Cowboy Boots and Unadulterated Pleasures [Cowboy Boots 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Boots and Unadulterated Pleasures [Cowboy Boots 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Daniel held up his hand and stopped midsentence as if he feared she might be eavesdropping. “Did you need something else, Kelly?”

“No,” she replied, tapping the cell phone under her chin. “I’m going for a ride. If Colt calls you, tell him I turned off my phone. I want to be left alone.”

Daniel seemed pleased with her declaration. “Be careful, honey.”

Kelly walked in the kitchen and reached in the refrigerator. Grabbing a water bottle, she stood in the doorway and watched as the three men hovered over her father’s back. “Dad, I love you.”

“I love you, too, honey,” he called out, never turning around.

Maybe Colt was wrong. Perhaps she’d been mistaken, too. This was a high-stress business. Tensions were on overload and the operatives were always running on adrenaline. Her father had warned her of this type of behavior when he’d trained her. Apparently, when delirium set in, operatives were noted for their erratic behavior. Sometimes they turned on one another.

Wasn’t it possible that Colt had lost a lot of sleep? Could she have read too much into her father’s meeting and actions, too?

There was only one way to find out. She had to exit the house and then sneak back inside. Once she returned, she would listen to his conversation and find out why he trusted these men and how they knew Lorenzo.

First, she would call Colt. Once she eased his mind, she’d go inside and ease her own.


* * * *


“Ease your mind, hell!” Colt bellowed into the phone. “Kelly, listen to me. I want you to leave now. There’s a motorcycle in the garage. It’s mine. It’s behind your dad’s workshop propped up next to the grill. The key is under the seat. I’ve taught you how to ride. Now ride, damn it. I need you out of there.”

“Colt, you’re overreacting. I’ll sneak back inside and listen to the conversation. Then, I’ll call you back and tell you everything is fine. We’ll all feel better if we know Dad hasn’t gone rogue on us. Right?”

“No, Kelly. No. You’re wrong. He has gone rogue, as you say. I don’t know when or how it happened, but damn it, woman, you have to trust me. I want you out of there now.”

“Surely you don’t think my own father would kill me.”

“Kill? No.” He knew he didn’t sound convincing enough. “Kelly, I think he is capable of hurting you.” He shuddered as he shuffled through some photographs Gabe had shown him when he’d entered the suite the shadows had used since they’d arrived in Las Vegas. Without thinking, he asked, “Why didn’t you tell me he’d done this to her?”

“What are you talking about?” Kelly asked. “Is someone there?”

“Gabe,” he said, still rummaging through the pictures, growing angrier and angrier as he shuffled through the images.

“Gabe, are you listening?” she asked.

“I’m here, Kelly.”

“Good. Talk some sense into him,” she said. “Oh, and by the way, I’ve known you were watching me since the day you checked in. The little show in the bathroom three weeks ago? That was for you and Crue. Hope you enjoyed it.”

Colt glanced up, and Gabe shrugged. “I figured Crue told you.”

Only Kelly could manage to sidetrack him when there were more important issues at hand. “Remind me to spank her ass when we see her again. This is not the time or the place to mention a private showing.”

“Oh, it wasn’t private,” she quickly assured him, devilment in her voice. “Like I said, I knew Crue and Gabe were watching. That’s the only reason I was able to get through the hell Lorenzo put me through.”

“What are you talking about?” Colt asked, gripping the phone tighter. He glared at Gabe. “What is she talking about?”

“There’s no time,” Gabe said. “Get Kelly out of there.”

His imagination ran wild for about a minute. Then, he said, “Kelly, I told you what I want you to do. Crue, Brand, and Kemper should be there in ten minutes. I’d feel better if they could pick you up along the way or meet you in the city.”

“I’m sure you would,” she said. “And I’ll feel better once I’m sure my father isn’t as guilty as the next criminal. Ciao.”

His fury shot straight off the mad-o-meter as she disconnected the call. “Damn it!” he screamed.

Gabe was already on his cell dialing her back. “It went straight to voice mail.”

Colt slammed his hands against his head. “Why the hell didn’t I go back for her?”

“Your poker game starts in ten minutes,” Gabe reminded him. “If you’d known she was in this kind of danger, you would’ve gone back.”

“Ten minutes,” Colt muttered, processing. “Fuck.”

“What is it?”

He hadn’t paid attention to the logistics. “This whole thing has been orchestrated down to the wire. Our guys won’t reach Kelly for at least another ten minutes. The game starts in ten minutes.” He stalked to the window and looked down on the Strip. He’d never felt so helpless in his life. “There’s bad karma in the air, Gabe. There’s trouble, and I’m afraid it’s headed straight for Kelly.”

About that time, the hotel phone rang. Gabe and Colt stared at one another before Gabe answered. “Yes?” He clutched the phone. “I’ll tell him.”

Returning the receiver to the cradle, he said, “Better get Crue on the line. See if they can step on it. Your poker game has been cancelled. Mr. Molinelli said to let you know he had a previous engagement he’d forgotten about.”

“Is that all?” Colt asked, stalking him.

Gabe’s fingers moved across the keyboard. He was locking down the system.

“Was that all?” Colt demanded.

“No,” Gabe said, staring straight ahead as the screens in front of him cleared. “He said he had to take a ride out to Red Rock. He’d give you a call upon his return.”

“Damn him!” Colt bellowed, grabbing his wallet from the end table and shoving the leather billfold in his pocket.

Colt started punching in numbers on his cell phone and Gabe did the same. “Come on, Kelly. Answer, baby. Answer.”

They rushed to the elevator, each man desperately trying to reach Kelly while sending out numerous text messages as well. “There’s more to this, Colt. We don’t know which side of the fence Daniel’s on. I would hate to think he’d use Kelly for his own financial gain, but we both know what he’s been capable of doing in the past.”

Colt stilled. “That’s it.”


“Daniel’s off the wagon. He’s gambling again.” Colt stood there motionless, unable to process all the information coming at him at one time. To an outsider, he may have been making assumptions, but they didn’t know Daniel like he did. They didn’t possess his knowledge about Daniel’s private struggles.

“Daniel has a gambling problem?”

“Yes,” Colt replied. “That’s confidential, but I have a feeling this is all about to come out anyway.”

“Why in the hell did the Donovans place him in a casino then?”

“Sam Kane set up the deal for him after Daniel lost over ten million dollars to an offshore sportsbook. He believed Daniel was indispensable and somehow convinced Mark Donovan to transfer him out here. His theory was if he worked around the atmosphere long enough, it would kill his desire for gambling. Plus, with the day-to-day operations of the casino and managing the Underground Unit, he wouldn’t have time to gamble on his own.”

“Last I checked, it only takes a minute to pick up the phone and call a bookie if you want to place a bet,” Gabe said.

“Yeah, well, that’s exactly what happened. Daniel relapsed about two years ago. He owed a bookmaker about seventy-five thousand dollars. He had to take it out of the casino and Riley Donovan caught the paper trail. He called Kelly and she became aware of her father’s problem. That’s why she’s handling operations now. Her father isn’t allowed in the count room and he can’t sign the checks. For appearances, Riley allowed Daniel to keep his CEO position, but outside of the title, he doesn’t have much. Kelly is in charge of day-to-day operations. This place is a success because she’s the woman behind the empire.”

“So Daniel doesn’t realize you know about his problem?”

“He doesn’t have a clue,” Colt said, entering concierge. “And Kelly doesn’t know I’m aware of her father’s problem.”

After requesting a limousine, they hurried outside to meet their driver. Once they gave him directions, they hopped in the back and continued texting. While typing out a message, Gabe asked, “Why are you telling me this if Donovan wanted you to keep Daniel’s secret?”

“I trust you’ll never say another word about it,” Colt said quietly. “And I happen to believe we’re walking into a trap out at Daniel’s. This is intelligence you may need.”

Gabe tossed his phone aside. He slung his arm over the seat and pushed a button beside him. “Can’t you drive any faster?”

The limo driver looked in his rearview mirror. “I’m doing the best I can. It’s Friday night in Las Vegas and you’re in a hurry?”

Gabe pushed the button and the privacy glass locked in place. Gabe looked at Colt. “You know how Lorenzo fits in all this. Don’t you?”

Colt nodded. “Oh yeah. All the pieces of the puzzle are now on the table.”

“Care to enlighten me?”

Colt dialed Crue’s number. The phone rang and rang. “Why the hell aren’t they answering?” Colt’s anxiety rose and he slammed the cell phone against the leather seat. “You’re the one who can enlighten me. Why don’t you tell me how Lorenzo and Kelly met?”

“They were already together when we started shadowing them. I don’t know anything for sure, but I can speculate.”

“Here’s what I think happened. We know Lorenzo has offshore connections in gambling, trafficking women, and drugs. I think Daniel owed Lorenzo money and he came to collect. Kelly was the reason he didn’t. I believe he fell in love with her. Daniel’s gambling habits soured that love. Money has a strange way of coming between friends, family, and lovers. I think Daniel was in deep with him, but after Lorenzo came to the States, Daniel became further indebted to him. He couldn’t get out of the mess he’d created for himself.”

“If that’s true, then why did Daniel take Lorenzo into his confidences? He’s in the casino business. He knows what happens to folks with large debts. Why would he let him know about the Underground Unit’s base?”

“I haven’t figured that out yet. And that’s one mystery we won’t be able to solve if Lorenzo gets to Daniel before we do.”

Chapter Eleven


Kelly pushed open the terrace door and stood quietly underneath the deck. Her father wasn’t a man who’d turn on his team, but he wasn’t without his flaws. She knew all about his unscrupulous business dealings and his gambling transgressions. What she didn’t understand was why he’d exposed the Underground Unit to another security breach.

Colt had reason to worry. Lorenzo and his associates were aware of the tunnels at the ranch, and she now believed they were privy to information about the entire Underground Unit, too.

Inching outside, she kept her hands tucked behind her back and scooted along the brick wall. A few sideways steps and she stood right underneath her father and his three new employees.

“He’s here,” someone said.

“This isn’t looking good for you, Daniel,” another voice said.

“I’m not afraid of Lorenzo,” her father told them.

“He’s not afraid, Bob. Did you hear that?” the first voice taunted him.

“I’m standing right here, moron.”

Her father said, “Lorenzo and I have an understanding.”

“Ah yes, Daniel, those pocket aces,” Lorenzo said, walking out to the deck. “Let’s talk about those. Shall we?”

A chair scooted across the wooden planks.

“Don’t get up,” Lorenzo said, an air of cruelness in his voice.

“I can explain.”

“Can you? I don’t think you can, Daniel. See, from what your driver has shared with me, there’s no way you can explain young love, two people who have been drawn to one another since the girl was barely legal!”

“That girl is my daughter, and she’s your fiancée. Don’t forget that. She promised to marry you. She’ll hold up her end of the bargain.”

“And why would I want a whore?” Lorenzo roared. A few chairs slammed against the decking.

Kelly closed her eyes. Tears streamed down her face. He knew the truth about Colt, Crue, Gabe, Brand, and Kemper. There wasn’t any other explanation for his rage.

“My daughter isn’t a whore.”

“What would you call her, Daniel?”

Kelly regained her composure. She stretched her neck and looked through the cracks. Her father was still seated in the same chair he’d occupied earlier.

Kelly reached behind her back.
! She was unarmed. Since becoming an Underground Unit operative, she almost always carried her weapon tucked at her waist. Today, she’d placed her pistol in her bedside table. There was little reason to carry a gun at home—or so she’d thought.

“Daniel, do you even know where your daughter is now?”

“She’s out riding,” the taller man said.

Lorenzo laughed. “Riding what, may I ask?”

The other men chuckled and he held up his hand. They hushed when he gave the signal.

“Daniel, do you know?” Lorenzo leaned over her father. It was then when Kelly spotted a gun hanging at his side.

“Find her and kill her.” Lorenzo handed down his order.

“No!” her father screamed, pushing away from his seat.

Lorenzo pointed the gun at his head. “Sit down, old man.”

Several of Lorenzo’s men left the deck area. Thankfully, they chose to walk through the house rather than rush down the stairs where they would’ve certainly seen her hiding.

“Daniel, I’ve been patient,” Lorenzo said. “I want my money.”

“I’ll get you your damn money,” Daniel said. “But if you kill Kelly, you won’t see a dime. She’s the only one who can sign the checks.”

Lorenzo snarled. “Do I look like a fool to you?”

“It’s true. The casino is a front for the US-West division of the Underground Unit. There are only three people who can sign checks from the casino—my daughter and Brock and Riley Donovan, operatives with another Underground Unit.”

“Oh, Dad, what have you done?” Kelly whispered. She knew, in her heart of hearts, he’d just signed his own death certificate.

“How much is in the count rooms at the casino?”

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