Cuff Lynx (35 page)

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Authors: Fiona Quinn

BOOK: Cuff Lynx
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Coming 2016


Starting with Book One,

In Too Deep


Now that we’ve met Deep Del Toro and Lacey Stuart, don’t you think they should have their own adventure? A romantic mystery


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My great appreciation ~

To Allan Leverone—you are so good to me, thank you for your kindnesses. Though my friend Allan lent my evil doer his name, Indigo is antithetical to the real Allan Leverone.

To Stephen Templin for his wonderful support.

To my editor Lindsay Smith

To my early readers, who were honest and supportive at the same time: R. Soper, A. Matheson, J. Scaparroti, M. Carlon, E. Gates, J. Skutelsky, C. Miller.

To all of the wonderful professionals whom I called on to get things right especially: Angel Fraguada, J. Critser, Dr. M. Carlon, E. Gates, S. Templin, W. Whittom, V. R. Annunziato Please note: this is a work of fiction and while I always try my best to get all of the details correct, there are times when it serves the story to go slightly to the left or right of perfection. Please understand that any mistakes or discrepancies are my authorial decision making alone and sit squarely on my shoulders.


Thank you to my family for their support.

Kid #4 for her astute observation and patience as I read this book aloud to her – over and over again; for her naming Lynx, and coming up with the title of this book. As well as naming many of my characters.

Kid #3 for eating cereal for dinner and turning the sound down on his electric guitar so I could write. And of course, the eyeball rolls.

Especially to my husband, Todd, he is the spin and the gravity in my life. T, I adore you.


And of course thank YOU for reading my stories. I’m smiling ear to ear as I type this. I so appreciate you.


Fiona Quinn
is now rooted in the Old Dominion outside of DC with her husband and four children. There, she homeschools, pops chocolates, devours books, and taps continuously on her laptop. She is the author of the Amazon bestseller, 
The Lynx Series
, and 
Chaos Is Come Again
. Quinn is the creative force behind the popular blog 
. She is presently writing her
Strike Force Series.



Chain Lynx is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

©2015 Fiona Quinn

All Rights Reserved

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