Read Dangerous Attraction Romantic Suspense Boxed Set Online

Authors: Kaylea Cross,Jill Sanders,Toni Anderson,Dana Marton,Lori Ryan,Sharon Hamilton,Debra Burroughs,Patricia Rosemoor,Marie Astor,Rebecca York

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Military, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Dangerous Attraction

Dangerous Attraction Romantic Suspense Boxed Set (90 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Attraction Romantic Suspense Boxed Set
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“I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you look lying in my bed, Kelly,” Jack said. He brought his body down on top of hers and pressed lightly down on her as he kissed her lips once more before moving to the bottom of the bed.

“So beautiful.” Jack kissed her ankles.

“So sexy.” Jack traced kisses up her calves, along her thighs, all the while running one hand up her hips and into the curve of her waist and back down the full length of her legs.

“So soft.”

* * *

Jack made Kelly feel cherished and treasured. Her body tingled as he touched her and she wanted so much more.

Jack left her legs and moved to her breasts. She signed as he undid the small clasp in the front of her bra to cup her breasts in his hands. He let the skin on his palms play across her nipples, teasing them and bringing them to life for him. He pulled her right nipple into his mouth, circled it gently with his tongue and then sucked and nipped at it with his teeth before moving to the left breast, causing heat to pool in between Kelly’s legs.

Kelly pulled Jack up and kissed him. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him closer, needing to feel him pressed against her. She needed him closer still. She pressed her body into his and arched her back, desperate to feel all of him.

“Please, Jack,” she begged softly and she felt Jack smile against her lips in answer.

“Not yet, Kelly.” Jack’s voice was low and raw and his words sent shivers of anticipation up and down her spine as she writhed and moaned beneath him. Kelly felt like an instrument that no one had known how to play before Jack. As Jack’s hands played over her body, she came alive.

Jack slid his hand between her legs to slip his hand under the silk and lace of her panties. She was wet and ready for him, swollen and hot.

“Jack.” His name slipped from her lips as if on a prayer.

Jack peeled Kelly’s panties down her hips and off her legs then returned to the head of the bed once again. He pinned Kelly’s wrists above her head with one hand and continued his torturous, slow exploration, this time, between Kelly’s legs. Kelly writhed beneath his hand and pressed herself into him, whimpering with desperate need. He teased her until she bucked under his hand and begged him to relieve her aching need. He moved his fingers across her faster, giving her the speed and pressure she needed to reach her orgasm and didn’t let up until he felt her break into pieces in his arms.

Jack held Kelly while she caught her breath, then reached into the bedside drawer for a condom and quickly put it on. He lay on top of Kelly and pressed himself against her, not entering her yet, but teasing, taunting, building her up again. Kelly was wide eyed with surprise as she arched against him and strained to get him to enter her, to end the torture.

With one swift stroke, Jack slid inside, as they both cried out at the sensation of her wrapping around him, gripping him. Jack lay still for a moment, but Kelly could only stay still for so long. She started to move her hips in tiny circles, pulling forth another groan from Jack as he began to slide in and out of her, slowly burying himself deeper within her.

Kelly tightened her legs around him and moved as he did. She pushed toward him and brought him deeper still. Jack wrapped one arm around her waist as he felt Kelly’s body tense – coiling as if ready for release. He leaned in to kiss her neck and drove into her again and again as she began to shatter and pulse around him. Kelly fisted her hands into Jack’s hair and cried out his name as wave upon wave of sweet release rolled over her.

Jack continued to move slowly inside her and Kelly could feel the sweet, aching pleasure as it built in her again. She ran her hands up and down Jack’s chest. She wanted to feel every ounce of him as she tightened her muscles around him and marveled at the feel of him tight inside her, hard and smooth and filling her. Kelly brought her mouth to Jack’s and kissed him then bit his lower lip before she gently soothed the hurt with her tongue.

* * *

Jack moved inside Kelly, marveling at the feel of her muscles wrapped tightly around him sharing her every response with him, her arms grasping him for more. Jack tried not to think about the fact that every moment with her was better than the last, that everything about sleeping with Kelly was so much different, so much better than it was with any of the women he had taken to bed in the past.

Kelly whispered, “Deeper, Jack,” into his ear and the sound of the whispered demand in her soft, sweet voice pushed him right over the edge. Kelly fell along with him and rode the waves of her orgasm until he collapsed on top of her, both of them completely sated.

Chapter Twenty-three

Kelly smiled to herself as she realized where she was and whose arms were holding her. She could feel Jack stirring and his hands began to slide over her body as she pressed greedily up against him. Kelly stretched the length of her body against Jack, trying to feel more of him, all of him.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Jack whispered as he trailed kisses along her shoulder. Kelly had no idea that sensations on her shoulders could be so erotic, so sensitive and if she were forced to pick a favorite spot at the moment, her shoulders might just be it. Jack rolled her to face him and moved down her neck to the hollow between her breasts and she thought briefly that she might need to change that assessment. When Jack took one nipple into his mouth and swirled his tongue over its peak, she knew she would never be able to choose a favorite. Everywhere Jack touched her, felt on fire.

Kelly pressed against him, wanting to feel him inside her again. She ran her hands down his chest and around to his back and marveled at the feel of his muscles, the smooth coolness of his skin under her hands, the hard tautness of his muscles rippling under the surface. It only took a small touch of his body to have her, not only ready for him but willing to plead with him to take her.

With one swift move, Jack flipped them over so that he was lying on his back and Kelly straddled him. Kelly laughed and smiled down at him.

“Good morning, Jack.” Kelly began to rub herself along Jack’s hard length, but she didn’t take him into her yet. Jack groaned and tried to pull her down onto him but she laughed and pulled back. Kelly thrilled to the feeling of power, her ability to bring this incredible man to his knees. Kelly rocked her hips back and forth and enjoyed the slick, wet, hard feel of him between her legs slipping back and forth in her folds.

* * *

Jack watched Kelly’s face as she writhed above him. It was sheer torment not to slide inside her but he could see now that she was close to the brink and he watched her face, in awe of her beauty, as she brought herself closer and closer to climax on him. It was incredible to see her so powerful, taking what she wanted from him and he gritted his teeth to hold out long enough for her as she suddenly cried out and came crashing down.

She pulsed with pleasure and Jack held her as the waves rode through her. When her body finally relaxed, Jack put one arm around her waist and flipped her underneath him in one quick motion. Kelly let out a giggle but that quickly turned to a moan as Jack slipped on a condom and entered her in a swift thrust, and plunged into her depths, again and again until he found his own release with Kelly wrapped around him, holding him as he buried himself deeper than she’d thought possible, inside her.

Collapsing in a heap, Jack pulled Kelly tight into his arms and they fell asleep once again.

Chapter Twenty-four

Kelly and Jack lay lazily in bed, her head on his chest, one of his hands drawing languid circles on her shoulders and neck. Jack had never much cared to snuggle or spoon with women in the past but he didn’t seem to be able to get enough of Kelly. It was like he was compelled to hold her and touch her in whatever way he could until his body had recharged enough to take her again.

He loved the feel of her skin on his hands, the brush of her breath on his chest, the way their legs tangled together or her hair tickled his skin and teased him to life again. Jack closed his eyes, content to hold Kelly in his arms as long as she would let him.


“Hmm?” Jack’s hand didn’t stop its exploration of Kelly’s soft skin as he answered her.

“Why is your aunt so dead set on having Chad in charge if Chad doesn’t want your position?” Kelly asked, not lifting her head from where she was snuggled into Jack’s side.

“We don’t really know. There was a time when she was the happiest woman you’ve ever seen. Hell,” Jack said on a laugh, “she used to be as happy as Mrs. Poole.”

Kelly raised her eyebrows at that but waited for Jack to continue.

“Our families used to be so close. Chad and I were both only children so he and I grew up more as brothers than cousins. We went on family vacations together, had dinners and did things together once or twice a month – we used to see each other all the time. In those days, Aunt Mabry was so much fun. She was like a second mom to me. Then, one day, he left. He left and we hardly see him. Even Chad hardly hears from him. She probably felt he thought she wasn’t good enough and that being alone was better than being with her. I thought it said he was a selfish prick, but what do I know?” Jack shrugged. “She changed after that. Luckily, by the time she focused on me, Chad and I were adults so it didn’t affect our friendship or working relationship. But she never let it go. When she started this CEO stuff after my dad died, Chad and I talked about it. We didn’t want to push the issue with her …so we didn’t. She comes off as this obnoxious, mean person now, but she really isn’t. She’s just hurting. Chad doesn’t want the CEO position but he doesn’t push it.” When Jack finished, both he and Kelly were quiet for a while.

“I like that family is more important to you than anything else,” Kelly said. “Besides, your Aunt Mabry is the reason you’re putting me through law school, if you think about it so I’m okay with her craziness.” Kelly grinned and Jack let out a laugh and held her closer.

Chapter Twenty-five

The man in the black sedan watched Kelly as she parked her car and entered the legal aid clinic. As the door closed behind her, he hit the speed dial on his phone and waited, listening to the ringing sound in the earpiece.

“It’s me,” he said.

“Have you found a pattern yet?” said the voice on the other end of the phone.

He spoke again. “She doesn’t seem to have many regular routines other than coming to the clinic on East Street. No regular job, no schedule for shopping or working out that I can see. She’s often with her husband or one of her friends, but she comes to the clinic every morning and she’s alone then. That’s her only steady commitment.”

“We’ll grab her there, then,” the voice said, cold, calculated, without feeling.

“There’s another problem. They’ve put security on her. They don’t stay right on her, but they’re nearby at all times.” The man hesitated. “I think we should ditch her. Find a replacement.”

“No,” came the response from the other end. “I want this one. She’s the one. I’ve already sent a preview of her to our buyers. Let’s send someone into the clinic so we have a friendly face close to her. We’ll get her away from her security and lure her out.”

* * *

Kelly’s week was pretty full. She went to the legal aid clinic routinely every morning and staying until noon. She helped people fill out the necessary paperwork and matched them with the right attorney for their problem and the process gave her a chance to see a pretty wide range of legal issues and get an idea of what types of problems people faced. She was also getting to meet a lot of the attorneys around New Haven because the clinic pulled volunteers from all of the major firms around town who were looking for a way to fulfill their law firms’ pro bono requirements.

Once or twice when she left the clinic, Kelly was fairly sure she saw the all-too-familiar dark sedan turn a corner or sit idling a block away, but she knew Aunt Mabry’s investigator wasn’t going to find any dirt on her so she had started to ignore the car and its driver.

Now that Kelly was spending time in New Haven at the clinic each day, she met Jack for lunch whenever he could get away from work. They had decided to try to work their way through every New Haven restaurant they could and one day Jack even surprised her by having Mrs. Poole pack a picnic lunch that they ate out on the green. Kelly laughed when he tried to take credit for preparing the meal himself, knowing full well that Jack had never lifted a cooking utensil in his life.

On Friday, she and Mabry took the train into the city and found a cocktail dress for the party Jack and Kelly were hosting. The designer’s name meant nothing to Kelly but Aunt Mabry was impressed by it and Kelly liked the dress. It was silky black with an a-line skirt that flared around her thighs. Swarovski crystals sprinkled like raindrops from the waist to the hem and the spaghetti straps were also dotted with tiny, sparkling crystals. The saleswoman was right; it did show off Kelly’s hourglass figure and generous curves and Kelly ended up feeling very sexy when they paired it with silver strappy heels and smoky charcoal gray undergarments edged with raspberry red lace.

Kelly tried to see signs of the Aunt Mabry that Jack had told her about but all she could see was her same pinched face and scheming mind. She felt sad for Mabry, really. Not sad because her husband had left her, but sad that she couldn’t let it go – that it still affected her so badly. Kelly didn’t get the sense it was because she had loved her husband. It seemed as though Aunt Mabry’s pride was hurt and she couldn’t get past the anger of that. Kelly wondered what it would be like to hold onto anger for that long.

On Saturday evening, Jack said that he had a surprise for her and he was right. They enjoyed a five star dinner served on a private boat out on the sound. As the water rocked them and they looked up at the stars, Kelly couldn’t imagine anything more romantic and she once again was hit with a sharp pain when she remembered that their life together had a deadline.

* * *

On Sunday morning, Jack walked into the kitchen to find Kelly cooking breakfast. It was Mrs. Poole’s day off and Aunt Mabry was still in bed. Jack stifled a groan as he watched Kelly bend over to dig for a pan in the cabinet under the stove. She was wearing an old pair of boxers and a t-shirt but she couldn’t be sexier…and the way the boxers stretched tight over her bottom when she bent over made Jack want to skip breakfast and find out how sturdy his kitchen table was.

BOOK: Dangerous Attraction Romantic Suspense Boxed Set
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