Read Dancing On Air Online

Authors: Nicole Hurley-Moore

Dancing On Air (25 page)

BOOK: Dancing On Air
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Lisette felt Evander’s breath against the crook of her neck. Her skin warmed and tingled as he began to drop a series of kisses down her throat.

‘I am so fortunate to have found you. You are all that is good and you make me strive to be the man I want to be,’ he murmured against her neck. ‘You make me feel content and whole, as if up until this point something was lacking. Although I did not see it.’

The hansom cab slowly came to a stop and Evander reluctantly released Lisette. He opened the door and stepped into the night. He turned and held out his hand towards her.

‘Come Lisette, come be my bride.’

His words warmed her and her lips curved up into a smile. Reaching forward, without any hesitation she caught his hand. As she stepped down from the carriage, Evander’s arm wrapped around her and pulled her to his side. The air was cold and Lisette trembled, although she wasn’t sure if it was from the chill of the night or the anticipation of being with Evander. Angling them both, Evander turned around and faced the driver. He reached into his coat pocket and withdrew a coin. He flicked it between his finger and thumb. The coin sailed through the air in an arc, glinting under the moonlight, before it was snatched up by the driver. With a nod of his head the driver tugged on the reins and the horses started to trot down the road.

Evander turned around and led Lisette towards his narrow town house. It sat on the end of a row of identical white houses. Lisette counted the eight stone steps that led up to the entrance, which was covered by a small portico. As they neared the black painted front door, she saw there was a large lion head knocker attached to it. Without warning the door swung open and a thin man with chestnut-coloured hair stood to one side.

‘Good evening, sir.’

‘Ah Harris, good evening. I need you to prepare for a journey. Make sure the carriage is readied. I wish to leave for Temperly at first light.’

Lisette studied the butler. He was younger than she first thought. He had a pleasant face and his eyes appeared to twinkle with amusement.

‘I shall see to it at once, my lord. Do you require anything else?’ Harris asked as he took Lisette’s cloak from her shoulders before dropping into a slight bow.

‘No, that will be all. Thank you, Harris. Oh, perhaps the cook would prepare us a basket for the journey. Please convey my apologies for the lack of preparation time,’ Evander said as he shrugged out of his coat.

‘But of course, sir.’ Harris answered as he swept into a bow before he straightened and disappeared down the corridor.

Lisette clenched her hands by her sides in an attempt to stop them shaking. She prayed Evander wouldn’t notice. She took a breath to quieten her nerves. She wanted this. She wanted Evander. Raising her head, she caught him looking at her. His eyes were warm and there was a hint of a smile on his lips.

‘I love you, Lisette.’ Once more he held out his hand and waited for her to accept it.

Lisette stared back. Her resolve, tempered by her love for Evander, appeared to crystallize within her. There was nothing to fear. She reached out and linked her fingers with his.

‘Then show me, Evander. Show me.’

He led her up the staircase. With each step she trailed her hand along the satin-soft polished wood of the banister. They hurried down the corridor towards the door at the far end, their footsteps muffled by the thick hall runner. He stopped outside, caught her in his arms and kissed her.

Evander’s kiss was soft and enticing. Lisette was so easily drawn into it. A warmth slid through her body and her stomach clenched with anticipation as his mouth became more demanding. He held her with such gentleness; he made her feel coveted, loved and almost precious. The weight of their bodies pushed open the door and before she knew it they had already stumbled five paces across the room.

Their lips broke apart as Evander took a step back. But before Lisette could ask if anything was wrong, he swept her up and carried her to the wooden four-posted bed. Gently, he laid her down on the dark green velvet cover. She glanced up at the canopy above; that too was a swathe in the same material and for an instant she could almost believe that she was lying in a dark forest. Evander lay down next to her. He took Lisette in his arms and kissed her until she forgot how to breathe.

Excitement and anticipation bubbled inside Lisette. Winding her arms around Evander, she pulled him closer. She met his kiss and dipped her tongue between his lips. He dragged in a breath and Lisette felt commanding and sinful all at once. In that instant she knew that she had the power to affect Evander as he did her. He loved her and she knew that, now and always, she would be safe in his arms. She broke their kiss and smiled. The knowledge released something a little reckless inside of her, and she pushed herself from the bed and rolled until she was on top of Evander.

He cocked a questioning eyebrow but a wolfish grin transformed his mouth.

‘You are so beautiful, Lisette.’

‘Thank you. And so are you,’ she said. Leaning down, she kissed him hard on the lips.

‘I don’t think you are supposed to call me beautiful,’ Evander said between the kisses Lisette was raining on him. ‘What are you doing, love?’

‘Showing you how much I love you.’ Lisette sat back and looked down at him. ‘Isn’t it obvious?’

Evander sat up and his fingers sought the row of tiny buttons that ran down the back of her dress. ‘You are doing a marvellous job but tonight is all about us and savouring each moment we have together.’

Lisette became very conscious of Evander’s fingers and how each button sprung open under his deft touch. The warm air of the room blew across the small expanse of her bare neck. Evander’s fingers grazed across her skin. Lisette sucked in a breath. His eyes never left hers; she was mesmerized. The opening of her gown became wider and wider, until Evander tugged the dress off one of her shoulders. Only then did he move forward, his lips barely skimming across her neck. His hot breath almost seared Lisette and made her heart beat quicker. She closed her eyes and let her neck roll back to give his lips access. His kiss resounded throughout her body. A warm, tingling sensation washed over her and she grasped the velvet of the bedcover to steady herself.

Evander’s large hand slid seductively along her now uncovered arms. She wished that she could touch him. She reached up and fumbled with his shirt buttons. It was hard to stay on task with Evander kissing the delicate skin above her collarbone. She trembled with delight.

Finally Lisette ran her fingertip tentatively over Evander’s chest — it was hard, well muscled and strong. She wanted to explore and to find out what it would be like to have his skin next to hers. Then, without warning, Evander spun her around so her back was facing him.


‘Shh. Everything is all right,’ he whispered against her ear.

She felt his fingers tug at the blue bow that secured her corset. Lisette felt a sense of relief mixed with a bit of trepidation as the bodice laces were loosened. She had been swept away with Evander’s kisses and the romance of being with him but now the fear of the unknown began to nag.

‘Should I go and change?’

‘No, please don’t,’ he said as he tossed her corset to the floor. ‘It is a task I delight in doing.’

The tie of her petticoat was the next to slip undone. He moved off the bed and pulled Lisette to her feet. The dress and petticoat fell away and pooled around her. Evander held her hand as she gracefully stepped out from them.

Lisette felt a flare of heat to her cheeks. ‘Here I stand in nothing but my shoes and under-linens; I think, Evander, that you are overdressed.’

‘Easily remedied, my love,’ Evander said as he shrugged out of his shirt.

The rest of his clothes quickly followed suit and Lisette was torn. Part of her thought that she should busy herself with slipping out of her satin shoes with the pretty rosettes on the front, whereas another part of her was almost desperate to watch Evander undress.

Lisette peeked up through her lashes and the sight of him almost stole her breath away. He was stunning, with a well-defined chest, broad shoulders and a sleek body. His dark hair had fallen once again over his forehead and for a moment Lisette could almost believe that one of her gods from the Imperial’s ceiling had been made flesh. He had an air of potency and everything about him was alive, virile and male. Lisette’s gaze travelled down his body and lingered at his erection, which jutted out proudly. She sat down on the edge of the bed. She should turn away, but she was transfixed. She should be apprehensive, she should look away, but she couldn’t.

‘Lisette, there is nothing to fear. I will never hurt you,’ Evander said as he walked over and took her in his arms.

He dipped his head and kissed her. It began slowly and sweetly but soon Evander increased in exigency. His kiss demanded more and more and Lisette wrapped her arms about his waist and willingly let him.

Almost immediately, the warmth flooded through Lisette as she was swept once more up into his kiss. The urgency of it sparked a passion within her. Suddenly, Lisette found she couldn’t get close enough to Evander. She had been content to let Evander plunder her mouth, but now she kissed him back with the same intensity. There was that familiar growl at the back of his throat and she felt his arms tighten around her. There was nothing standing in their way. Tonight she would belong to Evander and he to her. The idea thrilled her. Together they pulled off her chemise, their lips barely parting. They fell back on the bed, Evander cradling her head.

He stretched over her, his hand on her breast, kneading, teasing until she began to arch beneath him. Only then did he replace his hand with his mouth. Lisette sucked in her breath. Her hand spiked through his hair. His hand swept down her body, taking her drawers with it.

He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. ‘I am the most fortunate of men.’


‘Because you love me.’

‘Yes, I do.’

‘And I love you,’ he said as his hand began to wind its way back up her leg. ‘And will do forever.’

‘I believe I have told you before, forever is a long time,’ Lisette said as Evander gently nudged open her legs so he could settle between her thighs.

But her thoughts and words failed her as Evander’s fingers circled and dipped within her. The extraordinary sensation made her strain against him, her hands running, clenching over his smooth back. She drew in another breath as exquisite pleasure and the sense of the unknown bloomed. Time stilled and Lisette’s senses were only filled with Evander.

He slid into her, inch by inch, with such determined slowness Lisette greedily arched against him.

‘Forever is only a heartbeat, where you are concerned my love,’ he said as he sunk into her.

Marie sat back in her chair and yawned. She rubbed her eyes and then tried to focus on the small carriage clock that sat on her desk. It was eight minutes past two in the morning. The theatre would be deserted by now. She wondered if it would be better if she slept on the chaise longue here in the office, rather than walking home.

She stood up from the desk and stretched. Then she walked over to the window, pulled back the curtain and peered into the dark laneway below. It appeared to be deserted, empty and eerie. Marie let the curtain drop. She was scared and here in the middle of the night, in the safety of her brightly lit office, she could admit it to herself. Vincent had been kind and understanding, and Marie knew when he acted this way that he was at his most unpredictable.

She shuddered as she rubbed her arms in an attempt to ward off the cold. Tonight she had done something she had never even contemplated before. She had denied Vincent. He had wanted Lisette and she had said no. Was it because of some sort of sentiment she had for Lisette? Most probably not, but still she knew that the girl was happy with Lord Gainswith. And something inside of Marie couldn’t allow Vincent to take Lisette. Perhaps it was possessiveness or jealousy. All she knew was that Lisette was better off with her young lord. She walked over to the bookcase. From behind a row of books she took out a small decanter and a glass and took them back to her desk. She poured herself a brandy, picked up the glass, and drank it in one gulp. It caught her throat and she could feel its fire burn a path inside her. Closing her eyes for a moment, she gave into the sensation before reaching for the decanter and filling her glass again.

Marie told herself that Vincent would never harm her. He will be angry and lash out at her verbally, but he would never hurt her...would he? She drained the second glass and gathered her navy coat. Deftly, she put it on and fastened the row of buttons. She was being foolish. Women may come and go in Vincent’s life but he only ever loved once. He loved her, Marie Devoré, seven years his senior and keeper of his secrets and cravings.

She picked up her cane and her reticule and strode towards the door.
I’ll be damned if I allow myself to be frightened of the dark and of something that does not exist. Vincent will finally see what I say is true and makes sense. Lisette is now Lord Gainswith’s mistress and I will find another girl to occupy Vincent. In a day or two all this will blow over like a clearing storm.
Marie closed the door behind her and locked it. Then, after dropping the key into her purse, she inhaled deeply before making her way through the darkened theatre.

BOOK: Dancing On Air
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