Critical Diagnosis (8 page)

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Authors: Alison Stone

BOOK: Critical Diagnosis
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Lily leaned over and kissed her niece’s forehead. A whiff of baby shampoo tickled her nose. Her niece’s dark lashes rested against her pale skin in the purple glow of a three-foot-tall tulip night-light. “She’s grown so much.”

Bethany stared at her daughter. Her sister’s eyes glistened in the dim light. “She’s going into third grade. Can you believe it?”

Lily shook her head. It seemed like only yesterday when her sister moved back to Orchard Gardens with a toddler while her sweet-talking husband moved on to the next pretty girl.

“Do you think she’s...?” Bethany didn’t say what was on all of their minds.

“She’ll have to go in for blood work.” Lily touched her sister’s crossed arms. “It’s going to be okay.”

A renewed sense of urgency weighed heavily on Lily’s chest, making it difficult to draw in a deep breath. The first tingling of a full-blown panic attack bit at her fingertips as the pink walls with the princess border closed in on her. She hadn’t a moment to spare. She had to push forward with her research. James set his medical bag on the dresser next to Emily’s bed.
And he wants me to take a vacation for my own safety.

James slipped in next to Lily and sat on the edge of the bed, placing a hand on Emily’s forehead. The little girl moaned and muttered something in her sleep. He reached over and pulled an ear thermometer from the medical bag. “What’s her temperature?”

Bethany’s thin shoulders shot to her ears. “I never took it. My thermometer broke. I mean, it wasn’t that long ago. I meant to replace it, but Emily has been fine for so long. It just slipped my mind. Or maybe...” Her voice grew so soft Lily had to strain to make out the words “...maybe I had deluded myself into thinking she was never going to have a relapse.” Bethany sniffed and ran the back of her hand across her nose. “When I touched her forehead she was burning up.”

“That’s okay,” James said, compassion evident in his voice. “Do you mind if I give her an exam?”


Bethany and Lily stood quietly by as James pulled back the covers and gave little Emily a once-over. Emily moaned a few more times before settling in. This man had found his calling. He loved children. Her heart quickened as she watched James tuck a small bear next to Emily on her pillow. He smoothed her sweaty hair with his strong hand before standing.

“The fever seems to have broken. I think she’ll rest comfortably now.” He reached into his bag and gave Bethany a card. “Call the clinic. I want you to take her in for some blood work. There won’t be any charge.”

A line creased Bethany’s forehead. “Is it absolutely necessary?”

Lily wrapped her arm around her sister’s narrow shoulders and squeezed. “Everything will be okay. We have to have faith.”

Bethany’s eyes drifted to her sleeping child. “I just couldn’t bear to find out she’s sick again.” She pressed a hand to her mouth. “I’ll take her to the clinic tomorrow.”

James took the card from Bethany and scribbled something on the back. “Here’s my cell-phone number if you need anything or if you have any concerns. Anything.”

Her sister smiled, her wet cheeks glistening in the dull light. “You’re not so bad for some rich kid.”

James put the thermometer away and closed his medical bag. “So I hear.”

Lily kissed her sister’s cheek. “We’ll let you get some rest.”

“I can’t thank you enough,” Bethany said to James and Lily. “I really can’t.”

James stepped into the narrow hallway. “How are you going to get to the clinic?”

Bethany turned the business card over in her hand. “This is on a bus route, right?”

“Yes, but I’ll pick you up so you don’t have to take Emily on a bus. It will be more comfortable for her.”

Bethany pressed the back of her hand to her forehead as if trying to think of a reason to decline his offer. “Thank you. I hate relying on other people. But...” She hesitated a minute, obviously swallowing her pride for the benefit of her daughter. “Thank you. I am truly blessed.”

After they squared away all the details, Lily followed James outside. “Thank you.”

“Of course.” James turned to face her under the yellow light of the lamppost.

“Now do you understand why I can’t run away? My research is too important.” Lily paused a minute. “Emily doesn’t have time to spare.”

James’s eye twitched. “Regen will be on the market soon.”

Lily shook her head. “A treatment is a wonderful start. But I’m still looking for a cure.”


ily seemed unusually quiet as James drove her home. He didn’t bother to fill the silence. He dreaded the decision ahead of him. Undoubtedly, her emotions overrode her common sense because she refused to leave town. To go someplace safe until this lunatic was caught. It certainly didn’t help that her niece’s illness was a stark reminder of how desperately Lily wanted to find a cure.

It was more than work for her; it was personal.

He blinked against the headlights approaching on the darkened road. No matter what, he wouldn’t allow her to be a sitting duck. He’d have to find a way to protect her, even against her will.

Deep down James wished he knew how to rely on God. To ask for guidance. But he didn’t. Didn’t know if it mattered anyway. His parents had been strong in their faith. They’d lived their faith. Yet they’d been snatched away in their prime in a plane crash. None of it made sense to him. Wasn’t God supposed to protect them? His headlight beams swept across two deer on the side of the road, ready to cross. He tapped the brakes, startled out of his musing.

Lily gasped. “Deer out here make me nervous. I’m afraid of hitting one.”

“You have to be careful.” For far more sinister reasons than the wildlife. But he kept the last thought to himself.

“Well, I’m glad you’re driving.” She laughed quietly. “I can’t thank you enough for checking on Emily. I appreciated having the extra set of eyes. I was too emotional to examine her objectively.” Lily shifted in her seat. “I can’t believe my sister allowed her health insurance to lapse. What was she thinking?”

James glanced over at Lily. She was staring out the window, her long brown hair flowing down her back. He shifted his attention to the road. “I’m sure she was overwhelmed when she lost her job.” He softened his tone. “I see it all the time with my patients at the clinic.”

Lily sniffed. “I sent her checks, but I should have taken the time to see her in person.” She sniffed again. “I’ve been focused on only one thing—my research. I’m missing out on the day-to-day things. I’m missing out on Emily growing up.”

“Don’t beat yourself up. Emily knows you love her.”

“What good is all my research if Emily’s not receiving proper care?” Defeat edged her soft voice. “I’ve been working hard, but maybe I’m going about it all wrong. Maybe I’ve lost perspective.” She slumped in her seat, covering her mouth with her hand. “Did you ever think you’d like to crawl into bed and stay there for twenty-four hours straight?”

James laughed. “I can hardly remember the last time I got six hours straight.” Just sleeping in his own bed in the apartment above the clinic was a dream come true after years of deployment. He feared the longer he stayed in Orchard Gardens—the more comfortable he became—the less likely he’d be inclined to reenlist.

“Why do you suppose we do this to ourselves? Other people seem content to have normal nine-to-five jobs and a life outside of work.” She sat up in her seat and tugged on the shoulder harness of her seat belt. “I spend all my time in the lab. You’re splitting your time working both at Medlink and the clinic.”

“Are you saying you don’t have a life outside of work? You’ve never made time for a social life?” He flicked on his signal and turned into her driveway. He suspected he already knew the answer.

“Not really.” The wistful tone of her voice made him pause.
“I’m usually in the lab twenty-four-seven. You?”

“No personal life at the moment. Unless you call making late-night house calls a social outing.” He glanced across the darkened vehicle at her. “Do you ever think you’d want more?”

He heard her quiet laugh. “No. I made that decision when my mother died. I knew I’d dedicate my life to research.”

“But what happens when you actually find the cure?”

She hesitated a minute, as if she had never thought that far down the road. “I’ll find another cause, I guess. What about you?”

“I feel sort of the same way you do. After my parents were killed, I felt like I had to continue their work, albeit in a slightly different venue. They practiced medicine as private citizens all over the world. I’ve done it through the army.” He ran a hand across the back of his neck and looked up at her darkened house. He wasn’t ready to say good-night. “Can I take you somewhere for coffee?”

“Do you want me to never fall asleep?” She laughed, this time with a little more humor. He liked the way it sounded.

“Don’t say I never asked.” He hid his disappointment behind a joke.

The cottage was set back on the lot, surrounded by trees. A soft light glowed from inside the window, but the porch was dark. Unease twisted his gut. Something felt off. He’d have to try to convince her to leave. If she continued to be stubborn, he’d have to settle for the alarm system and a night outside in his car to keep an eye on the house. Maybe guilt over his lack of comfort would finally make her relent. He put the vehicle into Park and turned the key in the ignition.

“Thanks again.” She pulled on the door handle and the dome light popped on.

“Let me walk you to the door.” He cast a quick glance at the dark porch. “Did you turn the front light off? It was on when we left.”

“No.” He heard the hesitancy in her voice. “Maybe there’s a short and the bulb went out.” She climbed out and poked her head back into the car. “I’ll be fine. I’ll wave to you once I get inside and turn on the alarm.” She slammed the car door.

Despite her protest, James got out of the car and met her on the walkway leading to the front door. “I wouldn’t be much of a gentleman if I didn’t escort you to the door.” Blinking, he adjusted his eyes to the darkness. Apprehension made the hairs on his arms stand up. Instincts from his years in the army kicked in. He scanned the property, looking for any sign of movement. The wind rustled the leaves on the trees surrounding the property. Nothing seemed out of place.

Except for the dark porch.

The moonlight reflected in her eyes with a hint of amusement. “No one ever accused Dr. James O’Reilly of not being a gentleman.”

“Don’t let them start now.” He turned his attention back to the front of the cottage and the slightly overgrown landscaping. Recent events had him on edge.

As they walked to her front door, her shoulder bumped into his arm. “Sorry.” He heard the smile in her voice.

Reaching down, he took her hand and squeezed it briefly before letting go. “I’ll wait here and see that you get in.” James hung back on the path and Lily paused near the porch. She fumbled in her purse for keys.

“Thanks again.”

“You’re welcome,” he said, feeling more like a seventeen-year-old on a first date searching for something to say to prolong the evening rather than a thirty-five-year-old physician seeing a friend safely home.
A friend.
He put his hands in his pockets and rolled on the balls of his feet. A soft breeze rustled the leaves on the trees.

Keys jangling in hand, she climbed the wooden steps, the old slats creaking under her weight. She froze and a quiet gasp cut through the night air. In two strides, he was next to her. Instinctively, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back. A dark spot, a lump, in the center of the porch came into focus.

“What is that?” she whispered, a quiet tremble in her voice.

He squinted into the darkness and the lump took shape. “It looks like a—” he leaned closer “—rat.” James tightened his grip on her waist. “You okay?”

“Just great.” Her tone dripped with sarcasm. She pulled away from him. Stepping over the rat, she jammed her key into the lock. Pushing open the door, she reached around the corner. The click, click, click of the light switch was met with more darkness. “Porch light is burned out again.” Moving into the foyer, she flipped on the hall light. The interior light spilled outside, illuminating a ghastly scene: a poor rat, its head at an awkward, gruesome angle.

“This has gone too far.” Lily’s words came out clipped, angry. Her pale cheeks fired red.

His gaze traveled upward to the porch overhang. Someone had removed the porch lightbulb entirely. “Unbelievable.” A muscle twitched in his jaw. He pulled out his phone and dialed the chief of police, his friend. Phone pressed to his ear, he strode to the edge of the porch, his shoes crunching on tiny white shards of glass. At least now he knew what had happened to the bulb. Leaning over the railing, he searched the side of the house toward the backyard. Pitch-dark.

He explained the situation to the chief and asked for more frequent patrols by Lily’s house.

“Let’s go inside.” With a hand on her back, he led her past the grotesque remains of the rat and into her home. He shut the door and turned the bolt. “I’m going to check the house. Stay here.”

A few minutes later he returned. Hugging her knees, Lily looked small sitting on the stairs in the foyer. “All the windows and doors are locked,” he said, doing his best to reassure her. “You can’t stay here all alone. I won’t let you.” He braced for an argument that didn’t come.

Instead, Lily stared at him, an expression of defeat on her face. “What do you have in mind?”

“Maybe...” He ran a finger across his chin. “Let me check with Edna. Maybe you can stay in the carriage house behind my grandparents’ home.”

Lily seemed to consider it a moment. She grabbed the banister and pulled herself up. “I want to crawl into my own bed and go to sleep. I’m exhausted.”

“I know. Go grab some things. I’ll give Edna a quick call. After the chief gets here, I’ll clean up the mess on the front porch and then I’m taking you to the carriage house for safekeeping. No arguments.”

* * *

The next morning, the doorbell on the upstairs apartment of the carriage house sounded, and although Lily had been anticipating it, she nearly jumped out of her skin. She closed her eyes briefly and drew in a deep breath. Fixing a smile on her face, she pulled open the door.

“Sleep okay?” James greeted her with a smile, and butterflies fluttered in her belly. Inwardly she rolled her eyes.
Easy, girl.

“All things considered.” Lily kept her expression neutral. She hadn’t spent a night in this apartment for years, not since after her mother had died and the O’Reillys had provided her housing between semesters at college. It felt comfortably familiar. She also felt safe upstairs from Edna and Charlie.

“Ready to take Emily and Bethany to the clinic?”

She grabbed her purse and they went down the stairs, past the beautifully landscaped pool area and through the locked gate to his vehicle parked in the circular driveway. Once they were in the car, Lily said, “I talked to my sister this morning. Emily seems to be herself, but I told my sister we should still bring her in. To run some blood tests.”

“Smart move.” James started the car, his smile warming her insides.

“Speaking of smart moves, do you think I was wrong to tell Chief Farley last night that I wanted to get the composite drawing done and then go public with it? We have to do something. I can’t just sit here and wait.” Lily hated the breathless quality of her voice, but now she worried plastering a composite sketch of this thug around town would only antagonize him. Last night it was a dead rat. Would she be next?

Lily fastened her seat belt and tried to relax into the seat.

A long silence stretched between them as James pulled out onto the main road. “Well, a sketch is one way of getting the word out. But—” he cut her a sideways glance “—you may become more of a target. If the chief’s right, this jerk is part of a gang.” His fingers flexed on the steering wheel. “My main focus for now is to keep you out of harm’s way.”

She squinted against the sunlight blinking through the heavy foliage. “I have to do it. I have to do something. I’m afraid of every little noise. I can’t live like this.” She rubbed the palms of her hands up and down her arms. “I want him caught. If his composite goes on the news—” a new idea struck her “—maybe we can offer a reward. Maybe then someone will come forward and I can get on with my life.” She ran a finger under her nose. “He’s not going to stop. We have to offer a reward.” She shifted in her seat to face him. “Do you think we can do that?” Hope buoyed her mood.

“I’ll call the chief.” James seemed resigned. “I’ll push him to get an artist to the station later this afternoon. See if he’ll contact the news in Buffalo and Rochester.”

A tangle of nerves and excitement jumbled Lily’s insides. Someone would come forward with a reward. She just knew it.

When they pulled into the parking lot at her sister’s apartment complex, Emily sprang from the swing on the playground. In her matching lime-green shorts and T-shirt, Emily looked as if she was ready for a day of summer fun. She certainly didn’t look like the little girl who had been sick only the night before. Her niece ran toward her mother, a little brown bear flopping behind her. Bethany took her daughter’s hand and walked toward the car.

When Lily got out of the car, Emily let go of her mother’s hand and bolted ahead. The heaviness of the past few days seemed to lift. Lily crouched down. Her niece wrapped her thin arms around her neck. “Hey there, kiddo.”

“Hi, Aunt Lily. Where are we going?”

Lily looked at her sister, trying to read her expression. Bethany responded with a shrug and a little pout. Obviously, Emily didn’t know she was going to get blood work done. Her sister probably hoped she and James would be a nice distraction.

Lily straightened and took Emily’s hand. Her young niece watched James approach. Her little nose scrunched up. “Who’s that?”

“That’s Lily’s friend James,” Bethany said, smiling at Lily.

“Is he going with us?” Emily asked.

James crouched in front of her niece. “I’m a doctor and I came to see you last night.”

Emily tipped her head, her bright eyes narrowed. “But I feel fine now.” She moved closer to Lily, clutching her hand. Tucking the stuffed animal under her chin, she stuck out her lower lip. “Are we going to the hospital? I don’t like the hospital.”

Bethany looked like a deer caught in headlights. Her daughter’s illness had taken a toll on her, too. “It’s okay, sweetie,” her mother said reassuringly.

“We’re not going to the hospital,” James said. “Would you like to see where I work? I’m a doctor and I have an office not far from here.”

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