Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine (9 page)

Read Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine Online

Authors: Abrashkin Abrashkin,Jay Williams

Tags: #anthology, #short stories

BOOK: Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine
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“I said that, didn't I?” Danny asked.

“Yes, dear,” his mother replied. “You said it. But I don't think you really thought about it—until now.”

Joe stuck his head in the front door. “Hello, Mrs. Dunn,” he said. “Is Danny around? Oh, hi, Dan. Come on out. Irene and I are going down to the drug store to celebrate with a soda.”

“Fine,” said Mrs. Dunn. “Run along, Dan. And—” She slipped an arm about his shoulders and hugged him tight. “I don't care whether it's fair or not, but I'm very proud of you.”

Danny suddenly felt a lot better.

“Thanks, Mom,” he said, hugging her in return. Then he went to join his friends.

The three walked down the shady street together, Irene between the two boys. She said, “First prize for homework. How do you like that?”

“It's the end of using this computer for homework,” Danny said. “Never again! I don't even want to think about machines.”

Joe thrust his hands deep into his pockets. “You can't beat the system,” he grumbled. “Teachers are too smart for kids. That's all there is to it. Now if only—”

Irene caught hold of his arm. “Look,” she said. “Look at Danny.”

Danny had a strange, wild look in his eyes, and a faraway smile on his lips.

“Oh-oh. Here we go again,” said Joe.

Irene said, “Danny—count up to a billion by thousands—quick!”

“Oh, don't be silly,” Danny said. “This is just a simple idea I had. Listen—what about a teaching machine…?”

“Grab his other arm, Joe,” Irene shouted. “He needs a soda—fast.”

They seized his arms and ran, dragging him along, to the drug store.

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