Danubia: A Personal History of Habsburg Europe (70 page)

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Authors: Simon Winder

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Austria & Hungary, #Social History

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Two books are not listed in the bibliography: Rebecca West’s
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
and Claudio Magris’
. I adored these books when I read them many years ago and can probably blame them for much of my interest in the region, but I have simply been unable to reread them. They make me feel like a space traveller whose rocket is a sort of dustbin powered by sparklers trying to navigate between Jupiter and Saturn. The gravitational power of these books is just too great: even reading an essay by Geoff Dyer
Rebecca West’s book was enough to make me feel this whole project was being dragged helplessly into her orbit. So they should not be part of the bibliography, but of course their influence is everywhere, at least at the level of chaotic misrememberings.

I have included a number of titles which I found really interesting but which ended up not directly contributing to the book. I have not included separate listings for all the fiction by Thomas Bernhard, Joseph Roth and Stefan Zweig as it seemed a pointless way to fill up pages: I have just listed a handful of particularly fine examples in the hope that someone somewhere might start with these and then get hooked. Dates are of the editions that I have, therefore not necessarily the first. Spelling of author names is given in the form on the book and is therefore not more broadly consistent.

The real backbone to this book is innumerable tourist information pamphlets, sheets pinned up on church notice boards, pamphlets tucked in with CDs, conversations with individuals vastly better informed than myself, museum booklets and unmanageable piles of evocative, bewildering and entrancing maps – few objects can be more freighted with feeling than a good multilingual map of Transylvania. My two bibles (an obviously contradictory idea) throughout the writing have been a copy of Baedeker’s 1911
guide, generously lent by John Seaton, whose encouragement and friendship have meant so much to me for many years, and Magocsi and Matthews’ superb
Historical Atlas of East Central Europe
, which has answered a thousand questions and raised many more.

Charles Allen,
The Buddha and the Sahibs
(London, 2002)
Aharon Appelfeld, trans. Dalya Bilu,
Badenheim 1939
(London, 2005)
Ronald G. Asch,
The Thirty Years War: The Holy Roman Empire and Europe, 1618–48
(Basingstoke, 1997)
Karl Baedeker,
Guide to Austria-Hungary with Excursions to Cetinje, Belgrade and Bucharest
(London and New York, 1911)
Béla Balázs,
The Cloak of Dreams: Chinese Fairy Tales
, trans. Jack Zipes (Princeton, 2010)
Philip Ball,
The Devil’s Doctor: Paracelsus and the World of Renaissance Magic and Science
(London, 2006)
Miklós Bánffy,
They Were Counted
, trans. Patrick Thursfield and Katalin Bánffy-Jelen (London, 2000)
Miklós Bánffy,
They Were Divided
, trans. Patrick Thursfield and Katalin Bánffy-Jelen (London, 2001)
Miklós Bánffy,
They Were Found Wanting
, trans. Patrick Thursfield and Katalin Bánffy-Jelen (London, 2000)
Robert Bartlett,
The Making of Europe: Conquest, Colonization and Cultural Change 950–1350
(London, 1993)
Antony Beaumont,
(Ithaca, 2000)
Steven Beller,
A Concise History of Austria
(Cambridge, 2006)
David Bellos,
Is That a Fish in Your Ear?
(London, 2011)
Marina Belozerskaya,
The Medici Giraffe and Other Tales of Exotic Animals and Power
(New York, 2006)
Thomas Bernhard,
, trans. David McLintock (London, 1996)
Thomas Bernhard,
Old Masters: A Comedy
, trans. E. Osers (London, 2010)
Robert Bireley SJ,
The Refashioning of Catholicism, 1450–1700
(Basingstoke, 1999)
William Blacker,
Along the Enchanted Way: A Story of Love and Life in Romania
(London, 2009)
Paul Blanchard,
The Blue Guide to Northern Italy
(London, 2005)
T. C. W. Blanning,
The Culture of Power and the Power of Culture: Old Regime Europe 1660–1789
(Oxford, 2002)
T. C. W. Blanning (ed.),
The Eighteenth Century
(Oxford, 2000)
T. C. W. Blanning,
Joseph II
(Harlow, 1994)
Tim Blanning,
The Pursuit of Glory: Europe 1648–1815
(London, 2007)
Richard Bonney,
The European Dynastic States, 1494–1660
(Oxford, 1991)
Catherine Wendy Bracewell,
The Uskoks of Senj: Piracy, Banditry, and Holy War in the Sixteenth-Century Adriatic
(Ithaca, 1992)
Vladmir Brnardic,
Imperial Armies of the Thirty Years War: Cavalry
(Botley and Long Island City, 2010)
Vladimir Brnardic,
Imperial Armies of the Thirty Years War: Infantry and Artillery
(Botley and Long Island City, 2009)
Reed Browning,
The War of the Austrian Succession
(New York, 1994)
Rogers Brubaker, Margit Feischmidt, Jon Fox and Liana Grancea,
Nationalist Politics and Everyday Ethnicity in a Transylvanian Town
(Princeton and Oxford, 2006)
Bernd Brunner,
Bears: A Brief History
, trans. Lori Lantz (New Haven, 2007)
Malcolm Bull,
The Mirror of the Gods: Classical Mythology in Renaissance Art
(London 2005)
Tim Burford and Norm Longley,
The Rough Guide to Romania
(London, 2008)
Elias Canetti,
Crowds and Power
, trans. Carol Stewart (London, 1984)
Elias Canetti,
The Human Province
, trans. Joachim Neugroschel (London, 1986)
Elias Canetti,
Kafka’s Other Trial
, trans. Christopher Middleton (London, 2012)
Bryan Cartledge,
Mihály Károlyi and István Bethlen
(London, 2009)
Bryan Cartledge,
The Will to Survive: A History of Hungary
(London, 2006)
Holly Case,
Between States: The Transylvanian Question and the European Idea during World War II
(Stanford, 2009)
Kenneth Chalmers,
Béla Bartók
(London, 1995)
Christopher Clark,
The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914
(London, 2012)
Mark Cornwall (ed.),
The Last Years of Austria-Hungary: A Multi-National Experiment in Early Twentieth-Century Europe
(Exeter, 1990)
Gerald R. Cragg,
The Church and the Age of Reason, 1648–1789
(Harmondsworth, 1960)
Gordon A. Craig,
The Battle of Königgrätz: Prussia’s Victory over Austria, 1866
(Philadelphia, 2003)
Kevin Cramer,
The Thirty Years’ War and German Memory in the Nineteenth Century
(Lincoln and London, 2007)
Roger Crowley,
Empires of the Sea: The Final Battle for the Mediterranean 1521–1580
(London, 2008)
Norman Davies,
God’s Playground: A History of Poland: Volume I: The Origins to 1795
(Oxford, 2005)
Norman Davies,
God’s Playground: A History of Poland: Volume II: 1795 to the Present
(Oxford, 2005)
Norman Davies,
Vanished Kingdoms: The History of Half-Forgotten Europe
(London, 2011)
Istvan Deák,
The Lawful Revolutionary: Louis Kossuth and the Hungarians, 1848–1849
(New York, 1979)
Peter Demetz,
Prague in Black and Gold: The History of a City
(London, 1998)
Jeroen Duindam,
Vienna and Versailles: The Courts of Europe’s Dynastic Rivals, 1550–1780
(Cambridge, 2003)
Mark Edmundson,
The Death of Sigmund Freud: Fascism, Psychoanalysis and the Rise of Fundamentalism
(London, 2007)
Erich Egg,
Das Grabmal Kaiser Maximilians I.
(Innsbruck, 1993)
Andrew Evans,
The Bradt Guide to Ukraine
(Chalfont St Peter, 2010)
R. J. W. Evans,
Austria, Hungary, and the Habsburgs: Central Europe c. 1683–1867
(Oxford, 2006)
R. J. W. Evans,
The Making of the Habsburg Monarchy 1550–1700
(Oxford, 1979)
R. J. W. Evans,
Rudolf II and His World
(London, 1997)
György Faludy,
My Happy Days in Hell
, trans. Kathleen Szasz (London, 2010)
Niall Ferguson,
The War of the World: History’s Age of Hatred
(London, 2006)
David Freedberg,
The Eye of the Lynx: Galileo, His Friends, and the Beginnings of Modern Natural History
(Chicago and London, 2002)
Saul Friedländer,
The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939–1945
(New York, 2007)
Horst Fuhrmann,
Germany in the High Middle Ages c. 1050–1200
(Cambridge, 1986)
David Gates,
The Napoleonic Wars 1803–1815
(London, 1997)
Misha Glenny,
The Balkans: Nationalism, War and the Great Powers
(London, 1999)
Joscelyn Godwin,
Athanasius Kircher’s Theatre of the World
(London and New York, 2009)
Thomas E. Greiss (ed.),
The West Point Atlas for the Wars of Napoleon
(New York, 2003)
Charles Habsburg,
The Autobiography of the Emperor Charles V
, trans. Leonard Francis Simpson (London, 1862 – Kessinger Publishing digital reprint)
Peter Handke,
, trans. Ralph Manheim (New York, 1998)
Peter Handke,
A Sorrow Beyond Dreams
, trans. Ralph Manheim (New York, 2002)
Jaroslav Hašek,
The Good Soldier Švejk
, trans. Cecil Parrott (London, 1973)
Peter Heather,
Empires and Barbarians: Migration, Development and the Birth of Europe
(London, 2009)

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