Cupid's Treasure - Mystery of the Golden Arrow (3 page)

BOOK: Cupid's Treasure - Mystery of the Golden Arrow
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Her guardian angel shrugged, and the officer turned back to her. “How about you?” he asked. “Do you know why a man claiming to be Cupid would be out here shooting arrows at you?”

“No.” Amber’s voice caught in her throat.

The ambulance’s approach was heralded by the blaring siren. “I think she needs to go to the hospital, not be subjected to the inquisition,” her rescuer said.

“No I can’t possibly go the—”

“What?” Her angel signaled that he couldn’t hear her over the noise and leaned closer to her, giving her a whiff of aftershave that filled her senses.

“No,” Amber said, backing up. “No hospitals. . . . I am fine.”

“Tell you what,” he said gently. “Let’s have the
paramedics check you out, and if they give us the okay, then this nice officer will give you a ride to the motel.”

“This nice officer has a man wearing a diaper in the back of his car,” Tom said in response.
“And I’m going to need to get a statement.”

“Correction,” her savior looked back to her, “I will give you a ride and have your car delivered by the morning.” He smiled at her like she was a two year old he was trying to console with a new toy. “What do you say?”

Amber watched as he looked past her and visibly cringed.
What is happening now?
She wondered as she followed his line of vision.

The officer shook his head with a sigh. “I wish someone would take that police scanner away from her.”

Amber couldn’t help but ask as a news van pulled up.

“Patricia Parker, the busy bee herself,” Officer Tom said with a sigh as a woman stepped out of the van. “I’d better go see if Hansen has that poor guy in the squad car before his image is flashed across the ten o’clock news.” He looked back at her rescuer. “I don’t suppose you could help me out here?”

“Let’s get you to the ambulance.” Her rescuer stepped closer to Amber.

“I meant with your girlfriend,” Tom said.

She glanced over at her guardian angel after that announcement. He was still looking past her at the new arrival, his expression unreadable. He glanced back at her. “Can you walk to the ambulance, or do you want a stretcher?” A slow grin spread across his face, taking her breath away.

Amber swallowed, pushed up her glasses, and had to find her voice before she could answer. “I can walk,” she finally said, realizing that he had manipulated her with that question. She didn’t need to go to the hospital and didn’t want the attentions of the paramedic either, but he’d made it the lesser of two evils. . . .
I am going to have to pay more attention to what comes out of his mouth rather than just his mouth!

She was still reeling from her reaction to him when they were bombarded by the media team
as they approached the emergency vehicles. Amber blinked at the bright lights and tried to cover her face.

“Get those cameras out of here!” Officer Tom yelled over to the beleaguered young man in uniform left to guard the vehicle. “You know the rules about
showing the face of a prisoner,” he said to the voluptuous blonde who stepped in front of the camera and held a microphone up to his face.

“Is it true that Cupid was shooting arrows in the park?” the woman asked.

“Cupid?” Tom asked. “C’mon, Patricia. You and I both know that that’s no Cupid.” He held his hand up and waved her off. “It’s Mardi Gras in New Orleans. There are probably hundreds of Cupids dressed in the same outfit tonight.” He waved his hands. “This is a crime scene, folks.” He herded them back.

“So there were shots fired?” the newswoman asked as she held her ground refusing to budge.

So this is the busy bee,
Amber thought as she looked at the Greek god’s girlfriend. It was fitting that the man who’d rescued her should be paired with a woman who would make Venus envious.

“That is still to be determined,” Tom said, being all business. “We still need to collect the evidence.”

“So it’s just hearsay?” Patricia asked as she stepped closer to the officer and angled herself in front of the camera, presenting her best side.

As if she had a bad one
Amber noticed that Tom’s demeanor changed while in close proximity to her bosom. He looked like he was about to break into a cold sweat as Patricia leaned closer to him. He was spared the embarrassment of stuttering or wiping his brow when the busy bee spied the man who walked beside Amber. Patricia’s gaze raked Amber coldly before once again claiming the man next to her.

Patricia motioned for the cameraman to change direction with a click of her fingers. “Is this the victim?” she asked as she walked towards Amber and her rescuer.

Amber felt a gentle nudge on the small of her back as her rescuer guided her toward the ambulance and then stepped in front of her just like before. She could still feel the tingling sensation where his warm hand had touched her, which was surprising considering she was wearing two thick sweaters.

“What do you have to say about this, Jonathan?” Patricia asked.

“I didn’t know you were back,” her savior answered, employing yet another evasive technique Amber noted as she watched the newscaster turn to her camera men indicating they should cut. . . .
He is very good at manipulating women.

“Miss?” another woman said beside her. The voice sounded like it was coming out of the fog shrouded daze that was her mind. . . . “Miss?” she said again as she touched Amber’s shoulder.

Amber turned to see a middle aged black woman standing next to her. “I’m going to take good care of you, hon. Just come over here with me.”

Amber had to stop the impulse to call out for him as he walked toward the busy bee, leaving her feeling alone and bereft. Amber sighed, she didn’t understand the strong feelings the man inspired within her.
Why do I feel like I’ve just lost my best friend?

seriously need to get a grip!
She mentally shook herself.
Good grief! He’s a complete stranger I’ve known for all of ten minutes!

“Just sit right here, sugar,” the paramedic said.

Amber found herself seated in the back of the ambulance with a blood pressure tester on one arm and a thermometer in her ear, wondering how it had all happened so fast. Both gadgets beeped at the same time. The woman read her temperature and typed it into a computer pad as the band inflated painfully on her right arm.

“This is tight.” Amber began to pull on the Velcro strap.

“Na-uh, sugar, that stays put till it beeps again. Won’t be but a second more. You just relax now, hon.”

Amber stopped trying to peel off the tight band that was making her light headed and looked around at the medical apparatuses that reminded her of that
place. Panic set in, and she started to breathe harder. She felt trapped.

Instead of just a beep a red light started flashing.

“Aw, darlin', your pressure is way too high,” the woman said as she placed a clamp on her finger.

“No,” Amber said. “I’m just nervous.” She read the name on her badge. “Charlene, please.” Amber shook her head and tried to leave.

“Sweetie,” the woman said. “You just sit tight. I’ll have you at the hospital in no time.”

“No!” Amber said frantically.
“It’s the machine.” She pointed. “Has it never acted up before?”

“What’s happening?” Her savior poked his head in.

“Tell, her I’m fine, please,” Amber begged.

“Chucky, what have you been doing to her?” he asked the medic.

“You know that’s not funny, Jonathan,” Charlene blustered as she turned to him. “And don’t you Chucky me like we were still on the play-ground.”

“I take back every word.” Her savior held his hands up in defeat.

“Uh-huh!” Charlene turned back to Amber. “Darlin', I need to take you. It’s my job. You’ve been through somethin' awful, and we’re going to make sure you’re okay.”

“I can’t.”

“Why can’t you?” Charlene asked.

Amber swallowed, looking into Charlene’s doubtful dark chocolate eyes. She looked away, glancing up at Jonathan with her own fear filled golden eyes. “Please, I just want to go home.”

He sighed.

“I didn’t even get injured,” Amber said, turning back to the medic. “He’s the one that was hit with an arrow.”

Charlene turned back to Jonathan who shrugged as if it were nothing.

“See? His shirt is torn.” Amber pointed to the evidence on his shoulder.

He poked his finger into the hole. “Naw, it’s just a scratch.”

“We’re going to take your pressure again,” Charlene said as she reset the machine. “If you pass the second time, I’ll release you. If not, you’re coming with me to the hospital. Understood?” With that she turned to Jonathan. “Are you
going to get over here and let me take a look at your boo-boo, or are you going to try to make my day?” Charlene tilted her head when she spoke, daring him to defy her.

Jonathan sighed as she tried to work the sleeve that was too tight on his bicep up to his shoulder.

“Off with it,” Charlene said.

In one smooth movement he swiped the T-shirt off of his well-muscled frame and stood looking like a living statue of a Greek masterpiece. Amber was glad the monitor for blood pressure hadn’t started yet, but the one taking her pulse through her finger started beating faster.

“You can say that again.” Charlene smiled at the sound of the increased rhythm.

Amber knew she was going to die of embarrassment when the finest example of male flesh she’d ever seen smiled and winked at her.
She looked away, pushing her glasses up.

“What were you doing in the park?” Charlene asked as she wiped the scratch on his arm with alcohol. “
Dressed in black
at night, in a storm?” she added.

Admittedly, Amber was curious about that too. And why the puncture from the arrow she had seen was now just a scratch.

“Actually, I’m here because of the storm,” he said.

“Uh-huh,” Charlene replied doubtfully.

“What?” Jonathan laughed outright. “You think I make a habit out of skulking around in dark parks looking for men in diapers?”

Hm-mm-mm,” Charlene tsked.

“For your information, I got a call from my mother to check on the library,”
he corrected with a chuckle.

“Listen to you,” Charlene said as she put the bright neon pink Band-Aid on his arm. “How is Momma Mavis doing?”

“She’s . . . her usual self.” He looked at her finished ministrations. “Nice touch.”

“I figured you’d go for the extra manly one.” Charlene grinned at the sight.

“Well—I would have,” he said as he pulled his shirt back over his head and tucked it in.

Amber looked away and practiced breathing regularly so that the beeper on her finger and the band that was starting to tighten on her arm wouldn’t give her away again.
So this is the electrician?
At least she now had the missing pieces of that puzzle. That at least made her breathe easier. . . . She’d almost wondered if he was in league with

Amber tried to breathe methodically as the band squeezed tighter. She imagined herself running across a field of flowers, crossing a stream, and dipping her feet in a cool pond. The band relaxed as she continued to fantasize about languishing on the bank, but the illusion took on a life of its own when she looked up into the face of an imaginary lover. . . . It was his face! Her heart lurched and
her eyes flew open.
Thank goodness the test was over, or I’d be headed to the hospital for sure!
she thought

“You passed it this time,” Charlene said skeptically.

Amber glanced over to the back of the ambulance and noticed Jonathan watching her with that same puzzled look on his face. He masked it quickly.

“I guess you’re free to go home now,” Charlene said. “I need you to sign this release first, and you need to be aware of some symptoms of shock.” She handed her some papers. “Here, read this, sugar.”

“Thank you,” Amber said to Charlene who had actually done much to quell her fear.

“Think nothin' of it, darlin'.” Charlene smiled. “That’s why I am here.”

Amber moved toward the back door where Jonathan still stood and extended her leg as she stepped out of the ambulance, exposing the lovely hole in the knee of her muddy stocking. She pulled the edge of her skirt down as Jonathan waited patiently for her.
Why do I feel so self-conscious around him?

Over his shoulder Amber could see the news crew standing near the squad car. The younger officer who had been left to guard the prisoner in the back waved his hands excitedly as he spoke to Tom.

“Wait here for a second while I see what is going on,” Jonathan said as he, too, watched the new flurry of activity. Not waiting for her answer, he half jogged over to the vehicle.

Amber knew it was her turn to leave. She looked down the street where only a few people were looking out of windows to see what was happening outside. She took a few steps toward the sidewalk and was startled by a young man who came out of nowhere. “What’s up?” he said as he passed by the front of the ambulance and continued on his way.

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