Crazy Nights (The Barrington Billionaires Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Crazy Nights (The Barrington Billionaires Book 3)
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“I form my own opinions of people,” she said as the car came to a stop in front of the theater. “I can’t judge you based on all the stuff you did before I knew you.”

“Of course you can. You should. That’s what judgement is about. The whole picture. If you want to fuck and have a good time tonight, I’ll make it the best you’ve ever had. But if you’re looking for more from me than that, I’m out.”

“Out?” she asked with a laugh. “So if tonight I knock on your hotel room door wearing nothing under this dress, you’ll turn me away? If I . . .” she lifted his hand, curled back all his fingers except his index and sucked it deep into her mouth. Pulling it out with a slow swirl of her tongue she continued, “If I want you, I can’t have you?”

“Games,” he said, shaking his head, unable to hide the sharp intake of breath at the feel of her tongue. “You don’t want to play games with me.”

“I have an even more important question. Will you answer it honestly?” she asked, leaning in and pulling his eyes to hers. With a hand on his cheek she kept him there, staring deep into him as he nodded his reluctant agreement that he’d answer honestly.

“If I called you tonight and said I needed you, that I’d screwed up and I was lost, or hurt, or in trouble, would you save me?” She looked at him with such intensity, he felt like he’d burst into flames if he lied. “If I was crying, if I was scared, how fast would you get to me?” She leaned in and brushed her lips to his. Keeping them close as she spoke. “Would you save me? Would you protect me?”

“Fuck,” he said, yanking her onto his lap as he kissed her passionately.

“So maybe you care about other people,” she challenged, dodging his kiss for a few seconds. “Maybe it’s more than just fucking me.”

Hearing her pretty mouth utter that dirty word sent him over the edge. “Fuck the symphony,” he said, but didn’t make another move until she spoke.

“Yeah,” she finally breathed out, punctuating it with a kiss. “Yeah, fuck the symphony.”

Chapter 13

here was a bit of a loophole
. Evie knew that. She hadn’t made him say this was more than sex. There was no promise that passed between them. But it was too far gone now. She couldn’t stop herself, and she didn’t want to stop him. There were two competing voices in her head. One kept saying, there’s more to him than he lets on. It kept telling her, “Emmitt is capable of caring, and he cares about you.” The other voice was far bitchier and frankly she had to shut it up. Maybe he was using her. Maybe he’d be gone when she woke up. But every ounce of sexuality in her body climbed up to her brain, threw a muzzle on that bitchy little voice, and gave in to the night.

He’d ordered the driver to take them back to the hotel. He tugged her quickly behind him as they raced for his room. The dress she’d stolen from the movie set, the one she’d probably never be able to afford was torn nearly in two on the floor next to her. Evie was now only in a black lace thong as she crawled to the top of the bed and waited for him to do something else. Tearing her dress was so primal, so powerful, she could only imagine what he was capable of.

Her lower half was steaming with a new heat as he stared at her, shaking his head in what she hoped was excited disbelief. “What?” she asked, feeling the need to cover up under his gaze.

“Don’t do that,” he demanded. “Don’t cover yourself. Tonight, all night, there isn’t an inch of you to hide. I’m going to have all of it. His eyes were glittering against the light cast off from the lamp by the bed. She glanced over at it, wanting to dive in its direction and quickly click it off. “Lights on,” he insisted, seeming to read her mind. “Nothing here to hide from.” He growled as he pulled off his clothes, tossing them to the floor and exposing every sculpted inch of his own body. “We’re going to do this right. You’re going to tell me what you do when you’re alone.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, instantly becoming prickly and hot with embarrassment.

“Every woman knows better than any man how she likes to be touched. She knows how fast she wants to be fucked, how hard. But for some reason,” he moved onto the bed, licking his lips as he stared at her intensely, “they feel like they can’t have it how they want it. They just have to hope it happens. Not with me. I’ll give it to you just how you tell me to.”

“I . . . ah, I don’t know,” she lied. She knew how she liked it, what drove her crazy with passion. What she didn’t know was whether she was capable of uttering the words aloud.

“Lights on,” he said firmly. “No hiding. No lying. No pretending. No faking. Just fucking the way you want to be fucked for as long and hard as you want to.”

“I didn’t peg you for such a generous lover.” She giggled nervously, trying to deflect away from reality in the room.

“I pegged you exactly as embarrassed as you are right now. I figured you’ve never begged for it the way you’ll beg tonight. What are you afraid of? I can make it exactly the way you like it. What could be bad about that?”

“It’s just not what I’m used to,” she admitted, not able to look at him full on. “There’s never been much discussion. Just kind of—”

“Fumbling?” He laughed. “Faking? Not tonight. Not with me.”

“I’m not really sure,” she lied again.

“You are. You could list five things right now you know would have you screaming in ecstasy. You could point to every spot that made you cry out. You know how hard you want me to bite, how fast you want me to lick.”

“I do,” she said, finally unable to suppress the pools of heat forming all over her body. Throbbing and aching overcame her. He was right. She knew what she wanted and how she wanted it. “I like on top,” she stuttered out. “I like to be touched while I’m on top.”

“Good start,” he said, slithering toward her finally and parting her legs as he took both her ankles in his hands. “I’ll enjoy the view while you ride me. Let’s find out what else you like.” His lips moved from her ankle, up her calf to the inside of her thigh, alternating between kisses and licks until he got so close to her folds she could feel his breath. But he stopped abruptly, hovering there.


“I, uh . . .” she shook her head and closed her eyes tightly, “I’m sure I’m not what you’re used to. I know you’ve probably been with—” Her lips snapped shut suddenly as his mouth closed in on her core, soaking her tiny thong. “Yes,” she breathed out shockingly loud.

“You’re better than anyone I’ve been with,” he said coolly as he slid her thong down her body and looked pleased at the prize hiding beneath it. “You’re perfect. Open your eyes.”

She obeyed, finding the strength to be in this moment. Fully in it. “You’re asking for more than just my body,” she whispered as he stared up, his head positioned between her thighs still waiting. “You’re asking me to trust you. To be here with you in the most exposed way possible.”

He didn’t answer, but she could tell by his expression he understood. “So should I?” she asked nervously. “Am I safe here?”

Suddenly he abandoned his position and moved like a panther up her body until he was eye to eye with her. His full weight rested on his arms as he stared down into her eyes. “You are safer with me than anywhere in the world. I won’t hurt you, and as long as I’m around, no one else will either.”

“But you said I should run from you,” she challenged, swallowing hard against the intensity in his eyes.

“Don’t,” he said simply. “Don’t run. Stay.”

“And what happens tomorrow?” she whispered. “You warned me, you’re not a nice guy.”

“I know,” he nodded. “But if I’m ever going to be, it’ll be with you. You’re safe with me.”

She arched her back and lifted her body until she felt his firmness brush her thighs. “I changed my mind,” she smiled and watched his face fill with concern that she might be calling this off. “I want it just like this. You right where you are. Fill me, hold me, kiss me. Just like this.”

“Just like this,” he said as he plunged deep inside her, sending shock waves through her body. Her hands came up to his hair, running through it at a frantic pace. He dragged his mouth down her cheek, over her neck, and found her puckered nipple arching up to him. Swirling his tongue over the tingling flesh, he made a primal noise as a shiver rolled over her body.

Emmitt was pulling out and plunging inside of her over and over again as he teased and tantalized her with the edges of his teeth. “Evie,” he whispered, his pace picking up. “Shit Evie, I’m gonna come.” He buried his head into her neck as he scooped one arm behind her back and held her so tightly she felt like she might break in two. He was waiting on her permission, her forgiveness, and she willingly gave it.

“Come Emmitt, fuck me fast and come.”

As though he had no control, no way to stop, he took her words as absolution from his ridiculous lack of staying time. His release was epic, loud and powerful, gripping and clawing at her as he pulled out. Emmitt’s breath didn’t level out for over a minute as he collapsed on top of her. When words finally came he was uncharacteristically sheepish. “Shit,” he said shaking his head in disbelief. “You are so fucking tight and hot. I just couldn’t.”

“It’s all right,” she said, waving him off and pretending the aching desire blossoming from between her legs wasn’t important.

“Are you kidding me?” he asked, cocking a brow up at her as though she were crazy. “You think that’s it? You think we’ll just roll over and go to sleep now?”

She shrugged, not wanting to make him feel bad. He rolled on top of her again and slithered back down her body. “You have no idea what you’re in for.” He grabbed the back of her thighs tightly and lifted her ass from the bed, tossing her knees over his shoulders. “How many times have you orgasmed in one night? What’s the record to beat?”

“The record?” she asked with a chuckle. “Is this a competition?”

“No,” he said seriously. “There’s no competing with me. How many?”

“Two maybe?” she said uneasily.

“Oh god,” he laughed. “That’s pathetic.” His finger slipped inside her slick core, and she jumped from the shock it sent through her. Emmitt’s thumb rubbed rhythmically against her sweet spot. He found the perfect pace within a few seconds, and she was arching, pushing herself closer, forcing him deeper inside her.

“Yes,” she shrieked. “Emmitt, yes.” Much to her surprise he dropped her legs down but kept his finger working magic over her slick spot. He was hard again and plummeting deep inside her before she could take her next breath. But the next breath wouldn’t come anyway. It was stuck in her throat as she split open with pleasure, her muscles tightening and pulsing around his firm shaft.

Emmitt hovered above her and as she burst with pleasure she again felt the urge to hide. He was taking in every quiver of her body, the crumpling of her face, the clutching of her hands to the sheets. He was watching it all. A very naughty smile broke across his face as he gently laid her back down on the bed.

Her breath was ragged, her hair matted down with sweat as he laughed out his words. “That’s one. A couple dozen more to go.”

Chapter 14

mmitt had fucked
a lot of women. All kinds in all sorts of places for all sorts of reasons. But never had he finished and felt anything besides the desire to run. Literally. Just run the hell out of there. Run a few more miles. Run until the thoughts in his head melted away. But right now running was a distant idea pushed out by the smell of Evie’s hair draped over his arm.

“Glad you didn’t go out with whatever loser Sophie was going to send you with?” Emmitt asked, tracing a finger up her hip and over her side.

“There was no loser,” she said, kissing her way across his chest and then settling comfortably in his arms.

“Trust me, just because he was rich doesn’t mean anything.”

“No,” she said with a laugh. “I mean I never called Sophie and asked her to find me a date. If I wasn’t going to go with you, I didn’t want to go with anyone else. I just had to call the car service I hired to bring me and cancel. When you knocked on my door I thought you might be the driver. I’m sorry if my feelings for you makes you uncomfortable or freaks you out or whatever, but I like you.”

“I just worry because you have no reason to like me. There is absolutely zero logic behind thinking you could like a man like me.”

“I’m not sure logic has a long standing history with emotions. I like you.” She was blushing now, and he knew he could either tell her the truth or put a stop to this.

“It freaks me out,” he admitted. “But I’m still here. That’s different for me. You should know that. I am trying.”

“It’s fine,” she said, looking anything but.

“Let me finish. It freaks me out that you like me because I don’t not like you.”

“You don’t not like me?”

“Exactly. I usually don’t like people. Any people, all people. I don’t like them. I find little to no use for anyone. But I don’t not like you.”

“So you like me?” Evie asked, reserving her excitement until she understood what the hell he was getting at.

“That feels stronger than I’m willing to say,” he joked, but never loosened his grip on her. “But I don’t not like you.”

“What’s your deal?” she asked, rolling her eyes. “You’re attracted to me.”


“We’ve had plenty of reasonable conversations where we seem to get along.”

“Fair statement.”

“I’m funny,” she said, now counting the points out on her fingers.

“Debatable. Unless we’re counting physical comedy because then you are great at tripping over stuff and walking into doors.”

“What’s wrong with me that you can’t say you like me,” Evie asked, but Emmitt was quick to counter.

“What’s wrong with you that you
say you like me?”

“Who told you that you were an asshole? Who filled your head with that bull for so long? Because it feels like you heard it enough times you started to believe it.”

“That didn’t answer my question,” Emmitt redirected.

“Fine, you want to know why I like you? I saw your face the day Jessica got arrested. It worried you. I see the way you look at your brother. I see what you’re willing to do just to help him with business. I’ve watched how you talk to drivers, and the doormen, and the hotel concierge. I saw how many times you put money in that homeless guy’s cup in the park across from West Oil back in Texas. When you think no one’s looking, you treat people really decent. And since I’ve met you, I’ve been watching.”

“I’m the guy who eats James’s chocolates and fucks with my brother just for fun. I’ve got a short temper and a loud voice.”

“James is a billionaire. He can buy more chocolates, and I’m not sure your brother would know what to do if you stopped messing with him.” Evie wasn’t backing down.

“I’ve hurt a lot of people,” Emmitt admitted, realizing this romanticized version of himself that Evie was hoping for didn’t really exist. Or if it did it was a drop in the bucket of who he really was.

“I’ve hurt a lot of people,” Evie breathed out sadly. “I’ve been selfish before, and I’ve burned a lot of bridges.”

“You can’t even be in the same atmosphere of trouble I’ve caused. You can’t imagine.” Emmitt shook his head adamantly.

“Then tell me,” Evie begged, running a hand over his cheek. “If you want to convince me I shouldn’t bother with you then make your case.”

“I’m not trying to chase you off. I meant what I said and not just because I was staring at your magnificent body. If I’m ever going to be a good guy, I feel like it could be with you. Plus, making a case about anything while you’re naked is difficult.”

“Then hold me, and let’s go to sleep,” she said, kissing his chest again as she snuggled close to him. “Or tell me why you’re so awful. Because I don’t see it.”

“When I was a kid I was pissed, every day really pissed, and my mother suffered for that. My brother and sister did too. I couldn’t be controlled, and I couldn’t be contained. I made their lives hell.”

“You don’t talk much about your sister; is she here in Boston?”

“She is. Harlan has had a rough go of things. I bailed on her when I enlisted. Then shit went downhill quickly for her. She had a deadbeat boyfriend who became her deadbeat husband, then a deadbeat dad to her kids, and now a deadbeat ex-husband.”

“You forced them to get married?”

“No,” Emmitt sighed as though she were missing the point, “but I wasn’t there to protect her.”

“You can’t run people’s lives for them. You can’t save them from their choices. I’m not convinced. Give me some more.”

“My mother,” he said, shaking his head. “I shot her nerves. I was arrested seven times before I was sixteen years old. I made a million promises and broke them all. The only thing I did with any sort of consistency was let her down. Worse than that, I never had a good reason when she asked why. I just felt like it.”

“You were a kid. An angry kid who made some bad choices. It happens all the time. Like I said, I’ve hurt people too. I’m still not convinced.” She traced a finger over the muscles of his chest and flashed him a small smile. “Try again.”

“I’ve tricked women into sleeping with me by telling them what they want to hear. I play games. I change my number. I go off the radar. I break up over text. I lie.” He was staring at the ceiling now, not able to look back down at her angelic face. “I like when my job puts me in a position to fight. Going a couple rounds with some prick who deserves to get knocked around is basically why I get up in the morning. If I go too long without hitting something, dodging a bullet or outrunning some danger, I start to get fucked up. I fight. I explode. I destroy.”

“You fought for your country,” Evie offered. “You’re doing all this for your brother. What’s the last thing you did for your sister or your mother?”

“I tossed my sister’s asshole ex out her front door when he came to pick up the kids drunk. My mom, I haven’t done much for. I just try to show up when she’s not well and stay out of her way when she is.”

“You said she has kids, your sister. Are you a good uncle?”

“No,” he laughed, “I’m the worst. I give them chocolate right before bed. I buy them drums and swear in front of them. I wake them up just because I want to see them. It drives my sister crazy.”

“But they run to you when they see you coming?”

Emmitt laughed. “Every time.”

“I’m sorry but I’m still not convinced. I hear a couple bad habits but deep down—”

“Okay, Evie,” Emmitt said, kissing the top of her head. “I’ll let you think what you want but don’t say you weren’t warned.”

“You’re a better guy than you think, Emmitt. You have to start believing that. And until you do, I’ll believe it for you.”

He let out a long sigh, wondering where Evie would be, what she’d be doing when she stopped believing.

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