At least these worked. As soon as she stepped into the interior, her nose was assaulted with wondrous aromas. She closed her eyes and inhaled, letting her senses be aroused.

Food! Oh, yes!

The overhead lights flickered for a brief instant.

“This is... very good.”

An older woman passed them, smiling. An elder. Kia bowed to her.

Nick cleared his throat. “Maybe we should get a cart.”

“You don’t revere the elders on your planet?”

His brow knit. “Well... yeah... sort of... ” He sighed. “Not nearly as much as we should, I guess.”

“A shame. Elders have great wisdom.”

Nick got a cart on wheels and she followed him as he pushed it toward a sign that marked this as the produce section. What an array of colors! Yellows and reds. Deep purples and bright greens. They reminded Kia of her promise stones.

She picked up an orange ball. Though the texture felt odd, the aroma was mouth-wateringly pleasant. “What’s this?”

“An orange.”

She frowned. Whoever had named it hadn’t been very creative.

“It’s fruit. You eat it.”

Oh good! This is what she’d been wanting. Food! She took a huge bite and chewed, then immediately spit it out. “Ugh, this is awful.”

Why would anyone want to eat something that tasted so vile? Nick had lied to her. She glared at him, wishing for a moment she had her phazer.

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