Curves for the Werewolf (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance, Alpha Wolf Mate)

Read Curves for the Werewolf (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance, Alpha Wolf Mate) Online

Authors: Cassie Laurent

Tags: #BBW, #Curvy, #Erotica, #BBW Erotika, #Big Girl, #Big Beautiful Woman, #Rough Sex, #Plus Size, #Werewolf, #Alpha, #Paranormal, #Shifter

BOOK: Curves for the Werewolf (Paranormal BBW Erotic Romance, Alpha Wolf Mate)
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Copyright © 2013 by Cassie Laurent.

All rights reserved.


Curves for the Werewolf
is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. This book or portions thereof may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any form whatsoever without direct permission from the author.

This book is intended
Only for Mature Audiences 18+
. It contains mature themes, substantial sexually explicit scenes, and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some readers.

UUID: 2c3a74ad-4791-4561-9e91-e7c38c9ad37e

Table of Contents
Other Paranormal/BBW titles by Cassie Laurent:

Wolves in Texas

Claimed by the Alpha Prince

The Werewolf Claims His Virgin

Pursued by the Wolf Pack

My Boss's Werewolf Secret

The Pack's Leader: War of the Wolves

Seduced by My Werewolf Professor

Taken by My Werewolf Boss

Crazy for the Werewolf

Rocked by the Werewolf

I left the crowded bar feeling tired and a bit drunk. I thought about taking a cab, but during a night of heavy rain every car that zoomed by on Columbus Avenue was already occupied. Slowly and deliberately plodding through the rain, I looked down at my cellphone only to find one blinking bar of battery left.

All my friends stayed at the bar, but I couldn’t face them or anyone else after what happened that night. Travis, a guy I had been seeing, had broken up with me. Guy after guy had done this to me over the years. I always got so wrapped in each guy I dated, but for them I seemed to just be a girl to pass the time with before something better came along. I chalked it up to my body, my damn curvy body that made men use me and then throw me away without the least bit of concern for my feelings.

After he had dumped me I took a bunch of shots at the bar, trying to forget him and maybe have some fun. It was useless, I couldn’t get over this hurt in one night, the years of self-consciousness that followed me wherever I went. I left the bar without so much as a word to anyone and headed out into the gloomy night.

The rain fell hard and cold, soaking me to the bone. I was so damn tired and cold all I wanted was to be in my warm bed, falling asleep and forgetting all my troubles for just a few restful hours. That warm bed was the only thing I wanted in the world right now; I wished more than anything that an empty cab would come by so that I could get home sooner. From where I now stood, I would have to walk all the way around Central Park to the Upper East Side. Or I could cross through it. Did I dare?

The park was a sketchy place, especially this late at night, but I was so cold and tired. It would probably get me home a half hour earlier. What was the worst that could happen?

I turned off the brightly lit city streets and headed down a darkened, gravel path. The only light came from dim, sporadic lampposts. I pulled my jacket around me tightly as the rain fell from the sky, soaking my hair and dripping down the soft skin of my face. I heard a howl in the distance. Very eerie, I thought. I kept walking, faster now, driven on by cold and also something else. Fear? I felt like something was following me.

The walk seemed to be taking much longer than I expected. Had I made a wrong turn? What direction was I headed in? I had no way of telling; all the city’s landmarks were hidden by the dark branches of the trees in the park. I walked on, figuring that eventually I would come across the well-lit streets of the city sooner or later.

Up ahead I saw three men walking towards me, their faces barely discernible in the dim lighting of the path. I kept my head down as I prepared to walk past them, hoping they wouldn’t notice me. Then the loudest one of the group blocked my path as I approached.

“Well, well. What do we have here?” he said, giving me a terrifying grin.

“Oh, man. She’s a little cutie pie, isn’t she? Nice and plump, isn’t that how you like ‘em, Brad?” said the man to his left, laughing as he nudged the first man in the arm.

“I like ‘em anyway I can get ‘em,” he laughed.

I was speechless. I tried to step around them, but the third man cut me off.

“You give good head, honey? I heard fat chicks give good head. Is that true?” he asked, winking at me. He and his buddies started cracking up.

“Well, I guess we’re about to find out right? Would you like to suck us off, baby? You don’t get much action do you?”

Tears welled up in my eyes as I started trembling, feeling overpowered by these nasty men, wishing I had never decided to take this shortcut; but something snapped me out of it. There was a rustling in the trees to the side of the path, the sound of dead leaves being trampled.

Then with the swiftest speed, a large grey beast jumped in the air across the path and the first man was carried off into the woods. He screamed in agony. Then complete silence fell across the park. We all stood frozen in place like statues.

“What the fuck, man? What the fuck is going on?” said the shorter one in the group, looking panicked.

My mind was racing. Fear coursed through me. What had I just seen? How drunk

Then another blur of grey and the second man was knocked to the ground on the side of the path. Growling noises, bestial and foreboding as the large paws plodded slowly up to the third man who was paralyzed, his body shaking violently in abject terror.

Adrenaline kicked in and I ran, screaming my heart out. Instinct kept me running, darting down the barely discernible path until I could see street lights through the hollow. I ran faster than I ever had, towards the gate and out of the park onto the street. I looked up for street signs, for some hint as to my location. I was on 67th street. I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere in the park. I was almost twenty blocks away from my apartment.

I walked quickly toward the subway, my clothes now completely wet from the rain, my heels clicking on the wet sidewalks. I was out of breath still, half from running, half from panic. I felt like someone was still following me. I turned back, but found nothing. Just an empty street with a few cars passing by on the adjacent road.

I was only a block away from the subway, surely there would be more people there. I would feel safer in a crowded public place. Plus the cars of the subway train were heated, that would be a welcome comfort in my current state.

I walked down the steps into the station, swiping my metro card and moving through the turnstile. As soon as I walked through, I noticed a group of police officers standing around talking, watching the video monitors and keeping an eye on the station.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Looking up at the timetable, I saw that a train would be in the station in two minutes. I tapped my foot, trying to calm myself as adrenaline still flowed through me. I just wanted to be home in my warm bed.

The automated voice came across the loudspeaker signaling that a train was approaching the station. It clattered down the tracks, filling the underground space with tremendous noise before coming to a screeching halt. The doors opened and I walked in. It was relatively uncrowded and I found a space to myself very easily. Only four stops until my apartment.

The doors started to close as a tall, dark man slipped through them. He was dressed in a dark jacket with longish, black hair. He sat down a few seats away on the opposite side of the train. I watched his face closely. He was shockingly handsome, but something was strange about him. I kept searching his features as if trying to figure out what it was.

Then he locked eyes with me. His face stern and intense. I smiled sheepishly and looked away. A few seconds later I looked back, and he was still focused on me, his ice-cold glare piercing me, his eyes blue like Arctic glaciers. I felt my heart beating rapidly, pounding deep in my chest.
He had the eyes of an animal
. That’s what it was, that’s what was so strange. I looked back at him, and as soon as I had, I was forced to look away. How long had I been here, trapped by his stare?

I heard the bell sound as the doors closed.

I peered through the window out at the sign in the station, fearing I’d missed my stop, but luckily I was still one more stop away. The man got up as the subway lurched out of the station, walking towards me, his hands steadying himself on the metal bars overhead.

“What is your name?” he said, his voice a hushed whisper, almost like a growl.

“I—I’m Maggie,” I said, paralyzed with fear as I felt his essence move over me, some strange magnetism I couldn’t explain.

“Maggie. I like that. Where are you off to tonight?”

“I’m going home.”

“Are you? I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” his voice was slightly mocking, a devilish grin barely surfacing on his face before being eclipsed by that intense glare. I was panicking on the inside, terrified of this man, yet strangely… attracted? I didn’t know how to describe it. It wasn’t attraction as such, it was almost animalistic, an impulse, an instinct I couldn’t explain.

“You look stressed. Did something happen to you?”

“No, just a r-regular night out, I guess,” I stuttered, shivering in my wet clothes, but more out of fear at what this man could do to me. What use did he have for me? He was handsome, tall, and muscular, why was he talking with me? I couldn’t help but imagine what sort of malicious game he was trying to play. Why else would he bother talking to a curvy girl like me?

“Regular? It’s hardly regular,” he said, reaching a hand to my face, running the back of his fingers along the sensitive skin of my cheeks. I pulled my head away, shocked by the raw power even in his gentlest touch. Why was he doing this?

Just then the bell sounded and the doors slid open. Finally, we were at my stop. I was free to get the hell out of there and into my warm bed. I threw my purse straps around my shoulders and got up from my seat. The strange man watched as I walked out the doors.

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