Dancing Barefoot: The Patti Smith Story (47 page)

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Authors: Dave Thompson

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Composers & Musicians, #Entertainment & Performing Arts, #Music, #Individual Composer & Musician

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politics, 230–232, 235–236, 237–238, 240, 242, 245–246

Polk, Brigid, 44

“Poor Circulation,” 107

Pop, Iggy, 63, 128, 192

“Poppies,” 137, 209

Porco, Mike, 113

Portrait of Dora Maar
(Picasso), 40

Posner, Louis J., 237

Pound, Ezra, 68

“Power to the People,” 198

“Prayer,” 59, 79, 164

pregnancies, 25–26, 194

“Privilege,” 126, 132–133, 166, 167, 177, 186

Puccini, Giacomo, 2, 8

“Pumping (My Heart),” 126, 137, 151, 159, 186

punk rock

CBGB and, 87

development of, 149–150

emergence of, 156–157

See also specific punk artists

Purple Rose of Cairo, The
(Allen), 197

“Qana,” 245

Quatro, Suzi, 83

Queen Elizabeth, 75

“Radio Baghdad,” 239

“Radio Ethiopia,” 60, 133, 136, 138, 139–141, 143, 144, 152, 153, 174, 226, 239

Radio Ethiopia
(P. Smith), 135–147, 150, 162, 168, 177, 226

Rage Against the Machine, 249

Rag’n Roll Revue, 77

Ramone, Dee Dee, 87, 247

Ramone, Joey, 76, 107, 185, 247

Ramone, Johnny, 107, 247

Ramones, 103, 107, 159, 165, 171, 185, 247, 248

(Kurasawa), 197

“Rape,” 77–78, 79, 80

Rasmussen, Gary, 206

Rastafarianism, 138

Ratcliff, Ben, 228

Rather Ripped Records, 97–98

“Ravens,” 214

Ray, Oliver, 205, 209–210, 213, 216, 227, 229,

238, 248–249

Raymond, Marge, 166

Reade, Lindsay, 124

reading, influence of, 4–5, 13, 37

Record Plant studios, 136, 140

Red Hot Chili Peppers, 243, 251

Redding, Otis, 131

“Redondo Beach,” 77, 107, 110, 120, 121, 132, 151, 159

Reed, Lou, 33, 44, 50, 96, 109, 120, 135, 136, 164, 218

Reeves, Martha, 121

Relf, Keith, 133


Buddhism, 9–10

during childhood, 8–9

Christianity, 175–176

Jehovah’s Witnesses, 9, 85

Rastafarianism, 138

REM, 214, 229, 248, 250

“Renee Falconetti,” 66, 74

Reno Sweeney, 76, 83, 130

Resto, Luis, 212, 213


album work during, 194–195

announcement of, 189

lead-up to, 183–185

silence during, 194, 196

“Revenge,” 182, 184

(Beatles), 25

Richard, Cliff, 152

Richards, Keith, 21, 25, 41, 250

Richman, Jonathan, 98

Ridiculous Theatrical Company, 49, 57, 78

Rimbaud, Jean Nicolas Arthur, 17–18, 24, 35, 39, 73, 80, 117–118, 138–139, 178

Robert Having His Nipple Pierced
(Daley), 46, 67

Robinson, Lisa, 57, 83, 122

(magazine), 64

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 217–219, 236, 248–250

“Rock n Roll Nigger,” 135, 152, 153, 166, 168–169, 173, 187, 216, 249

Rock’n’Rimbaud, 80, 97, 252

Rockwell, John, 81–82, 123

Rolling Stone
(magazine), 62, 123, 141, 177–178, 223, 232

Rolling Stones, the, 20–21, 25, 35, 41, 43, 70, 110, 134, 149–150, 177, 248

Rolling Thunder Revue, 111–114

Romeo and Juliet
soundtrack, 56

Ronettes, 248

Ronson, Mick, 103, 112, 114, 155

“Rosalita,” 153

Rothenberg, Jerome, 34

Rotten, Johnny, 134

Ruby and the Rednecks, 76

Runaways, 125–126

Rundgren, Todd, 55, 62, 181–183

(Rundgren), 62

Ruskin, Mickey, 34, 95, 106, 135

“Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands,” 60

“Saint in Any Form, A,” 59

Salewicz, Chris, 126

“Sally,” 127

Salt-N-Pepa, 207

Sánchez, Fernando, 76

Sanders, Ed, 236

“Satisfaction,” 41

Saturday Night Live, 130

Saturday Night Special (TV series), 223

Saville, Peter, 124

Saze, 102

scarlet fever, 6

Schrader, Paul, 197

Scott-Heron, Gil, 121

Scribner’s, 36–37

Sebring, Steven, 254

Second Chance, 170–171, 185–186

Sedaka, Neil, 8

Sedgwick, Edie, 21–23, 45, 46, 49, 50, 66

Seger, Bob, 159

Selassie, Haile, 18, 138

September 11, 236–237

“Seven Ways of Going,” 126, 182

“Seventh Heaven,” 66, 126

Seventh Heaven
(P. Smith), 66

Sex Pistols, 134, 149, 156, 179

Sexton, Anne, 58–59

sexual awakening, 12–13

Sgt. Pepper
(Beatles), 28

Shanahan, Tony, 210, 212, 215, 238, 248–249, 251

Shangri-Las, 143–144

“She Walked Home,” 213

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 19

Shepard, Sam

“Ballad of a Bad Boy” and, 210

Blue Bitch
and, 76

career of, 52–53

Cowboy Mouth
and, 60–62, 96

first performance and, 57

introduction to, 55–56

Rolling Thunder Revue and, 112, 113

visit with, in London, 68

Shields, Kevin, 241–242

Simon, Paul, 251

Simone, Nina, 208

Sinatra, Frank, 83

Sinclair, John, 129, 130, 191–192

“Sister Morphine,” 43

Sitwell, Edith, 78

Slow Dazzle
(Cale), 121

“Smells Like Teen Spirit,” 251

Smith, Beverly Williams, 1, 3–4, 5, 9, 239, 249

Smith, Fred (of Television), 103

Smith, Fred “Sonic”

benefit concerts and, 187, 206

career of, 191–193

credit to, 139

death of, 202

Dream of Life
and, 197, 199

“Elegie” and, 247

and, 251

marriage to, 193, 195–196

MC5 and, 129–130

new songs from, 213

Peace and Noise
and, 225

“People Have the Power” and, 198

“Pissing in a River” and, 137

plans for P. Smith’s career, 205–206

relationship with, 166, 176

retirement and, 189

Second Chance and, 171

Verlaine and, 163

work with, 200

Smith, Grant H., 1, 5, 20, 42, 230

Smith, Harry, 48

Smith, Jack, 78

Smith, Jackson Frederick, 194, 208, 223, 233, 251, 252

Smith, Jesse Paris, 194, 208, 239, 252

Smith, Kimberly Ann, 10, 206, 210, 232, 233

Smith, Linda, 1, 3, 4, 6, 39–40, 66, 70, 77, 198

Smith, Sigrid, 137

Smith, Todd, 2, 4, 6, 179–180, 202, 204

“Smoke on the Water,” 223

Snow, Phoebe, 76

“Snowball,” 126

Snowden, Don, 125

So It Goes, 124

“So You Want to Be (a Rock ‘n’ Roll Star),” 182, 186

Soft White Underbelly, 62

“Sohl,” 85, 206

Sohl, Richard Arthur (DNV)

audition of, 85–86

on auditions, 103

on Blondie, 108

Bull and, 97

death of, 201, 205

in Detroit, 193

Dream of Life
and, 197

“Elegie” and, 247

exhaustion and, 143

“Hey Joe” and, 92

on Kral, 104

on Max’s, 94–95

P. Smith on, 110

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and, 248–249

Television and, 89

on tour, 127, 187

and, 181, 183

Solanas, Valerie, 49

Some Girls
(Rolling Stones), 177

“Somethin’ Else,” 227

Songs of Experience
(Blake), 31, 241

Songs of Innocence
(Blake), 31, 241

“Sonic Reducer,” 247

Sonic Youth, 210, 214

Sonic’s Rendezvous Band, 130, 137, 171, 192,


“Soul Kitchen,” 251

South Bank Show, The, 173

Soutine, Chaim, 19

“Space Monkey,” 106–107, 126, 166

Sparks, 85, 155–156, 242

“Speak Low,” 83

“Speak Softly Love,” 56

Speck, Richard, 77–78

Spector, Ronnie, 250

“Spell,” 228

interview, 184–185

Springsteen, Bruce, 87, 94, 105, 153, 166, 169, 170, 176, 248

Spungen, Nancy, 180

St. Mark’s Church, 33–34, 56, 62, 68, 70, 103, 104, 173, 202, 226, 232, 236, 253

“Stairway to Heaven,” 8

Stalk-Forrest Group, 62

“Star Spangled Banner,” 186

Stein, Chris, 80–81, 87, 103, 246

Stein, Jean, 21–22

Stein, Seymour, 163

Steinman, Jim, 76

Stern, Theresa, 88

Stewart, Rod, 48, 131

Stilettos, the, 80, 81, 103

Stills, Stephen, 250

Stipe, Michael, 214, 216, 226, 229, 233, 248, 250, 254

Stoner, Rob, 114

Stooges, the, 29, 117, 248

“Strange Messengers,” 232

Strauss, Neil, 209, 224–225

Street Hassle
(Reed), 109

Street Legal
(Dylan), 251

“Stride of the Mind,” 239

Striho, Carolyn, 206, 208

Sulton, Kasim, 200

“Summer Cannibals,” 213, 223

Summer of Love, 28

“Sweet Surprise,” 113

“Sympathy for the Devil,” 41

Talking Heads, 165, 185, 248

“Tapper the Extractor,” 160

Tears for Fears, 250–251

Teenage Lust, 76, 87

Teenage Perversity & Ships in the Night (P. Smith), 128, 145

Telegraph Books, 65–66, 67


breakup of, 185

at CBGB, 104, 106–107

debut album of, 163, 165

early career of, 87–89, 95–96, 103

Eno and, 136

Meltdown and, 242

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and, 248

Them, 93

Thomas, Dylan, 78

Thomas, Jon, 102

Thompson, Dennis, 129

Thorpe, Jeremy, 131–132

“Thread,” 166

Through the Looking-Glass
(Carroll), 5

Thunders, Johnny, 76, 95

Thunderstorms New York Style
(Craven), 70

Tibet, 9, 203, 208, 225, 227, 229, 231, 232

“Tide Is High, The,” 247

“Till Victory,” 167

“Time Is on My Side,” 20, 94, 110, 134, 151, 174

“To Remember Debbie Denise,” 79

Tomlin, Lily, 128

(the Who), 156

“Torn Curtain,” 107

Torres, Edwin, 236

Tosches, Nick, 79


contemporary, 252

with Dylan, 215–217

and, 173–175, 177

Gone Again
and, 224

and, 125–129, 130–134

in Italy, 188–189

Peace and Noise
and, 228–230

Radio Ethiopia
and, 141, 143–145, 150, 152

schedule, 232

with Sparks, 155–156

and, 184, 186–187

“Trampin’,” 239

(P. Smith), 238–240, 242

Trash, 253

“Trespasses,” 239

Tucker, Maureen, 218

“Tutti Frutti,” 7

“Twelfth of Never, The,” 204

(P. Smith), 48, 250–252

“25th Floor,” 137, 166, 167, 168, 173, 177

“Twin Death,” 237

Tyner, Rob, 129, 192–193, 196

Tyranny and Mutation
(Blue Öyster Cult), 104

UFOs, 5

Until the End of the World (Wenders), 200 “Up There Down There,” 198

“Useless Death, A,” 162

Van Halen, 248, 249

Van Ronk, Dave, 113

Van Zandt, Steven, 246

Vanilla, Cherry, 69, 81

Vanilla Fudge, 35

Varvatos, John, 248

Vedder, Eddie, 250

Velvet Underground, the, 33, 109, 117, 119, 126, 146, 218, 248

Verdi, Giuseppe, 2

Verlaine, Paul, 18

Verlaine, Tom

as art patron, 126

“Break It Up” and, 110

comeback and, 212

in concert, 232

“Fireflies” and, 213

first album and, 121

“Gimme Shelter” and, 251

Gung Ho
and, 233

Heartbreakers and, 95–96

“Hey Joe” and, 92

Meltdown and, 243

The Night
and, 162

Ray as replacement for, 227

recording of, 107

Television and, 87–89

touring and, 215

visits with, 163

“We Three” and, 247

Vicious, Sid, 179–180

Vicuña, Cecilia, 236

Village Voice,
77, 156, 209, 211

Villon, François, 59

visual art, 10–11, 15

Wagstaff, Samuel J., 198

Wainwright, Loudon, III, 121

“Wait for You, The,” 59

Waits, Tom, 113, 131

“Walk Away Renee,” 206

Walker, Scott, 240

“Walkin’ Blind,” 210, 216

“Wander I Go,” 210, 213

Wanna Go Out? (Stern), 88

Warhol, Andy, 21–22, 23, 29, 32, 34, 49, 94

Wasserman, John, 128

“Wave,” 182–183

(P. Smith), 181–184, 186, 222

“We Three,” 167, 174, 247

Weill, Kurt, 58

Weinter, Robert L., 81, 128

Wenders, Wim, 200

“We’re Gonna Have a Real Good Time

Together,” 109, 151, 153

“What’s Wrong with Me,” 72

“When Doves Cry,” 238

“Where Duty Calls,” 198

White, Meg, 252

“White Lightning,” 59

“White Rabbit,” 28, 251

White Stripes, 252

Who, the, 104, 156

“Who Do You Love,” 226–228

“Whole Lotta Love,” 174

“Wicked Messenger,” 214, 216

Wild Boys, The
(Burroughs), 163

“Wild Thing,” 98

Wilde, Oscar, 131

Wilson, Tony, 124

“Windy,” 28

“Wing,” 210, 214

Winter, Edgar, 47, 57

Winter, Johnny, 47, 57

“Within You Without You,” 251

“Without Chains,” 245

(P. Smith), 79, 161

Wizard of Oz, The,

WNEW radio, 154

“Woman Is the Nigger of the World,” 168

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