Cowboy Jackpot: Christmas

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Authors: Randi Alexander

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Cowboy Jackpot: Christmas


By Randi Alexander


Cowboy Jackpot: Christmas


By Randi Alexander


Edited by Ursula Avery


Copyright 2012 Randi Alexander


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Chapter One


"Buckle bunnies to your left."

Boone Hancock turned his head at Dallas' alert.

Two cuties stood at one of the giant slot machines. They
both smiled and waved.

Dallas tipped back his cowboy hat. "I'm puttin' dibs on
the redhead."

Boone glanced at her, but his gaze shot back to the angel
with the long black hair and pale skin. Her curves, packed into a petite little
body, captured his complete focus. Her slinky purple dress and black
spike-heeled sandals shouted she was ready to party.

"Look at those legs." Dallas raised his hand in a
return greeting.

The redhead wore a green dress that showed off her nice
breasts and skimmed her thin body. Boone smiled. "You like the tall, leggy
ones, buddy. I'm likin' her girlfriend. She's a hot little bundle."

"Let's get 'em." Dallas took a step forward.

"Wait." Boone stopped him with a hand on his
shoulder. "Remember, one night. Two at the most."

"Yeah, yeah."

"You say that like you mean it, but we promised to keep
each other out of the deep shit."

Dallas looked him square in the eyes. "I learned my
lesson the hard way. You don't have to babysit me."

Boone had watched Dallas going through hell two months ago
with the girl he thought was the one for him. It had affected his buddy's
performance in the arena, and his ability to stay sober.

Boone's little brother, Jayden, caught up to them and busted
in between them. "What's going on?"

Dallas nodded toward the two girls. "Couple ladies
recognized us and want us to come and say howdy." He flicked the brim of
Jaden's cowboy hat. "Now get lost. They're both spoken for."

"Mmm, I'm liking that redhead." Jayden grinned at

Boone looked back at the women. The shorter one—his—waved them

"Called dibs." Dallas hitched up his jeans and
headed toward the girls.

Jayden caught up to him. "We'll see, won't we."

Boone quick-stepped and lined up next to his brother. As
they got closer, he saw his cutie's eyes watching him. Hazel. Damn. Beautiful
eyes, beautiful face, a body that he needed tight against his. It didn't take
any effort to slide into charming cowboy mode. His body warmed, primed and
ready to sweet-talk this little honey 'till her toes curled.


Gieselle Colberg-Staub leaned against the Birthday Baby slot
machine, her knees wobbly and her stomach jittering as she watched Boone
Hancock walk toward her. "I can't believe it. They're actually coming over

Kira twirled a lock of hair around one finger and made a shy
smile at the cowboys. "Of course they're coming over here. How could they

Gieselle sucked in a calming breath. She'd watched Boone win
the bull riding competition this afternoon, and now he—and his big, shiny belt
buckle—headed her way. "God, he's cute." Shaggy blonde hair touched
his collar at the back of his black cowboy hat. A purple and black print
western shirt and the sexiest jeans she'd ever seen on a man.

"That big, dark haired hunk is fucking gorgeous."
Kira sipped her vodka tonic.

"That's Dallas Burns. He came in third in bareback
riding today." She glanced at her friend. "Weren't you watching?'

Kira sniffed. "You saw that sexy cowboy sitting right
behind us. He was worth watching."

Gieselle had picked up a love of rodeo from her college
roommate, but this was the first live event she'd attended. Now the sexy stars
she'd drooled over headed straight toward her. She held back a nervous giggle.
"Dallas is definitely your type with those dark eyes."

"Oh, yes, my heart is thumping." Kira stirred the
ice in her drink with the straw. "So, we agree? Dallas for me and Boone
for you?"

Gieselle licked her lips. She would let herself go a little
crazy this holiday break, because what happens in Vegas, hopefully stays in
Vegas. "Agreed." She squinted. "What about the third one?"

Kira laughed. "Oh, now you're getting kinky?"

Gieselle sent her a look. "That's your specialty,

The cowboys reached them, sauntering up with wicked grins on
their faces, like they expected Kira and her to peel down naked and let them
have a quickie right here on the casino floor.

Gieselle liked the cockiness.

"Ladies." Boone touched the brim of his hat.
Dallas and the other cowboy did the same.

Kira took a step toward Dallas. "I enjoyed watching you
ride today."

He nodded once. "Thank you. I'm…comin' back from a dry
spell." He held out his hand. "I'm Dallas Burns."

She smiled. "Oh, I know who you are."

Gieselle had to suppress an eye roll.

Boone shifted closer to Gieselle. "I'm Boone
Hancock." His eyes took in the details of her face. "And I'm rightly
glad to meet you." He took her hand.

The tingle of sexual desire raced along her arm and down
deep inside, shocking her core with an achy, molten quiver.

His eyes opened a little wider. Had he felt it, too?

"I'm Gieselle Colberg-Staub." The words came out
in a seductive purr.

Boone grinned. "Three names, wow." He didn't
release her hand. "Where are you from?"

She'd worked for years to obliterate her accent. Had she
lapsed into New York English in her excitement? "Manhattan."

"New York?" He looked deeper into her eyes.
"I think you're the first person I've met from there, but if all the women
are as beautiful as you, I've been missing out."

She sucked in an uneven breath. Yes, it was a hokey,
overused line, but with his blue eyes looking so sincere, it worked for him—and
it worked on her. She felt warmth rush her cheeks. "You're sweet."

He lifted her hand and kissed it, his mouth lingering a
couple seconds, his blue gaze locking with hers. "You're delicious."

A double-shot of lust raged through her, and her eyes nearly
rolled back in her head.

Kira elbowed her and gave her a warning glance. They'd
promised to watch out for each other this vacation, stick together until they
felt comfortable that their respective men were harmless and trustworthy. How
could her friend tell that Gieselle was nearly ready to drag this cowboy back
to the hotel room?

Dallas held out his hand to Gieselle. "Dallas

Boone released her hand and she shook the cowboy's.

"Gieselle Colberg-Staub. Congratulations on your rides
today. It's good to see you back up at the top."

He blinked, surprise showing in his eyes. "You're a
rodeo fan?"

She took back her hand and nodded. "I've been watching
it for years, but today was my first live event."

The third cowboy stepped closer and held out his hand.
"Glad to meet you, Miss Gieselle. Once you've seen us live, you'll be
addicted for life." He grinned. "Jayden Hancock."

She shook his hand as she appraised his face. He resembled
his older brother but with curly blond hair and inky blue eyes. "Nice to
meet you. You rode barebacks today, right?"

He nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"I heard your name and wondered if you were

He stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets. "I don't
like to admit to it, but yeah, I'm related to a bull rider."

The cowboys and Gieselle laughed, and Kira smiled, her eyes
shifting like she didn't get the joke.

Boone introduced himself to Kira then brought his attention
right back to Gieselle. "You look like you could use a drink."

"Can I buy you a drink?" Dallas and Jayden both
asked Kira.

"Mmm hmm." She smiled and batted her eyes.

Gieselle elbowed her back, giving her a meaningful stare.

Kira ignored her and stepped closer to the two cowboys, out
of reach of Gieselle's elbow.

Boone turned, separating them from the group. "What are
you drinking?" His voice rolled slow and sexy, and longing stirred inside

 "Gin and tonic." She gestured to the huge slot
machine. "Let me finish my credits and maybe…" She glanced at him,
deciding how flirty to be.

He set his hand on her bare arm. "Maybe we can find a
quiet spot to talk?"

Shivers of excitement coursed through her. "That'd be
nice." It came out on a breath.

"Birthday Baby."

She blinked. "What?" How did he know it was her

He looked at the six-foot tall slot machine. "You're
playing Birthday Baby. I'm guessing it's your birthday."

Gieselle nodded. "Tomorrow."

"Happy birthday, Gieselle." He said it with such
warmth, the words flooded her chest with pleasure.

"Thank you." She shifted her attention to the slot
machine. The count on the credits had gone from 100—from the $100 dollar bill
her grandmother had given her to "throw away in some silly
machine"—to just five credits. "I haven't been very lucky." She
pressed the One Credit button three times then grabbed the giant handle on the
side and pulled it.

The enormous display showed a seven, a blank, and a birthday
cake. Nothing.

"Next one will be it." He wagged his eyebrows at

"I'll let you pull the last one. Winning the bull
riding buckle today, you're probably full of luck."

His hand on her bicep slid up and down, as if he were
imparting luck with his touch. "Okay. Set it up."

She pressed the One Credit button twice, but was out of
money. Completely. She'd have to hit a cash machine soon. "Oh, well, I
guess it'll have to be two credits."

"Uh uh. Wait." Boone released her arm and tugged
his wallet out of his back pocket. "We need to do this right." He
pulled a single from a thin supply of cash and slid it into the machine.
Hitting the One Credit button, the machine dinged and showed it was fully

She crossed her fingers. "Good luck."

He stepped close to her. "I know what will bring us
luck." His eyes locked with hers, his pupils dilating, darkening the blue
of his irises. "Trust me?"

Licking her lips, she nodded. "I trust you."

He put one hand on the big handle on the side of the
machine, and the other on her lower back, pulling her closer to him. He tipped
his head and pressed his lips to hers.

Waves of heat surged through her. She grasped his biceps to
keep from keeling over.

He kissed her gently, with a sweet brush of his lips and a
groan from deep in his chest.

When she parted her lips, he stole his tongue inside while
jerking down the slot machine's handle.

Everything went wild inside her as she closed her eyes.

His fingers threaded through her hair, tipping her head at
the perfect angle.

The tang of beer lingered on his tongue. She smelled the
soap he must have showered with after the rodeo. Pressing her breasts to his
chest, her nipples hardened at the warm touch.

Bells went off inside her head and lights flashed against
her eyelids as his tongue tickled along hers, and his teeth nipped at her lips.
Her pussy lips ached for a touch, a stroke, a fierce release.

"Gieselle!" Kira's voice cut through the sweet
haze. "Look! You won!"

She forced open her eyes as Boone slowed the kiss, opened
his eyes, and looked at her with a desire so intense, she would have let him
take her right here. Right in front of the dinging, bonging, flashing Birthday

"What?" She jerked her gaze to the slot.

Lights flashed and bells rang on the machine. The window
showed three pink, triple-layer birthday cakes in a row. "Oh my God!"

Boone started laughing. "Damned if that kiss didn't
work!" He glanced at her. "Congratulations, birthday girl!"

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "This
is so exciting. I've never won anything before in my life." She kissed him
smack on the lips. "Thank you."

When she tried to pull away, he tugged her close.
"You're welcome." He kissed her, quick and hard, but with all the
passion of a man who was deep in the clutches of need.

Against her belly, his arousal pressed hot and hard. She
nipped his lower lip. "Looks like we're both going to be lucky
today." The words slid from her lips before she could send them through
her anti-trampy filter. Oh, hell, as long as she'd gone that far, she circled
her hips against his and gave him her naughtiest smile.

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