Dark Demands 04: Bound to Him (3 page)

Read Dark Demands 04: Bound to Him Online

Authors: Nell Henderson

Tags: #Dark Demands

BOOK: Dark Demands 04: Bound to Him
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God he
just the same

just as gorgeous and so very, very hot
.  She couldn’t speak, her eyes were bolted to his a
they bored
into her
– it was
as if
he was
her in, drinking
in all that had happened to her these past months.

“I’ve missed you,” he said softly at last.  “You’ve no idea
how much I’ve missed you, Gina,

he said focusing on
arched brows above those troubled eyes and the delicate bone structure of her face.

What must it have taken for him to admit that – to give away something of his emotions when he always insisted on keeping such a tight reign on them?

“And what’s this?”  He asked
without looking down and
running a single finger
across her swollen belly.

“Get off me,” Gina
jumped and
spat back.  “Don’t you dare put your hands on me or my child
,” she warned.

“Whoa, girl,” he said
laughing and
his hands in the air.  “Calm down – that was just a friendly gesture – that’s all.”

Oh no it wasn’t – he’s doing it again – he knows you’re helpless against him
– he’s testing you

“I’m sorry I can’t stop and chat now, Matthew.  I’m with someone,” she replied
flicking her bewildered, blue eyes towards the room she’d just left

That would be t
he lucky Mr Hastings
I presume
, “he smirked.  “
, I have to say,
surprises me because
I wouldn’t have thought he was your type
, Gina

“You know nothing – and you certainly know nothing about my type of man, Matthew Dark,” she parried.

“Oh I think I do
.  I think I know your type of man very well

he told her dryly.

Gina glowered at him and walked away towards the corridor where the cloakrooms were.

“Come with me,” he asked following on her heels.  “Come and talk to me – just for a few minutes.  I don’t want things to be difficult between us.”

“Difficult Matthew,” she said stopping and facing him again.  “Things are always going to be difficult between us because of what you did – remember
those things you did to me?”

“Yes I do remember and I also remember your reaction,” he said taking her hand.  “
Like I said – I’ve missed you and with your appetites I know you’ll have missed me
.  You’ll have missed
what we shared.”  He smirked at her
as his mind filled
of images of her naked and tied
and how it
felt to take her that way.  “All that
red hot sex
we shared
remember,” he teased.  “You must miss
the way I tormented you, the way I took you – hard and passionate
,” he chuckled
watching her lovely face flush at the memories he was dredging up.  Memories Gina had tried very, very hard to bury
.  “Because I doubt the straight laced Kyle
has ever made you feel like that.  In fact I doubt he
would even consider
doing any of the
things I did to your delectable body,
would he?

“No, he wouldn’t and I wouldn’t want him to either
,” she insisted

Kyle loves me and I love him.  We’re getting married next month – before our baby is born,” she added with a triumphant little smile.  “So leave me alone.  I don’t want to speak to you again.”

“Half an hour – give me half an hour and if you still feel the same I promise I won’t bother you again.”

He looked so damned handsome, so utterly gorgeous
and there was something else

Gina wasn’t s
ure but there was just the shadow
of real emotion in those dark eyes of his.  Was she right?  Had the controlling Matthew Dark finally decided he wanted her – really wanted her for keeps?

fluttered her
as her heart leapt
with desire wishing it
was so
.  But
given the type of man he was that was highly unlikely – so
this was disastrous
.   S
he should stop this
shut him out
and keep him out
because she
couldn’t afford to
show him any weakness.  
But could she really do that? 
Half an hour
- h
is offer was
part of her was screaming at her to go with him – clear things up – set things straight
at last
.  But Gina knew that’s not what would happen.  The moment he had her alone he’d seduce her again – he make her submit
– he’d do those things
then she’d be lost.

“I can’t Matthew,” she whispered softly.  “I’m pregnant so I can’t let you ….”

“Oh I see. 
So that’s the
way it is,
is it?  The truth is
I can’t have
you because you’re pregnant – not because you’re madly in love with
?”  He laughed and shook his head.  “
That nervous little slip
you just made
is very revealing, Gina.
  You don’t
care about
at all
, do you?  Y
deluding yourself – you’re still in love with me
, aren’t you?

shot him a look.  He’d
never mentioned love before and now, here he was, accusing her of loving him.

“I did love you once, Matthew,” she admitted
.  “But not any more.  I can’t
, I’m not free too.”

“You’re free to do anything you want, Gina,” he contradicted her.  “Love him, love me, anything.  But
you must
be true to yourself and don’t tie yourself to
if it’s just about
trying to
forget me.”

“You’re a conceited, arrogant pig, Matthew Dark!  And I don’t want you anywhere near me.”

She turned
from him
but again he stopped her
this time
taking her in his arms and
feathering kisses down her face.  Gina moaned weakly and tried to push him away.  She was on fire again –
like before – like it had always been with him and now
despite everything –
all her resolve
to behave differently

just a few minutes with him and
she was
hot and achy with need

“I’ve never had a pregnant
woman,” he trilled wickedly
in her ear.  “
So you can imagine my curiosity. 
I know how it changes your body
- well, certain parts of your body,
” he whispered sending the familiar hot shivers down her spine. 
It was his voice, that deep, velvet mesmerising voice of his was playing havoc with her emotions.

“I know your belly swells but so do other parts of you and you’ll be soft too, soft, wet and so
good to fuck

is tongue licked
across her cheek
until it found her lips and he swirled over them, nibbling and
.  “
If we were alone I could do this properly – use my tongue elsewhere – the way you like
– down there, between your legs

Gina’s body pulsed with need and her legs shook as he held her.
The way you like. 
Oh God yes!  She wanted him – wanted his teasing, tormenting
to lick and bite
into her delicate flesh
.  She wanted him to send
her into a wanton frenzy. 
She wanted him to take
to that place – that
place just
a whisper away from
glorious climax.  Then he’d
stop and
watch her and
a while
sending her over the edge.  What would follow would be a wild and frantic orgasm that would transport and thrill her like nothing else

take you,
make love to you
properly, thoroughly
,” he added with that light in his eyes

Come to my bed and let me pleasure you – do the things you like.  I want to know
what your condition has done to
.  Pregnant or not you still have needs, don’t you Gina?

e tempted
, leaving this seductive suggestion to echo around her brain
as he fastened his lips on hers
and kissed her hard

Gina melted into his embrace
and tried to blot out
the directness of his
But h
is hands were on her body
one was running up and down her waist
and round her buttocks and making her desperate for more
.  She wanted him – desperate pangs of
hunger were clawing her back into his power and she
was fast loosing the will

“You had your chance, Matthew,” she
gasped at him once he’d let her go
.  “And you blew it – you don’t want me
you just want to own me – to make me you
some sort of sex
like in
.  You do remember how it was between us – what you said you wanted
from me
– remember – you say and I do,” she chided throwing the words he’d once said to her back in his face.

“Yes, but that was then.  N
I think
that with the last fe
w months to think straight -
we’ve both changed,” he put to her.  “You’ll never be truly happy with
– he’s too bland, he doesn’t excite you.  After being with me how could he

e c
huckled pulling her close again.
  “That may sound
arrogant but it’s not meant to be.  I know I’m what you need – whether you’re prepared to admit
or not.”

His mouth plundered her lips again.  She felt his tongue, demanding, forcing its way in and taking ownership.  Gina felt alive, on fire with need for him and he was right – she’d never felt like this with Kyle.

She kissed him back – what was she doing? 
I want to
make love to you
– he’d never called it love making before – he’d always been so crude – he’d always made it about nothing more than the pursuit of sexual pleasure.  So what had changed – because something had – this wasn’t the Matthew Dark she’d left on that road in


Chapter 3


He held her close and showered her with more kisses
travelled in
lift up to his penthouse.  Gina
was fighting a battle she
win.  Where Matthew was concerned she couldn’t
help herself – she had always been powerless against him
.  But shouldn’t the baby or even Kyle
make a
difference?  As the lift stopped she gnawed on her
lip – should she tell him
her secret – the one she’d been keeping for months now
?  She felt herself flush – no, there was no way she could do that
– not

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