Covertly Strong (The Strong Series Book 1) (51 page)

Read Covertly Strong (The Strong Series Book 1) Online

Authors: N.A. Alcorn

Tags: #Strong Series, #Book One

BOOK: Covertly Strong (The Strong Series Book 1)
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Her hands wrap around his neck, her fingers running softly through his irresistible, blondish-brown hair. “Thank you,” she tells him on a sigh. Her appreciation is apparent in her voice.

“For what?” he questions.

“For everything. For being here with me during my mental breakdown. I kind of lost it last night… I don’t know what I would have done if it hadn’t been for you.”

“Babe…” His fingers gently lift her chin, bringing her gaze to his. “You don’t need to thank me. I’ll always be here because I want to be. There is nowhere else in the world I wanted to be last night than right here with you.”

She smiles affectionately, his words pulling at her heartstrings in the most precious way. “Our love is pretty perfect, isn’t it? I mean, we’ve withstood a lot of bullshit, and somehow, here we are…together.”

He grins widely. “Our love is perfect, Meli. Me and you together? Fuck, baby. There’s no obstacle that could stand in our way because with your mouthful of sass and my huge…
, we can handle anything. We’re the perfect amount of soft and sweet, hard and rough. We laugh together, fight together, and make up better than anyone else. We’re each other’s biggest supporter, strongest strength, and most comforting shoulder. And when we’re between the sheets, getting down and dirty, loving on each something fierce? Well, we burn, baby.
We motherfucking burn

His words are the epitome of perfection, describing every little thing that makes them work so well together.

“Kiss me, you egomaniac,” she demands with giant, full-toothed grin.

Nix leans down, pressing his lips against her mouth.

Small chuckles pass his lips once he pulls back and takes in the goofy smile that’s still plastered on her face. “Seriously, baby, I love the grin, but it’s real fucking hard to kiss you with that toothy smile. I feel like I’m kissing a jack-o’-lantern.”

Sloan laughs—not just small giggles or light bursts of laughter, but full-on belly laughs. “Stop making me smile like an idiot, you jackass!” She playfully slaps his chest.

“I can’t help it, sweetheart. You’re the only person I want to make smile every single day for the rest of my life.”

“Oh god, now you’re really laying on the charm, aren’t you?” she responds sarcastically.

“Only for you, sweetheart. Only for you.”

“All right. Now that we’ve met our sugary-sweet love-fest quota for the day”—she pauses and bats her eyelashes at him—“I have a huge request. It’s pretty big and I expect you to deliver.”

“I’ll show you

She abruptly interrupts him before he can continue his little sexual innuendo tirade. “I’m being one hundred percent serious, caveman.”

“All right. Lay it on me.”

“Get me the fuck out of here,” she answers adamantly.

“Like out of this bed?” he asks with curiosity.

“No, like out of this hospital. Out of this state. I want to get home. Take me home to San Diego.”

The seriousness in her tone has his eyebrows perking up in surprise. “Well, you haven’t been discharged yet, and the doctors were acting like you needed a few more days to recover.”

“Nix, I’m a goddamn doctor. I’m as recovered as I’m going to get lying here cooped up in a hospital bed. I want out of here now and I don’t care if it’s against medical advice. My medical advice says it’s time to blow this joint.” Her straight-faced expression proves that she meant every single word that just came out of her determined mouth.

Nix scrutinizes her for a few beats.

Her eyes stay steadfast and resolute, never taking their focus from his. “Oh, come on, Lieutenant. I know about your little SEAL Team… The number six comes to mind…”

He chuckles loudly. “First of all, there is nothing
about my Team, and secondly, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He flashes a secretive smirk. “Get ready, sassy pants, because Operation Blow This Joint starts now.” He eases her off his chest, sliding his body off the bed.

“Wait. Where are you going?” she asks in confusion.

He rubs his hands together with a secretive smirk. “I have some phone calls to make before I can get this mission up and running.” He glances down at the watch on his wrist. “Give me four hours and I’ll have your pretty little ass out of here.”

Her jaw drops in pure surprise. “

“Oh yeah, sweetheart. We’re about to experience another first: me and you…working together on our first covert mission.” He leans down and presses a smacking kiss to her mouth. “I’ll see you in four hours. Get ready for Operation Blow This Joint to commence!” he shouts over his shoulder as he strides out of her hospital room.

And Sloan is left lying in the hospital bed with another ridiculous grin on her face.

AFTER A LONG-WINDED LECTURE from her nurse regarding the importance of rest, Sloan finally manages to leave her hospital bed and make her way to Alejandra’s room. Nix told her that she was in the same hospital, only one floor above hers. After checking her emails and seeing a response from Chief Dubois, verifying that all of her demands—including granting Alejandra citizenship—had been met, she was desperate to visit her friend. Because that’s what Alejandra is to her. They both endured so much together inside the Arturo compound, and that created a bond neither could deny.

Sloan slowly makes her way up to Alejandra’s room after ensuring that no ass cheeks were being revealed behind her hospital gown.

“Hi,” she greets as she walks through the doorway to her friend’s room. “How are you?” she questions with a heart full of concern. This is the first time these two women have seen each other since being held hostage by Arturo’s clan.

A sweet, relieved smile reaches both corners of Alejandra’s mouth. “I thought I’d never see you again,” she answers with a raspy tone. Tears fill her eyes as she stares at Sloan with a look of relief.

Sloan strides towards her bed. And in a matter of seconds, she is sitting beside her, pulling Alejandra into her grateful arms. “I know,” she agrees. “I was so worried about you.”

Both women stay clutched in each other’s embrace, savoring the fact that they are both okay, and more importantly, they are both alive. Tears of relief and sadness and overwhelming pain pass between them as memories of the wretched experience they lived through hover over them.

“I’m so sorry about everything, Alejandra. I’m sorry that I couldn’t tell you the truth. I’m sorry that you got wrapped in your brother’s games. I’m so sorry for everything.” The guilt of the entire ordeal weighs heavily on Sloan’s heart. She can’t help but wonder if things would have been different for this woman had it not been for the fact that Alejandra sought Sloan out that day at San Salvador Hospital.

“Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. You saved me from a life under Hector’s thumb. You saved me from being stuck in a loveless, abusive marriage with Nico. If it weren’t for you, I would still be scared, miserable, and downright terrified of what the future had in store for me,” she declares adamantly, her Spanish accent prominent in each syllable. “If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me apologizing to you. My family, my flesh and blood, did unspeakable things to you. You’re lucky to be alive and it is no thanks to me. I have no idea how I’ll repay you for everything you’ve done for me…” She stops, not able to continue any further.

The overwhelming emotions coursing through her veins are making it impossible for her to speak another word. Alejandra’s face is red with tears as she stares into the eyes of Sloan—a woman who saved her. No, she wasn’t the handsome SEAL with the piercing, green eyes who refused to leave her inside that compound, but Sloan was the one person who gave her the strength—who gave her hope—to try to escape from the strangling control that La Familia Arturo had over her.

Sloan clutches Alejandra’s hands together with hers in perfect unison, the affectionate display symbolizing endless friendship and strength.

Then Sloan smiles through her tears, mirroring her friend’s watery gaze. “I know exactly how you can repay me.”


“Come with me to San Diego. I’ll help you get on your feet and start a new life. I know there are plenty of schools in the area that would love to have a teacher fluent in Spanish,” she voices with determination.

“What?” Alejandra questions in pure disbelief. “I can’t stay in America… It would take me months, maybe even a year, to receive a visa. I highly doubt I’ll ever get citizenship.”

Sloan nods and her smile gets bigger. “You’re American citizenship is already being processed and should be granted in the next few weeks.”

“I-I don’t understand,” the Mexican beauty stammers, at a complete loss for words.

“Just trust me, okay? Let’s just say I’ve got connections and I know how to use them wisely,” Sloan assures her.

“Why are you doing this for me?”

“Because I’m your friend and this is what friends do for each other,” Sloan responds with a soft smile and warmth radiating from her eyes.

“You don’t even really know me.” Alejandra shakes her head, visibly taken back by what Sloan just said.

“Yes, I do. What we’ve been through together? There is no doubt in my mind that I know you. You’re kind and sweet and your heart is so big. You remind me a lot of myself, actually,” she remarks with a small laugh. “You’re a fighter. You’re stubborn and feisty, and somehow, you fought your way out of a life you refused to live. You’re a good person and you deserve this.”

Alejandra’s smile is blinding.

The happiness and relief filling her eyes is one of the most beautiful things Sloan has ever witnessed.

Alejandra pulls Sloan into a tight hug, embracing her fiercely as if her life depends on it, and she giggles the sweetest laugh. “Oh my god! Thank you! I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you for this, Felicia!” she exclaims.

Sloan chuckles at the overzealous reaction, so very thankful to be able to give her friend this gift. She hugs Alejandra back just as fiercely. “I need to tell you one thing before we get out of here.”

Alejandra pulls back and stares at her questioningly.

“My name isn’t actually Felicia. It’s Sloan. And my life wasn’t exactly as it seemed. Yes, I’m a surgeon, but that wasn’t my real job. At least not then…” she trails off, realizing that she’s not sure what her real job is now. “It’s a long story, but all I’ll say is that your brother was on the right path with his suspicions. There was a reason they took me hostage.”

“Really?” she asks with a surprised tone.

Sloan nods with a knowing smirk.

“Well, Sloan, it’s great to meet you. Maybe one day, when you feel like remembering, you can tell me all about it.” She stops for a moment, staring at Sloan with a friendly smile. “And please, call me Aly.”

. That sounds like a good plan to me,” she agrees. “All right. On to the next order of business. We’re getting out of here…
. So just be prepared, okay?” Sloan begins to update her on the top-secret mission that is Operation Blow This Joint while Aly takes it all in with amusement.

The two girls spend the rest of the afternoon hanging out, watching trashy reality television, and binge-eating snacks from the hospital vending machines.

No longer is her present consumed with flying under the radar and being introverted from a normal life, Sloan is now beginning a life that has a future with endless possibilities.

Real friendships.

A best friend, a lover, and a soul mate all wrapped up inside one deliciously handsome package.

And the irreplaceable chance at really living.

Maybe those daydreams that were filled with long, white veils, white picket fences, and beautiful blue-eyed babies aren’t a thing of the past. Maybe they’re actually her future….

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