Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis (44 page)

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Authors: James Rickards

Tags: #Business & Economics

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Bagehot, Walter
bailouts, U.S., of 2008
Baker, James A.
bank bailouts, 2008
Bank for International Settlements
bank holidays
bank lending
Bank of England
Bank of the United States
Banque de France
Barro, Robert
base money
Bear Stearns
beggar-thy-neighbor competitive devaluations
behavioral economics
Bernanke, Ben
on gold and the Great Depression
money policies of
speech of 2002
Bernstein, Jared
bilateral trade relations
Black, Fischer
black markets
black swans (catastrophic events)
Blair, Dennis C.
Blessing, Karl
blue fuel (natural gas)
Bretton Woods era, 1944–1973,
Buffett, Warren
Burns, Arthur
Bush, George W.
buy and hold strategy
capital controls implementation
capital flight
capital markets
capitalism, state
Carter, Jimmy
catastrophic collapse
catastrophic events
central banks
gold and aftermath of Panic of 2008
IMF as a global central bank
and reserve currencies
role in Great Depression
See also
Federal Reserve, U.S.
certainty, in economics
Chaisson, Eric J.
consumption and increased U.S. exports
currency manipulation
early history of government collapse
economic zones
and European sovereign debt crisis of 2010
excess population of single men
fears of U.S. currency devaluation
and G20
one-child policy
rare earth exports skirmish with Japan
State Administration of Foreign Exchange
and SWF investments in U.S.
Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
U.S.-China bilateral trade relations
U.S.-Chinese currency war
U.S. quantitative easing programs in
and U.S. Treasury debt
U.S. Treasury holdings
See also
yuan, Chinese
China National Offshore Oil Corporation
China-U.S. Strategic Economic Dialogue of 2006
Christ, Carl F.
Churchill, Winston
civilizational collapse, causes of
Clinton, Bill
Cogan, John F.
Cold War era
Collapse of Complex Societies, The
collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
Commodity Futures Modernization Act
Communist Party of China
competitive devaluations
complexity theory
Connally, John
connectedness, in complex systems
convening power theory
correlation, in global financial warfare
Cosmic Evolution
Coughlin, Charles
Credit-Anstalt Bank of Vienna
critical state systems
critical thresholds
currency collapse
capital flight response to
dollar collapse in complexity theory
currency convergence
currency devaluations
dollar devaluation against gold, 1930s and 1970s
1930s and 1970s
sterling devaluations
Tripartite Agreement of 1936 and
currency markets
currency peg
currency wars
Atlantic theater
benefits of
chaos as outcome of
Currency War I (1921–1936)
Currency War II (1967–1987)
Currency War III (2010–)
Eurasian theater
Pacific theater
Davison, Henry P.
Dawes, Charles
Dawes Plan, 1924
de Gaulle, Charles
Defense, U.S. Department of, and financial war game
under gold exchange standard
international trade
and U.S. dollar vulnerability
China’s yuan exchange rate and
1920s gold prices and
in 1930s and U.S. gold devaluation
U.S. fears during 2000, 2002–2011
Deng Xiaoping
derivatives contracts
Deutsche Bundesbank
China’s fears of U.S. currency devaluation
1930s currency
U.S. 1930s gold devaluation
Dodd-Frank reform legislation of 2010
dollar inflation
dollar, U.S.
black market trade of
Bretton Woods system and
collapse in complexity theory
collapse of dollar-denominated markets
collapse of, potential
counterfeit one-hundred-dollar bills
devaluation of
dollar-gold parity
early warning attacks on
euro-dollar exchange rate
Federal Reserve and dollar price stability
on floating rate system
1920s Germany, value in
1930s devaluation against gold
1970s devaluation against gold
1980s return of
under Nixon’s New Economic Policy
reserve currency, as global
Russian ruble and
and SDRs in dollar replacement strategy
as supercurrency
yen-dollar relationship
yuan-dollar exchange rate
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Drudge Report
misuse of
efficient markets theory
Eichengreen, Barry
elite rent seeking
Emergency Banking Act of 1933
emergent properties, in complex system
energy, money-as-energy model
and depression of 1920–1921
and German hyperinflation
gold reserves
and gold standard
London Gold Pool
1960s sterling crisis
1968 closing of gold market
and Panic of 1931
and Paris Peace Conference of 1919
and Treaty of Versailles
and Tripartite Agreement of 1936
“Enhancing International Monetary Stability—A Role for the SDR?” (IMF)
Eurasian theater, euro-yuan relationship
creation of
and currency devaluation
euro-dollar exchange rate
and European sovereign debt crisis of 2010
Germany’s support of
launch of
as reserve currency
and SDRs
as supercurrency
U.S. and Chinese support of
and yuan
European Central Bank
European Common Market
European sovereign debt crisis of 2010
European Union

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