Crossroads (29 page)

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Authors: Megan Keith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Crossroads
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We continued to kiss each other with unbridled passion, our bodies hard against one another as the world around us melted away.  There was no cliff top overlooking the sea.  There was no crowd of people milling about.  And it wasn’t only the heat from the blazing sun that was warming our bodies. 

We could have been anywhere in the world at that point and it wouldn’t have mattered.  Because as our hands roamed one another and our hearts beat for each other, it was just us.

Em and Nick, together at last.

How it was supposed to be
- Nick and Emma, together,





The End





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This series continues…



New Beginnings


Coming Soon



Sneak preview next page…



Instead of working I find myself playing around on Facebook,

Why do I torture myself?
It’s been three months since I moved to Sydney, three months since Emma and I broke up, and three months I’ve been stalking her on the internet.  I really should unfriend her, but I just can’t seem to click that button.  I go to her profile and find her page updated, yet again, with pictures from around the world.  This time it’s a picture of her and Nick on a “
gondola in Venice…”
having the “…
time of our lives”
the smiles on their faces proving that point.

Just when I think I’m nearing the end of this dark tunnel, I have to bring myself back to the bitter truth that she will never be mine.  I still love Emma, and I guess a part of me always will.
It hurts knowing I couldn’t be the one for her, when I really thought she was the one for me.  We had so much in common; in theory we were perfect for each other.  But her heart wasn’t in it.

It’s clear by her Facebook page that she has more than moved on, she’s found exactly what she needed.  She’s happy and I’m glad she is.  Everyone deserves to be happy, even girls who break your heart.



Thank you for reading my book!  If you liked Crossroads, please leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.  Feedback from readers is much appreciated.  It is the best way to give thanks to an author.

Speaking of thanks, the biggest thanks I need to give is to my husband, David.  Thank you for your patience and understanding, and for being a great househusband to a housewife who has been severely lacking of late.  Thanks for picking up the slack honey!  You are my best friend and I love you.

Next of course an extra-large thank you to my beta readers Kaye Kelly and Tash Mann, you girls have been so wonderful to give up your time to critique my work.  I really appreciate all that you do and thank you for your support, advice, feedback and friendship.

Kari at Cover to Cover Designs, what can I say?  I love you!  You have this way of getting into my head and finding exactly what I need!  I love your work and I am so glad to have found you!  Thank you for your support and friendship, this journey wouldn’t have been the same without you!  Can’t wait to see what you come up with next.

To my new friend Marie Obradovic - I’m so glad Kari introduced us!  I have met a kindred spirit in you my friend, I feel like I’ve known you forever.  Thank you for your overwhelming support and kindness and for all the ego boosts too!  Love our daily chats!

A humungous thank you to my Mum and her hubby John!  Who knew when you bought me a Kindle that it would open up a whole new world?  I am eternally grateful for that amazing
gift, I wouldn’t have published a single word otherwise!

Thanks to Barbara Williams for ringing to tell me how much you loved my first book!  It was the first
real positive feedback I had received and I will always remember that.  Your support and encouragement mean everything to me.  You really are the best aunty in the whole wide world!  Love ya lots!

BIG thanks to all the wonderful book bloggers that have been so supportive and helpful to me since I started this journey.  In particular
Jeneé Gibbs from Jenee’s Book Blog, I am so glad to have ‘met’ you and I am blessed to call you my friend.  Kristy Louise from Book Addict Mumma, you have been incredibly helpful to me, thanks for answering all my questions, I love your dedication.  Kylie McDermott from Give Me Books you are going places in this blogging world, I will be able to say I knew you when… LOL.  Holly Baker from Holly’s Hot Reads, you are always so fun and I love how much you love Nick!  (Hands off, he’s mine!)  Into the Night Reviews, thank you so much Tami & Heather for all that you do.  Alexis Brodie from Book Reviews by Lexi - no one shares posts like you do!  Confessions from Romaholics, As the Pages Turn, Dirty Girl Book Club, A.K.A. The Book Harlots Review, Forever Me Romance, Sassy Mum Book Blog, Fictional Boyfriends, Gutter Girls Book Reviews… there really are too many to mention!  Indie authors like me owe a lot to the dedicated book bloggers and pages out there that go out of their way to support us - So thank you all for your time!



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