Crow’s Row (3 page)

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Authors: Julie Hockley

Tags: #David_James

BOOK: Crow’s Row
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“I’m Emily.” I extended a hand out and moved in closer to see his face. Names, I thought, were a good start. But he stepped back and glanced down.

“Your shoelace is untied,” he told me, almost angrily.

I pulled my hand back, feeling a little like a moron, and followed his gaze to my feet.

I crouched down to tie my shoelace; this provoked the dog to bark and lunge to the end of its leash. I couldn’t tell if it was happy or angry. It didn’t matter—I jumped back, fell on my behind, wondered how long it would take before the leash snapped and the dog was back on me again.

“He’s not going to hurt you.” The owner had said this with irritation—like he was upset with my fear of the beast that had attacked me a few seconds before.

I huffed and tugged on my thread of a shoelace—of course, it snapped.

“You need new shoes,” he uneasily commented again.

“My shoes were fine till your dog used me as a springboard.”

While I struggled to tie what was left of my shoelace into a knot and try to make sense of this guy’s social awkwardness, I glared up and watched as his hands clenched into a fist and his shadowed jaw tightened. We were interrupted before the hairs on my arms had time to fully stiffen.

“Hey, girl,” said a voice behind me. “Think you dropped this.”

I came to my feet and spun around. A man in a baggy tracksuit handed me my Bob Marley tape: it had finally dislodged itself from my Walkman, taking pieces of the Walkman with it. I knew enough about the local gang colors and teardrop tattoos that this man was showing off to know that I should stay as far away as possible. It was clear to me that I was slowly being surrounded, outnumbered.

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

“What is this thing anyway?” he asked me.

When I extended my hand to meet his and quickly grab the tape, the Rottweiler went wild again, barking, growling, almost snapping its leash.

I came to be very still.

The gangbanger stepped back, but his frightened gaze was not directed to the hostile dog, but to the dog’s owner. “Sorry man,” he stuttered, taking a few short steps back before turning around. I watched him leave and noticed that everyone around us was doing their best to avoid looking in our direction. Accidents, like holes in the ground, usually attract crowds of gawkers and do-gooders—don’t they? Yet no one else had dared to come near us.

Perturbed, I turned back to the boy and confirmed that he looked quite plain—no signs of any gang affiliations. Though his dog had calmed down again, the boy holding the leash looked as if he were about to spontaneously combust. When he spoke, I realized it was me that he was angry with.

“You really shouldn’t be running by yourself in this neighborhood. It’s a really stupid thing to do.”

With this revelation, I took a moment, and waited for further enlightenment.

But nothing else came from him.

“Are you serious?” I probed after a few seconds.

He stayed silently erect.

I lashed out. “Must I remind you that
dog attacked me and
dog broke my Walkman? You’re not seriously blaming this on me?”

The boy once again scanned the grounds and stopped at me without any retort. I could feel my ears turning red, which meant that I probably looked like a tomato that was about to explode in the microwave.

“Am I keeping you from something more important?” I asked.

He continued to stare at me from the darkness.

I was at a loss for words, which was a strange, new feeling for me.

Finally, with a punch to his chest, I handed him my broken tape and let it drop in front of him. He caught it before it fell to the ground.

I couldn’t think of a good exit line like “See you in hell,” or “Have a great life,” or “Hasta la vista, baby”—nothing cool like that came to mind quickly enough. So I spun on my heels and started running again, before furious tears broke the surface.

I didn’t look back again, but I could sense that he was still standing there, staring from his darkness, watching me run off. I waited until I was sure that he couldn’t see me anymore before I slowed down to a walk, limping the rest of the way home.

I wished that I would have turned around the other way, back through the cemetery—this would have been a much shorter route home. But this would have also given him the benefit of seeing me limp away and cry a little. I wouldn’t give him that satisfaction.

By the time I got back to the house, it was getting dark. The street lights were on, and Skylar was lounged on the front steps.

“Where were you? I’ve been waiting for almost half an hour,” he said with his casual smile, ignoring the fact that I was limping toward him.

“Sorry. I got tied up,” I said woodenly.

On my way to the door, when I had walked past him, I had caught a whiff of something—a vat of cheap cologne. Skylar was a pretty boy from Australia—the sandy-blond, tanned kind of pretty. But he was also a really big granola; he wore Birkenstock sandals, with socks, and corduroy pants year-round. He was a strict vegan and refused to put anything in his body that wasn’t natural—whatever that meant. So for him to wear a smelly chemical substance on his pure granola body … something was definitely up. And I had a hunch of what that might be.

I avoided his stare and lifted the rubber mat, revealing the hidden key.

“Since when do you guys bother to lock the door?” he asked, standing way too close to me while I jiggled the key in the lock.

“I’m by myself for the summer,” I said with a shaky voice. From my peripheral, I could see his wide smile turn wider as I said this, confirming my suspicions, my fears.

I left Skylar on the couch and went upstairs to have a shower.

This isn’t a big deal, I kept telling myself, the hot water sprinkling over me. But my throat was swelling shut and my skin stiffened; my body was rejecting the mere idea of being with Skylar, alone, without any tormenting or distraction from my roommates.

I would have normally been in and out of the washroom in ten minutes, tops. Our communal washroom was the most disgusting room in the house and there was almost always someone banging on the door, yelling at you to hurry up. Today though, I was going at a snail’s pace, taking my sweet time at detangling my wet hair and brushing my teeth. I got dressed and patted my dripping hair with a towel until not a drop fell from the ends. I thoroughly examined my knees; they were already turning a dark shade of purple. Then, I looked at my reflection in the mirror for half a second longer than usual or necessary. If I would have owned makeup or a hair dryer, I could have extended my bathroom stay for five, maybe even ten minutes more; but even after searching the washroom, I came up with nothing else to do. So I put my hair up in its standard wet ball, and with an elongated sigh, I unlocked the door and stepped out of my hiding place.

When I got back to my room, Skylar was lying on my canary yellow bedspread with his legs dangling over the edge. It was a good thing I didn’t make a habit of prancing around in a wet towel.

I threw my running clothes in the overflowing hamper. I would have to do laundry soon or run out of socks … again.

While my mind was distracting itself, Skylar had flipped to his side. “So, what do you want to do tonight, E?”

I was named after my grandmother, Burt’s mother; this was the same grandmother who could still, to this day, never remember my name. Since I was born not-a-boy—one who could have carried on the recreated family name—naming me after the matriarch of the family was, in Isabelle’s mind, a way to legitimize her affair with Burt. My big brother Bill used to call me Emmy … mostly because it irritated the hell out of Isabelle, his stepmother. I liked it, mostly for the same reason.

I didn’t really care that Skylar called me E. Anything was better than Emily. But I had a feeling that his reasons for doing so had nothing to do with any kind of special attachment he might have had to me; it was just easier to keep girls’ names straight if he only had to remember first initials. Maybe I could teach that trick to my grandmother.

I took my time dragging one of the Rubbermaid bins from under my bed and pulling out clothes for work.

“Umm … we could go see a movie,” I finally offered. “I think the one you were talking about the other day is out.”

He sat up, clasped his hands between his knees. “Or we could just stay here and spend a quiet night in.”

I held my breath … and the growl in my stomach saved me. “Are you hungry? I’m starving!”

“No, I’m not … but you go ahead.”

He had looked thoroughly disappointed, and I had already made my way past the curtain door before he had even finished his sentence.

The kitchen was a disaster zone. The counters were crusted with a year’s worth of grime, and dirty dishes were, as always, piled in and around the sink. The only way to get a clean dish was to wash it right before using it—which I did before putting the freshly cleaned pot of water on the stove to boil. I drew a sink of soapy water and started doing dishes, almost excited by the fact that the dishes I cleaned would actually stay clean for longer than a minute.

Skylar just loitered by the fridge.

“You know I’m leaving in a few days,” he reminded me for the thousandth time. “I don’t even know yet if my student visa will be renewed next year.”

“Yeah, I remember you telling me that. Hope they’ll let you come back,” I said, pouring the contents of the Kraft Dinner box into the pot of boiling water.

“Ew. I don’t know how you can eat that stuff.”

I just smiled and stirred, thankful that I didn’t have to cook for the both of us. Otherwise I would have been eating twigs and blades of grass for supper.

Skylar wandered back to the television in the living room while I finished up in the kitchen. I sat next to him on the couch, taking more joy than I should have in watching his face turn a nice shade of green while I poured ketchup over my orange pasta.

Unfortunately his aversion didn’t last—as soon as I’d rested my empty bowl on the coffee table, his arm was around my shoulders.

Dating a guy for two months in college was like a lifetime to the rest of the world, or so my roommates had educated me. There were things that you were supposed to, just had to, experience in college. Everything moved so fast here … and Skylar moved even faster. Before long, his free hand had crossed over and made its way to my thigh. And he kept turning his face to mine, trying to catch my eye.

“Do you think you did okay on your exams?” I asked him, finding ultimate interest in the
rerun we were watching.

“Why wouldn’t I?” asked the A student.

“Then why do you think your visa won’t be renewed? I thought the school’s only condition was that you maintain your grades?”

He seemed to think about this. “Nothing’s ever guaranteed, I guess. There’s always a chance that they could deny my visa.”

Slim chance but good ploy, I thought.

“I’ll definitely be away all summer,” he added.

This was something I couldn’t argue with. So I got up to get a glass of water and stood at the kitchen sink.

I made a list in my head of everything that was right about Skylar. For all intents and purposes, he was perfect for that college-required experience. He was a nice enough guy. He was pretty smart. He showered somewhat regularly. These things must have meant something, right? And then my mind wandered, and making its way to the top of the list was the fact that Skylar’s forehead was too big—something that I had just happened to notice a minute before. His nose was too straight too—he must have had a nose job, I decided. I couldn’t be with someone who’d had a nose job.

I rushed back to the couch before I could talk myself out of anyone else.

Like he could sense my fickleness, Skylar didn’t miss a beat. “It’ll be hard to be away from you for four months, I’ll miss you like crazy.”

His blue eyes—dull blue I’d noticed just now—were unblinking.

He took my faint smile as a green light, and his lips were on mine before I could think of anything else to say to distract him with. He tasted like strawberry Starbursts. I wondered what I tasted like to him—probably like fluorescent-orange powdered cheese.

Then there were awkwardly flailing hands and arms—mostly from my end.

Skylar seemed to know what he was doing. His hands had made their way to my back and with a quick, barely discernible flutter of his fingers over my shirt, my bra became unclasped. He then unceremoniously lunged himself on top of me.

And that was when it happened, as it always did when it came down to moments like this … I panicked. Adrenaline rushed to my bony arms, the arms pushed out, and Skylar tumbled to the carpet, hitting his blond head against the coffee table on his way down.

Skylar stayed long enough for the shock to wear off his face, long enough to tell me—a bunch of times—that he wasn’t mad, that he could wait while he rubbed the bruise on his head, which was as big as his ego.

The thing that bothered me most was that I was going to remain a virgin … even after a whole year away at college. I was now past being a minority and entering the realm of historical figure. I imagined a grade school class in the future
while the teacher up front told the tale of the eternally virginal Emily.

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