Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2] (24 page)

Read Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2] Online

Authors: Candace Smith

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Dark Journey [Ariel's Desire 2]
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“Paula’s going to wish all that happened was her hair falling out, and Christal, dear god.
Nicholas is going to be as big a wreck as she will.”
Ariel tentatively stretched her sore muscles.

“You need to rest.
When you close your eyes, you’ll probably sleep for a few days while your body adjusts to the changes,” Lucien explained.

Ariel wrapped around him.
“I love you Lucien.”

“I love you too, Ariel,” he murmured and she closed her eyes in deep sleep.

It was dawn and the last scream they’d heard was over an hour ago.
The nervous settlers decided to send the Clansmen’s former companions to check on them.
If a mate didn’t survive, the Vampire’s consort for the previous twenty years stood the best chance of comforting him.

Heather quietly entered Lucien’s home and knocked softly on the wall of the open bedroom arch.
He was curled around Ariel’s form.
Her eyes were closed and she was completely still.
Heather grew nervous when Lucien, oldest and strongest of the Vampire’s, looked up at her with tears on his cheeks.
She misunderstood.
“Lucien, I’m so sorry.”

He shook his head and his long, wavy black hair reflected candlelight.
“She’s fine, Heather.”
He saw the doubt in her eyes.
“Come see.”

Heather approached the bed, still thinking Lucien might be in denial.
No, there was a small rise of Ariel’s chest.
She was sure she’d seen it.
She let her fingers caress the young woman’s cheek.
She was cool, but not cold. Heather smiled.
“She’s really okay?”

“Yes, my mate will sleep for a few days while her body adjusts, but she’s fine.”

Heather bent to kiss his cheek.
“I’m so happy for you Lucien.
I’ll let everyone know.”

“Is there word from anyone else yet?” Lucien was nervous.
He thought of the strong cage in the shack behind the corral and hoped they wouldn’t need to use it to subdue one of the Clansmen.

“We’ve sent the companions to check.
We all agreed that would be the safest course.
Would you like me to come back and let you know?” she offered.

“Yes, if you wouldn’t mind.
I don’t seem to be able to leave her just now.”

“I understand, Lucien.
I’ll bring back news shortly so you can relax with your woman.”

The settlers visibly relaxed as one by one Heather, Angie, Sarah, and Hannah all came back to report the mates had survived.
“Nicholas looks as beat up as Christal, but he’s grinning like a Cheshire cat,” Angie laughed.
“I think they’re all worried about what’s going on so I think we better let them know everyone’s okay and they can get some rest.”

“Us, too,” Carl added.
“Man, I’m beat.”

The companions let the Clansmen know everyone survived then headed home with their men to get some much needed sleep knowing all would be well now.

In the afternoon, Heather returned to Lucien’s home.
“Why don’t you get out for awhile?
I’ll sit here with her.”

“I should stay with her, Heather,” he automatically tightened the protective arm holding her.

“Lucien, you said she’d continue to sleep for a long while.
You need to take a walk and clear your head.
I can see in your eyes you are upset about what Ariel went through.
You need to think about all you can teach her and what she’s bringing to your life.
It’s going to worry her if she wakes to find you torturing yourself,” Heather said.

Lucien knew she was right.
He reluctantly rose and as he was leaving, he turned to gaze upon his mate one more time.
Heather sat next to her on the bed, lightly brushing her fingers through Ariel’s hair.

Apparently, this was also the settlers’ conspiracy.
He’d only entered the hall for a few minutes when the other Clansmen came drifting in.
Angie chose to sit with Christal.
She’d been a joint companion with Nicholas and Justin, so she sent the elder Bernadette, Justin’s companion before her, to sit with Shawna.

The Vampires’ strained faces smiled in relief as they sat at their table.
The settlers streamed in to congratulate them and listen to the little they’d divulge about the personal stories of the transformations.

“Teri cried thinking those big boobs of hers were going to turn into rock, Nathan chuckled.
“Through everything, that’s all she worried about.”

“Paula reached for her hair a couple of times and kept calling me cruel,” Damon related.

Justin spoke next.
“Shawna had an analytical approach.
Even while she shrieked she’d describe to herself what changes she was feeling.
I now know from a doctor’s perspective what happens.
You so do not want to know, very gross.”

“Christal was fine.
Hardly a peep,” Nicholas said.

All the Clansmen and several settlers stared at him, open-mouthed.
In one voice they all laughed and said, “Bullshit.”

“Okay, maybe my little pixie was a little upset.
I am officially the biggest ‘son of a bitching cruel bastard’ on the planet,” he admitted.

Lucien chuckled, “I was more concerned about you surviving it than her.”

“If she’d had her way, I wouldn’t have,” Nicholas laughed.

Charles, the elder Slave-master congratulated them.
He looked down nervously.

“Is something bothering you, Charles?” Lucien asked.

“I was just wondering, actually, a few of us are wondering, now that you have mates, how are you going to feed?
I mean, do you use each other or how will it work?”

The Clansmen looked perplexed.
It hadn’t occurred to them.
Although the mates could enjoy transferring blood during sex to heighten passion, it held no nutrition for them.
Charles realized by their silence, this was a problem.

“How do you think Constance and Patrick survive?” he asked.

“I don’t know.
I never talked to them about it,” Lucien admitted.

“Well, let us know what you decide.
A few of us talked about it last night while we all waited in here.
There isn’t much sense arguing about what to do. I guess it’s just a matter of how.”
The big man walked away leaving the Vampires in heavy discussion.

“I guess our former companions are the logical choice.
They know what to expect,” Nathan said.

“Angie can’t handle Nicholas, Christal, Shawna and me.
It would kill her,” Justin argued.

“I don’t think two of us feeding off one woman is fair.
She’s going to be constantly exhausted,” Damon added.
“I think the elders should be off limits too.”

They all quickly agreed to that.
It would take too much of the older blood to revive them.
“We’ve got the four new young men.
I don’t much like the thought of Teri feeding from Doug, though,” Nathan admitted.

“No, the men still have their own adjustments.
I think we should use our former companions and the men they have joined with.
That gives us Paul and Zippo to add with Angie, and we could also tap into Ethan,” Lucien suggested.

“So, you and Ariel would have Heather and Carl?” Damon asked.

“Yes, I’ll call Heather for her first feeding.
Justin, will you or Nicholas take Angie?
I think the other first feeding should be Ethan.
He’s been around it enough you wouldn’t need to distract your instruction with too much influence,” Lucien explained.

“Nicholas needs Angie.
Christal’s going to be the hardest to convince.
I think Shawna’s just going to further her medical dissecting of the event.”
Justin wrinkled his nose, remembering her description of her bowels hardening. More info than he needed, on that one.

“We’d better tell them to hit the juice, then.
The first double feed is going to be exhausting,” Nathan suggested.

“Yes, and we know they’re going to wake up hungry.
After the transfer, I’m already feeling the pull to replace what they took,” Nicholas informed them.

“Then, I think we should hit the guys now.
We can influence them the first time and not be distracted while we teach our mates.”

“I think you’re right, Lucien.
I’m feeling the urge to feed pretty heavy right now, too.
Waiting might not be safe,” Justin added.

“Charles, can we speak to you?” Lucien called the elder Slave-master back over and told him their decision.
He agreed that what they suggested was probably the best track.
He offered to walk with each of the Clansmen to their target in case there was any resistance.

“No, we’ll push them into acceptance.
They may not be happy, but they’ll survive,” Lucien said.

The Clansmen stood from the table and went in search of blood.
Lucien found Carl by the stables.
He gave him a strong mental push that sent him into the stable and sleeping in hay while he replenished what Ariel had taken from him.

Ariel woke on the second morning, blue-gray eyes shining with excitement and a hollow feeling in her stomach.
She kissed Lucien and as he woke she hurriedly dressed.

“Where do you think you’re going, Ariel?” Lucien smiled.

“I want to see my friends.
We’re all okay, right?
Besides, I’m starving,” she headed to the door.

Lucien rose and put on his pants.
He followed her to the front room, running his fingers through his hair and tying it back.
This would be her first lesson.

She threw open the door and her eyes watered at the bright sunlight. Walking out to the street, she went about two steps before she felt dizzy and her knees buckled in weakness.
Lucien caught her and kissed her as he hurried her back in the house.

“What happened to me?” she gasped.

“It takes time to build resistance to sunlight, little one.
You need to stay covered and in the shadows during the day.
We’ll spend most of our waking hours at night for awhile, so you can still go out,” he explained.

“For how long?
How long will it take until I can be out in the day?
What about my work with Hannah in the garden?” Ariel fired off concerns.

“It’s different for everyone.
My blood is ancient.
It shouldn’t take you as long as Christal and Shawna.
Justin and Nicholas are only a few centuries old.
As far as the gardens, I think you’ll be delighted with your new night vision.
For a while, it will be almost as bright as daytime was for you.
The colors will, of course, be a little muted.”

“Well, shoot.
You’re not going to tell me how long, are you?”

“You have plenty to learn in the meantime.
Speaking of which, we have something to discuss.”

Ariel sat in his lap by the fireplace.
Her strength was returning a little. “Can you get me something to eat while we’re talking?”

“Actually, that’s what we need to discuss, Ariel.
What is it you think you’re hungry for?”

“I don’t care.”
She started thinking about a bowl of the rich stew usually waiting in the kitchen.
No, that sounded too heavy.
Maybe a sandwich would work.
No, bread sounded too dry, right now.
Blah, she was sick of the juice.

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