CupidsChoice (8 page)

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Authors: Jayne Kingston

BOOK: CupidsChoice
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“It doesn’t seem like your friendship with Petra suffered
any permanent damage.”

“No, we’re closer than ever because of him,” she agreed.
“She and Rachel were amazing, both of them answering my phone calls at all
hours of the day and night when they weren’t working.”

“And yet you came here instead of calling one of them this

She considered that. “Yes I did. And you let me in.”

And he would do it again. “Yes I did.”

“Thank you for that.” She narrowed her eyes. “What do you
have planned today?”

He narrowed his eyes back. “I have to pick up a couple of
suits I had made and run because I’m participating in a ten K in three weeks.

“I have a dinner date with RJ’s wife.” She pushed her chair
back from the counter slowly. “Do you work tonight?”

He pushed his chair back as well, liking the look she had in
her eyes. “No.”

“Neither do I. So we can go out later tonight?”

“Yes we can.”

“What are you doing for the next hour or so?”

“Taking you back to bed?” he asked as she took his hand.

“Yes you are.”

Chapter Eight


Cooper was fairly sure he was going to die.

Before he turned forty.

In peak physical condition.

At the mercy of a five foot tall woman with the most
astonishing mouth.

He’d given up trying to watch what she was doing to him a
few minutes earlier. He could no longer keep his eyes open. Between his racing
heart, lungs laboring for air and the fact he could no longer move his arms or
legs, he didn’t seem to have control over
part of his body anymore.

He was going to die. But holy shit, what a way to go.

Bree was doing an unbelievable job of showing him exactly
what she’d told him would have happened if they’d been set up at Petra’s key
party and then gone to his place afterward. With him lying on the bed—legs over
the side and feet on the floor—and her naked and kneeling between his legs, the
entirety of his genitals from his taint to tip of his cock had been treated to
the indescribable pleasure of her mouth.

She had licked, flicked, sucked and swirled him to the brink
of orgasm more times than he was able keep track of, pushing him farther than
he thought he could be pushed without coming. She would back off just before
the point of no return, let his body come down some, then push him even
further. Her lips, tongue and even the way she used her teeth was a wonder. He
didn’t ever want it to stop.

With her lips wrapped around the base of his cock and the
head nudging the back of her throat, she sucked as she pulled her head back.
Cooper made a really unmanly, high-pitched sound and she laughed. That was the
end of that. He went off like the Fourth of July in her mouth, and the sound
that rolled up out of his throat was louder and even more embarrassing than the

She stayed with him through the end, then carefully planted
a kiss on the tip before she released him. He let go of the death grip he had
on his comforter, wincing as blood rushed back into circulation through his
cramped fingers. By the time she finished slowly kissing her way up his body to
his neck he had partial use of his limbs again.

“Good lord,” he panted, chest still heaving, “ask me for
anything.” He made a vague gesture. “Right now.” He groaned when she straddled
his hips, pressed her warm body to his and kissed him. “Whatever you want. I’ll
get it for you.”

He opened his eyes and was treated to the beautiful sight of
her smile.

Oh man, he was in so much trouble.

Her hair was still pulled back in a long braid from work,
but several curls had come loose. He smoothed them back and resisted the
impulse to tell her he was pretty sure he was falling in love with her. And not
just because she’d just blown his mind for what seemed like the hundredth time
in the past few incredibly hot weeks.

“Seriously, anything,” he continued, tracing his fingertips
around her hairline. She’d gotten almost as sweaty as he had. “Do you want the
moon? Some stars to hang from what’s left of the tree in your backyard?”

She laughed again. “Maybe we should leave the moon where it

“Stars it is,” he said with a definitive nod.

She kissed him—sweetly and deeply—and that feeling that he
was in way over his head welled up inside him again.

That was the thing about her wasn’t it, that she was
incredibly sweet and kind but there was nothing fragile or helpless about her.
She gave with everything she had, both at work and at home. She was fiercely
guarded when it came to her independence but deeply committed to her family and
friends. She’d created a cozy life for herself with her stylish, tidy little
house in the suburbs, close to her family.

And the more time they’d spent together in the weeks since
his birthday, the more Cooper was starting to realize he wanted to be a
permanent part of that life.

“I want you to be nicer at work the way you were tonight,”
she answered quietly, the look in her eyes vulnerable.

“Is that what this was about?” He gestured to where she was
covering his blissfully spent cock under her belly, surprised by the shift in
her mood.

“No.” She flopped onto her back on the bed beside him.
“This…” She shook her head and looked at the ceiling as if the words she was
looking for were up there.

“Was the most incredible thing that’s ever happened to me,”
he offered.

Her slightly flushed face became even more pink.

was about me not being able to keep my hands
off you now that we’ve started something.” She looked at him and he saw the
heat he felt for her reflected in her eyes.

He turned onto his side and propped his head on his hand.
“It’s good to know it’s not just me, but what on earth made you think of how I
am at work just now?”

She covered her eyes and groaned. “I don’t know. You asked
what I wanted and that was the first thing that came to mind.”

He peeled one of her hands free and waited. He didn’t have
to wait long.

“It was just…it was such a crazy, busy night, but we helped
so many people. Then there was that baby we helped deliver first thing this

Early that morning a man had burst through the ER doors and
announced his wife was about to give birth in their car. Cooper, Bree and
another nurse had barely had time to get the woman into a room and put on
gloves before she started pushing. The baby had arrived a couple of very short
minutes later, and Cooper hadn’t missed the tears that had shone in Bree’s eyes
when that baby cried for the first time.

“That woman’s husband was crying, kissing her and telling
her how much he loved her after he was so strong for her during the birth.” She
sighed. “What an amazing way to end a shift.” She closed her eyes a moment,
then looked at him. “You were so good with everyone tonight, Cooper. And not just
patients. Everyone.”

He raised an eyebrow. “So I just got the best blowjob of my
life because I told you good job?”

She gave him an impatient look and swatted his shoulder with
the back of her hand. “Pay attention, Dr. Bennett. I sucked your cock because
I’ve been wanting to suck your cock since the night of your birthday.” Her eyes
lowered so she was no longer looking directly at him. “Or maybe since the night
of the storm.”

How did she pull it off, he wondered. How did she manage to
be both the dirtiest, sexiest, hottest lover he’d ever known and still maintain
that air of innocence?

“But you could be nicer at work the way you were tonight,”
she added when he didn’t say anything right away. “You know, for the hell of

“Am I really that bad?”

“I mean,” her eyes raised back up to his, “don’t go crazy
and start patting everyone on the back all the time or anything. Someone would
recommend you for a psych eval so fast your head would spin. But yeah, a ‘good
job’ more than once in two years would be okay. But only if it’s deserved.
Don’t go throwing them out there thinking I’m going to give you sexual favors
in return every time you deign to be nice to someone.”

He nearly laughed. “Message received, Nurse Trenton.”

She slapped her hands over her face and groaned again. “I
can’t believe I said anything. How embarrassing.”

Cooper reached down and stroked the inside of her thigh,
taking his time making his way from her knee toward her pussy. Fuck, he didn’t
even need to get very close before he could feel the heat pouring out of her.

“You know, one of the things I like about you is your

She snorted a laugh and her arms fell to the mattress over
her head. “I bet you do.”

“No, it’s not because you just about blew the top of my head
off just now.” He loved the way she blushed so easily. He gave that delectable
handful of soft flesh at the top of her thigh a squeeze. “So many people hold
back saying what they think,” his fingertips stroked the crease where her leg
met her body, “asking for what they want.”

Her mouth fell open when his fingers changed direction,
parting the lips of her cunt and finding the source of that heat. She was so
wet, her clit already so swollen.

Had sucking him off really gotten her that excited?

“Tell me what else you want,” he coaxed.

He slicked his fingers inside of her and felt her open for

“Keep touching me that way,” she whispered, eyelids dropped
to half-mast.

“This way?” he asked, fucking her slowly with his middle
finger. “Or this way?” He withdrew and fluttered the slippery tip of that same
finger over her clit.

She sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth and her back
arched. “Both,” she breathed, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Touch me ‘til
I come, Cooper. And kiss me while you do it.”

Oh, gladly. But first…

He dipped his head and kissed first one then the other of
her hard nipples.

“That’s a good place to start,” she told him, her voice low
and a little husky for her.

She ran one hand through his hair and used the other to grip
her breast in encouragement. His cock throbbed in response to such a bold
gesture. He circled his tongue around her nipple at the same languorous pace
his finger circled her clit and she moaned. When he sucked and rubbed the tight
little nub between her leg with his thumb and forefinger her moan became more
throaty, sexy. Her fingers tightened in his hair and her hips started to roll.

He slipped his finger inside of her once more, held her
nipple between his teeth gently and flicked his tongue over the tip. The hand
in his hair gripped and pulled.

“Cooper, kiss me,” she urged.

He fucked her faster with his finger, shifted his body
higher and nipped at the tender spot where her neck curved into her shoulder.
He kissed her throat and kept fucking her. Found a spot on her jaw to bite and
kiss and fucked. Sucked at the tender spot behind her ear and touched her clit
with enough pressure she nearly pulled out a handful of his hair.

“Cooper,” she bit out impatiently, and he covered her
swollen, pouty mouth with his, taking what he now thought of as his and only

She opened wide, kissing him back with a hunger that made
his head reel and his cock ache. She covered his hand and rocked her hips,
showing him how deep she wanted the pressure. This time he was the one who

The way she let him know exactly what she wanted was so damn

She found his cock with her other hand and stroked him
lightly. He wanted to warn her that between the feel of her hot, slick pussy in
his hand and his cock in hers it wasn’t going to take long before he came all
over the side of her hip. But he couldn’t stop kissing her. He couldn’t break
away from the delicious pull of her mouth.

She broke the kiss first with a gasp. “I changed my mind,”
she panted.

He lifted his head and stopped moving his hand.

“Make love to me, Cooper,” She let go of his dick and
reached for one of the condoms he’d tossed on the bed earlier. “I want you
inside me.”

He was already moving his body over her, resting his weight
on both of his elbows, his knees on the mattress between her open legs, teeth
grinding as she made quick work of rolling the condom onto him.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and buried her hands
in his hair, bringing him down for a kiss. Heat rushed his system when he
slipped inside her silky, slippery, fever-hot cunt. He had to turn his head and
fight for air as he pushed to the hilt inside of her, making her grunt that
sexy little sound she made when he did something that felt good. He kissed her
neck and rallied his self-control, wanting to savor every moment of being
inside of her that way.

She brought his mouth to hers again and he happily obliged
her another deep pull, keeping the pace of their kiss and the movement of his
hips leisurely. There was no hurry. They had all day to do this, and he wanted
to draw it out as long as possible.

He wanted to make her come, and then he wanted to fuck her
some more and make her come again. And maybe again. That was how she made him
feel—as though he was better than human, that his body didn’t have faults or
flaws or triggers that brought an end to the fun long before either of them was
ready. When he was with her he was seventeen again. He could get hard for her
as many times as she wanted and still run five miles after a couple of hours of
sleep, no problem.

She turned her head and sighed. He could feel her body
tensing, her thighs tightening around his waist and her pussy starting to
squeeze his cock tight. He whispered her name and she looked up at him, mouth
open and breath coming out in sharp, ragged bursts every time he seated himself
within her body.

“Tell me what you need, Bree. I want to feel you come,

“Just stay with me,” she breathed. “This…it’s so good. Just
like this.”

“You are so good,” he told her, lightly kissing that sweet,
fat upper lip of hers.

Cooper shifted his weight to one arm and pried one of her
legs from his waist, getting his arm behind the back of her knee to draw her
leg up high, opening her wide. He sped up the pace of his hips just a little.
Her mouth dropped into a wide O, her eyes closed and she dug her nails into his

It didn’t take long before she begged him to stop, please
just hold still, and he did. He could feel the powerful tighten and release of
her pussy. He stayed inside of her, waiting until she let him know it was all
right to move again, then he brought her to another writhing, sweating climax,
joining her for the second one.

He needed to move before he collapsed on top of her, but he
couldn’t. The singular act of holding his weight off her was taking all the
energy he had left. When he felt her shaking beneath him, he came back to
himself enough to raise his head.

Tears ran down the side of her face. She was crying.

“Hey,” he whispered gently, carefully slipping out of her.
“What’s wrong?”

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