Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken (32 page)

Read Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken Online

Authors: Michelle Hardin

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dangerous Beauty: Part Four: Beautifully Broken
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“No, never,” she promised, kissing his face once more. “I was stupid, too, Kyle.”

He shook his head.

But she nodded, cutting him off so she could speak. “No, I was. We were both running, honey. You admittedly a little harder than I was, and yes … I was angry with you a lot. I even blamed you for my pain. But, I was wrong. And I never understood that until now, until you just told me that you were afraid.” She smiled, even as a soft sob shook her chest. “You and I are the same.”

All this time, all she had to do was look into herself to find the answers she wanted. Why was Kyle so hesitant with her, why did he reject her? Why was he so flirtatious, so seemingly interested, but he never made a move? Never ended things with Aniyah … The answers were so clear now, and she was so angry with herself for not seeing it before.

He’d been running … just as she’d been.

“I was afraid, too, Kyle,” she confessed, feeling so much lighter when she did. “Afraid of how much I love you that I never … said anything.” She’d held back just as much as he had, maybe even more so. That was the reason why she couldn’t be angry with him. She’d been fighting against her feelings for him, too. “I pursued a friendship with you so that we could be close, because I couldn’t let you go, and all the while I blamed us not being together on you, but it was me, too. Both of us, running away because we loved the other too much to just be comfortable with it. I’ve loved you for so long, and that whole time, deep down, I knew you loved me, too. All it would have taken is for one of us to just be bold enough, courageous enough to say something, but we weren’t ready, Kyle. I-I wasn’t ready.” And she could finally admit that to herself now. “I have never loved anyone the way I love you, as
as I love you. I have never met somebody as completely fucked up as I am …”

Kyle laughed softly.

“… and I didn’t trust it.” Reanna shook her head. “I was terrified of feeling so connected to someone, so out of control. I couldn’t function even at the thought of losing you, and I was petrified that if I let you in completely, you would hurt me.”

“Because of my past,” he sighed softly, a look of shame evident in his eyes. “Because of the horrible things that I’ve done.”

“No,” she whispered, gently caressing his face. “No, baby.” She placed his hand to her heart. “Because of

A past so dark, so damaging, that Reanna had been sure she’d never have a chance to feel for anyone the way she felt for Kyle. She didn’t think herself capable of love like this.

“I’m damaged, Kyle,” she wept. “Broken, and I have been for a very long time. And I had never been faced with pain rooted as deeply as my own. I had never looked into anyone’s eyes before, and seen myself … until I met you.”

“You think I’m broken.” He placed her hand to his heart, smiling warmly.

Reanna nodded. “So beautifully broken, Kyle Valente,” she whispered, bringing her hands back up to his gorgeous face. “The most beautiful broken I’ve ever seen.”

He swallowed, chuckling softly as he lowered his eyes from hers, seemingly overcome with emotion, but not shedding a tear. “Wow.” He breathed in a quick intake of breath. “If I weren’t touching you right now, I’d swear you weren’t real.”

Reanna laughed softly through her tears. “I’m nothing special, Kyle.” Sniffling, she wiped her eyes. “I’m a mess.”

And it was the truth.

“If you are a mess, Reanna Pierce, you are by far the most beautiful mess I’ve ever seen.”

Smiling wide at his words, Reanna gave him a gentle push, making him fall back on the bed. “You thief,” she laughed, “you’re always stealing the words right out of my mouth.”

Kyle chuckled, giving a shrug of his shoulder as his hand rested at her hips. “Well, you have to admit, baby, they were some good words. I mean, no one has ever called my broken beautiful before.”

Leaning forward she captured his lips in a kiss. “Mmmhmm …” she sighed, pulling back a bit. “Your broken is beautiful, Kyle Valente.”

“As is yours, Ms. Pierce.”

She felt his smile against her lips as his hands began to slowly move up her back.

“So what now?” he murmured, his warm breath brushing against her lips. “Is all the excitement gone now that you know my secret? That I love you, that this is not an affair, and that I want a boring, long life with you.”

Reanna giggled. “Well …” she said with an exaggerated sigh. “I had been sort of hoping for a steamy love affair with a sexy billionaire, but I suppose I’ll settle for one day becoming your trophy wife.”

“You sure?” he asked, quirking a brow. “I can always send another message to Ms. Clark. Just for this weekend, this can be your affair with a dangerously sexy billionaire.”

Reanna pursed her lips. “First of all, I said nothing about you being
sexy. Arrogant much?” She gave an exaggerated roll of her eyes. “We both know you’re a cuddle bunny, Kyle, not dangerous … so let’s stop trying to be someone you’re not.” She laughed when he pinched her side in warning, then shot up to a sitting position on top of him, moving his big hands to her behind as she did. “And second,” she said in mock seriousness, “I’d rather you not say your ex-girlfriend’s name in our bedroom, on the bed in which we are about to consummate our relationship.”

His brow rose with interest just as she knew it would. “Consummate, huh?”

She nodded. “Oh yes.”

Gripping the hem of her shirt, Reanna lifted it over her head, making a big show of throwing it behind her to the floor. Once her shirt was off, she leaned forward, resting her hand at Kyle’s abdomen right as she began pushing his shirt up his body.

“I think hot consummation sex may be a lot more satisfying than boring
‘affair with a sexy billionaire’

Kyle nodded. “I’m agreeing with you right now.”

Reanna laughed as she wiggled her hips atop his hardening member. “I figured you would.”

When he sat up, she only had time to pull his shirt over his head quickly before his lips were against hers.

Tossing the shirt over her head, Reanna moaned, throwing her arms around his neck and holding on as he lifted her from the bed, then laid her gently on her back, lifting himself up to hover over her.

,” she moaned. “Lucky me. I found a boyfriend that doesn’t grunt in pain every time he lifts me up.”

Kyle laughed. “Shut up, Reanna.”

She shook her head, smiling slyly as she ran her hands up and down his muscled arms slowly. “I’m going to have so much fun with these.”

Much to her satisfaction, Kyle flexed the muscles in his arms, chuckling when her eyes widened at the sight and she gasped.

. Oh how blessed she was.

Reaching up, Reanna pulled him down to her and slammed her mouth against his. Attraction was one thing, but Kyle Valente drove her wild. She didn’t even know something like that was possible until she met him. Everything he did to her—from his touch to his kiss—had her sighing, or moaning, or crying out for more. She just couldn’t control herself with him, and God, did she love it.

They didn’t move too quickly in removing their clothes. They were both eager, but more so into savoring the moment, making it last. Kyle removed every piece of clothing she had on, one by one, each time placing a kiss on the area he disrobed. He’d started with her boots, making a show of tossing them behind him, then her socks, placing a soft kiss on the arch of both feet, and Reanna silently thanked God that she had just gotten a pedicure only a couple days before …

Pedicure, legs waxed, bikini line, and the hair between her legs trimmed to perfection. Everything was
, and she praised the heavens that Kyle had caught her just in time … because only a week before, her
had been freaking ridiculous.

But that was neither here nor there.

Back to Kyle …

After unbuttoning her jeans, he gripped each side, prompting her to lift her hips, which she did without hesitation of course. Once he removed her jeans, he placed the sweetest, gentlest kiss on both of her ankles, then her calves, and each sent the warmest sensation rippling through her body.

God she loved him …

She knew he would never describe himself as a sweet man, but Reanna had always thought he was, ever since the day she formally met him. Ever since the day she looked into his eyes while holding her sweet Sofia, and he offered her the seat next to him, Reanna had known there was something wonderful about him. And she still felt the same, even two years later. She still felt the butterflies in her stomach every time he touched her, every time he even came near her, and she knew that as long as she lived that feeling would never go away, it’d never fade …

Sitting up, Reanna bent her knees at his sides as she reached forward to unbuckle the belt of his pants. Kyle leaned down toward her, his hand slipping behind her back, and he released the clasps of her bra, right before capturing her lips with his. Reanna inhaled a deep breath, even as her mouth began to move against his. Her heart sped up in her chest and the temperature around them shot through the roof. Never had a kiss felt so good, so incredible. She’d never understand the effect he had on her. With each kiss he left her feeling intoxicated, almost as if she had no control over her own faculties.

After releasing his zipper, Reanna discarded her bra, then threw her arms around his neck. Kyle gripped her leg, lifting her up his body right before he lowered them back down on the bed. Reanna moaned against his mouth, pressing herself against him. She was trying with all of her freaking might to push his pants down his body so that she could feel him, so that he could make love to her, but her damn arms were too short. Seeming amused by her attempt, Kyle chuckled, even as his hand moved up her body to cup one of her
sensitive breasts.

She broke away from his mouth with a cry, feeling a scorching, torturous, intense heat making a slow course through her system.
Jesus Christ …
He kneaded her supple flesh while he kissed a path down her body, moving slowly to her neck, then her collarbone, continuing his torture until he reached her aching, hard nipples …

“Kyle!” she cried out, gasping in a deep breath.

It was overwhelming, the sensation, and she felt it everywhere. Kyle Valente was the only man she’d ever been with that cracked the freaking code of her body, and each and every time he had her screaming, begging him for release. He paid close attention to each of her breasts, never leaving the other abandoned, sucking, kneading, delivering the most amazing light pinches and nips that were driving her wild, then he turned it up a notch by slipping his hands between her legs, moving her panties aside, and slowly pushing two fingers inside of her.

It felt like fireworks erupting inside of her body. The orgasm hit her, so abruptly, so hard, Reanna was pretty sure she’d never screamed that loud. Kyle never ceased the rhythmic movement of his fingers either. It was as if he wanted to keep her at the state she was in, even though she was breathless, even though her body was still screaming. He worked her with his fingers as he came up from her breasts, and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Reanna could barely register what was happening. She writhed around beneath him, involuntarily pumping her hips against his hand as she brought her own hand to his side again, trying her best to push down his pants. He moved back from her, making the task impossible when he stepped off the edge of the bed, and lowered himself to the floor. She had barely been able to prepare herself before he removed his fingers, swiftly discarded her panties, and his tongue parted the slick lips of her sex …

To say that Reanna lost it would have been an understatement. Her entire world erupted, over and over again, in a matter of five minutes—which was her estimate of how long Kyle was down there. Five freaking minutes. And he’d nearly killed her. At least that was what she remembered screaming.

‘Please, oh God, you’re killing me, Kyle. Please!’
, which roughly translated to
‘Don’t stop, don’t stop. Oh yes! Right there! Please, never stop!’.

He gripped her behind as his tongue continued its expert assault, and Reanna slipped into a state of bliss; pure, unadulterated ecstasy. She screamed, shooting up to a near sitting position and grabbing on to a handful of his hair. Her hips pumped wildly against his face as he pressed closer to her, his tongue gliding right over her sensitive clit, effectively sending her drifting into another world!

She fell back on the bed, arms falling above her head, back arching, and fists clenching on to the comforter for dear life while she screamed her pleasure completely uninhibited. Her eyes peeked open and she caught a glimpse of herself, of Kyle between her legs in the large mirror above her head. And she lost it. She came. Too hard for it to be healthy.

She’d never watched herself come before, never seen the look on her own face, the tensing of her own body; it did something so incredibly amazing to her. Tears streamed from her eyes as she cried out Kyle’s name over and over until her body calmed, until she could feel her heart slow down from its pounding, and nothing but the sound of her heavy breaths filled the massive bedroom.

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