COWBOY ROMANCE: Justin (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 1) (147 page)

BOOK: COWBOY ROMANCE: Justin (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 1)
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Chapter Two 

Gard followed the herd of party-goers from the ferry up the paved drive to Zempa’s mansion.  Designed to look like an old English manor house, the impressive structure had been surrounded with manicured lawns, exotic hibiscus hedges and towering royal palms.  Brass torches lined the walkway to the front entry, where a pair of doormen dressed in black tie stood sentinel with blank expressions and weapon holsters bulging under their jackets.

Inside the mansion more guards pretending to be servants took the guests’ jackets and wraps before directing them through a central hall to an enormous room with mirrored walls.  Early arrivals occupied enormous jet-black leather pit groups or stood around tall chrome and glass tables as they helped themselves to drinks from four different liquor bars.  Crystal wall vases of snowy orchids camouflaged the security cameras, while bland-faced muscle in designer suits stood at strategic points.

“You must be James Gard,” a smooth voice said behind him, and when he turned an older European man produced a toothy smile.  “So delighted you could make it.  Dutch Zempa.”

“I appreciate the invitation, Dutch.”  As Gard shook hands, he noted the diamond rings on Zempa’s soft, manicured fingers and the lump his ankle holster made in his linen trousers.  “Quite a place you have here.  If you have some time, I’d like to discuss the property you have for sale.”

“Yes, my broker told me of your interest.  But tonight I insist we set aside our business concerns for more personal pleasures.”  Zempa beckoned to someone, and a moment later a petite blonde in white appeared beside the importer. 

Gard felt as if he’d been kicked in the teeth.  Here was his fantasy woman, as stunning as he’d imagined in his dreams:  the elegantly delicate body, the translucent porcelain skin, and the lovely, serene features.  Her long, icy-blonde hair spilled like a waterfall of liquid gold over her shoulders, and when she glanced up at him he saw the epicanthic folds of her crystalline blue eyes.

One of his golden lady’s parents had been Asian, which also explained her small, lovely hands and gentle curves.

“This is Lily,” Zempa said, taking the woman’s hand and joining it to Gard’s.  “She would like to be your submissive for the evening.”

“It’s lovely to meet you, sir.”  Lily’s melodic voice caressed his ears with a French accent, while her exotic eyes met his for a moment before she demurely glanced down.  “I hope I can please you.”

“So do I.”  Gard imagined kissing her full-lipped, luscious mouth, and wondered if she’d taste as sweet as she looked.  No cosmetics marred her porcelain features, and the dress she wore added to her innocent sexiness.  He breathed in her rain-scented perfume, and finally regarded Zempa.  “Very nice.  Is she mine, or do I have to share?”

“She’s yours.”  The importer leaned closer and said, “Unless you wish to watch her being used.”

Gard felt Lily’s flinch and tightened his fingers around hers.  “No, I don’t play well with others.  Come on, sweetheart.”  He clamped his arm around her narrow waist.  “Let’s get a drink.”

At the bar Gard ordered a whiskey for himself, and the same for Lily at her request.  She picked up both drinks, and followed him to a secluded corner where he sat with his back to the wall to observe the entire room.  When he tugged Lily down, she didn’t sit beside him, but knelt on the floor by his feet.

“Submissives aren’t permitted on the furniture,” she explained quietly, and nodded to the other young women and men dressed in white.  Most were either standing or kneeling, and the few who were sitting were perched on a guest’s lap.

Gard felt his cock swell as he imagined what Lily had been trained to do while on her knees, and lifted his glass to his mouth.

“Don’t drink it.”  Lily spoke in a whisper so soft he almost hadn’t heard it.  “I don’t like the taste of whiskey when I’m being kissed.” 

The fact that she was lying didn’t concern him as much as the very real fear in her eyes.  “Just how often does Dutch offer you to his guests?”

“This is the first time,” she said, startling him again.  “Before tonight I’ve always served as his hostess.”

He knew he shouldn’t believe that, but something in her tone told him it was the truth.  “Why give you to me, then?”

Lily’s mouth tightened as she looked over at Zempa.  “He wants to impress you.”  She looked as if she wanted to say more, and then folded her hands, resting them on her lap like a polite child at a tea party.

Gard noticed how she avoided his gaze, and got her attention by rubbing his knuckles along the curve of her cheek.  “You seem very nervous.”  He felt the heat of her blush and caught her chin with his hand.  “You have the most extraordinary coloring.  I’ll guess Mom was Asian, and Dad was French?”

She stiffened a little.  “I am multi-racial, yes.”

And sensitive about it, Gard saw.  “Do you know what I want you to do for me, Lily?”

Now she swallowed.  “I can only imagine, sir.”

“I doubt it.”  He dragged her hand to his leg, trapping it between his fingers and the taut muscle for a moment.  “But for now, I’d like you to sit with me.”

She rose with effortless grace, turned, and presented her bottom to him as she lowered herself onto his strong thighs.  As Gard rested his hands on her hips she wriggled backward until her buttocks rested against his crotch.  As soon as his erection pressed into her cleft, he felt her breath catch.

“Relax, sweetheart.  We’re just getting to know each other.” 

Gard splayed his hand over her belly, and felt her stiffness melt away.  The slight weight of her made him harder, and he leaned forward to breathe in the scent of her hair. 

“This is what happens when you turn on a man, Lily.  He gets big and hard and hungry.”  He nuzzled the side of her neck before he murmured in her ear.  “And you love that you’re doing that to me, don’t you?”

“I didn’t – I mean, yes, sir.”  She ducked her head, but at the same time shifted her hips so that her tight curves rubbed the bulge of his shaft.  “I want so much to please you.”

Gard heard her voice tremble and felt a surge of self-disgust as he lifted her and turned her to face him.  “You don’t have to do anything with me.  I know isn’t your choice, and that Zempa ordered you to please me.”   

“He did, but I don’t mind.  You’re very handsome, and I’ve been so lonely.”  She braced her hands against his chest and shifted her legs so that she straddled him, and lowered herself until the soft crotch of her silk panties nestled over his erection.  “What else would you like me to do for you, sir?”

* * *

Lily saw Gard’s green eyes narrow, and felt his muscles tense under her hands.  She didn’t have to fake her breathless anticipation; from the moment the handsome, brooding American had touched her, she’d wanted him.  Perhaps it was his tall, brawny form, and the powerful muscles under his Savile Row suit that made her feel this helpless longing to be held by him.  Being in his arms thrilled her, and for the first time in a year, she felt safe.

Neither of them were, however.  When she’d come down from her room she’d been informed of Zempa’s plans for the American.

“Get the drugs from the infirmary to spike his drink,” the importer had told her.  “Once you do, you are to keep him entertained until he passes out.”

In that moment Lily knew exactly how she would escape with the America.  Keeping a straight face, she asked, “May I do that in one of the playrooms, sir?”

Now Gard’s voice dragged her back to the present.  “Why are you doing this, Lily?  Is it Zempa?  Does he have some kind of hold on you?”

Lily couldn’t warn him about Zempa’ intentions, or what she had done, not out here where they might be overheard.  She had to get him alone first.  “No, this was my decision.  I chose you.  I want you.”

It wasn’t a lie.  Her fingers itched to tangle in his thick black hair, and her breasts ached to be pressed against his broad chest.  Just looking at the brute beauty of his sensual mouth made her own lips tingle.  And when she looked away from him, the way she saw the other guests handling their submissives made her imagine Gard doing the same to her. 

“You’ve known me all of what, ten minutes?” he told her.  “You don’t know anything about me.” 

“I know that I’ve been waiting for you, sir.  Dreaming of what it would be like, to be with someone like you.  To surrender to a master.”  She caught her bottom lip between her teeth, and watched his nostrils flare as she slowly released it.  “Now you’re here, and I’m yours.”  Her voice dropped to a bare whisper as she added, “Please.  I’ll do anything.”  

              Gard cradled the back of her head with his hand as he brought her mouth an inch from his.  “So if I want to see those pretty lips wrapped around my cock, and make you suck me until I come in your mouth, you’ll get on your knees?”

              He smelled cool and clean, like the sea, and Lily couldn’t resist rubbing herself again over the thick ridge of his confined penis.  “Yes, sir.”

              When she tried to close the gap between their lips Gard curled his fingers against her scalp and stopped her from kissing him.  “What if I want you to bend over, and lift your skirt, and pull down your panties, so I can spank your tight little ass until it’s as pink as your lips?  Would you like that?”

              “No one has ever done that to me, so I don’t know.”  Lily stared at his mouth before she made herself look into his cool eyes.  “But if that would please you, I will.  We can go to one of the playrooms upstairs.”

              Something flared in his eyes.  “How long has it been since a man has touched you, Lily?”

              She thought of the boy she’d been dating in college before she’d been brought to Zempa.  She could hardly recall his name or what he looked like anymore.  “I don’t remember.”

              “Stop lying to me.”  Gard caught her face when she tried to look away.  “No, don’t.  Give me a straight answer, or I am going to take you upstairs – to punish you.”

              “If you take me upstairs, you can do anything to me that you want.”  She leaned forward and brushed her lips over his before she said, “Anything, sir.”

              Gard hoisted her off his lap and onto her feet, and then stood, picking up their whiskeys from the table.  “Let’s go.  Now.”


Chapter Three

              Gard’s temper simmered as he followed Lily out of the party.  She said nothing as she led him up to the second floor, past the double doors of the library and into the next room.  When she switched on the lights he saw an enormous bed, several racks and platforms, and a heavily padded floor.  On the hook-studded walls hung dozens of whips, crops, cuffs, chains and blindfolds, while glass cases contained large collections of vibrators, dildos and other sex toys.

“Some room.”  Gard inspected a few intriguing-looking floggers before he eyed Lily.  “But you’ve never played in here before now, have you?  I really am your first dominant.”


Lily moved to a cushioned bench, and touched one of the shackles bolted to it.  “You can put me over this for my spanking, if you like.”

“For a submissive, you don’t know very much about submitting.”  Gard took hold of her arm and hauled her over to stand in front of a full-length mirror.  “Take off the dress.  Do it, before I tear it off you.”

Lily’s fingers shook as she reached for side zipper, and then unfastened the hooks hidden under one shoulder strap.  She let the dress fall to her hips, and then pushed it down until it formed in a puddle of lace around her ankles.  Once she stepped out she lifted her arms and crossed them over her breasts. 

“Hands at your sides.”  Once she complied Gard circled around her as he took in the white silk chemise and matching panties she wore.  “Are you a virgin, Lily?”

Her cheeks reddened as she ducked her head.  “No, of course not.”

Gard ran his hand from the nape of her neck down her narrow back and to the lacy edge of her panties.  “How many lovers have you had?”

Her mouth tightened.  “A hundred.”

“Liar.”  He slapped her ass sharply.  “How many, and who were they?”

“I don’t know,” she snapped.  “A thousand.”

Gard left her there and dragged the cushioned bench in front of her, pushing her over it so she faced her reflection as he shackled her wrists.  “Tell me the truth, or I’m leaving you here like this.”

“One, it’s one,” she blurted out the words, and then sagged against the cushion.  “It was my college boyfriend.  I had sex with him during our last year together.”

Gard stood behind her and gripped her hips as he pressed against her.  “He was gentle with you, wasn’t he?  Loving, and tender?”

Lily closed her eyes.  “Yes, he was.”

Gard tugged down her panties, baring the creamy cheeks of her lovely ass.  “And you pretended to like it.  But what you really wanted was a man to take you.  A man who wouldn’t be gentle and tender.  A master who could own you and compel you and keep you safe, the way you’ve always wanted to be taken.”

She hung her head and sobbed, “Please, sir.”

“Look at me, sweetheart.”  When she finally lifted her gaze to the mirror he unzipped and eased out his throbbing cock, fisting it and rubbing the straining head against her wet folds.  “You’re mine now, Lily.  That’s what it means to submit.  You make yourself mine.  Mine to kiss and spank and lick and fuck, whenever I like, for as long as I like.  So who do you belong to?  The college boyfriend?  Zempa?  Or me?”

“You.”  She took in a shuddering breath and murmured something under her breath.

Gard pushed into her until she enveloped his cockhead, and crouched over to put his ear next to her lips.  “What was that, sweetheart?”

“The whiskey,” she said, barely breathing the words.  “Don’t drink it.  It’s been drugged.”

* * *

Lily shuddered as Gard withdrew, and pushed back against him.  “No, please, sir,” she said in a louder voice, for the benefit of the guards she knew were watching them.  “Don’t make me wait any longer.  I can’t bear it.”

Gard removed her wrists from the shackles, and swept her up in his arms.  “I want you on your back, you little slut,” he said, his eyes scanning the room as he carried her over to the bed. 

Lily whimpered as he tossed her onto the silk coverlet and yanked off her chemise before straddling her and pinning her wrists to the mattress. 

As Gard buried his face in her hair, he murmured, “Are they watching us?”  Once she gave him a tiny nod he dragged her legs up around him, and rubbed his shaft against her sex.  “Can they hear, too?”

“Not for much longer.”  She kissed his cheek before she added, “You have to do it for real, Gard.  For at least thirty more minutes.”  When he went still she looked into his eyes.  “Please.  I want you to.”

He released her wrists and shifted, easing the broad dome of his penis between the slick folds of her mons.  With one slow thrust he penetrated her, lodging the heavy bulb inside her clenching opening. 

              “Now fuck me, please, master,” Lily pleaded, pulling his head down to hers.  As he began forging deeper inside her she whispered the rest, “Zempa wants to hold you hostage, make your company help him move weapons.”  She uttered a loud moan before she said, “You have to get out of here.” 

Gard nuzzled her breasts as he pumped in and out of her, his shaft stoking the heat in her belly.  “He’ll know you tipped me off.  Sweetheart, I can’t let you risk—”

Lily thrust her nipple against his lips to silence him, and then cried out as he began sucking the taut peak.  “I’m going with you,” she murmured, holding his head against her as he moved his mouth to her other breast.  “Now you must dominate me.  The drugs Zempa uses take away your inhibitions, and they’ll be wondering why you’re being so gentle with me.  Just ten more minutes.”

Gard took his mouth from her and kissed her ear.  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

              “You’re saving my life.”  She touched his cheek, and then began struggling under him.  “Please, I don’t want to, let me go.”

              Gard dragged her off the bed and forced her to her knees.  “Now we’ll see if you can suck my cock the way I like it.  Open your mouth.”  When she turned her face away he grabbed her by the hair and held her head as he stuffed his thick penis between her lips.  “You know you want it,” he said harshly, his eyes dark with regret as he thrust in and out, compelling her to take more each time until the full length of his shaft was gliding in and out.

              Lily moaned piteously, as if she were being assaulted, but rubbed her tongue lovingly against him with every firm stroke.  Having him this way was so intimate, and brought on a delicious helplessness that made her even hotter for him.

The sweet suction of her mouth brought him quickly to the edge, and she gripped his thighs as they tensed.  When he tried to pull his pulsing cock from her mouth she held onto him, sucking with sensual slowness as the first burst of his semen jetted over her tongue.  She swallowed each silky ribbon as he shuddered over her, and at last released him with a sob.

“You did that very well, sweetheart.”  Gard sounded as unsteady as his legs when he pulled her to her feet.  He pushed her back on the bed and fell on top of her, his hand reaching between her thighs as he pretended to bite at her nipples. 

He rubbed her aching clit with the rough pad of his thumb so deftly that Lily didn’t have to fake her shriek as the climax billowed and shattered inside her, sending shocks of hot delight through her belly and breasts.

Gard collapsed on top of her.  “How do we get out of here?” he muttered into her hair.

“Let me up.”  When he did, she walked over to the door and looked out in the hallway to see two guards sprawled on the floor.  With a sigh of relief she turned around and smiled it him.  “It’s okay.  We should be able to just walk out to the ferry now.”

Gard rolled off the bed, walked over to join her, and peered at the unconscious guards.  “What did you do, Lily?”

“Zempa told me to drug your drink, which I did.  Then I dumped the rest of the drugs in the drinking water tank for the house.  Zempa is cheap, you see, and before every party he has the bartenders water down all the liquor.  The guards use it to make their coffee, too.”  She spread out her hands.  “Except for you and me, everyone on the island is unconscious.”

Gard chuckled and hugged her, and then drew back with a frown.  “Wait a minute.  Why didn’t you try this before now?”

Lily wondered how he would feel if she told him the truth.  “I was too afraid to do it alone.  Come on, let’s get dressed and get out of here.”

“Clever girl.”  He tugged her into his arms, and kissed her thoroughly.  When she gasped for air he smiled down at her.  “Before we leave, I need to visit the library, and see what’s in Zempa’s safe.”

“So, you didn’t come here for the sex party.”  Lily was beginning to wonder just who James Gard really was.  “Are you going to use whatever you find to stop him?”

Gard’s expression turned grim.  “Him and a lot of his terrorist friends.”

Once they had dressed, Lily took Gard into the library, where he took down Zempa’s favorite painting and opened the wall safe behind it.  Among the huge stacks of currency were several small electronic devices and flash drives, all of which Gard stuffed in his jacket pockets.

              “Are you sure that’s all you need?” Lily asked as she watched Gard close the safe.  “I mean, don’t you want the money?”

              “I already have more than I can spend in a hundred lifetimes.”  Gard’s smile vanished as he looked past her, and his voice turned icy as he said, “Put down the gun, Zempa.”

              “Why should I do that?”  Staggering inside, Zempa shut the door behind him.  “I always suspected you’d betray me someday, you worthless little bitch.”  He turned and waggled the small gun at Gard.  “But I think I’ll kill your new boyfriend now, and save you for my guards when they wake up.”

              When Zempa steadied his aim at Gard’s head, Lily threw herself at the importer, knocking him back.  A soft bang went off between them, and burning pain sliced through her shoulder.  Lily cried out as she fell, and then the world smashed into pieces.


As everything grew distant, Lily heard another bang, and then someone hauled her up into strong arms. 

“Don’t you die on me, sweetheart,” Gard said as the darkness took her.  “Don’t you dare.”

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