Crossing Lines (Cops and Docs #2) (23 page)

BOOK: Crossing Lines (Cops and Docs #2)
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Kelli wrenched herself away from the painful tugging and glanced upward. Kelli’s mouth moved, but Nora couldn’t hear over the roaring of her own blood. It was in Kelli’s gaze that she found the answers she was looking for. The vulnerability and the need in her eyes anchored Nora in the moment.

“It’s okay,” Kelli said.

It was.

Kelli kissed the inside of her thigh.

“I’ve got you.”

She did…have her.

Nora sighed. She was never lost in Kelli. She’d found herself.

Kelli’s lips continued to brush against her, moving slowly upward. She placed a fleeting kiss on her sex. There was nothing carnal about it, but somehow, it ignited Nora all over again.

Her hips rushed forward, seeking contact…any contact.

Kelli gave her what she wanted, and Nora’s entire universe imploded. She moaned as the heat from before pooled in her belly and spread outward with each thrust of her hips. Unbelievable warmth engulfed her. It fractured her then refilled the fissures, leaving her whole.

Nora let it.

* * *

Still pleasantly floating a few minutes later, Nora was peripherally aware of Kelli hovering over her. She reached up as Kelli leaned forward. Their lips met hungrily. Tasting herself caused her desire to flare anew.

Kelli’s torso was slick with sweat. Nora detected a fine tremor as Kelli clung to her. Their foreheads touched. Kelli fought for breath.

“Turn over. We’re not done,” Kelli said.

Nora whimpered. The words tunneled inside her, sending her newfound arousal toward dangerous levels. Kelli backed away.

Nora rolled onto her stomach as she was told.

The cool air blanketing her skin suddenly became heated with Kelli’s proximity. Behind her, Kelli breathed raggedly and there was a whisper of clothing being discarded. Then, before Nora could take another breath, Kelli’s teeth sank into her shoulder, and taut nipples blazed a trail on her back.


Kelli groaned in return. Her fingers dug into Nora’s hips, pulling them toward her. Obeying the silent command, Nora rose to her knees and spread her legs. She kept her torso resting against the bed.

Kelli slid her knee between Nora’s parted thighs. Then, Kelli pushed herself against Nora, covering her left buttock with the steamy evidence of her arousal. Nora’s vision dimmed.

Kelli moaned long and husky. She clutched at Nora’s waist with bruising strength. When Kelli slowly began thrusting her hips, Nora’s world narrowed to include only this moment…this eruption of sensations. She mashed her face into the bedding, biting it, and clawed at the covers. Her thighs trembled as her sex spasmed.

Within seconds, Kelli changed the pace. The roll of her hips went from sedate and leisurely to a sharp, intense pumping. Kelli’s moans transitioned into high-pitched whimpers. Nora triumphed in Kelli’s pleasure, while her own need mounted. Unable to help herself, she slithered her hand downward between her thighs. It was captured and pinned to her back. That act alone sent her careening for the stars.

Kelli leaned forward and, without warning, dove into the liquid warmth between Nora’s legs. Her fingertips swirled with definite purpose in firm, tight circles.

Nora’s vision darkened then brightened with a flash. Kelli’s hoarse cry of completion was Nora’s complete undoing. Orgasm roared through her with explosive heat and cataclysmic intensity. Pleasure rushed through her body, and Kelli’s name fell from her lips continuously.

Seconds later, Kelli slumped on top of her. Even though she was boneless and could barely deal with her own mass, Kelli’s weight was grounding and erotic. Despite her own satiation, her need for Kelli still hung in the air, and Nora had definite plans to alleviate it. Kelli mumbled and kissed her shoulder. The weight on her back lightened, and Nora turned quickly, wrapping her arms around Kelli’s torso to prevent further movement.

“You’re right. We’re not done,” Nora said.

Kelli’s breathing quickened once more, and she leaned forward to meet Nora in a kiss.

* * *

Sometime later, Nora’s alarm sounded. It served as a different kind of wake-up call. They reached for each other. Winding a hand around Kelli’s neck, Nora’s fingers sifted through damp tresses. Their lips brushed as they shared the same air. They couldn’t stop touching. They couldn’t stop staring at each other.

Blindly, Nora reached for the alarm and silenced it. Nora knew she…
…had taken a giant leap forward. There was no looking back. She didn’t want to. The moment didn’t have to be heavy. It didn’t have to be overanalyzed.

It could just be.

She smiled.

Kelli’s gaze softened. “You’re smiling. You’re okay? We’re okay?”

Nora’s smile widened. “Yes…we are.”

“Good.” Kelli kissed her on the chin. “Cause, I felt the fucking earth move. I didn’t want to be the only one fallin’ off it.”

Nora blinked. It was such a Kelli thing to say. Nora laughed.

* * *

Kelli stared into nothingness. She had been doing it all morning. Williams had already noticed and gotten on her last nerve about it. She didn’t know how that was possible since she was mellow as hell. Kelli knew what was going on around her, but she just didn’t give a shit. The images playing over and over in her head were way more interesting.

All morning, Nora had been open, loving, but Kelli had to be honest with herself. She was waiting for the other shoe to drop. These days, something good didn’t happen without something shitty right behind it. She hated that feeling and tried to swallow it down. Nora was on her knees, peering up at her in the shower, before realization hit.

The shoes were staying on.

Nora looked so happy and that was enough. Then, Nora did that thing with her tongue. Kelli shivered in remembrance. Before she knew what she was doing, Kelli had already dialed Nora’s number.


“Hey.” Kelli grinned.

There was a snag in Nora’s breathing. “Kelli.”

The bottom of Kelli’s stomach slithered into knots. “You busy?”

“Surgery in two hours.”

“I can be there in fifteen. That gives us forty-five minutes to do some major damage to one of the supply closets, or maybe even your office, if I can talk you into it.”

Nora paused. The tension growing between them was thick, dense. It was hard for Kelli to see anything else. “I don’t think you have any idea how tempting that is,” Nora said.

Kelli licked her lips and stood. “If that’s yes, I’m already standing.”

“Kelli.” The need in her voice was obvious, as was the resignation.

“I know. It was worth a shot.”

“And it wouldn’t be you if you didn’t take it,” Nora said.

“No, I wouldn’t.”

“If it’s any consolation, there are no words to describe—”

“Yeah, I know the feeling.” Kelli pressed the phone closer to her ear. “I’m stopping by around one, to see Travis. Will you be—”

“In surgery, yes.” Nora’s disappointment was clear. “Tonight?”

Kelli groaned. “I can’t wait that long, Nora.”

Nora made a sound in the back of her throat. “We have to stop. I need to be able to concentrate at least a little today.”

“Yeah, well, I think that boat has sailed for both of us.” Kelli smirked.

“Possibly.” There was a smile in Nora’s voice.

“Later then.”

“Yes, definitely.”

Kelli hung up the phone. She had to keep busy. It was probably the only way not to end up drooling all over herself.

* * *

Nora was in surgery. Kelli knew that. It didn’t keep her from hoping. She rounded the corner and adjusted the bag in her hands. Kelli didn’t want any of the sauce to spill. Travis would be pissed.

Travis looked up as she breezed through his open door. He glanced at her, then at the bag and back again. “No…you didn’t? You went to The Dirty Cat?”

Kelli smiled. “I did. He told me a while back you could have freebies.”

Travis stared. “I could have been having this the whole time?”

Kelli shrugged.

“I’ll forgive you this time.”

“How gracious.”

“Yeah, you’re fucking welcome.” He opened the container and drizzled habanero sauce all over his food. After he took the first bite, Travis groaned. “Saw you on the news. Press just loved filming your ass walking away. You got your man though. Nora has to be glad all this shit is over. I meant to say something to her this morning, but she had residents with her.”

“She is, but Williams and Johns made it happen.”

“Well, it’s done. That’s all that matters.” Travis wiped his mouth with a napkin. He smiled. “So how grateful was she?”

“You did not just go there.”

Travis nodded. “I did.”

Kelli stared and smirked. “Ask Nora next time you see her.”

Travis stared right back. “Don’t challenge me like that. You know I will.”

“She’d blow your ass out of the water. Go ahead and try.”

“I might.”

“Do it.” Kelli smiled.

“Uh, what the hell did I just walk in on?”

They both turned toward Sean.

“Your sister’s asshole-like behavior,” Travis answered with a grin.

Kelli snatched the container out of his hands. “Take it back!” She could barely keep her smile in check. God, she was in a damned good mood.

“I don’t know. She looks pretty happy to me,” Sean said.

Travis chuckled. “I know, right? I just had to fuck with her.”

Kelli glared. “I will spit in your fucking food.”

“Don’t be nasty. Now, give it back.”

After rolling her eyes, Kelli placed the container on his lap.

“Thank you, and speaking of happy, Nora was humming when she walked in. She was all glowy and shit.”

Sean chuckled. Kelli focused her glare in his direction. He stopped.

“I know what you’re doing.”
she did. “I’m not falling for it.”

“Falling for what? I just wanted to congratulate you on having your shit back together.”

Kelli glanced at Travis then at Sean, who looked thoughtful.

“Yeah, that’s definitely a good thing,” Sean said.

Silently, Kelli agreed. It was the best fucking thing ever.

Travis started stuffing his face again. He held up a finger while he finished chewing. “Seems like a good time to let you guys know that the neurologist wants to meet with family in a couple days to talk about my discharge.”

“Get the fuck out!” Sean’s grin was big and goofy as hell.

Kelli shook her head and smiled. “You need help.”

“Maybe.” Travis chomped on a chip.

Yeah, maybe. Maybe this was a sign that more good things were about to happen.



Nora put a hand over her mouth in an attempt to hide another yawn. She leaned against the nurses’ station and flipped through a chart.

“It’s strange.”

She glanced up, watching as Susan checked the station as she probably always did at the beginning of her shift. Nora smiled. “I’m sorry? What is?”

“Well, I’ve only been standing here five minutes and that’s the third time you’ve yawned. Plus…you have this dewy thing going. I’d say you were pregnant, but that detective of yours can’t be that potent.”

Nora stared at her. “Was there…a question in there somewhere?”

“Nope. Just making an observation. Someone obviously got lucky last night…actually the last couple of days, I’d say.”

Nora flushed. It was amazing that she still had the capacity to be embarrassed. Maybe it had more to do with the intensity of her feelings for Kelli. If that was the case, she didn’t want her reactions to change. “No, I—”

“She’s a morning person then?”

Nora just blinked.

Susan laughed. “It’s that good, huh?”

The other two nurses had abandoned their tasks to give the conversation their attention. As a result, Nora made the decision to turn the tables a little. If she could banter with Kelli, she could banter with anyone. “Always.” She smiled, slowly.

Susan’s eyes widened, and she laughed loudly. “Do tell.”

Nora continued to grin. “I don’t think so.”

“Mmm, I could just ask her if you guys come out with us on Friday. You think she’ll turn the same shade of red?”

“That’s highly doubtful.” Nora couldn’t keep the laughter from her voice.

“Oh come on!” Susan said playfully. “You have to give me something here. Inquiring minds and all. Is she better with her hands or…”

For a moment, Nora fazed out. Her body hummed with remembered pleasure.

“By the way your eyes just glazed over, I’m going to say both.”

Caught, Nora’s face warmed yet again. “Is this something you do with all your friends?”

Susan’s smile was huge. “Only with the ones I really like.”

Nora hadn’t expected that response. Her mouth opened, however, hardly anything came out. “I…”

“You like me too? I figured.” The desk phone began to ring. “I’d better get that. Lunch?”

Nora nodded and glanced at her watch. She was running late. As Nora turned and walked toward the elevator, she waved at Susan. She waved back.

When the elevator finally opened, Nora brushed past the other passengers, eager to get to her destination. Now at Travis’s door, Nora peeked and lingered for a few seconds to make sure she wouldn’t interrupt.

“I’m setting your discharge date as next Friday. I know that’s probably farther out than you expected, but you had significant spinal trauma. We don’t take chances with that. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of days to get home health and equipment arranged. Mrs. McCabe, is your home still going to be his temporary residence?” The neurologist asked.

“That’s why I’m here. I wouldn’t have suggested it otherwise,” Carina said.

“I’m moving back in for a little while to help out too.” Sean threw a hand over his mother’s shoulder.

“Man, you don’t have to do that,” Travis said.

“It’s already done.” Sean gave him a pointed look.

“If it helps, I’m not.” Kelli smirked. Everyone laughed.

Nora smiled at Kelli’s response, and she chose that moment to walk in.

The McCabe family glanced in her direction.

The neurologist turned. “Dr. Whitmore? You don’t have to be here. I thought we agreed that I was—”

“I’m here as a friend, not as his doctor,” Nora said, as she made her way to Kelli’s side.

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