Dark New World (Book 3): EMP Deadfall

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Authors: J.J. Holden,Henry G. Foster

Tags: #Post-Apocalyptic | EMP

BOOK: Dark New World (Book 3): EMP Deadfall
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EMP Deadfall

Dark New World: Book Three



JJ Holden


Henry Gene Foster


Cassy and her Clan have made it alive to the promised oasis of her farm and prepare for the upcoming winter. But old enemies race to catch up to them and have a different plan in mind for the Clan. Meanwhile, resistance cells in New York face long odds, including betrayal from within and a tightening gauntlet from the invaders and their quislings. The 20s hint at a plot to level the playing field against the invaders, but their end-game is unclear. Will Ethan—the hacker known as Dark Ryder—uncover the truth in time, and if so will it make a difference? For the Clan, the Resistance, and Dark Ryder alike, a deadly trap awaits…


Copyright © 2016 by JJ Holden / Henry Gene Foster

All rights reserved.



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This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.



NOTE: This is the third book in the Dark New World series. If you are new to this series, be sure to check out



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1000 HOURS - ZERO DAY +18

CASSY AND MICHAEL rode west on the only two horses their newly formed Clan had managed to scrounge in the week since they arrived at Cassy’s small, self-sufficient farm outside Lancaster’s hilly Pennsylvania Dutch countryside. It had been a dangerous trek under frequent attack by well-armed invading forces. They’d lost one of their own to the invaders only days before they arrived at Cassy’s farm.

But the Clan was now settling in nicely, the formerly urban Clan members pitching in with more enthusiasm than skill as they learned the unfamiliar chores that would keep Cassy’s uncommonly well-designed little farm going. They all knew that any sense of safety was a dangerous illusion, but work needed doing so there was little time for worry. There was no safety anywhere now, not in this awful new world made for them by the invaders.

Behind the two riders, wisps of smoke still rose from the burnt-out wreckage of the nearby Patterson family farm. It was direct evidence of raiding by vicious gangs, mostly people forced out into the country as cities eastward to New York and beyond were rendered unlivable. Cassy kept silent now, her jaw clenched. The once peaceful Patterson spread had been a scene from hell, every building burnt and the fields, laden with crops almost ready to harvest, torched.

They had found the mangled corpses of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson hanging side by side on a sturdy branch of the rugged old oak tree by the barn. Nearby, the corpses of their two teenage children sprawled in unnatural poses, partly carved up. The sight had almost made Cassy vomit. Around the farm, nothing of value remained. Cassy was thankful she’d had Michael, the Clan’s resident Jarhead, with her today.

Michael interrupted her rage-filled thoughts. She thought she heard a volcanic anger in his voice, belying the mask of disciplined calm that Michael usually wore in battle. “What do you make of the sign they left?” he asked.

Cassy looked blankly back at Michael, her brain in a fog. It took a second for her to understand his words. Then she answered, “They didn’t bring that sign with them raiding, I think. They probably built it using wood from the Patterson’s farm buildings. The paint was probably Patterson blood. It’s a warning, and a brag.”

“Yeah. Makes sense, I reckon. What do you think it
, though? ‘Red Locusts swarm, and the rats in the corn will flee or die.’ It doesn’t seem real.”

“They’re the locusts, and farmers are the rats in the corn. At least we have a name for them now. Red Locusts…”

And if she ever caught one of those monsters they’d truly be red, with their own blood. Cassy wanted to cut off their genitals and shove them down their throats, or do something equally horrific and satisfying. In the week since they’d arrived at her homestead, the bodies they found hacked up at nearby farms, many in traditional Amish farm clothing, had gone from being simply murdered corpses to showing evidence of cannibalism. The remnants of the Patterson barbecue proved that the raiders had progressed to slaughtering decent people for food. “Long pig.” Cassy shuddered, overwhelmed with rage, fear, and disgust.

Michael grunted. “They’re long gone—that scene looks about a day old—but I hope they left without hitting your friend’s place. Karma’s coming for them, I swear it. Call me ‘Karma.’ ”

Cassy frowned. “Angie’s an old lady, but a good farmer. We could use her knowledge. If she’s alive I’d like to bring her back and make her part of our Clan, God willing.” She didn’t tell Michael how unlikely she thought it was that Angie would be alive; her place was too close to the Patterson farm to be so lucky. But she had to check.

They rode on in silence awhile, until they came in view of a small homestead. Cassy cried out a strangled scream as ahead of them, Angie’s home blazed. Wordlessly, Cassy and Michael dismounted and readied their rifles. They hitched the horses to a branch and then crept forward to investigate. Cassy soon wished she hadn’t. Angie, the happy and harmless elderly lady who traded her delicious preserves to Cassy in exchange for a bit of help now and then, lay spread-eagled on the hood of her car. She didn’t have any real meat on her bones, so she’d thankfully been spared being carved into food, but those damn assholes had slit her throat. Nailed to the back of her head was a single board, torn from her house judging by the paint on it, and in her blood they had written on it, “Hoarder.”

Michael spat. “Fuck these bastards. We gotta hunt them down. I’ve never seen anything like this, not even from those fuckin’ barbarian ragheads in Crapghanistan.”

Michael grew eerily quiet, and his intensity was frightening. Instead of flinching, however, Cassy reached over and put her hand on his shoulder.

Screw it. She needed comforting. With tears in her eyes she buried her face against Michael’s chest and wrapped her arms around his waist, holding on tight. If she just squeezed hard enough then maybe when she opened her eyes Angie wouldn’t be dead…

Michael put his arms around Cassy, held her gently and let her cry. For now, he just stood and held her, shielding her however briefly from the horror. She cried it out. Cassy was grateful for his solid presence.

After several minutes Cassy regained her composure, let go of Michael, and wiped her eyes on her sleeve. “Okay, there’s another family around here, but far enough away that they may still live,” she said. “The Jepsons. If the raiders haven’t killed them yet by the time we get there, I don’t expect a warm welcome, but I just can’t leave them for the Red Locusts. We need to try to talk sense into them. They’ll be stubborn.”

Michael nodded. “Okay… Why won’t they give you a warm welcome? I thought you were friends with just about everyone around here.”

With a shrug, Cassy said, “We go way back, to when I first moved here. I tried to do things right, and get permits for the things I needed to build. But Mrs. Jepson was on the zoning committee. They declined a few things, and it was Mrs. Jepson’s fault. She claimed my ideas were unsound, not based in real-world experience. My prepper design for reclaiming wastewater really bothered her. She said the building codes don’t allow that sort of thing and that the committee had no reason to grant a variance. So, I filed appeals and after a few months it went to trial. In the meantime, I just built what I needed and thumbed my nose at her because the court granted a stay on any action against me by the local government while they reviewed the case. Made her look impotent. Better yet, just about everyone around here hates big government, and they sided with me. Bringing in the government like that hurt her husband’s handyman business, too. She blames me, but it’s her own stick-up-the-ass fault.”

“Small town politics. Gotta love it,” replied Michael. “Seems you’re growing as a leader, Cassy. Frank ought to be happy about that. No matter how much you protest, the rest of us—including Frank—think of you as the Clan’s real leader now.” He smiled his crooked smile and added, “Frank says he knows just enough about farming to kill a house plant.” His smile broadened into an open grin as he added, “Frank doesn’t want people looking to him for advice when the green peppers start to molt, or whatever they do. He said that.”

Cassy again thought about how Frank had kept them all fairly sane and in focus during the dangerous trip, while Michael guarded them against surprise ambushes and the like. Cassy had stumbled onto the group as a late arrival, and she wasn’t sure she much liked her apparent promotion to “Clan leader,” whatever that meant. But the farm was hers so she supposed it had to be that way. Her house, her rules. The Clan went along with it, decent folk that they were, and she knew she’d been lucky to join them.

“Shut up, Michael,” Cassy smiled with a wink, her voice dripping with fake irritation.

Michael smiled to himself as their mounts wended their way down the hill. He always accompanied Cassy as protection on these outings, when she tried to reconnect with old neighbors. Their verbal exchanges were just how they bantered when no one was around, or the dark new world’s vicious insanity wore them down. He needed pressure relief too, from time to time.

“Let’s get this over with,” he said as they neared the Jepson farm.

* * *

Dean Jepson pulled another half-basket of berries off the bush. His homemade berry picking tool was working well, and he smiled. It was a simple thing, just a length of PVC pipe he’d split at the end, then used heat to spread the two halves apart. These he’d twisted with more heat until they curved upward, and then folded back. The result looked like a plastic pitch fork with tines pointing back at the wielder. When he drew it down a bramble, ripe berries fell like sweet, soft hail into the bucket he held beneath. It showed the kind of simple genius Dean was known for around here. At the rate his new tool let him pick berries, he’d have the whole acre harvested by the end of tomorrow. Pie for weeks, and goods to trade…

The loud
of a rifle interrupted his thoughts, and his head whipped toward the noise. Sonovabitch, it had come from the direction of his house, a half mile away. Why wouldn’t everyone just leave his family and him alone? He dropped his tool, snatched up his rifle nearby—he never left the house without it these days—and sprinted toward home.

* * *

Cassy and Michael heard a shot fired up ahead and both spurred their horses into a full gallop, ignoring scrapes and bruises from brush and young trees they whipped by. They came to the top of a small rise, stopped, and looked down at a house just beyond the foot of the hill, a couple hundred feet ahead. Cassy saw four people in a rough semi-circle facing the front of the house, each behind a tree or shrub for cover or at least some concealment. From a front window of the small house, Cassy saw the barrel of a rifle protruding. A woman inside was shouting, but at this range Cassy couldn’t tell what was said. She could imagine though. The four raiders took turns shooting at the house and then ducking back behind cover. Another shot rang out from inside the house.

Cassy said, “That’s the Jepson home.” Her voice was a flat monotone, because damn if she was going to lose her composure just now. Time enough for that after these bastard raiders were strung up and gone straight to Hell. “Let’s kill these assholes, Michael.”

Michael only nodded, slid off his horse with rifle in hand, and moved forward into cover. Cassy again marveled at the former Marine Scout’s ability to almost disappear into the background when he wanted to. He seemed to glide as he prowled in battle mode, she thought. Then she dismounted and stepped forward as best she could. At the crest, she took aim at one of the raiders who, being between her and the house, all faced away from her. She lined up the center of his back in her M4’s scope.

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