Dante (Stone Society Book 3) (2 page)

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Day 2047


Di Pietro pulled into the well-lit driveway but didn’t cut the engine. His
knuckles were white as he clutched the leather-wrapped steering wheel of his silver
Aston Martin Vanquish. He was 563 years old and had been with countless women
over the centuries. Never had taking one to a restaurant made him nauseous.
Until now. Isabelle Sarantos was his mate. He should be ecstatic. Over the
moon. Riding the high his brothers were. He wasn’t. He had lived his many years
without the hope of ever finding the one. The one who was meant to be by his
side for all eternity. The one who would be the mother to his children. Now, he
had found the one, and she wasn’t sure she wanted him.

life had not been an easy one. Had not been one filled with the type of love
that would encourage her to pursue a relationship with Dante, even if they
weren’t fated to be together. She had experienced love and loss at the hands of
someone who used her, a man she gave her heart to who didn’t offer his in
return. Why wouldn’t she be hesitant to be in another permanent relationship?
Especially one where her partner was chosen for her.

a few weeks ago, Isabelle had been a physician, a mere human who had no idea
Gargoyles exist or that she herself was half Gargoyle. She had lived her life
without the knowledge of who and what she was. Now, she was still that
physician, but she was also more. She was his mate.

had given her an out, offering to part ways as friends. He also suggested
taking things slow, a trial run of sorts. Isabelle had agreed to the second
option, proceeding as if they were a normal, human couple. The last few weeks
had been pure hell. Being in her presence and not touching her was the worst
kind of torture. His beast fought him every time he was around her. Fought to
get out, claim what was rightfully theirs.

was their first date, and Dante was nervous.  What if she changed her mind?
What if she didn’t find him desirable? What if… he could sit here all night and
drive himself crazy with what ifs, or he could get his Gargoyle ass out of the
car and knock on the door.

Isabelle had been the one to ask Dante for a date. Wanting to impress her, he
had suggested Chez Vaison, the fanciest restaurant in New Atlanta.  Rarely did
Dante have the opportunity to dress up.  Being the city’s medical examiner, his
daily attire consisted of khakis and a lab coat. Isabelle was the current
physician at the New Atlanta Penitentiary. She had accepted the position when
the former doctor lost his life in the midst of the Unholy. Over the past
couple of weeks, Dante and Isabelle had been in close proximity to one another,
but it was more of a professional capacity than a personal one. They had spoken
a little of personal matters, but their main focus had been the inmates they
were treating. He was looking forward to seeing her in something dressier than
her casual clothes, in a setting more conducive to getting to know one another.

made his way up the front porch steps and stopped just short of knocking on the
door. He smoothed his tie before sliding his hands down his thighs. It was more
a nervous gesture than actually wiping sweat off his hands. Gargoyles didn’t
sweat easily. He calmed his breathing and reached out with his senses to get a
feel of Isabelle’s mood. His mate was moving around the house, pacing. She was
talking. Listening closer, he ascertained she was on the telephone. It was rude
to eavesdrop, but he couldn’t help himself.

has happened, and we really need to talk. I should be able to get away this
weekend. I can’t wait to see you, too. I need to go now, but I will call you
back when I am more certain of my plans. You, too. Goodbye.” Isabelle was now
silent, but her footsteps continued. It wasn’t lost on him she was making plans
to go see someone. A man perhaps? His fists opened and closed, the jealousy
tugging at his gut. Why hadn’t he listened more closely to the other voice on
the line?

wanting to give Isabelle any more time to think about whomever she had been
talking to, he knocked on the door. Her footsteps halted before starting up
again. The door opened, and Dante sucked in a breath. He always found Isabelle
to be beautiful, but the creature standing before him was mesmerizing. A black
dress hugged her every curve. Sparkly silver heels added to her frame, bringing
her closer to Dante’s height of six-four. Her hair was twisted up somehow in
the back, exposing the pale skin of her neck. Dante’s fangs were itching to burst
forth and sink into her flesh.

found her voice first. “Dante, please come in.” She stepped back, allowing him entrance
into her home. Once she closed the door, she complimented his attire, “You look
very handsome this evening.”

you are even more beautiful…” Dante had never been at a loss for words, but the
woman standing before him had transformed herself from pretty to exquisite.
Remembering the gift he’d brought for her, he pulled a box from the inside pocket
of his coat and presented it to his mate. Isabelle stared at the box without
reaching for it.

saw this, and it reminded me of your eyes,” Dante said, hoping she didn’t feel
he was being too forward. “Please, Isabelle, it’s just a small token of my
appreciation.” He felt self-conscious, holding the gift in the air.

eyes left the box and settled on his. “Your appreciation? I’m not sure what you
would be thanking me for.” She tentatively accepted the box. Taking care with
the ribbon, she removed the lid, and a barely audible gasp escaped from between
her lips. “Dante, it’s beautiful, but you shouldn’t have.”

chocolate diamond bracelet sparkled with the same intensity as her brown eyes.
Dante took the bracelet and clasped it around her small wrist. Isabelle twisted
her arm so the light caught the diamonds causing them to sparkle. She smiled
briefly then slipped back into her serious face.

appreciate the fact you are taking small steps toward a relationship. At least
I hope this is what we are doing. I apologize if the bracelet isn’t to your
liking. We are new to one another yet, and I do not know what your preferences
are. If you wish, you can exchange it.”

not that I don’t like it, I just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all. We should
probably get going. Our reservation is for seven.” Isabelle reached for her
purse, dropping her cell phone inside. She grabbed her coat off the rack and draped
it over her arm.

opened the front door and escorted her to his car. Her reaction to the Aston was
much like the one to the bracelet. It was not what he expected. Most women at
least smiled when they saw the expensive sports car. Some even oohed and aahed.
Instead, Isabelle frowned. Maybe she didn’t like sports cars. He would have to
remember to drive slowly and carefully. Once she was seated, he closed her door
and rounded the vehicle, getting in the driver’s seat. The engine roared to
life, and soft classical music filled the air.



wasn’t nervous; she was leery. When she opened the door for Dante, it was as if
time rewound itself. His godlike stature, his handsome features, the suit that
molded perfectly to his body, and the bracelet, all of those combined to remind
her considerably of Alexi. He, too, had been handsome beyond compare and had captivated
her with his fancy dress and expensive cars. In the beginning, he lavished her
with expensive jewelry. Everything had been perfect. She had to remind herself
Dante was not Alexi. Dante was her mate.

did that mean, exactly? Was she just supposed to put her heart in the hands of
the fates, beings Isabelle wasn’t certain she even believed in? She was a
doctor, and she believed whole-heartedly in the sciences, in facts. She had
been raised by parents who believed in the old ways: the gods and goddesses.
And the fates. She herself wasn’t a religious person, never had been. Textbooks
had been her bible, a classroom her temple.

and Dante had spent little time together outside the Pen. While they were
working, they maintained a professional relationship, no matter how much the
mate bond pulled at her. Other than the chaste kiss Isabelle had placed on
Dante’s lips a few weeks ago, there had been no physical contact. True to his
word, he was being a gentleman, and it was driving her crazy. The need to touch
him was becoming unbearable. Being so close in proximity in her tiny office while
they pored over the inmate files was too much for her to handle. Either Dante
had an extraordinary amount of self-control, or the bond didn’t affect him as
it did her. Pretty soon, she was going to own stock in a battery company.

her home, there had been breathing room. Now they were in his car, the nearness
was stifling. She cracked the window needing fresh air.

you hot?” Dante asked.

I’m…” She didn’t finish. How did she tell him she was suffocating? That she was
more confused than she’d ever been in her life. Isabelle had been the one to
request they take things slowly, and now she wanted anything but slow. She
turned and looked out the window so he couldn’t see the indecision on her face.
His large hand settled over both of hers. The classical music flowed through
the speakers, keeping the silence from being so awkward.

rarely ventured farther than her home and work. The drive downtown allowed her
to get a glimpse of the bustling city landscape. At their destination, Dante
pulled into the valet lane and angled out of the car. He made his way to her
door which the valet had opened. Dante moved in closer to assist Isabelle in
getting out. Once she was by his side, they stepped up on the sidewalk where
the valet gave Dante a parking stub. He secured it in his coat pocket before
placing his hand on the small of Isabelle’s back, walking close beside her to
the entrance of the restaurant.

were seated right away. Their table was one of the best in the house, out of
the way of other patrons. Before the maître d’ could pull Isabelle’s seat out,
Dante was there. He reminded her so much of Alexi in the early days that she
really didn’t know how to feel. On one hand, she was flattered. It had been a long
time since she had been on a date that included dressing up and going to dinner
at a fancy restaurant. On the other hand, she was guarded and wary.

waiter asking for her drink order brought her attention to the here and now,
back to the man in front of her. Make that the Gargoyle in front of her. He may
look like a man, yet he was anything but. Having seen one of her brothers transform
right before her eyes, she knew what Dante would look like when he phased.
Would he ever phase in front of her? Did the mate bond create such a pull that
during sex the beast inside would take over? The thought excited her. While she
was uncertain about a lifelong relationship, she was looking forward to getting
physical. She couldn’t help but admire how striking Dante looked in his
charcoal gray suit. The bright blue tie against the stark white of his shirt
kept grabbing her attention. Thoughts of Dante removing the tie from around his
neck and using it for something much more wicked, such as tying her up or
possibly blindfolding her, had her body humming. She caught the flare of
Dante’s nostrils. Dammit, she forgot his senses were so much more perceptive
than a human’s. He knew she was aroused.

take his mind off her body, she told Dante, “I will have whatever wine you are
having.” He nodded and told the waiter to bring a bottle of Richebourg Grand
Cru. Isabelle had never heard of the name brand nor the type of wine. She was
pretty sure this bottle wouldn’t have a screw off cap. She was about to ask
what type of wine a Grand Cru was when she heard laughter coming from the other
side of the room. A laugh she remembered after all this time: her mother’s.



stiffened at the sound. Her claws threatened to escape from her skin, her fangs
from her gums. When she came face to face with Caroline about a month ago, all
the heartache and abandonment issues came rushing back. Caroline tried to reach
out and explain why she left Isabelle with Jonas all those years ago, but
Isabelle wouldn’t hear it. Her own mother had left her. Now that she had time
to think on it, hadn’t she done the same thing to her own son? Caroline had given
most of her children up for adoption to protect them. Isabelle felt she had
placed Connor in another home for his protection as well. So what was the
difference? This war raged on inside Isabelle daily.

what is wrong? And please don’t tell me nothing. I saw you tense up prior to you
getting lost in yourself. I would like to know what has you so on edge.” Dante
reached across the table and placed his hand on hers. A calm came over
Isabelle. Was that the mate bond, or did Dante have some magical power? Her
body no longer felt the need to phase.

mother is here.” Isabelle didn’t need to elaborate. During their time together
at the Pen, going over the inmate files, she had told Dante all about seeing
Caroline for the first time in twenty years.

can leave if you wish. I do not want our dinner to be tainted for any reason.”
Dante’s thumb was rubbing softly over her wrist, touching the bracelet he had
placed there earlier. The look on his face was sincere. He was thinking of her.
If she asked him to leave, he would.

I will be fine. It’s just…” If her mother was here and laughing, did that mean
her father was here as well? Isabelle’s heart skipped a beat.

if seeing your parents will ruin this night for you, I’d rather we go somewhere

could he have known what she was thinking? “Dante, can you read my thoughts? 
Tell me the truth. Is there some type of connection through our bond that
allows you to know what I’m thinking? Or are you psychic? Because you really
freak me out sometimes.” If he wanted honesty, there it was.

grip on her hand tightened slightly. “Since we are not truly mated, I can no
more read your thoughts than I can anyone else’s. I do have special abilities which
allow me to know what someone is feeling. I can sense when people are near by
the energy they put off. All Gargoyles can sense emotions; my ability is

waiter appeared with the wine Dante ordered, presenting the bottle to him.
Dante nodded, and the waiter uncorked the bottle. He placed the cork on the
table to Dante’s right before pouring a small sample in his glass. Dante lifted
the glass and sniffed the liquid before taking a small sip. Isabelle was
entranced at the show before her. At home, she poured her wine and drank it. 
When Dante approved, the waiter filled their glasses. He placed the bottle in
the middle of the table and asked if they were ready to order. Isabelle’s
appetite was all but diminished by the thoughts of her parents. Dante took the
liberty of ordering for both of them.

they were alone again, Dante said, “I need to tell you something. I should have
told you sooner, but I wanted the time to be right. I am afraid there won’t
ever be a right time, so now will have to suffice. And I apologize in advance
if this further ruins your appetite.” He took a sip of wine before continuing.
If he was drinking wine, she probably needed to as well. She sniffed
the wine like Dante had before taking a sip. She found it to be delicious. She
took another sip, a larger one this time, hoping it would steel her resolve for
whatever Dante was going to tell her.

loosened his tie just a fraction before continuing, “Isabelle, how well do you
know Dr. Mooneyham?”

was not what she had been expecting. “He hired me at New Atlanta Hospital and
then helped me start my own practice. I don’t know him personally, not really.”

do not take offense at what I am going to ask you next
but did you not
find it odd he would suggest you open your own practice so soon after you began
at the hospital?”

jerked her hand from his grip. “You find me incompetent?  That’s why you’re at
the Pen, helping with the inmates, isn’t it?” Her eyes were prickling. Dammit,
she would not give him the satisfaction of seeing tears. Why did no one believe
in her abilities?

is definitely not what I’m saying. I told you not to take offense, but that is
precisely what you did. Isabelle, you are a capable physician, much more so
than anyone else I know with the exception of Joseph.” He paused and switched
seats so he was sitting next to her instead of across from her. He took her
hand in his once again. “This is not the way I wanted you to find out. I am
going to be blunt, and you are not going to like what I have to say. Before you
find out from someone else, I want you to know Joseph Mooneyham’s true
identity. Isabelle, Joseph is really your father.”

tried to pull her hand from Dante’s, but he tightened his grip. “You’re wrong.
I think I would know my own father.” She drained her glass of wine and reached
to pour herself another with her free hand. If she were honest with herself,
she probably wouldn’t know him. She had thought the man dead, and besides, he
was a master at disguise.

Tessa was in her coma, she could hear everything going on around her. She
figured it out. When she woke up, she asked Gregor where Jonas was. She heard
his voice while he was working to repair her injuries. Gregor also said there
had been recognition between Tamian and Joseph as well. When Gregor called
Joseph to schedule Tessa’s after care, he confronted him. Joseph,
didn’t deny it. He admitted to being in New Atlanta for the last ten years and
didn’t apologize for it.”

shitting me. You are
me.” Isabelle had definitely been hanging
around Tessa too much lately, because her cousin’s foul language was taking
root. Right now, she didn’t care. She jerked her hand away from Dante and

please. I didn’t tell you so you would confront him. I told you in order for
you to be prepared,” Dante’s tone was pleading.

for what exactly?” Isabelle was garnering attention from the other patrons, so
she lowered her voice. “The man has been in my life for the last six years and
didn’t bother to let on he’s my father.”

didn’t wait for Dante to stop her. She followed the laughter across the room. This
part of the restaurant was set up so the tables were few and far between,
allowing for a semblance of privacy. She passed several tables before she
reached them. There they were. Her parents.
her parents were
laughing, enjoying themselves. She stalked up to them and braced her hands on
their table. “Hello, Caroline. Hello,
. So good to see you again.
Imagine my surprise at finding you both here, together. What would my father
think?” Caroline placed her hand over her mouth. Jonas opened his mouth to
respond, but Isabelle didn’t give him the chance. “Save it. I have spent the
majority of my life without my parents, so here’s a news flash; you are both
dead to me. As of this moment, I have no parents.”

wait,” Jonas reached for her arm. She heard Caroline’s gasp as she jerked away
and strode back to the table where Dante was watching her, his face guarded.
She sat back down, placed her linen napkin in her lap, and drained the wine
from her glass. Dante refilled it without asking. If she kept this pace up,
she’d be good and drunk in about one point five more glasses.



wanted to shield Isabelle from the world, including her parents. He should have
waited to tell her about Jonas, but since he was in the restaurant, Dante
couldn’t take the chance Isabelle would see him and be blindsided. Was blurting
the news out the way he had any less hurtful? No, probably not. So he sat and
watched his woman confront the two people in the world who should have always
been there for her. Dante vowed then and there he would never abandon Isabelle.
Mate or not, he would be there for her whether she accepted the bite or she
decided she wanted a friendship.

had a father who loved him and his brothers more than life itself, Dante
couldn’t imagine being duped by the one who had brought you into the world. His
own mother had left the States after their father was slain, but he had been
over three hundred years old when that happened. A couple of centuries had
passed, and the pain was no longer there. Rafael’s housekeeper, Priscilla, had
stepped into the role of mother over the last thirty years. Dante’s own
housekeeper, Oksana, came by twice a week. She had been with Dante for almost
twenty years and still treated him like the royalty he was. Being the King’s
brother had its perks, but he would rather have someone more like Priscilla.

you really mean what you told them?” Dante asked Isabelle after the waiter
brought their entrees. He was certain she would pick at her food, appetite
forsaken by the confrontation with her parents. Instead, Isabelle was digging
into her food as if she hadn’t eaten in days.

why wouldn’t I mean it? I haven’t had a mother in twenty years. My father has
been hiding himself from me for at least ten. If they were so concerned about a
relationship with me, they wouldn’t keep themselves away.”

began eating his own food while keeping an eye on Isabelle. Her vitals were
stable, her mood was surprisingly calm. A soft buzzing sounded. If Isabelle
heard it, she chose to ignore it. “Aren’t you going to get that?” he asked,
nodding in the direction of her purse.

I will look at it later. I find it very rude when people pay more attention to
electronics than the person they are with. If it is an emergency, whoever it is
would have called, not sent a message.” Isabelle placed another bite of food in
her mouth and chewed slowly.

couldn’t take his eyes off her mouth. Her full lips weren’t as red as they had
been when he picked her up. The lipstick was fading with each sip of wine she
drank, each bite of food that passed through her lips. He remembered their
softness the one time she had pressed them to his own. That night he had
dreamed of her pressing them somewhere else on his body. She had made the first
move, and he wondered if that was a prelude of things to come. He hoped so.

her phone vibrated again, he reached out with his mind. “You should probably
take that.” His mind was also alerted to Caroline and Jonas making plans to
confront Isabelle. He would not let that happen. While Isabelle handled the
frantic caller, he would handle her parents. “Will you excuse me?” Dante asked
Isabelle. He stood, not waiting on an answer.

strode to the table his mate had visited earlier. If Jonas was surprised to see
him, he didn’t show it. Caroline, however, looked up at his tall frame, eyes
wide. He wanted them to know how serious he was. “Joseph, if Isabelle wasn’t
clear earlier, let me reiterate what she said. She is serious about you not
being in her life, and as her partner, I will abide by her wishes. What this
means is I will do everything in my power to make her happy, and if you think
for one second I will allow you close to her in this restaurant, on the street,
at her place of employment, anywhere, you are sadly mistaken.

I may or may not agree with her decision, I suggest you leave her alone. She is
going through a lot and does not need the extra burden of you harassing her. Do
I make myself clear?” Dante knew he was stepping over the line as far as Jonas
was concerned, but he would protect his mate at all costs.

do realize I am an Original, do you not?” Jonas whispered, knowing Dante would
hear him.

lowered his own voice even further, “Yes, one who was ostracized by the other
Originals. One who has been hiding out for the last thirty odd years, playing
god with people’s lives. One who abandoned his child when she needed him the
most. One who has no authority in the States. That honor belongs to my brother.
If you haven’t heard, there’s a war brewing. A war you started over two hundred
years ago. If you don’t want to get caught in the middle, I suggest you realize
am.” Dante didn’t wait for acknowledgement. He had kept Isabelle
waiting long enough.

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