Cruising for Love (The Escape Series Book 2) (17 page)

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Would YOU like to take a peek inside my diary? I guess I'm jumping ahead...we haven't even been introduced. My name is Fern Burns. (Yes, I know it is a ridiculous moniker. If you met my flighty mother, you would understand.) I am 42-years-old. By some wonderful stroke of good luck, I live in the beautiful, tropical Florida Keys. Oh, and I am
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Spice-o-meter Rating: This fun, steamy romance features the ultimate love triangle. It is a solid 7.5, maybe an 8, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being Mild (Grandma's diary - let's hope!) and 10 being Ooh La La, I'm blushing, but I can't seem to stop turning the pages (The Fifty Shades of Grey Red Room of Pain).

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Book 1 ~ Taking Chances

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Book 2 ~ Making Choices

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Book 3 ~ Faking Changes

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About the Author – Ann Omasta


These bios are generally rather dry, so I thought I'd shake up the format a little bit. Here are ten not-so-interesting tidbits about me:


1. I despise whipped cream. There, I admitted it in writing. Let the ridiculing begin.


2. Even though I have lived as far south as Key Largo, Florida and as far north as Maine, I landed in the middle.


3. If I don't make a conscious effort not to, I will drink nothing but tea morning, noon and night. Hot tea, sweet tea, green tea - I love it all.


4. There doesn't seem to be much in life that is better than coming home to a big dog who is overjoyed to see me. My other family members usually show significantly less enthusiasm about my return.


5. Singing in my bestest, loudest voice does not make my family put on their happy faces. This includes the big, loving dog referenced above.


6. Yes, I am aware that bestest is not a word.


7. Dorothy was right. There's no place like home.


8. All of the numerous bottles in my shower must be lined up with their labels facing out. It makes me feel a little like Julia Roberts' mean husband from the movie 'Sleeping with the Enemy,' but I can't seem to control this particular quirk.


9. I love, love, love finding a great bargain.


10. Did I mention that I hate whipped cream? It makes my stomach churn to look at it, touch it, smell it, or even think about it. Great - now I'm thinking about it. Ick


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Cruising for Love

Copyright: Ann Omasta

Published: June 2016

All rights reserved.



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This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and coincidental.




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