Crippled Mail Order Bride For A Faithful Frontier Cowboy: Clean Christian Short Reads Western Romance (Destined For Love Mail Order Brides Book Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Crippled Mail Order Bride For A Faithful Frontier Cowboy: Clean Christian Short Reads Western Romance (Destined For Love Mail Order Brides Book Book 2)
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“Thank you, Mary-Beth.
You are a true blessing.”
Tam smiled weakly at her, and they continued to drink their coffee in silence.

Tam’s father and brother left to go and check on the animals, leaving them alone.

“She isn’t doing well with this, Tam.
I will do everything I possibly can to help fix what was destroyed, but Tilly is devastated.
I’m so sorry that this had to happen to you,” Mary-Beth said.

“Some things cannot be helped.
I’m glad that you’re here, Mary-Beth.
You are such a light and a blessing for Tilly.
Thank you,” Tam said as he smiled at her once more.

A few moments later, Tilly entered the kitchen.
Tam and Mary-Beth made sure that she drank a little bit of coffee and ate a few grits.
Tilly remained silent the entire time.
Her wedding day, ruined due to a dust storm.

Once they were satisfied that Tilly had eaten enough, they all made their way out to the clearing.
As they began walking, they noticed Jacob making his way across the front yard.
He looked as upset as they felt, and he wanted to do whatever he could to help the situation as well.

In the clearing, they realized that the damage was beyond anything they imagined.
Many of the chairs had been broken, the tables had been swept away, and the tents were tattered.
Tilly dissolved into a new set of tears.
While Tam did his best to comfort her, Mary-Beth looked around and started making a plan.
Even though she had physical limitations, she knew that this could be done if they all put their time and energy into it.

“Jacob, let’s get the broken chairs and tables picked up.
We might be able to repair them so that they are usable,” Mary-Beth began.
She made her way to the first fallen chair and took a look at it.
Wiping away the dust, she realized that they could fix them with a few nails. They wouldn't be perfect, but they would be good enough. Jacob followed her lead and together they began to pick up the chairs and assess what could be repaired.

Before long, Tilly and Tam joined them.
Tilly’s tears had dried up, leaving a woman full of sheer determination in their place.
Nothing would make her day any less special.
Mary-Beth’s strength was wearing off on her.

Once they had everything that needed repairs set aside, Mary-Beth encouraged the men to round up some of the ranch workers, and a handful of friendly neighbors. Mary-Beth rallied the assembled helpers to work a western miracle. The men went and got hammers and tools to fix what could be fixed.
Mary-Beth and the women found some of the bows that had been torn from the tents and chairs and began to wipe the dust from them and straighten them out.
Amazingly enough, they were able to find most of the bows.

By the time the day had ended, the tents had been mended, the chairs and tables had been mostly repaired, and many of the old decorations had been found and rehung.
Mary-Beth and Jacob worked side by side tirelessly to get it all ready.
There was still a lot of work to be done, but, for the most part, a lot of the damage had been repaired.
They all decided that they would work again the next day so that it would be ready for the guests the following day. Jacob was fascinated by Mary-Beth’s ability to bring so many people together and achieve what was seemingly impossible. His heart swelled with pride every time he thought about her.
What was it about this lady? And how could he get to know her better?

Happy but exhausted, Mary-Beth and Tilly returned to the house to get a good night’s sleep.
They were sore, and Mary-Beth’s legs were hurting, but she didn’t care.
They had pulled through the damage and would make the wedding what they hoped it would be.

A Double Blessing

THE DAY OF the wedding arrived.
It was a beautiful and sunny morning.
The birds seemed to sing much louder than before, and the flowers looked more vibrant than they had in the days preceding this wondrous moment.
Mary-Beth smiled as she looked out of her window.
The clearing was beautiful once more.
Sure, things were a bit dusty, but they were in the wild west, wasn't that to be expected? Mary-Beth smiled and thanked God from the bottom of her heart. Tam and Tilly would have a wonderful wedding.

She carefully dressed in the pink muslin that she had brought for the wedding and made her way to Tilly’s room to help her prepare.
As they draped the beautiful dress over Tilly’s head, a loud knock came on the door.

“Mary-Beth, Jacob has come to see you.
Do you have a moment?” Tam’s mother asked as she stuck her head into the room.

Mary-Beth looked curiously at Tilly.
Tilly nodded slightly and urged her to go.
“I’ll still be here when you get back.
Go and talk to him.”

Jacob was sitting in the parlor when she came down.
He rose as she entered the room, and he motioned for her to sit next to him.
The look on his face had Mary-Beth feeling nervous, but she had learned to trust Jacob and sat down and waited for him to speak.

“Mary-Beth, I have been doing some thinking.
During this past week or so, I have really gotten to see what a wonderful and beautiful person you are.
In fact, I feel as though I have known you my entire life.
I don’t know what you will say to me, but I was wondering if you would consider being my wife and working by my side?” he asked nervously.
He had been thinking about this for a few days now.
Even though he knew how devoted she was to her grandparents, he couldn’t let her go back without asking her this important question.

“Marry you?” She exclaimed. “Oh Jacob, it would make me the happiest lady in the world to be your wife!
But when?
We just planned one wedding.
I don’t believe I have the energy for another at the moment,” she replied with a smile.

“Well, I have talked to Tam and Tilly, and they have agreed to share today with us.
If you are willing, will you marry me today?” he asked with a glint of hope in his eyes.

“Are you serious?
I would love to!”
She started to cry tears of happiness as she stared at this special man she thought would never choose her because of her disability.

“From what I understand, there’s a dress waiting for you.
I will see you at the altar,” Jacob said with a huge smile on his face.

Mary-Beth quickly rose and made her way back to Tilly’s room.
Bursting through the door, she looked at Tilly with wide eyes.
“You knew why he was here, and you didn’t tell me?” she exclaimed through the tears.

“I knew that God had provided two dresses for a reason.
Let me help you into the other dress and we can be married as best friends to best friends!” Tilly said with a huge smile.

Tilly helped Mary-Beth into the other dress, and they did one another’s hair.
Even though her grandparents had no idea of what would transpire in such a short time, Mary-Beth felt as though she had their blessing.
They wanted her happy, even if it was many miles away, and she would bring them here afterward. Maybe Jacob and his family would even let them stay.

A gentle breeze picked up as the violin began to play a soft melody.
Tilly and Mary-Beth slowly walked down the center aisle, side by side as the town watched with happiness.
Two beautiful young women and two handsome young men were starting their lives together that day.

As they reached the altar, the reverend stood before them and smiled at the young couples.
Tam took Tilly’s hand, and Jacob took Mary-Beth’s.
As they gazed into one another’s eyes, they professed their love and made their vows before Almighty God. With overflowing hearts, they promised each other a lifetime of faithfulness to God, and to each other.

At the pastor's concluding, “I now pronounce you
!” the assembly rose in a rapturous cheer. The newlyweds rejoiced in their love for one another.
Jacob swept Mary-Beth into his strong arms, and she felt the warmth and electricity of a man’s kiss on her soft lips for the first time in her life. She felt like the most blessed girl in all of the world, and Jacob felt he had discovered the most magnificent riches the east could ever offer a humble cowboy.

The crowd erupted with applause gain as the two couples made their way back down the aisle, hand in hand.
It was the most beautiful wedding that they had ever witnessed.
The blessings of love and marriage filled the town with a joy that would last for some time, and Tilly, Tam, Mary-Beth, and Jacob were the toast of the town for many days to come.

As the newlyweds accepted the well wishes of their guests, they all glowed with happiness.
It was a day that they would remember for the rest of their lives.

And on that day, Mary-Beth walked confidently into her future, with her lovely Jacob by her side.

The End

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