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Authors: J. F. Lewis

BOOK: Crossed
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“J. F. Lewis’s Void City saga is like
literary methamphetamine.
The best thing to hit paranormal fantasy in years.”


“J. F. Lewis has delivered an explosively written vampire tale!”

—Sherrilyn Kenyon, #1
New York Times
bestselling author of the Dark Hunter series

“Vampire fans who like their blood and gore leavened with humor should enjoy this campy sequel to

Publishers Weekly

“J. F. Lewis has a fresh and unique voice. If you haven’t read
pick it up as well and read them together—you will be glad you did.”


is hugely entertaining . . . written with twisted humor. . . . [It] meets all of the requirements for even the most demanding urban fantasy fan.”


. Finally, my long dry spell of so-so reads is over.
successfully banished my book blues.”


is also available as an eBook

Praise for the gory, sexy, funny, fierce, and totally
unforgettable debut novel from


will probably appeal to most readers who like Jim Butcher’s Harry Dresden but wish that Harry would stop being so damn nice all the time.”


“A pedal-to-the-metal demolition derby of sex and violence. Werewolves and vampires were never so much fun.”

—Mario Acevedo, author of
X-Rated Bloodsuckers

“A fast-paced story with a heady mixture of humor, violence, and sex.”

—Library Journal

“Impressive. . . . The plot is reminiscent of the early, and best, of the Anita Blake novels.”

—Don D’Ammassa

“From the start I could tell this book would be something special. By page 8, I was proclaiming it a winner to my friends. I’m happy to report that I was correct.”


“Eric is the bloodsucking equivalent of a
Spinal Tap
song: he goes all the way to eleven. . . . An entertaining story that stands out from the more generic vampire fare. With a fast-paced plot, a variety of interesting characters, and a certain cheesy eagerness,
makes for great reading.”

—Green Man Review

“Uncovering the mystery surrounding our rebel hero is a reward in itself, while the action scenes in this raucous, raunchy blood-opera make for a very satisfying crunch.”

Dark Realms

“From the moment you step into Eric’s world, you are rocketing from one high-tension situation to another. . . . The exciting conclusion will definitely leave you breathless and wanting more.”


“Serious yet funny, gory yet tender, magical and still down-to-earth. . . . In other words, a must-read!”

—A Bookworm’s Diary

“Once you get caught up in the world of
you’re stuck in its thrall. . . .
walks a great balance between suspense and gore . . . a balance one rarely sees in first novels.”

—Our Gaggle of Girls

J. F. L


Pocket Books
A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright Ä 2011 by Jeremy F. Lewis

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Pocket Books Subsidiary Rights Department,
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

First Pocket Books paperback edition February 2011

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Cover design by John Vairo Jr.

Manufactured in the United States of America

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ISBN 978-1-4391-9132-3
ISBN 978-1-4391-9134-7 (ebook)


To my sons, thanks for teaching me (some) patience.
(Boys: No, you are not old enough to read this book, no matter what year this is. Love, Dad.)



The author would like to acknowledge every single person who made this book possible, but is quite certain (as always) that he’s left someone out. If it was you . . . Oops.

My debt of gratitude to the WTF (Write The Fantastic . . . my writing group)—Rob, Mary Ann, Dan, Karen, and Janet—grows larger with each novel. Their mad baking skills have grown alongside their editing skills, and their constant support (and criticism) is more help than I could say.

Thanks are also owed to Mom, Dad, Alvin, Virginia, Rich, and Daniel for support and friendship above and beyond the call of duty, and to Mike McCrary for his keen eye and amazing attention to detail.

This time around, I feel I owe a special debt of gratitude to all those who were supportive about
the unpleasantness
. I won’t go into it here, but if you Google “excommunicated” and “author” or “j f lewis,” you’ll probably find more information than you want. I’ll name a few, but it’s a really long list, so, in no particular order, to Jeff Carlson, Jackie Kessler, Jeanne Stein, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Ted Kosmatka, Alethea Kontis, Mary Robinette Kowal, Derek Tatum, The Gambers (Dan, Jackie, Ben, and Ellen), Sean Williams, C. E. Murphy, Michael Stackpole, Michael and Lorrie Mennenga, Summer Brooks, Mur Lafferty, J. C. Hutchins, David B. Coe, Gail Martin, Haley Elizabeth Garwood, Joy Ward, everybody on Codex, and a host of others: Just . . . thanks.

These acknowledgments would not be complete without mentioning two mighty women: my agent, Shawna
McCarthy; and my editor, Jennifer Heddle. Without them, you wouldn’t be reading this. I’d also like to thank Heather and Danny Baror, without whom these books might not exist in other languages.

Last, but never least, thanks to you, the reader. Without you, I’m reduced to a silly man typing stories in the dark and giggling to himself.


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