Cowboy Boots and Unadulterated Pleasures [Cowboy Boots 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (29 page)

BOOK: Cowboy Boots and Unadulterated Pleasures [Cowboy Boots 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“See?” Kemper rubbed the head of his dick down her center crack. A warm substance oozed inside her hole as he positioned his cock at her back entrance.

“Suck my cock, baby,” Colt crooned, rubbing the tip over her lips.

A drip of his excitement tantalized her tongue and her body responded right away. The dampness between her folds slickened the dildo, making Kemper’s job a little easier as he continued to fuck her with the artificial shaft.

“Somebody want to help me out here?” Kemper asked.

Brand left the bed and kissed the top of her head as he sat on the floor beside them. Thrusting his hand underneath her, he pushed the length of the dildo deep inside her pussy, jerking the shaft from right to left.

Kemper entered her and her head dipped. Colt’s stance changed and he screwed his cock deep inside her mouth as Kemper’s hands fell to her hips. With the strength of a controlled man, he moved her body forward and back, slowly working his cock between her cheeks.

Colt’s long hair whipped around him as he became wild and reckless, pumping his cock straight to her throat. His balls smacked against her chin, making her wet and hot. She craved the taste of him, longing to feel his cum jetting to the back of her throat.

Kemper slammed her body against his, the sudden jolt sending her over the edge as she clenched around the toy and caught a glimpse of Brand’s hand jerking back and forth.

Humming against Colt’s size, she swallowed tightly. Proof of his satisfaction soon coated her tonsils. Kemper hollered. Brand’s hand stilled and a throaty grunt slipped from his lips as a shot of his cum slid from his engorged cock.

They were spent and sated for the moment, but she yearned for more. And she knew just the men to pursue in her desperate search for pleasure.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Crue had been up half the night waiting for this moment. Motioning for Gabe, they went to her.

Lifting Kelly from the floor and taking her away from the others, Gabe carried her to the shower while Crue turned on the various nozzles.

By the time the water heated, Kelly stood at the sink rinsing her mouth out with mouthwash, something Crue would’ve required of her right away.

“Sir,” she whispered, her eyes lowering.

Gabe shook his head and entered the shower. He’d never been one for Domination and submission, but he didn’t question Crue’s or Kemper’s needs to dominate her. Still, he didn’t take part or stand in the way of Kelly’s punishment when she needed discipline and by God, she needed a little now.

“I was disappointed last night,” Crue said, reaching around her and turning off the water spigot.

Wiping her mouth, she faced him. “Why?”

“You know why, sub,” he whispered, brushing his knuckles across her cheek.

“I really don’t, Sir,” she said, kneeling at his feet and bowing her head.

Tilting her chin up, his heart slammed against his chest as he looked into the eyes of the woman he adored, the woman he’d always share, yet always long to have for his own. The fact that she was a submissive woman who needed to be shared was part of her appeal. As much as he wanted to call her his own, she’d always be loved and cared for by a group of men, his fellow operatives and his brother.

Easing behind her, he pulled open a vanity drawer and withdrew some soothing cream. Squirting the substance in his hand, he caressed her ass. He’d still like to beat Kemper black and blue for the spanking he’d given her the day before. And the reason for his disappointment struck him in the gut, too.

“You can spank me, Sir,” she said, watching him in the mirror.

Gabe peered around the shower wall. “Please don’t, Crue.” He glanced at her bottom. “She has to be sore.”

“I am,” she agreed. “But I want more. I want you to make me burn.”

Crue’s cock throbbed as he watched his fingers rake across the welts on her bottom. “Why do you want more, sub?”

She dropped her hand between her thighs and he observed as she defiantly stuffed her fingers inside her pussy. Her breasts appeared fuller as her arousal peaked. “Because I’m a bad girl, Sir.”

Growling at her actions and the pleasure she took in her defiance, he grabbed her by the shoulders and steadied her in front of him. “Put your hands on the counter.”

She shivered against him as he roughly helped her achieve the position he desired. Using his feet to spread her legs, he ran his hands up and down her sides, watching her in the mirror as he fingered her curves, cupped her breasts, and nipped at her flesh, unable to keep his mouth away from her flushed skin.

Gabe slowly approached them. Dripping wet, he said, “Don’t do it, man. You’ll regret it later.”

“Spank me, Crue,” she dared him, bending over so her bottom was directly in front of his cock.

“My beautiful sub,” Crue rasped, dragging his hands across her shapely ass.

His cock throbbed as he watched her defy him, staring at him with directness and challenging his authority. “You defied me yesterday, sub. I told you to stay back. You could’ve been shot. They could’ve killed you.”

“I did defy you. I wanted to protect you.” She grinned at him in the mirror.

He sneered at the thought of his woman protecting him. Raising his arm high above him, he struck her ass and the wallop resounded.

He balked at the imprint left on her bottom. And yet, he wanted what she wanted—more.

“Oh God,” she whimpered, her eyes closing as a shadow of lust set her face aglow with the pleasure he’d brought. “More. Please, Sir. One more.”

“Damn it, Kelly,” Gabe grumbled.

He may have verbally disagreed, but Crue couldn’t help but notice how he’d wrapped his cock with a firm hand, fondling his length as he watched them. Whether he wanted to approve of her punishment or not, Gabe was turned on by Kelly’s show of defiance and aroused by her tremendous need for a spanking.

“Come here, Gabe,” Crue bit out.

Gabe frowned. His internal battle was obvious. He hesitated for a moment, but then he came forward, approaching with confidence and interest.

“Spank her,” Crue said, pointing to her left cheek. “There.”

Kelly dropped her hand to her side. Crue lifted her fingers to his mouth. Kissing the pads of her fingers, he sucked the middle one down to the knuckle, closing his eyes and savoring the taste of her.

A pop resounded and he opened his eyes, quite shocked that Gabe had actually struck her. As she cried out in pleasure, her gaze met his and a wicked smile claimed her swollen lips.

“I always knew he had it in him,” she whispered, looking satisfied.

Throwing her hips into his groin, she rubbed her ass against his cock. “Again, Gabe. Spank me until you can’t stand the sight of touching me without fucking me.”

And to Crue’s surprise, Gabe obliged, throwing his arm high above his head and tanning her hide until he couldn’t issue another lick. And Kelly still begged for more.


* * * *


They ended up in the bathtub instead of the shower. Crue drew her a bath while Gabe rubbed salve into her sore behind.

She’d never felt so pampered until she slid down to the water, mounting Crue as she entered the tub.

“That’s my sweet sub,” Crue crooned, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling her breasts as her pussy closed around his cock.

Thrusting inside her, he fucked her like a lover in need. In that moment, he became a man without control, but never abandoned his obvious desire to possess and dominate the sexual creature he always unleashed.

Her mouth hovered over his and he paused before he kissed her. They looked at one another in a daring challenge. Then, to her surprise, he held her head in the palm of his large hand and kissed her, swirling his tongue inside her mouth as his cock slowly entered her.

They made love in the tub, slow and easy with passionate kisses shared between them. In that moment, she caught a glimpse of the loving Crue, the man she’d always known existed right below the surface, the lover she’d needed to hold and love, cherish and adore, came to her without reservations.

Gabe joined them a few minutes later, standing over them with his cock parallel to her head. Helping her turn around, Crue positioned her body over his, dragging her over him so she faced outward.

“Did I hurt you?” Gabe asked, stroking his cock and lowering the engorged head to her lips.

“No,” she promised him, jerking forward as Crue entered her pussy again.

“Are you sure?” Gabe’s cock lingered at her lips.

Her tongue slipped over the head. “Positive.” His excitement peppered her tongue as the pre-cum drizzled from the tip.

Cupping her chin, he held his cock away from her and bent down. He kissed her, his tongue winding around hers. At the same time, Crue gripped her waist and pounded inside her. The water sloshed over the side of the tub and he cursed as he thrust deeper.

“Fuck!” he screamed, his cock reaching for that guaranteed spot, the sensitive little patch of flesh certain to send her into a realm of ecstasy.

“Suck my cock, baby. Can you do that for me, submissive one?” Gabe asked, his lips curving in a smile.

“You know I can, Sir,” she drawled, taking his cock in hand. Looking up at him, she drew him to her lips and kissed the tip. “I always knew you had a dominant side.”

As her nipples peaked under his scrutiny, she used a forceful suction and took him to her throat. Seconds later, he exploded inside her mouth as Crue fucked her pussy harder.

The pressure of Gabe’s release thrummed down her throat and she savored his salty taste. Crue surged through her channel, unleashing a gratifying moan as her cunt pulsed around his hard, twitching cock. Together, they set a fascinating rhythm and held fast to a bewitching moment, a primrose path destined to lead them all in a new direction, one with a future course of happiness and joy, fated by a lasting love that had stood the test of time.



“Are you ready for this?” Colt asked, leaning over and kissing her cheek.

“Are you trying to talk me out of marrying you, Mr. Candy?”

“I had a thought.” He adjusted his rearview mirror and studied his brother in the SUV behind them. “What do you say we get hitched and take off for Reno?”

“We’re getting hitched and pulling over to the side of the road so I can marry Crue at the next drive-in wedding chapel.”

“Are you sure you’re okay with these drive-through weddings?” He caressed her cheek. “If you want to march down the aisle at one of the chapels, we’ll all go inside and pretend we’re part of the wedding party instead of the previous groom who’s just kissed the blushing bride.”

“I’m not a blushing bride,” she said, pulling at her veil.

“Maybe ‘flushed’ is a better word.”

“‘Freshly fucked’ is more appropriate.”

“How well I remember,” he said, cupping her nape and bringing her lips to his. “I bet you’re still wet.”

“Drenched,” she whispered across his lips.

Crue honked his horn and leaned out the window. “Hurry up! I’ve got a woman to marry.”

“He’s impatient,” Colt grumbled.

“And there are three more just like him. We don’t want to keep their bride waiting.”

“Their bride is well taken care of at the moment,” he said, pushing her dress above her thighs.

“We’re up next, Colt,” she said as his arm disappeared under the off-white material.

Right as his fingers slipped under her panties, a sudden jolt threw her out of the seat. Her body writhed against his arm.

“Oh fuck,” she breathed, gripping the door handle. A lust-filled sigh slipped from her lips as she arched against the seat.

Colt curved his arm around her head. He was awestruck by her beauty as she rode out an intense orgasm, her battery-operated toy apparently on full power.

Glancing in the rearview mirror again, he laughed. Crue extended his arm and made a show out of pushing the button on his handheld device.

“Oh Colt!” she screamed, clutching his arm.

Her knuckles turned white as she gripped his jacket and her face became one picture-perfect image as an intense orgasm racked her body in a fierce show of exquisite pleasure. When the vibrations ceased, he stuffed his hand under her dress and retrieved the small vibrator, the toy she’d become quite fond of wearing.

He studied the toy for a moment before tucking the device in his coat pocket. “I think we can do without this long enough to say our vows. Do you agree?”

“Of course
I do
. I always agree with you.”







International bestseller Natalie Acres is a Tennessee author writing exclusively for Siren Publishing. Prone to pen Western ménage romance and romantic suspense, Natalie Acres enjoys sports, reading, and spending time with her family and friends. When she isn’t writing, she’s often found around a craps table in Cherokee, North Carolina, or playing poker in Tunica, Mississippi.



For all titles by Natalie Acres, please visit

BOOK: Cowboy Boots and Unadulterated Pleasures [Cowboy Boots 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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