Dark Demands 03: Totally His (7 page)

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Authors: Nell Henderson

Tags: #Dark Demands

BOOK: Dark Demands 03: Totally His
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She nodded.  “Yes Matthew, I’m fine with everything,” she reassured him.

The truth was she was better than fine – much better. 
Their session in his chamber had left her sore but nonetheless s
he was besotted – hopelessly falling for him and it didn’t matter any more if he took her to his chamber and tormented her with whips and things.  Just as long as
he continued to make her feel the way he had minutes ago when she climaxed
gloriously and twice
at his hands,

“Good – go and get ready then because Luisa is expecting us in less than an hour.”

Gina showered and put on a strappy summer dress and a pair of heeled sandals. 
She didn’t need much makeup her skin was glowing and h
er hair shone beautifully
, she thought as she
it.  Probably because
the sun had
highlights through it
she realised
as it
flowed and
waved over her shoulders
and down her back
.  She felt beautiful –
looked beautiful and that, she decided, was all down to Matthew
, this wonderful place
and how he made her feel.

“Grace,” she greeted her step mum excitedly as Matthew handed her his phone.  “I’m fine,
” she responded to the woman’s concerns.  “I
t’s lovely here and we’re having a great time.”

Matthew had set the handset to ‘speakerphone’ so he could hear w
as said between the two women but that didn’t stop the
constant chatter
and laughter
between the two.

“You’ve had a visitor,” Grace told her
.  “A young man – he says he met you at that event you went to with Charlie.  Kyle, Kyle Hastings,” she told Gina.  “I didn’t say where you were but he seemed quite concerned about you.  Of course I did my best to reassure him – I
simply told him
gone on holiday with some friends,” there was a pause.  “Was that okay, Gina?  Do you know him?”

Yes, but it’s nothing
important, Grace.  I think he just took a fancy to me that night,” she explained catching Matthew’s questioning look.  “Charlie will have told him where I live
and that’s why he’ll have come round but
don’t worry.”

The idea of Kyle Hastings going to her house looking for her was
unsettling.  It
something to do with
knowing she was in Matthew’s penthouse that night.  He must presume
she kn
, she realised
.  His boss, Benito
, would
love to have the information she’d found.  T
he rivalry between him and Matthew
was intense

“Are they looking for me?”  She asked
once Gra
ce had hung up.  “They must suspect
that I have information.  They won’t come here, will they?”  She asked suddenly worried about her safety.

If they did it might
teach you to
your pretty nose
out of my business
,” he smiled.
“But no, they won’t
come here
they’re only guessing - they
don’t really know that you have anything
at all
, do they?”

Matthew knew nothing about how Kyle had helped Gina that night so he was puzzled why the young man had gone to the trouble of calling at her house.

“You must have made an impression on the young Mr Hastings,” he decided.  “I can’
t say I blame him.”

“He was nice, pleasant and when I left you he did invite me to have a drink with him.  But I refused, of course,” she assured him.  “I was going to meet you, remember, so Kyle Hastings had no chance I’m afraid.”

Matthew smiled.  
She’d also
that night but
he was mindful that
she’d had an ulterior motive for wanting to be with him.  She
’d been
on the prowl for information, information that
planned to use against him
or so she
thought.  He frowned, Gina had spoiled his plans in a big way that night by stealing from him but not in the way she thought.

The journey to
Paraggi was
a short one and
took only minutes in Matthew’s sports car.  As they pulled up in front of the hillside house Luisa was at the door to meet them.

Once again she hugged Matthew tight and kissed Gina on the cheek.

“She is
bellissima, bellissima
,” she said enthusiastically patting her cheek.  “Come and meet Katarina, she’s so exited.  It’s a long time since Matthew brought anyone home to meet us.”

She took Gina’s hand and led her inside.  The house was beautiful, the sitting room had huge patio doors leading out into a flower filled back garden heady with the scents of blooms and herbs.

“I thought we would eat out here,” she said pointing to a large wo
oden table laden with fruits and many different
and set for four.

“Pour Gina some wine, Matthew,” she insisted and ushered them towards the chairs.  “I’ll
see to the meal and
find Katarina and send her out.”

Gina sat down and sipped the red wine Matthew poured for her.  The late afternoon sunshine was still bright and kissed the skin of her shoulders and back with its warmth.  This place was lovely, this garden,
and of course being her
with Matthew made it all just perfect.

Katarina was a go
od deal younger than Gina had
ned.  She was only about eighteen or so
.  She greeted Matthew lovingly throwing her arms around his neck and kissing his face.  It was obvious that he came from a very close and loving family and this was very much at odds with the Matthew she’d come to know. 

She looked at Gina with intense curiosity on her young face and then after an uncomfortable gap of several seconds, she smiled.

“Pleased to
meet you Signorina,” she said offering her hand
  “I have been a little nervous about meeting you all day,” she explained.  “The last woman Matthew brought home
with him
was very scary and I didn’t like her much at all,” she admitted. 

“That woman was my wife, Katarina and
as you well know,
she divorced me,” he said running his hand through the curtain of black hair flowing down her back.  “
But in her defence
like you and don’t forget all those shopping trips
you shared and the stuff she bought

Katarina shrugged and rolled her big, black eyes.  

That was just to get me on her side. 
And anyway it was your money she spent.
She was not really a
generous person,” she turned to Gina.  “
She was – how do you say
in English?”   S
he paused
thinking for a moment for the right word
.  “A bitch
– that is what she was, wasn’t she, Matthew,” she said innocently turning to her brother
for confirmation

Matthew laughed and tapped her backside lightly.

“Don’t use language like that in front of our guest,” he admonished lightly.  “Lisa had her drawbacks, Gina, and, I’m afraid neither Katarina nor Luisa liked her very much.”

Gina could only wonder why.  She was Italian like them and a member of the wealthy Carlotti family and obviously she’d tried hard to curry favour with them.   So what had gone wrong?  Or perhaps they were just heavily influenced by Matthew’s version of events.

The two women
were good company and regaled Gina with tales of Matthew’s youth – his antics and of how proud they were of him.  Katarina
promised to go site seeing around the area
with Gina and also told her she’d show her the castle

the one on the hill that Gina had been so fascinated by.

As the evening drew to an end Luisa produced a huge cake – a belated birthday cake for Katarina who had celebrated her eighteenth birthday just a few weeks ago. 

“Matthew couldn’t make it home,” she explained.  “So I’ve had no choice but to bake another cake and do candles and everything.”

They sang and clapped and finally Matthew produced the dark blue velvet b
ox – the one Gina had
seen in his penthouse that night – the one containing the beautiful ruby necklace and earrings.  He presented them to his sister and wide eyed with surprise and gratitude she disappeared to try them on.

He was obviously very generous.  Gina had seen them and knew they must have cost a fortune.
  However she was relieved that the gift hadn’t been for anyone else.  At the time she’d found them she’d considered whether or not they may have been for Lisa.

“I feel as if I’ve done nothing but eat while I’ve been with you, Matthew Dark,” she told him on the way back.  “Pasta, cheese and all the ice cream and wine, I’ll go home enormous.”

“Eat isn’t all you’ve done though, is it,” he reminded her taking a hand off the wheel and feeling her thigh under her skirt.  “Mostly you’ve spent your time with me
, letting me fuck you
, isn’t that right?”

His hand had reached her panties – he was driving and she slapped him off.  “You are dreadful and you’ll have to wait.  You should concentrate on getting us back safe there are so many twists in the road and it’s getting dark – so behave,” she insisted slapping him lightly again.

It wasn’t much but it was nonetheless another showing
of her independent
streak.  He felt himself stiffen – it deserved a good spanking – at the very least she deserved to get her buttocks reddened because of it.  He stiffened
harder thinking about doing that
to her.  Perhaps not a spanking – perhaps he’d bind her to the special curved bench he had in his chamber.  He’d strip her naked and lay her across it on her front and then he’d use a paddle or a lash.
He smiled and removed his hand after patting her lightly on her thigh.  She’d keep – she’d keep until the morning and then he’d keep her for as long as it took to extract an apology.

Chapter 5


On your knees, girl,” he said in mock anger.  “Here in front of me on the mat.

Gina shivered with anticipation as she obeyed him and knelt at his feet. 
They were in his chamber,
Hardcore Matthew’s
chamber.  S
he was naked
and he’d cuffed her hands behind her back. 

“Keep your eyes on the floor,” he growled at her as her eyes flicked to where his hands were easing his shorts down over his hips

She felt the tight curl of desire knot in her stomach and as his shorts hit the floor
and she
watched his large erection bob
only centimetres from her lips. 

He grabbed her blonde hair and used it to pull her head back slightly then
pushing his hips forwards he
knocked his
against her lips. 
She licked them
wetting their surface with her tongue knowing very well what was expected of her now. 
Then s
opened her mouth
and flicked out her tongue
him in
- into
the welcoming
of her mouth
.  She drew
his erect shaft
all the way in until she felt it
s tip
knocking the back of her throat. 
closed her eyes and worked her tongue
around him, feeling,
every centimetre of
him as he continued to plunge in
and out of
her.  She loved him, no use denying it to herself anymore so if this was what he wanted – needed from her then she was happy to please him this way.

But Matthew didn’t want this to be loving or gentle. 
He worked his
rapidly swelling
maleness mercilessly in her mouth and down her throat
had to
gasp for each
hard won
breath and spluttered as her mouth filled with saliva
but he didn’t stop.
He pushed her head back
allowing him to fuck at her throat hard
How was she supposed to use her safeword now?

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