Darin: The Pride of the Double Deuce - Erotic Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (15 page)

BOOK: Darin: The Pride of the Double Deuce - Erotic Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance
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“It’s been good to see you again, my friend. I have sorely missed you.” Paddy said the same for him. “When I return, and I will, I should like to meet these Douglas men. They sound like people that would help an old wolf like me find peace.”

“They will at that. Things are moving along for them now. I’m looking into a few things for them…they’re good men to work with.” Austin nodded and moved to the door. “Thank you again for taking care of this for my family.”

“It was my pleasure. As I said, he was a monster and you did well to have him removed.” Paddy hugged Austin, and then he faded into the night without a sound. Paddy wondered if he were to go out there now if he’d walk right by the man without ever knowing it. Instead of going into the house, Paddy sat on the swing and watched the stars come out.

“Dad?” Paddy looked up at his son when he came outside. “I thought I heard you talking to someone. Are you okay?”

“Yes, as fine as rain. How are you? You and Bonnie get all your homework done?” Patrick hadn’t been a very good student until recently. Paddy would bet his last dollar that the pretty little wolf on the ranch had something to do with that.

“She helped me with my math. She scolded me for not paying attention in class.” His son leaned his head back on the swing. Paddy wondered why when he’d said that to him, it hadn’t mattered as much as it did when Bonnie had said it to him. “I have to start taking notes too. She said that she’d help me put them in order so that I can study better.”

Paddy found himself smiling in the dark. Christ almighty, she was going to make his son into something. But he didn’t comment on her methods or her rules about notes and such. He wanted his son to feel secure in coming to talk to him, and making fun of him wouldn’t make that last very long.

They talked for over an hour. Not about anything in particular, but they did touch on a lot of things. The upcoming fishing trip the two of them were going on. Julia’s job. And how happy his mom seemed to be all the time now.

“Do you think that Bonnie will want to have a job too?” Paddy wasn’t sure how to answer that, but before he could clarify a few things first, Patrick spoke again. “I’d like to be able to support her so that she can just be a stay-at-home mom like Mom used to be. But I see Mom and how happy she is, and I wonder if Bonnie would be too. And the money coming in would be good too. I know I have a while, but I was looking at houses, and they’re really expensive.”

“You have to feed the two of you too. And there are other things like phone, electric, and gas. It’s expensive being out on your own.” Patrick said he’d seen that. “You let her do what she wants and I think you’ll make her happy. I heard her telling your mom that she wanted to be a doctor. A human doctor. That’ll be expensive to study too, but I think she’d be good at it.”

“I think she’d be good at whatever she wanted to be.” Paddy thought that was a good answer. “Well, Dad, I’m going off to bed. Bonnie is going to do this girl thing with her mom and aunt’s tomorrow, so I was wondering if you wanted to go hunting, just the two of us. It might be fun since Mom is working anyway.”

“I’d love that, son. I surely would.” Paddy sat there for an hour longer than he should have, just thinking about life in general.

Thanks to the Douglases, there were jobs now. Money coming into the coffers. People were coming back to pack life again, and he had a good family. Paddy stood up and looked out over the woods that he and the pack had claimed. Yes, sir, he thought, he had a good life here now.



Now Available in the

Pride of the Double Deuce Series



Pride of the Double Deuce

Book 1


Pride of the Double Deuce

Book 2


Pride of the Double Deuce

Book 3


Pride of the Double Deuce

Book 4




Before You Go…


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Kathi Barton, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement award as well as a best-selling author on Amazon and All Romance books, lives in Nashport, Ohio with her husband Paul. When not creating new worlds and romance, Kathi and her husband enjoy camping and going to auctions. She can also be seen at county fairs with her husband who is an artist and potter.

Her muse, a cross between Jimmy Stewart and Hugh Jackman, brings her stories to life for her readers in a way that has them coming back time and again for more. Her favorite genre is paranormal romance with a great deal of spice. You can visit Kathi on line and drop her an email if you’d like. She loves hearing from her fans.
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